Office Link - Publish With Word

Nov 30, 2006

I produce a report from a query. One of the fields combines in a calculated field based on numerous other fields, a sentence that may be up to five printed lines of text. While it views correctly in the Report's Preview screen, it is less than perfect when I send it to a Word 2002 document using the Office Links/Publish with Word tool. Despite producing the same font face and size and having the same left/right margins, it truncates unpredictably and inserts a hard-return. It will take a five-row report field and produce a five-row Rich Text Format field...but often with a few lost words at the end of the final row. Some rows have an inch of unused space at the end of them in the RTF file...wasted space.
Any suggestions as to cause?

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Skip Report, Publish With MS Word

Apr 6, 2005

Currently, I have a button on my form that users can click on to generate a report based on the info from the form. Once the report has opened, they publish the form with MS Word for further edit if needed.

How do I set up the button so that it opens the report then automatically publishes the report with MS Word?

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Loose Form Features When Publish Report To MS Word

Nov 5, 2004

I have created a report in MS Access. When I choose the option to Publish to MS Word, I loose all of the background colors. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to maintain all of the Format features when I publish?

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Link Table Problem - Office 2007

Mar 7, 2008


I have a link table to my contacts folder held within the public folders on the exchange server. The link table was created automatically using the wizard and connect fine. When you open it, all fields are showing except for the email type and email address.

I cannot think of any reason why it would not show this. When you look at the table, the fields are actually there they just dont return any records? Even more frustratingly, every so often you can open up the table and they appear only to disappear again the next time!!

Any ideas?

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Link To A Word Template

Jan 23, 2008

Hi I have a database and I want to basically use table fields to load into a Word template and I want this done via code, i.e a button....any help very much appreciated!

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Link Access To Word Documents

Feb 18, 2006

Hi all..

I am new to Access and currently implementing a small company database.

Is it possible to link Access to Word documents?

I wish to create a button on a form that when clicked it opens the word document according to what have been selected in the combo box in the form.

thanks :o

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General :: Link Access To Word

Apr 8, 2013

If I have a link setup from an access 2010 table to a word 2010 document, is there a way to export the hyperlink address in the table to word as an executable link. Rather than having to insert the link manually as a hyperlink.

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Office 2000 To Office 2003

Sep 1, 2007

My office is upgrading from office 2000 to 2003 this weekend. Should I run the

"Tools - Database Utilities - Convert Database - To Access 2002 2003 Format"

I have about 10 small databases various users access. Is it good practice to run this or just keep it in an office 200 format? Thanks.

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Modules & VBA :: Link Filtered Record To Different Word Files

Apr 10, 2014

I have made a form with different records now my goal is to filter those records and export the details of those records to excisting Word files.

So for instance:

Record filtered on:

Title: TrainingsSharepoint
Location: London

Than it wil export the details to --> Doc1.docx


Title: TrainingSale
Location: Berlin

Than it will export the details to --> Doc2.docx

And so one...

The Word files already have some text in them so i want to set up variables to insert the details in the right place.

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General :: Link Access Query To Word Document

Sep 26, 2012

Is it possible to link a field in Access to a footer in Word?

I have a field in Access that would look like the following;


Additional data in access would have the document name, and revision, matching 2 lines of text in Word. I would like the footer in the document to be the above sample, which I assume could be a query that need to run to match the 2 fields of information.... not really sure if this is even possible?

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MS Word Link MS Access Table Data - Avoiding Duplicates

Dec 7, 2007

Hi All,

I have an MS Access table that currently links into word as a mail merge. Great!

Sample data as follows:

Tutor Student
Mr A Donald Duck
Mr A Mickey Mouse
Mr A Minnie Mouse
Mrs B Joe Bloggs

I want to produce a mail document that allows me to address each tutor separately, along with the respective student names in a grid.

Now I've setup the document, but when I view each document it produces the list of all students for each tutor.


Dear Mr A

Your students are:

Donald Duck
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse


Dear Mrs B

Your Students are:

Joe Bloggs

Is this at all possible?


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Modules & VBA :: Link / Export Query To Existing Word Document?

Apr 10, 2014

Like the title says it:

Is it possible to link/export a query to a existing Word document?

I have several Word documents with text, and i want to place the data of a few query's in those documents in a certain place.

Is this possible true vba or another way?

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How Can I Publish A Database On My Web Site?

Nov 1, 2006


I need help!!!

I have made a books-database in MS access. I want to publish it on my web site. It should be possible for the visitor that search different books on my database.
I am able to write HTML code (using MS FrontPage) but how make a search form and how would the HTML contact my database (book.mdb) on my web-server?
I have find some HTML code.. for search-form but here it is used kbook.asp what I don’t understand it . I have tried to replace kbook.asp with book.mdb, but it does not working.
I have heard that there are some software that you can easily publish your database on your homesite but which software???

