On Change Event In Form

Sep 29, 2005

I have a field (AR#) that has an "on change" event. This is supposed to check through the database and see if that number has been here before (it's like a job # / serial #). It had always worked fine - now suddenly this field, and this field only, reacts VERY, VERY slowly when you type a number in. You can type the number and wait about 5 seconds for it to show up. When I removed the event - it acted normally so I think it has to do with that. Here's the vb for the event:

Private Sub AR__Change()
Dim db As Database
Dim Rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strAR As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
strAR = Me.AR_.Text
Set Rst = db.OpenRecordset("repairs", dbOpenDynaset)
Rst.FindFirst "[AR#] = '" & strAR & "'"
If Rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox ("This value it is already in the system !")
End If
End Sub

Any ideas why it's reacting so slow or what I should look for?

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Modules & VBA :: OnLoad Event To Change Icon Of The Form

Sep 26, 2014

I currently use code in a module and code on each form in the on_load event to change the icon of the form.. the code i use is as follows..

in a module:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Const WM_SETICON = &H80
Private Const IMAGE_ICON = 1
Private Const LR_LOADFROMFILE = &H10
Private Const SM_CXSMICON As Long = 49
Private Const SM_CYSMICON As Long = 50

[Code] ....

And on each form on load:

SetFormIcon Me.hWnd, "k: est directoryhsicon.ico"

What I am wondering is would it be possible to store the .ico file within the DB file itself (i know access can store bitmaps) and reference the .ico in the form load event code?

Overtime the db file will probably move to its own dedicated storage so using a direct reference to the file wont work..

I have tried the following but get an error (it tries to reference the .ico file as to being in the root directory of the db file)

SetFormIcon Me.hWnd, Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) - Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name))) & "hsicon.ico"

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Modules & VBA :: Use Text Box Change Event To Determine Form Format

Sep 23, 2013

Had a combobox so the user could choose between two data entry formats.They don't want the combobox, they want the user to enter data into one or the other textbox - and that choice to trigger the format.Two groups of text box - group 1 has a single text box - group 2 has three text box. When the user selects a text box and types the first character into it. This triggers locking out the other group choice and enables the <Validate and Edit> command button.

If the user backs out (deletes) the text in a text box.It basically makes both groups available again and it disables the <Validate and Edit> command button.Basically, if the text box Change event counts a character, it changes the text box Tag to "Bust". Then it calls a common routine that checks both text boxes.The choice won't take place if the textbox gets focus. It changes if a text box has 1 or more character typed in.

Sub WhosOnFirst()
' two groups of Required field - if one textbox in a group has a character entered first
' that group becomes the Format - enables the <Validate and Accept> button that will take the next setp


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Change Properties On Event

Apr 19, 2006

ciao people
i've been looking around for days, hope u can solve my problem!

my form is made up of several combo boxes
i wanna write a code which after a selection in any combo box sets the properties of the latter as follow: enabled NO and locked YES (just the opposite of the default value)

can u please help me?

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Change Properties On Event

Apr 19, 2006

ciao people
i've been looking around for days, hope u can solve my problem!

my form is made up of several combo boxes
i wanna write a code which after a selection in any combo box sets the properties of the latter as follow: enabled NO and locked YES (just the opposite of the default value)

can u please help me?

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Change The Built-in Right-click Event Of An ActiveX Control

Mar 13, 2008

I am using an active x control that when you right click on it, it automatically pops up an "About" box showing information about the control. I wouldn't object to this, but I need to use the right mouse down event for another purpose in my program. So far I have discovered that the code I put in the the event works, but only after the "About" box pops up. Is there anyway to cancel or prevent the popup? The reason that I need the right mouse down event is because is that I am already using the left mouse double click event, and I can't use the left mouse down event because then it always fires before the left mouse double click event. This control doesn't have any single click events. Ideas?

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Forms :: Change Event - Cannot Access New Contents Of Textbox

Oct 2, 2013

I am developing a form whereby the user types a single character or a sequence of characters into textbox and a query WHERE clause is compiled upon each character being entered.

The query is the Row Source of a listbox which I requery upon each change in the text box contents.

In the Change event I cannot access the new contents of the textbox until focus moves to another control and then back to the textbox. This is not how I expect this event to work.

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box Change Event Prevents Updating?

Jun 18, 2013

Currently I have an issue where on of the fields in a userForm will not update. I have tracked down the problem to an update Event procedure

Private Sub txtRate_Change()
Me.txtSales = Me.txtRate * Me.txtPages
Me.txtGST = Me.txtSales * 0.1
Me.txtTotal_Inv = Me.txtSales + Me.txtGST
End Sub

The idea being, when you update the rate, the Sales/Revenue figure will update based on that rate. For a while this seemed to work fine. but recently , it just will not allow me to update the field txtRate, I cannot understand why. I have now replaced the _Change() event for a _LostFocus() event. but I am not sure that is as reliable, and I am still puzzled / worried as to why the _Change event will not work.I'm on Access 2013, win 7 , using a front end db connected to the back end using linked tables.

