Ok Pull From Form Part 3

Aug 15, 2007

Code:INSERT INTO [Status Log] ( Status, Edit_Date, Event, Claim_ID )SELECT [Status Lookup].Status, Now() AS Expr1, "3rd Party Denial" AS Expr3, [Claim Report Info].[Claims Header].Claim_IDFROM [Status Lookup] RIGHT JOIN ([Claim Report Info] LEFT JOIN [Status Log] ON [Claim Report Info].[Claims Header].Claim_ID = [Status Log].Claim_ID) ON [Status Lookup].status = [Status Log].StatusGROUP BY [Status Lookup].Status, Now(), "3rd Party Denial", [Claim Report Info].[Claims Header].Claim_IDHAVING ((([Status Lookup].Status)=[Forms]![claiminformation]![ReportForm]![reportstatus1]) AND (("3rd Party Denial")="![claiminformation]![ReportForm]![txthiddenvalue]") AND (([Claim Report Info].[Claims Header].Claim_ID)=[Forms]![claiminformation]![ReportForm]![Report_ClaimID]));

here is my current query.
i'm trying to append data to a table from my form.
but since it's my value from txthiddenvalue isn't anywhere in my query how do i get this to work?

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Pull Out Part Of The String Within Cell

Sep 10, 2013

I'm trying to find a function in access that could do the following:


Turn those cells into:


Pulling everything to the right of the Z in the last step is the easy part but I can't figure out what function would be able to find the last "-" in the cell and pull everything to the left of it.

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Tricky Question - Form Part Data Entry, Part Not

Dec 16, 2004

I have what I think is a difficult problem to overcome...

I am designing a form to create an invoice. The user will select a workstream and a date range in form frmInvByHrs. Within this I want two sub-forms, one is frmInvByHrsTsht and the other is frmInvByHrsBill. I want the first one to display all the staff and their hours done, and the second one to be in data entry mode where you can enter the hours you want to bill. Each sub-form is based on a separate query.

Is it possible to do this? ie. to have one sub-form in data entry mode, and the other not? It seems to me that the data entry mode is controlled by the MAIN form regardless of the sub-form settings!

If this is not possible, do you know how I can acheive this?



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Date Problem - Part Constant - Part Now()

Nov 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have refined my query from previous threads to involved a module function. This calculates more acurately no of working days between dates and takes into account a holidays table. (All credit to Arvin Meyer on the module:) )
However because the Leave Year starts at the 1 July and finishes 30 Jun I need to compose the date for any current year Year(Now())

Enclosed scrdmp shows my query design. I can easily get it to work as you see it, but obviously as each year rolls over, the year needs to change.

Have looked at many posts but can't find what I'm looking for. This one will get me over the hurdle.

Many thanks,

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Not Able To Get Sub-part ID To Show Up In Form

Mar 27, 2013

I have Fields Form in this order:


Here is the VBA Code:

Private Sub cboSubpartID_Change()
Me.PrimaryID = Me.cboSubpartID.Column(1)
Me.Discription = Me.cboSubpartID.Column(3)
Me.Qty = Me.cboSubpartID.Column(4)
Me.UnitCost = Me.cboSubpartID.Column(5)
Me.NetWght = Me.cboSubpartID.Column(7)
End Sub

Now the SubpartID is not coming up at all...Its registering the PrimaryID instead. So I changed the Column# Still only getting the PrimaryID number instead the correct one. I changed the lookup on the Table...Still not able to get the SubpartID to show up in the form..

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Using A String To Pull Up A Record On A Form

Feb 28, 2005

Sorry if this has been asked before but I have searched and couldn't find an answer

I have a string that is set on startup (username) and have another form(hidden) that loads on startup this form contains information on what forms and options the user can access. Just having a little trouble using the string to pull the correct record, the information in the string would be from the primary key field on the table.