Kind regards, sofi

Code:<HTML dir=rtl><HEAD><TITLE>K</TITLE><META content="text/html; charset=windows-1256" http-equiv=Content-Type><LINK href="kformat.css" rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css><META content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD><base target=kDown ><BODY bgColor=#EDF2EC text=#000000><FORM action=kbook.asp method=post name=SEARCH><TABLE align=center bgColor=BDCEB9 width=420><TBODY><TR><TD width=120>Choose</TD><TD width=220><SELECT name=Kids><OPTION selected value=DIV>Kids<OPTION value=CHD>History</OPTION><OPTION value=CIN>Animales</OPTION></SELECT> </TD><TD align=right width=80><INPUT type=submit value=Show></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></BODY></HTML>

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Publish Access To Web Without SharePoint?

Jan 21, 2012

Access to Web. Is it possible to publish access to web without SharePoint?

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Publish Products From Access On Website

May 28, 2006

I would love to publish my product catalog from my access database on a website. it should be a browsable catalog with search field on article number range, product group, product type and should be able to display product pictures.Within my access database i have a link to the product picture stored by filename. I'm looking for an easy solution to do this, i'm using mysql as database on my hosting provider.I can do the export to mysql myself (interfacing between access and mysql) but am looking for some hot software to display the catalog easily without programming the front website myself. I already have oscommerce installed but don't want a webshop and don't know how to disactivate all the features within oscommerce to only retain the article browsing.Thanks if you have a hint

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How To Publish Data Access Pages On Web

Dec 26, 2006


In MS Access there is a separate option to create "data access pages". Can we publish these pages on web.. Please help me


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Can I Publish A Access/SQL Application On SharePoint

Feb 4, 2008

I have a Access - front end / SQL Server - back end application. I use an ODBC connection. I want to publish this on share point. The users have a windows account but they are not on the network. I can not create an ODBC connection for them. There is any way they can use this application?
Can I connect in different way to SQL?

Any help will be appreciaied. Thanks,

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General :: How To Publish Access Database To Web

Sep 13, 2014

I got an access database but how do i make it to be able to publish to web and allow phone browser to access and enter data as well?

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Publish ODBC Query Results From LAN To Website

Feb 2, 2012

I have an access database with ODBC linked tables with a query. This ODBC connection is only available on my LAN because it uses specific ODBC engine.How can I publish the output of this query to a hosting space that my developer can query for a website project?The data needs to be published once a day.

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General :: Cannot Publish Excel Pivot Chart - Run Time Error

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to publish an Excel Pivot Chart, but keep getting Run Time Error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error...

I have tried the code 2 ways:

Sub PublishChart() Worksheets("Historical_Pivot").Activate
With ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add(xlSourceChart, _
Path & "" & "AWA" & "_" & "JAMALCO" & "_" & "Chart" & ".htm", _
"Historical_Pivot", "JAMALCO", xlHtmlStatic, "ABC REQ BACKLOG_2013", "")
.Publish (True)
.AutoRepublish = False
End With
End Sub

Sub PublishChart()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbookSet ws = wb.Sheets("Historical_Pivot")
With wb.PublishObjects.Add(xlSourceChart, Path & "" & "AWA" & "_" & "JAMALCO" & "_" & "Chart" & ".htm", ws _
, "", xlHtmlStatic, "", "")
.Publish (True)
End With
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: How To Publish And Save Each Record Report In Separate File

May 24, 2014

Trying to make this code work, don't know how to filter as it prints identical all reports.

Private Sub cmdExportPDF_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyPath As String
MyPath = "C:Reports"
If Len(Dir(MyPath, vbDirectory)) < 1 Then
MkDir (MyPath)


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Publish Access Database With Windows Internet Information Services?

Mar 18, 2015

How to publish an Access db with Windows IIS but without Sharepoint

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How To Match 4 Character Word Or Number Or Combination By Identical 4 Characters Word

Apr 11, 2013

How to match 4 character word or number or combination by identical 4 characters word or number or combination in one word have 10 or 15 characters.

I have to two separate tables (Table A and Table B). Table A has one column (Tag No) and Table B has about 15 columns with one column name Tag No as below

Table A

Table B

Tag No

Tag No






They're both in MS Access.I am trying to match 2 tables - columns (Tag No) with join query, but not success. I want to match 4 characters in Table-A with 4 similar characters in Table-B (Tag No) cell.What query is suitable to compare two tables.

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Word :: Sizing MS Word Table To Same Size As Recordset

Aug 14, 2014

My end goal is to populate a pre-existing table in an MS Word document with records from a query. The easiest way I've found (through scouring the internet) is to start with the code below (ran during OnClick() even in Access) to get the table the same size as the recordset:

Dim wDoc As Word.Document
Dim wTable As Word.Table
Dim wCell As Word.Cell
Set wDoc = appWord.Documents.Add(strDocLoc)
wDoc.Visible = True

[Code] ....

The code will shrink the table down just fine if the table has more rows than the recordset +1 (for header column). My hangup with this is the last line ("Selection.InsertRowsBelow 5") isn't executing; rows are not being added to the table. I get no errors -- it just does nothing. I set it as "Selection.InsertRowsBelow 5" arbitrarily just to see if it would even add rows, and sure enough it's not.

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Screenshots Of New Office 12

Sep 13, 2005

Access looks great!

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Office Developer XP

Jan 27, 2006

Hello All,

I am going to try and use my copy of Developer and was woundering if there is anything i need to know before i start.

One questions is do i need to make my front end an "mde" file, for distruption needs or not, any other commends greatfully recived.


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