OleDBConnection Errors, Multiple .ldb Locks On Database

Feb 26, 2005

I've developed a ASP.NET website which connects to a secured access database (user/pwd combos with an .mdw file) and allows users to enter data into the database. After the "due date" the system is locked and the database is transferred to a local computer via FTP for processing. Using a VB program and MS Access Reports, the data is printed out in a convenient format and distributed.

Recently, the more users that use my system the more frequently I've encountered problems with connecting to the database. I've been told that access databases are not designed to be used in a multiuser environment and that I should use MS SQL or mySQL instead.

My users report occasional errors and the debug information on the error page shows an 'unspecified error' prompted by a OLEDBConnection object's open method. Secondly, occasionally in the FTP site I see .ldb locking files with 10-20 locks on the database and the .mdw file held by the web application. I'm using a utility class that connects to the db in the constructor and closes the connection in its finalize method.

Code:Protected oConnection as OleDbConnectionProtected Sub Initialize() sConnString as String sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0....the rest of the connection string with data source and passwords oConnection = New OleDbConnection(sConnString) oConnection.Open()End SubProtected Overrides Sub Finalize()oConnection.Dispose()End Sub

First, is there something wrong with this code? Is it not being run at the initialization and finalization of each page load? Secondly, is there any way to avoid db connection errors without moving to ms sql?


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Data Locks/Record Locks? Question

Feb 12, 2007

I have a database that is used in a retail environment. I cant figure out what causes the locks of data.

I have an invoice (form) that it is filled out at point of sale(customer table). The middle section of the invoice (subform) gets the data from an inventory table.

The issue that i have is that often the subform locks up and does not allow the user to enter new data or make changes? It generally happens when they disconnect from the remote server, or loose connectivity???.

We use remote servers, using remote desktop connections.

The way i fix it is I take a backup database and move the tables out of the locked database into the new one. I just cant figure out what to do about this....>??

When you open an invoice at point of sale if the record is locked No line shows up on the subform to fill in. See image below.
When its fine the line will appear to take in entries.

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Multiple Query Errors

Jul 26, 2007

Hi all,

Resolved the date range issue, thanks, now I have a problem with the query results.
I have a query based upon several other queries that have the StaffID and the linking factor. When I combine some of the queries it works fine, but with others, seemingly those that have no valves or data in the tables, the query brings back no results what so ever.

The queries are running a simple count of records so they have, StaffID input, date range and it counts the records for that staff member within the date range. The second query gives a sum of the count of the first query.
But when I try to combine the queries so that I can produce a report for multiple work areas for audit, I hit problems, is there another, easy way for me to do this, maybe creating a report from invididual query results and only combining them for the report itself.

HELP! Can not attach actual db because of sensitive nature of the information contained, but would be willing to create a like db as sample.

Thanks for any assistance!

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Database Errors

Jun 20, 2007

I have database which has worked normally, and just made a couple of amendments

I then go to edit a form (which I had not amended) and get an Access has an fatal error etc.

I reopened it. and repaired compiled etc, but absolutely impossible to get into this form. Access crashes every time I try to do something with it. I can't even delete the form.

(This was A97)

There's no problem, I just got my last back up, and imported the changes I had made from the faulty dbs -

I just wondered if anyone else ever got these issues, and what they did about them.

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General :: Errors With Simultaneous Multiple Users?

Jan 13, 2014

I have a simple access database that 26 clerks in my office use to enter their weekly tasks. The database is split into a front end and back end, with the back end stored on a shared drive that we all have access to. We have been testing the database for 3 weeks with 5 clerks and no issues. This week is the first week that all 26 have used it, and immediately we encountered a problem.

I think the problem is happening because one of the tables in the database is linked to an excel spreadsheet. When multiple users try to use a dropbox that is linked to this table simultaneously they get an error message. I saved the excel file as a shared file, but this did not correct the problem.

I made a copy of the database before I split it. I know I can fix this if I import the excel spreadsheet into a copy of the database, link this table to the dropboxes, split it again, and redistribute it.

would like to leave the front ends linked to this spreadsheet, because we update it regularly. If not, we will have to have somebody update that particular table in the database intermittently.

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Errors With Access File For Multiple Users?

Jun 20, 2012

I'm having trouble opening up the tools I am developing in Access for multiple users. I split all my databases so the users will only interface with the "Front End" and I just tried saving one as an ACCDE file. I had the ACCDE file open on my machine and asked another person in the office to try opening it (all our files are stored on a network drive, which is already identified as a trusted source).

