Onclick Even Doesnt Work In Tab Controls?

May 2, 2005

I have a tab control with buttons nested inside of it calling to open a form - but when I go to test the buttons, they do not open the form that the wizard selected. I get the error message: invalid outside procedure. If i copy the button into the main portion of the form outside of the tab control - it seems to work. Any ideas would help. Thanks again!

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Work In One PC And Doesnt In Other!

Jun 9, 2005

I have a form with two textbox, when I type something in textbox, the second textbox is filled with database query "SELECT MAX...", this works in one PC but doesnt work in other...

Why ?

all PCs is Windows XP with Office 97 and 2000.


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Why Doesnt This Work

Oct 26, 2005

I have to tables.
one dummy and one main. The have the same fields.
the dummy is filled by a form.
i want to see where they are diffrent. But the query shows all the dummys records. I just want it to show the record that doesnt exists in the main table.

SELECT DISTINCT AttendenceDummy.MeetingCode, AttendenceDummy.EmployeeCode
FROM Attendance INNER JOIN AttendenceDummy ON Attendance.MeetingCode = AttendenceDummy.MeetingCode
WHERE (((AttendenceDummy.EmployeeCode)<>Exists (select Attendance.EmployeeCode from Attendance )));

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General Q - Code And Why It Doesnt Work All Of The Time

Feb 6, 2008

I am wondering why access does not follow its own code all of the time?

For example I have passworded forms following the tutorial on the Microsoft site. It mostly works when the participants fills in the wrong password we will get an error message box and when they cancel the password dialogue box it wont let the person enter the form - but not all the time. Sometimes if you press cancel it still opens the form anyway (without requiring the correct password).

This is similar with the module that I put in to prevent people from using the mousewheel to leave their record etc. Most times it works but sometimes it just isnt called on form load.

There is nothing wrong with any of these codes and when they work they work well but I cant seem to rely on access to do what is supposed to?

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Why RecordsetClone.AddNew Doesnt Work Correctly?

Jun 24, 2007

I search a record with values that I am taken from form1 .
If i found the record i show it on the form2 else I add a new record to table with values that i am taken them form form.
this is my code:
Code: Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "mainhazineh_m" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria Form_mainhazineh_m.mahp.Value = Form_mainform_m.Combo2.Value Form_mainhazineh_m.salp.Value = Form_mainform_m.Combo0.Value Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.findfirst "[salp]= " & Form_mainform_m.Combo0.Value & " And [mahp]= " & Form_mainform_m.Combo2.Value & " And [shahrp]= '" & Form_mainform_m.Combo12.Value & "'" If Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.RecordCount <> 0 And Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.NoMatch = False Then Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.edit Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordSelectors = True Form_mainhazineh_m.Bookmark = Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.Bookmark Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.Update Else Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.AddNew Form_mainhazineh_m.mahp.Value = Form_mainform_m.Combo2.Value Form_mainhazineh_m.salp.Value = Form_mainform_m.Combo0.Value Form_mainhazineh_m.shahrp.Value = Form_mainform_m.Combo12.Value Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.Update Form_mainhazineh_m.Bookmark = Form_mainhazineh_m.RecordsetClone.LastModified End If
my problem is that when i must add new record to db, it only change the first record of table with values that i make them red then add a new record that all fields of it is empty.
can anyone help me ?

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Does "Undo" Work With Unbound Controls

Aug 17, 2005

I can't get my "undo" code to work on my form that uses unbound controls.
Is this not possible with unbound controls? Is there another way?

Here is the code I have tried:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo

I also tried:


Also, the "Undo" command is not available in the menu.

Any workarounds for this?

BJS :confused:

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It Just Doesnt Add Up !!

Apr 16, 2007

Hi folks,

I am struggling here with something that I am sure is simple but for the life of me can’t crack it. :confused:

I have a table and a subsequent query which shows golfers lowest score on each hole throughout the season. I want to add up the total of each hole by individual membership number and display it as a total for each row

I have attached a sample db with a sample query called 'eclectic latest working'. If you look at this query, I want to have the total of every row.

If you look at my form, the total I have at the moment isn’t correct, it is adding up the whole columns (I think)

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be most grateful !!

Thanks for looking


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Works - Now It Doesnt

Dec 9, 2005

What would trigger an error to occur if there has been no changes to a DB.

My error # is 2427 (You entered an expression that has no value).

This error occurs when I click on a command button to open a report. When I debug, it sends me to an IF statement that I have loaded in the On Format of the report.

This worked perfectly fine before - the If statement is simple, if a value is true, then it changes a box to bold and if the value is false, the box in the report remains the same weight.

I am not understanding why it is saying that I have entered an expression with no value when the IF statement reads both the true and the false of a chkbox and adjusts the box accordingly.

Can someone explain why this is occuring? Im litteraly stuck.