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Pull Down Box And Locked Text Box On Form

Jul 6, 2006

On my first form I have a pull down box and when I select an item and click the add button, the item appears in a locked text box above the pull down box. After I click the submit form button, it goes to another form. On the other form is a similar pull down box and locked text box. So far I got the item selected on the first form to appear in the second form's locked text box.
Again, the second form also has a pull down menu and when I select another item from the pull down box and click the add button on the second form it deletes the first item selected in the first form from the second form's locked text box. The items selected are put in a table. I was wondering if there was some kind of code I can input so the second form's locked text box keeps the first value from the first form and can add additional values when selected through the second form's pull down box. Sorry if this sounds confusing. I really appreciate your help. Thank You.

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Possible To Pull A Query Into Form Design?

Jul 4, 2014

Is there a way to pull data into my form so that I can see current stats about my table in the same box as where I'm entering new data?

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Printing A 3 Part Carbon Form

Oct 1, 2005

Looking to print an access 2000 report on a 3 part - 9 1/2" x 4" carbon form. I'm using an Epson LQ-590 dot martrix printer. Does anyone know how I can set this up under the page setup of the report? I'm trying to print an access report I made with comapny and customer name to these 3 part carbon meter tickets. I'm really in a jam. Any help is gratly appreciated. Thanks....

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Hyperlink To Different Part Of Same (very Long) Form

Sep 16, 2005

I'm writing some "Help" for an Access database that I've created, but lots of others will be using.

All I can think of is to type it all into a form which is then displayed when the user clicks a button I'll create on the menu. As it's going to be a long form, I want to put a "Contents" section at the top, with hyperlinks to relevant sections further down.

Is there a way to make one label (cos that's all the text is) hyperlink to another label in the same form? Or should I be going about this in a completely different way?

I've read a lot of the hyperlinks Q&As in the forums, but haven't found the answer to this yet. Thnaks in advance for any help.

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A 2 Part (Data Entry Form) HELP PLEASE

Oct 3, 2006

Im trying to make a data entry form which will add a new record to a database. My problem is when I associated it with a table. it starts off with a record already populated in the fields. Can someone tell me how to start off with a blank form to add new information.

Part 2

I wish to have a combo box that will drop down with SSN#s and populate the Address field automatically so that a person with additional orders will not have duplicated addresses but just one main address.

Thanking you all in advance!

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Pull Out Unique Records Form Two Fields

Sep 23, 2007

I have this basic question (obviously not so basic for me): how to pull out only unique records from two fields.

More details - two fields with names of competitors in a tournament (Winner or Loser) and i need to build a query to have all players names participating in the tournament regardless if they have won or lost in one list.

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Queries :: Pull Date Field From A Form

Jul 22, 2015

I have a query that is pulling a date from a Form. In my Query Criteria, I can put:

Code : >=[Forms]![frmAdhoc].[Date]
Code : <=[Forms]![frmAdhoc].[Date]
Code : =[Forms]![frmAdhoc].[Date]

And it works fine, but I don't want to hardcode the ">=", "<=" or "="

I would like the user to be able to choose ">=", "<=" or "=", from another field on the Form, so I am trying to code it on the query like this:


But it isn't working for the ">=" or the "<=". It just gives me a blank result.

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Pull Form Text Box Value Into Query

May 21, 2015

I have a perplexing problem. I'm creating a simple db to enter borrower audit checklist data with the following tables:

Questions -- A list of 17 pre-defined audit questions, with fields QNum and Question
Audits -- One record for each audit (pk AuditKey is an Autonumber), and some borrower fields
AuditQuestions -- Linked to Audits, with pk of AuditKey and Qnum, and a Question and Answer (yes/no) field

The Audits form has the Audits table as its datasource, and an AuditQuestions subform. When I go to a new Audits record, there are initially no subform records attached. When I enter a borrower name, the field AfterUpdate event runs the following code:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "LoadAuditQuestions"

The SQL for LoadAuditQuestions is

INSERT INTO AuditQuestions ( AuditKey, QNum, Question )
SELECT [Forms]![Audits]![AuditKey] AS Keyval, Questions.QNum, Questions.Question
FROM Questions
ORDER BY Questions.QNum;

I start out with both Audits and AuditQuestions tables empty. When I run the code by entering a borrower name, I get, "... can't append all the records in the append query ... didn't add 17 records due to key violations". It acts like it's getting a null value from Forms!Audits!Auditkey, but if I select the Debug option and check the value from the Immediate pane, it shows a valid number. Also, if I run the query manually with the form open, it loads the questions correctly.