She got the following error message:

"The database cannot be opened because the VBA project contained in it cannot be read. The database can be opened only if the VBA project is first deleted. Deleting the VBA project removes all code from modules, forms, and reports. You should back up your database before attempting to open the database and delete the VBA project"

How do I fix this? I don't want to publish several Front End Access files since each person in my office will ask me to customize their file and my supervisor wants everyone working off the same file. I thought the point of Access was that multiple users could open the same file and make data modifications. How do I achieve this while retaining all the fun, creative VBA solutions I have developed?

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Unspecified Errors Galore With Access Database

Feb 28, 2005

I'm not sure if this is an Access problem or an ASP problem or even an IIS problem, but I have to start somewhere, so here I am. Ok, this is the deal. I've got an Access database that I'm using to store login/password info (just a training thing, I'm new to ASP) and I've successfully created a login form and an ASP page that determines if the username/password combo is correct. If the info is legit, it forwards the user to a success page. If the name is good, but the password is bad it tells them so and makes them try to log in again. If the user name doesn't show up in the database it says they must register and forwards them to a registration page. All is fine and dandy in my li'l ASP world. Except for one small problem... When testing my few pages I keep getting an "Unspecified Error" that always points to this line of code:

adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("login.mdb")

Far as I can tell, what's happening is that every time I access the database, I must wait a small amount of time (seems to be about 30 seconds) before I can do anything with it again, or I get this error.

Let me clarify,
When testing, I would go to the login page, type a correct user/pass combination and then I get forwarded to the success page. Cool. I go back to the login page and try it with a correct username, but an invalid password.... oops, I get this error. If I wait about 30 seconds, I can go back to the login page and try again and everything is fine. The order I test in doesn't matter...

Correct Combo -> invalid password
invalid pass -> non existant user
correct combo -> correct combo

Doesn't matter. Once I access the database via .Open it seems that I can't do it again for a while. Why is this? I use a .Close on my record set and then I set the recordset and connection objects to Nothing *BEFORE* each and every page redirect.

What gives?


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Scanning Barcode Into Search Box Works But Causes Multiple - Cannot Open Any More Databases - Errors

Aug 5, 2014

I'm scanning bar codes into the record search box, most of the time it works as it should but occasionally I get multiple "cannot open any more databases" errors. It still finds the product record but the error messages are super annoying. I am sure to clear the memory on the scanner each time before I scan in a new barcode but it doesn't seem to matter. Also sure to only have one or 2 forms open at a time, that doesn't seem to matter either. Most of the time I don't get the errors but when I have to click through like 10+ error messages (all identical). I only have one database open so I'm not sure what it even means. Also I have tried this in 2 different forms and it's the same for both forms. Seems like I get the errors in my initial scan and then after clearing them it seems to work without errors.

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Modules & VBA :: Errors With Custom Filter - Data Full Of Records With Multiple Columns

Sep 11, 2013

Custom filter I'm trying to set up. I have a data full of records with multiple columns and a form linked up to it. The form has a search box that works as well as navigation buttons.

Currently I am trying to get a filter to work. The filter will use up to five combo foxes to narrow down the fields, then return the filtered records after clicking a button. The button itself is where my code is. My issue now though is I cannot get the filter to work if I try to use more than one combo box.

The code I have at the moment is as follows:
' cmdApplyFilter_Click
Private Sub cmdApplyFilter_Click()

Me.Filter = "[Asset Group] = " & Me.cmbFilter1 & "" And "[Location] = " & Me.cmbFilter4 & ""
Me.FilterOn = True

End SubThe current error I am getting is Error 13: Type mismatch. I also know that the And might be the cause but I cannot change it to AND: it keeps changing back.

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Nov 18, 2005

I have a split database and up till now it was fine.

It made a lock on the be and left the fe open to use.

NOW it locks the fe and not the be.

ANY ideas y?

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Max Locks Per File

Apr 10, 2008


I'm trying to run a very simple update query on a table that has around 200,000 rows. It is only updating one field with the month based on a date using the Month() function.

It keeps saying File sharinglock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry.

Any idea's on how to do this? The online help within Access is pretty vague.....

I'm also surprised this has happened as I've run update queries on tables with several million rows in before and never had this problem. I have compacted and repaired the database and moved from our server onto the hard drive of my laptop where there is more than enough disk space and with 2Gb ram there should be enough RAM as well.