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Why Doesnt Anyone Know About The Calendar?

Jul 31, 2005

I just posted something about the calendar2k. Does anyone know where I can find that calendar add on? I know there are others out there but this one was awesome. It was 2 little buttons that dealt with start date and end date. You would just change the OnClick, so when the person clicked it or double-clicked it, it would enter the date in the correct control for you.

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Query Doesnt Pick Up All Records, Please Help!

Feb 19, 2007

I have a query which picks picks up all records from a table. One field however seems to randomly not pick up data from certain records even though the data is in the table.

This has been puzzling me for some time now, does anyone have any ideas / suggestions?

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Object Doesnt Support This Property....

Dec 1, 2005

This error appears when a preview or print button is used. The form has been opened with this.....

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , acFormAdd, acWindowNormal

But when I try to preview it gets the error.......
"Object doesnt support this property........."

Same error occurs when the form is opened with.....
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , acFormReadOnly, acWindowNormal, stLinkCriteria

The preview button is this.........

Private Sub cmdPreviewRptWO_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPreviewRptWO_Click

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "rptWorkOrderCurrent"

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

Exit Sub

The really strange thing is I have 2 forms both coding the same..... One doesnt give the error!!

I think the error occurs when it is trying to save before previewing...But it has to save to view the report.

Anyone have the answer?? :confused:

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#div/0! Error...doesnt Make Sense..

May 26, 2006

I am trying to track down why i get a #div/0 error...

i have a form that is a sales invoice. It also has a subform with in where the items being sold are entered.

in the subform i have on the footer a Sum([Selling price])
so that i have a total in the subform..

then i pull that total into the mainform using =[subform2].Form![TOTAL]

it all works great.... but if some one buys multiple items and one price is left at 0.... i get that div/0 displayed on my totals..??

see the attached image for a visual of what i am talking about...


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Append If Record Doesnt Exist, Else Update

Feb 19, 2008

I have a table that is filled based on selections that a user makes in combo boxes on a form. I am having trouble trying to figure out the best way to prevent duplicates from being inserted in the table when I do the append query part.

Since the table is filled based on the various selections the user makes I dont have a primary key or unique field.

Can someone help me figure out the best way to do this append/update queries to prevent duplicates. Also if you have a strategy for setting up some sort of unique or primary key for fields that could all be the same yet in the table only 1 record will show, no duplicates.

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All Data Form Doesnt Display Records

Jun 16, 2005

I am creating a database to store employee data, its divided among 3 tables, storing :Employment data,Personal data and Payment data, the 3 tables are related using a 1-1 relationship between the common field ID in each. I`ve created a form through which all data needed for the fields in each table is entered,while entering the data its possible to view the records, however, when i close the form and check the tables, the data is going to the respective tables,however,after i open the table and then go back to the form, its not possible to view the records in the form, they`re still in the table but i cant view them through the form, i can still add new records using the form, but i`m not seeing the old records anymore. Anyone, help?

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All Data Form Doesnt Display Records

Jun 16, 2005

I am creating a database to store employee data, its divided among 3 tables, storing :Employment data,Personal data and Payment data, the 3 tables are related using a 1-1 relationship between the common field ID in each. I`ve created a form through which all data needed for the fields in each table is entered,while entering the data its possible to view the records, however, when i close the form and check the tables, the data is going to the respective tables,however,after i open the table and then go back to the form, its not possible to view the records in the form, they`re still in the table but i cant view them through the form, i can still add new records using the form, but i`m not seeing the old records anymore. Anyone, help?

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Help! Database Doesnt Open And Comes Up With Error Message About Compacting And DAO!

Jan 23, 2008


the following error message appears when trying to access my database. I can't seem to get into it at all, not even by trying to import the data tables over into a new database. the following message appears:

"The database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Access by using the DAO Compact Database method instead of Convert Database Command on the Tools Menu. This has left the database in a partially converted state. If you have a copy of the original format use the convert Database on the Tools menu to convert it. If the original database is no longer available, create a new database and import your tables and queries to preserve your data. Your other database applications can't be recorded''..

the copy and the back up wont let me in either, this just suddenly happened.

Please help!

Thanks in advance

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Little Onclick Issue..

Mar 25, 2005

Ok, I know this is a very simple question..and most people's reactions (including mine) would be to say "Try the search button" or some such thing..so I would just like to say I have tried and could not find the answer >.<

I have a subform with 5 fields displaying information on a specific customers service tickets... I am attempting to use OnClick to open a new form with the information in the ServiceID field used as a filter...so when ya click on a service id number it opens a new form with all fields for that service ticket visible.