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Modules & VBA :: Beforeupdate Event Undo Change To A Combo Box?

Oct 7, 2013

I'm working on a bit of code that before a combobox is changed checks with the user to confirm that they want the change to go ahead, if yes a recorded is added to a table

This all work fine apart from if no is selected - I am trying to get the combobox to undo the change however when you select no the msgbox pops up fine but the combobox does not undo

Can't see where I'm going wrong I thought undo worked for comboboxes

' Displays a message box with the yes and no options.
Response = MsgBox(prompt:="Do you wish to change the status of this Job? 'Yes' or 'No'.", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
' If Yes button selected
If Response = vbYes Then

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Change Which Row In Combobox Is Visible Depending On Event

May 21, 2015

I have a combo box with three columns, the first one is the bound one, the second is text in English, and the third is text in Spanish. Currently when the form is open, both the English and Spanish texts columns are visible. What I would like to do is set up a command button on a different form that will open the form with just the English showing in the combo boxes, and another button for Spanish. I've tried the following code which opens the form, but the combo box is disabled altogether.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEditar", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal
DoCmd.SetProperty "niv_gest", acPropertyColumnWidths, "0;1;1"

What am I missing?

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Forms :: Property Selection Change - Event Procedure?

Aug 16, 2013

when the Form Property "selectionchange" kicks in?I am trying to use this to run an event procedure. I have a sub form datasheet which contains a date, and when the selection is changed from one record to another in the sub form, I would like to run an event procedure that updates certain fields on the main form, according to the date.I have put msgbox in the event procedure, but it doesn't trigger when the selection is changed? or am I misunderstanding the property?I have also tried got focus, lostfocus, beforeupdate, but they only trigger when the record is changed, not just when the selection is changed.

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Forms :: Keep Mouse Cursor At The End Of Text Box After On Change Event Procedure?

Oct 30, 2013

I made an On Change Procedure on a textbox, so everytime I input a character, it will trigger the Me.Requery.

However, after that the event, the mouse cursor moved to the beginning of other field. I want it to stay at the end of the textbox so I can enter a full word, how do I do that?


Private Sub Text73_Change()
ProjectSearch = Me.Text73
Me.Filter = "[Project Name] Like " & Chr(34) & ProjectSearch & "*" & Chr(34)
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Combobox / Listbox Change Event Populate Values In It

Nov 21, 2013

I am trying to write a code that will execute at the change even of the combobox/Listbox and when a character is typed in it then all the data from "DocumentType" field whose first character matches with the first character typed in Combo/Listbox will be stored in it.

The following code doesn't work:

Private Sub ComboBox4_Change()
Dim strText, strFind As String
strText = Me.ComboBox4.Text
If Len(Trim(strText)) > 0 Then
strFind = "BarcodeRef like '" & strText & "*'"
End If

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Change Background Color Double Click Event?

Jul 13, 2015

I am using a continuous form and would like my users to be able to change a field background color to a light red by double-clicking. The user would also be able to change it back to white by double-clicking again.

The code I am using (below) changes the field background color for all records. I need my code to only change the field color of the current record and cannot seem to find how to do that. The field name is [System_CurrentStatus].

Private Sub System_CurrentStatus_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbWhite Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160)
ElseIf Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160) Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbwhite
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Change Records Source And Run Query - Onclick Event Of Command Button

Apr 8, 2013

I have a tabbed form in a navigation form with a chart on it. The records source of the chart is a query. The query runs when you click the tab and takes a long time. I changed the Row Source of chart to "" and that eliminates the query running on form load. I've read many posts on changing that row source when a command button is clicked. I tried

Me!Suspend_Trending_Dashboard![chart].RecordSource = suspend_trend_CHART

in the onclick event of the command button. This doesn't work. I've tried many variations of the syntax. I don't know if I have to tell the query to run after the row source is changed.

On a side note, the query criteria is based on beginning and end dates entered into text boxes on the form. This all works if the query loads when the form is opened.

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Frame On_Click Event Doesn't Fire On "no Change"

Jan 2, 2006

I have an invoice program that allows users to select a shipping cost option as a toggle in a frame object. When selected "On_Click", the percentage is used to calculate the shipping of the items ordered. Occasionally users will then add additional items, re-click the toggle, but nothing happens. If they click another shipping percentage (there are 3) it calculates. If they click the original percentage now,(essentially CHANGING the frame.value) the calculation occurs fine. It almost seems that the On_Click event toggle in the frame is acting like an On_Change or AfterUpdate.

I have tried the mouse-down event, but this doesn't change the percentage.

I know I could add a separate "Calculate" button after the user makes the shipping selection, but someone is bound to forget to hit it.

Any ideas on how to make the frame On_Click work if the value doesn't change in doing so?

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If-Then Statements In "On Change" Event

May 1, 2006

I have a database with two forms. The Products form with the account line item subform embedded in it.