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Default Listbox Locks

Nov 1, 2005


i did a search, but i coudnt find a sulotion.
I want to selected a item in a listbox when a form opens.
i tried:

Me.ProjectView.Selected(1) = True
but this locks the listbox, and nothingelse can be selected.

i tried it with Me!ProjectView!Selected(1) = True
this returns an error.

how can i fix it?

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Modules & VBA :: Caps And Num Locks Switching Off

Dec 15, 2014

USING ACCESS 2010..My user has reported that his caps and num locks gets switched off when entering a particular form and after testing he's right!!

I've googled this and it seems that sendkeys is/could be the culprit.I do have sendkeys in the code so how do I get around it other than not use sendkeys? Can I switch num lock on in VBA?

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Check For Record Locks On Form Load

Apr 16, 2008

I have a multi user database that has record locking turned on at the form level. If one user is in that form making changes it locks that record so no other user can make changes. When another user tries to edit the same record they are only notified after they hit save. Can you have them be warned that this record is locked before they waste time entering data?

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Drop Down List Scroll Bar Locks Up Window

Jan 19, 2014

We are developing an Access 2010 database that is to be served using MS Server. Currently we have Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 64bit with Server Manager Version: 6.1.7601.17514 SP1 on a cumputer with 8GB RAM and an Intel Celeron G550 2.6GHz processor. All software is up to date with MS updates.

We are having a problem with dropdown lists that have too many items to show in the drop-down window so there is a scroll bar. If I click on the down arrow and open the drop down list, and then click on the scroll bar, the access window locks up. If I only click on a choice in the drop-down, but not the scroll bar, it works fine and does not lock up. Once access is locked up, I can click on another window on the desktop and then Access becomes active again. This does not happen on windows 7.

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Forms :: Multi Select Field Locks Out Users

Dec 17, 2013

I have a form that uses a multi select combo boxes. When more than one person is in the database, if a user is updating any of the multi select combo boxes, it locks out other users from making changes to those fields on different records. Looking for solution so that every user in the database can make changes to those multi select fields on their own specific records?

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Database Size Limited To 2GB / Query Multiple Database Without Linking Tables?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm trying to set up a simple query that links four tables. However, the tables are extremely large, all in excess of 1.5GB each so I had to split the tables up into four separate DBs. I've tried the following with no success:

1) Link the 4 tables in the DB which contains my primary key. This quickly inflates increases the file size above 2GB and won't let me go any further.

2) Build a remote query to connect the four tables. This looked promising until I tried to run the query and it became evident that it only knows to point to the last database source that you specified.

I'm running everything locally on my C drive. The data source are simple text files (1.6 million rows) from the FDA website.

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Cmd FormOpen Locks Form When Opening New Form

Mar 31, 2008

I built an info application for a friend in business. Its based on a kiosk style menu with selections, and when a button is clicked it executes "FormOpen" and brings up a second form with the results in it.

Its important for this application that they are two seperate forms which display the results, lets call them form1 and form2 for this exercise.

My problem is that when form1 opens form2, it LOCKS form1. And if you are to try and select a list menu, or click a button on form1, when form2 is concurrently open, it 'beeps' with no function. Whether it be by .disabled or whether its some sort of record lock (to stop a person from editing in two places at once), I'm not sure.

Basically, form1 never needs to have records updated, its the kiosk remember ie. form1 serves as a menu. But when form2 is open i would prefer it if they could could still click buttons on form1 to execute filters for the query i have on form2.

I've tried fidding around with the .disabled property on form1, and then i also thought about the record lock and tried DISABLING data entry on the first form so perhaps access could work around. Nothing has worked. There is also nothing in the book that i have on access.

Please help!!! You will be much loved. Even if you just tell me its not possible then i can sleep easy.

Kind Regards


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Help With Errors

Jun 9, 2005

When I click a tab (table,queries,reports or module) I receive an error that says (" isn't an index in this table. Look in the indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names). Please help.


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Append Query, Multiple Tables To Multiple Tables In Another Database

Nov 29, 2007

Can a Append Query move all my data stored in multiple tables to another database with a identical table structure?

Because as I try to work the query, I keep getting prompted to "Select a table" I want to append to, and I don't want to append to just one table...

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Car Event | Few Errors

Jun 1, 2006

Hi all,

i have been sick for quite a while,But back on track now.In the past i was building a car event db and would like to finish it.I have checked it out and there seems to be a few errors that i can't remember anything about.

you must have outlook installed otherwise some missing references come up.also there seems to be a problem with the date on the invoice form,the backup section in utilites.

If someone could have a look and point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

The file is access 2003 format

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Paste Errors

Jan 8, 2008

Hi All,

I've created an Access Database off of an old Fox Pro System. What I need to do is take the data from the tables in the old system and convert them in Access '03. I have roughly 4600 records to transfer.