I know this has to be a very simple question, but I am just finishing with a basic access class in college and trying to expand into the areas they failed to cover, thnks in advance >.<

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Button And OnClick Event

Oct 2, 2006

Attached is a project I am working on. It's a personal reminder program. The problem I am having is that when I enter the actual completion date at the bottom and click on the "Complete Task" button, I want the record to be copied to the History table, then the Start Date and Due Dates reset based on the Frequency. If someone could look at the On Click event procedure for this button and help me get this fixed, I would appreciate it very much. I don't know much about VB or SQL coding.


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Onclick Witha Combo Box

Jun 13, 2005

hi again folks!

i was wondering since i am not so good at VB, if you can help me out with this one problem i have.

i haver this combo box, and i have 2 items listed in it, and when i highlight the correct code, i want the CMD button to open up the correct form page.

i know it goes someting like this but i do not know the correct syntax.

Code:Private Sub Command31_Click()if [you choose this list], [open Form1]Elseif [you choose this list], [open form2]End Sub

I just need help with the syntax

Pleas help Me!

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Editing A Field OnClick In A Form

Jul 26, 2005

I have a button in a form that needs to change the text in a field named idStatus from "Assigned" to "Returned"

I have tried using an expression like this "[Form]![Field]=12" in the OnClick spot but it returned an error. There is no "custom made" wizard for this and my VB skills are lacking.

Once again, thanks! (I know I post alot but this forum is amazing!)

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OnClick Field Input Date

May 19, 2006

Hi All
Does anybody have or know how to make a field so when its clicked it will enter todays date, the default value =date() is not an option either.

Thanks for any help

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Onclick Setiing Field Color

Dec 20, 2006

How do I use onclick to change the background color of a field in a form? and to return the field background color when the field is not selected?


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Queries :: Using OnClick In Expression Builder?

Jan 27, 2015

I have query that filters my list in Access. The list can be filtered in different ways(like using a combobox). This is the criteria of the query for the field Title of the table Book:

Like IIf([Forms]![frmName]![cmbSearch].[OnClick];"*" & [Forms]![frmName]![txtSearchBar] & "*"; [Book]![Title])

What I want is when the cmbSearch is clicked, the list must show the Tiltes where the title of the book contains the words of the search bar. When its not clicked on that button, the list must show all the titles.

Here is the SQL of the query:

SELECT Book.ID, Book.Title FROM Book
WHERE (((Book.Title) Like IIf([Forms]![frmName]![cmbSearch].[OnClick],"*" & [Forms]![frmName]![txtSearchBar] & "*", [Book]![Title]))

The problem is the list filters whether I click on a different cmdButton or an optionButton. I dont know why [cmbSearch].[OnClick] doesnt work.

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Modules & VBA :: OnClick To Requery A Combobox

Nov 5, 2013

I want a command button to "Requery" a combobox. the combobox uses a query to determine the records listed (it lists incomplete records). after completing the record, i'd like to hit a command button that will "requery" the combobox so that the recently completed record is no longer listed.

I tried this:


But the completed record was still listed.

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SetProperty Enabled Not Working For Second OnClick?

Oct 7, 2013

I have a form for creating a new database record for a list of "components".

One button "add_component" adds a new record.
One text input "component_input" allows you to enter in the "name" of the component.
One button "save_component" saves the record.

The component_input and save_component have their default "enabled" property set to "No" in their properties list.

I only want the component_input and save_component form objects to be enabled once the "add_component" button has been clicked. Once the "save_component" button is clicked, I want them to return to being disabled. This will prevent any accidental over-writing of records.

I have used "build event" for the "add_component" button...

if [macroError] <> 0 then
## errorMessage here ##
control name: component_input
property: enabled

[Code] ....

And then I have used "build event" for the "save_component" button...

if [macroError] <> 0 then
## errorMessage here ##
control name: component_input

[Code] ....

Now, this works when add_component is first clicked, however when I click save_component neither component_input or save_component become disabled again.

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VBA OnClick -- Prompting User For More Than One Required Field

Jun 21, 2005

I'm using VBA to prompt users for two required fields. One I can do, but with more than one I get into issues like only 1 message box appearing at a time. If both fields are blank I want both messages to appear. Here's my code, it's in an On click function:

If IsNull(req_file_num) = True Then
MsgBox "Required field: File #. The appropriate file number must be entered before this PO's status can be changed to Filed."
GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2
End If

If Not [req_filed_date] Then
[req_process_status_rec_id] = 8

MsgBox "Your changes have been processed. This purchase order now has a status of Filed."
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_req_file"
GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2
Else: MsgBox "Required field: File Date. The appropriate date must be entered before this PO's status can be changed to Filed."
GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2

End If

End Sub

I realize that it only shows one message box because I have the GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2 command, but I couldn't figure out how else to keep it from continuing through the code. If both "req_file_num" and "req_filed_date" are null, then I don't want the "req_process_status_rec_id" to change to 8 and have the form close.

Thanks for your help!

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