The first Audits record is loaded with questions in the subform so you can see the desired results. To see the problem, go to a new record, enter a name, and hit tab. Another piece to the puzzle is, if you do this on an existing record, it works fine: Click No in response to the error message that appears, then click End on the Debug message. Go to a different audit record, then come back to the one you just created. Change the name, and it works correctly. It's as if it doesn't know what the AuditKey is the 1st time, but if you check it in debugger, it is loaded. In fact, I put in code in the AfterUpdate event to plug the LoanNumber field with the Forms!Audits!Auditkey value, and it worked, but the subsequent query still failed.

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How To Pull / Push A Value From Current Form To A Function Using VBA

Dec 26, 2012

Using the code below I am able to open an explorer window from access and select most of a file path. The part I am not able to get is "LN" which is a field in my forms. I need to be able to pull the current LN number into my Modules file path. How do I do this? Is it easier to go by ID or the actual field I am looking for?

Function Loan_Folder_Search3()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim LN As String
Dim Client_Name As String
Dim RetVal As String
Dim LFPath As String

[Code] ....

Currently, it keeps pulling the first record, no matter what record I'm on.

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Selections In Continous Form Problem, Part II

Oct 27, 2006


I have a continuous subform that shows records from a table [not the table the parent form is based on] - a check box, a text field with text, and a blank text field for notes.

When I click on one particular of the checkboxes I see in form view, I can make the notes field/s visible. Unfortunately, that means right now that the fields for all the records become visible.
If at all possible, I would like to set this up so that only one particular text box becomes visible.

Could somebody please tell me if this can be done, and help me do it?

Thanks a lot.

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Last Name Input Form Doesn't Pull Pertinent Record

Mar 24, 2005

I'm a complete newbie at Access. A friend (she's the Secretary of our small town's Service District Board of Trustees) asked me to develop a database for keeping records of property owners here, to facilitate such things as sending the yearly fee letter, tracking mailing addresses and property addresses, whether the fee is paid, etc.

I figured out most of it by "taking apart" a database she uses for another organization. It wasn't easy, but it's all working EXCEPT the thing she uses most: a last name input form (a combo box entry field with a command button) which is supposed to bring up the appropriate "Edit Existing Owner" form by the last name entered (or give an error message if there's no owner by that name, of course). The form works - but simply brings up the last-entered record.

I've looked at the setup in the other database, I see that when I create this form relationship, the VB code is nowhere close to what's in the other database. Trying to use the code from the other database is ineffective, even though the relationship is exactly the same. I'd be happy to have someone look at the forms etc. but the database compressed to a .rar file is 818k which is pretty big - and I'm not sure how to provide just the parts which aren't working.

I can upload the database to webspace and direct someone there if they'd be willing to take a look....

Thanks for any help!

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Calculated Field Pull Total From Another Report Or Form

Dec 16, 2004

I have a report with a calculated field. This calculated field needs to pull the value or total from a field in another report. I think the formula is :
but I'm getting ?Name as the result.
The report is AssmntB where I need to have the value copied.
The original report is AssmntC and the field is totalreqamnt4 where the value is originally calculated.
totalreqmant4 is also a calculated field which sums fields from a query.

Help with the formula? please?

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Way To Make A Part Of A String That Is Calculated Into Currency Form?