When I copy the data from the old system and paste it in an Access table, only 300 or so records are pasted. Also, when I check the paste errors, there are less than 100 in there. Where are they going?

Some of the files aren't pasting because there were input errors on some. Others are linked with a department and Acct number and some of those are no longer current, so another reason why some of these records aren't pasting. This is a problem, but should only be around 500-1000 records tops.

I have noticed if I paste less at a time, I get less errors and more are actually copied through, but I don't know exactly how many I should do at a time?

Some questions I have are:

1. How many should I paste at a time?

2. Am I missing something with the paste errors, is there like a setting I can adjust?

3. Is there a better way to convert this old table into a new table?

Any suggestions or comments would be great because I have been stuck on this for a while and I DO NOT want to input these records one by one.

Thank you in advance,


Here's an email I sent to one of my friends seeing if he had any insight. I might explain my problem a little better here:

Purchasing Department has an old Fox Pro Contract System. I made this same system into Access and it works great. My problem is now converting the tables from the old system into the new system. There are approx. 4200 records. I have tried pasting them all in together and also sections at a time, but everything I do so, I get more or less copied through, and more or less paste errors displaying the ones that hadn’t copied over.

The reason some are not pasting in is because of old user input errors. Another reason is department and account numbers have changed therefore when the copy takes place, if Access doesn’t recognize an Acct number, then it cannot relate it to a department and will not paste in. I’m fine with that though. The problem I’m having is I’m always getting different amounts of errors each time I do this. For example, I did the first 500 records. Had 21 paste errors, all the others pasted fine. I then tried to do less so I copied the first 400 and only received 3 errors, but then I did the next 400 after that and only 200 pasted through and it only displayed 20 or so paste errors. I think there are roughly 400-500 bad records so I’m not understanding why all but those 400-500 paste.

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Suddenly Getting Errors

Jan 15, 2008

We have an access db that has been working fine for ages and now when we click on a New Record button we are getting the following error:-

Run time error 2105 - you can't go to the specified record. erroring out on the line DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec. We are not aware of anything changing on the PC that the db is sitting on. I have spent the whole day searching the web but have found nothing helpful.

I have compacted and repaired the db, even went to the form/table security to see if all users can edd/add.

Any help greatfully received

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Help With Paste Errors

Jan 8, 2008

I've created an Access Database off of an old Fox Pro System. What I need to do is take the data from the tables in the old system and convert them in Access '03. I have roughly 4600 records to transfer.

When I copy the data from the old system and paste it in an Access table, only 300 or so records are pasted. Also, when I check the paste errors, there are less than 100 in there. Where are they going?

Some of the files aren't pasting because there were input errors on some. Others are linked with a department and Acct number and some of those are no longer current, so another reason why some of these records aren't pasting. This is a problem, but should only be around 500-1000 records tops.

I have noticed if I paste less at a time, I get less errors and more are actually copied through, but I don't know exactly how many I should do at a time?

Some questions I have are:

1. How many should I paste at a time?

2. Am I missing something with the paste errors, is there like a setting I can adjust?

3. Is there a better way to convert this old table into a new table?

Any suggestions or comments would be great because I have been stuck on this for a while and I DO NOT want to input these records one by one.....

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Leaving Out Errors

Nov 29, 2005

I do a query to remove "." from a list of my servers. This works great, but for every name on the list without a "." I get an error in the output. Is there any way to remove these errors from the output, so I only see the data that has been properly pruned down?

here is the query i'm running

sort: Left([AgentName],InStr([AgentName],".")-1)

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Combo Box Errors

Dec 7, 2005

I have an unbound combo box that is sporadically failing with an error message when an entry in its pulldown list is selected. The error message is to the effect: 'The value you entered isn't valid for this field' .

The record source for the combo box is a table/query which is updated by an event triggered by another control on the form. That code also sets the Format property of the combo box to match the native Format of the field from which the combo box is retrieving the data. So data from Yes/No field, a date field, or a currency field, for example, display properly in the revised combo box. When the combo box is populated from a source field that has no special format (the usual case, as with text fields), the code resets the combo box's Format to "".

Again, the combo box has no control source (it is unbound). So, the only culprit for an error message like this that I can think of is this Format property. Yet, when the error occurs, the combo box's Format is properly set to "", which should permit any kind of data, and I try entering any kind of data at all -- all data is rejected with this error message.

Is there any thing else I should look at?

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