In the Accounts Credited field of the Products form, I have a VB statement (below) under the "on change" event. It forces two fields in the accounts table to be changed. The Accounts Credited field is a combo box with a value list of "savings"; "Checking"; "PayPal"; etc. Every time you change that value, it should force a change in the AccountName field's text property to match it, and it should also change the AccountID field's value to the corresponding number.

The AccountName and AccountID fields are a part of the Accounts Table. AccountID links the Accounts Table and the AccountLineItem table. However I can't get the VB Code to run when the different "accounts credited" options are selected. It should change the account ID value in the subform.

It's a class project and the professor has told us that everyone in the class receive an "incomplete" for the course unless the database works by wednesday. She has not given us the tools to do what we need to do though, any help would be greatly appreciated.


code for "on Change" event:

Private Sub AccountCredited_Change()

If (Field_Accounts!AccountName.Text = "Savings") Then
Field_Accounts!AccountID.Value = 1
End If

If (Field_AccountName.Text = "Checking") Then
Field_AccountID.Value = 2
End If

If (Field_AccountName.Text = "PayPal") Then
Field_AccountID.Value = 3
End If

If (Field_AccountName.Text = "Building") Then
Field_AccountID.Value = 4
End If

If (Field_AccountName.Text = "Animal Control") Then
Field_AccountID.Value = 5
End If
End Sub

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Change One Form Causing Change Other

Jul 2, 2005

I have not done much work in later version of Access. Now I found if I change a design in one form and similar forms (names are different) which are linked to the same tables got changed as well without openning them up and making changes. Is this something new with Access 2003?

Thank you very much for help.

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Event From One Form That Opens Another Form: How Do I Open To The Right Record?

Nov 7, 2006

I have code for a button click event. Essentially I have a main table form that I use to enter customer data and info. I also have a button that I use to add that customer to a separate table that I use for special Customers. My code copies all the data I need copied to my other table, so I wont waste space here typing my code that actually copies the data to the new table. What I will list are the two commands I am using after that code, to close the current form (the one with the button) and open the form for entering special customer information (the form to edit data on my other table). It works flawlessly, but when it opens the other form, it opens to the first record. I want to know how to make it open to the record which I was viewing when I clicked the button to copy the data.

DoCmd.OpenForm "Special Customer Data Entry", , , Number = Me.Number
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Customer Data"

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Form Event?

Jun 22, 2005

hi ,
i am new to access ,specially in designing forms .
I have two tables Table1 and Table2 .I have created forms ,Form1 and Form2 respectively.
now what i want is ...when i enter the value in Form2 ...Table1 filed should be updated.
how can i perform this type of action ?


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Which Form Event.......??

Nov 29, 2005

I am trying to set a form so ALL text boxes return Proper case. I can get this to work by placing the code on each text box calling a function.....

Private Sub Text0_AfterUpdate()
Dim ctl As Control

For Each ctl In Controls

If ctl.Tag = "*" Then Call Proper

Next ctl

End Sub
the module is
Function Proper()
On Error GoTo Proper_Err

Screen.ActiveControl = StrConv(Screen.ActiveControl, 3)

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume Proper_Exit

End Function
What I am trying to get to is to have the text box event...Private Sub Text0_AfterUpdate() ...... Be a Form event... So the code would apply to every text box on the form.
Tried it on different form events..... Cant get it to work. Any ideas????


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Event And Form

Jan 24, 2006

I'm having troubles understanding and picking the right event for a particular action in forms. For example I want to set the background of a form to "15911239"; which event do I pick? I know that Oncurrent will work but I don't neccessary want to "set the color" whenever the record changes, because setting it once would be enough. However, onOpen gave me an error (i guess the form isn't open yet, while I'm trying to give it a color). OnActive?
Some light on this matter would be appreciated and an answer to the above example would help too.


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Form Event

Aug 30, 2006

I would like a form I have created to check the value of a text box upon loading the form and also everytime the form loads the next record. Is there an event setting for this? Thank you in advance.

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Timed Event On Form

Mar 2, 2005

I wish a label to be visible for only 10 seconds when the call is made to it. I am sure this is basic VB stuff. How can I set it so that when

Me.lblnodateten.Visible = True

is fired, a 10 second counter will kick off and then the line

Me.lblnodateten.Visible = False

will activate

Kindest Regards

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Form Open Event

Sep 2, 2005

I'm trying to open a form based on another form and have the following code in the Open Event:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_FormOpen
Dim strForm As String

strForm = "frmProductionBatch"
If IsLoaded(strForm) Then
Me.ProductName = Forms![frmProductionBatch]![ProductName]
Me.BatchNum = Forms![frmProductionBatch]![BatchNum]
End If

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_FormOpen

End Sub

It works however I get an error message stating that I cannot assign a value to this Object?
What is going on here?

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Cancel Form Close Event

Aug 3, 2005

Is there a way to cancel a form's close event? If a user clicks the form's close button, I want a msgbox to ask if they are sure, and if yes continue and close, else cancel the forms close event. I know how to perform the msgbox and the if statement. I can not figure out how to cancel the form's close event.

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