Feb 28, 2012

I have a text box and currently this is my control source

="Testing " & [test]/3
test = 1000 so my text box reports:
Testing 333.333333333333

Is there a way to make it into a form like $333.33...Also is there a way to make [test]/3 come out in a money text form? like "Three hundred thirty three dollars and thirty three cents.

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Pull Data From Main Form To Auto Populate Other Forms?

Jun 15, 2006

I need to pull data from a master project list to auto update other forms. When someone enters a project number I need it to pull the data for that project into another form so they dont need to keep typing details in. The other forms are trackers for our processes to complete the projects.

Let me know what you think...would a subform pull the info automatically somehow?

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Queries :: Query Criteria To Pull Its Value From Control On A Form - IIF Function

Aug 16, 2014

I want the Query Criteria to pull its value from a control on a form.The form control either has data or is null. (My problems occur when the form control is Null). The field in the table either has data, is null or is blank.

=IIf(IsNull([Forms]![FormName]![FormControl]),"" Or Is Null,[Forms]![FormName]![FormControl])

This works for the records with fields that are blank.


This works for the records with fields that have data.

Like IIf(IsNull([Forms]![FormName]![FormControl]),"*",[Forms]![FormName]![FormControl])

This works for the records with fields that are Null or Blank if i drop the iif function but then i lose the ability to pull criteria data from the form control.

"" Or Is Null

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Forms :: How To Design A Form That Can Pull Multiple Invoices Data

Apr 17, 2015

how to design a form that can pull multiple invoices data related to the same purchase order number?

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Form Field To Auto Pull Data From A Table When There Is A Match

Feb 5, 2013

I have built a nice database that has a form to enter data which logs in product received, there is a combo box on the same form that is linked through the query builder to auto populate the names from the contacts info table (the receivers of the product received) the contacts info table also contains information that is specific to each name such as locations.

As of now I have created a command button that brings me to the form that shows the information fields I need specific to a name, once I get that I have another command button to bring me back to the main form. How to create an additional list box on the main data entry form so as when the name is entered the new list box or text box (which is best?) will auto populate the information I need on one form instead of going back and forth.


Requester Name [ auto populate name ] currently linked to contacts info table (working)

(New field) Preferred Location [ need to auto populate location ] from the contacts info table (how do you pull locations specific to a contact name from the same table?

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Export Part Of The Table Based On User Input Via Form

Aug 23, 2006

hi everybody, im have a database with table called "project". there are many column in this table. my user want to export this table to Excel, but only some of column, with particular order ( depend on him) to analyze in Excel.
he asked me to build a form with a list box, drop box,somthing like this, so he can choose what column to export in what order.
i try to make a query like this: " Select Forms!UserInput.combobox1.value , Forms!UserInput.combobox2.value,etc, From Project" but it wont work.
Dou you have any idea.
thanks in advance

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Tables :: Auto Fill Part Of Form From Project List Table?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a master list of projects, with project reference number, project name, and nature of project.

I have also got a form for individuals to fill in details of project events, with date, time, name, and two or three other fields - also included are project reference and name. I'd like the name field to be auto filled when the user selects the project reference from a combo box; I think? (the list only shows open projects).

I'd did something similar some years ago in Access 2003 (I think) but cannot figure it out in the version I'm currently using 2010.

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Forms :: Pull Calculated Values From Approximately 10 Forms Into Another Form

Mar 21, 2013

I need to pull the calculated values from approximately 10 forms into another form. This is a summary form that should have all the totals pulled from the other forms.e.g. Form A has a textbox that reflects the sum of the amount. This is the total balance of form A.Form B, Form C, etc. all have a total Balance.Now, i need to pull all these totals into a summary form

-Form A Total Balance: x
-Form B Total balance: y, and so forth.

How and what is the best method to approach?I have tried using Forms![Formname]![Total] to get the data. This necessitates the need to hide all these forms and I ended up with blank forms, etc.Even so, the total sometimes appear and sometimes it does not. so it is very unstable.

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