Onclick Setiing Field Color

Dec 20, 2006

How do I use onclick to change the background color of a field in a form? and to return the field background color when the field is not selected?


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Editing A Field OnClick In A Form

Jul 26, 2005

I have a button in a form that needs to change the text in a field named idStatus from "Assigned" to "Returned"

I have tried using an expression like this "[Form]![Field]=12" in the OnClick spot but it returned an error. There is no "custom made" wizard for this and my VB skills are lacking.

Once again, thanks! (I know I post alot but this forum is amazing!)

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OnClick Field Input Date

May 19, 2006

Hi All
Does anybody have or know how to make a field so when its clicked it will enter todays date, the default value =date() is not an option either.

Thanks for any help

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VBA OnClick -- Prompting User For More Than One Required Field

Jun 21, 2005

I'm using VBA to prompt users for two required fields. One I can do, but with more than one I get into issues like only 1 message box appearing at a time. If both fields are blank I want both messages to appear. Here's my code, it's in an On click function:

If IsNull(req_file_num) = True Then
MsgBox "Required field: File #. The appropriate file number must be entered before this PO's status can be changed to Filed."
GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2
End If

If Not [req_filed_date] Then
[req_process_status_rec_id] = 8

MsgBox "Your changes have been processed. This purchase order now has a status of Filed."
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_req_file"
GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2
Else: MsgBox "Required field: File Date. The appropriate date must be entered before this PO's status can be changed to Filed."
GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2

End If

End Sub

I realize that it only shows one message box because I have the GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2 command, but I couldn't figure out how else to keep it from continuing through the code. If both "req_file_num" and "req_filed_date" are null, then I don't want the "req_process_status_rec_id" to change to 8 and have the form close.

Thanks for your help!

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Forms :: Using OnClick Event To Open Query Text Displayed In Form Field?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a table that holds the SQL texts for ca. 1000 Select queries (mostly minor variants that are used to programmatically swap out RowSource strings for combo boxes). I'd like to have a quick and easy way to open/review/modify these queries.

One strategy would be to display the SQL strings in a field on a Datasheet form, then use an onClick event on a text box linked to the SQL-holding field (or perhaps an onClick event tied to an unbound text box on the form) to open the associated query. That would allow me to view the SQL of the query that I want to open, allow me to quickly scroll through the list of stored SQL texts, and give me options for sorting or limiting the SQL-texts displayed in the datasheet form.

But, I can't seem to get the onClick event to work. The problem seems to be that I can't figure out how to pass the SQL string contained in the field to a function that will use that string to open the query .

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Form - Selecting Label OnClick Does Not Recognize Changed Form Field?

Feb 5, 2015

Access 2007
Unbound Form

I have a onclick tied to a label (for decoration purposes) that when clicked it launches VBA that essentially updates a form. All that part works except it will not recognize any changed value of the field I was last in?

Just to try to explain best as I can what happens.

- Form gets opened
- I change field (quantity field)
- I click the Label
- It reverts to pre-existing value.

if I click off of the text field first then do the onclick - it recognizes just fine.

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Change Field Color

Dec 5, 2006

I have a similar problem, I'm fairly new to ACCESS and am learning it is vastly different than EXCEL that we use (we are upgrading to ACCESS to track our "in" and "out". I have set up a ACCESS database to track our barge loading and pumping, on the delay we enter reason for the delay but if no delay occurs it is left blank. How can I get the field to change colors if information is entered and left alone if none is entered.
Quote: Originally Posted by shamrog12 Make sure to dim recItem1Value and backg in the appropriate area

Try this:
Code:<%recItem1Value = lcase(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)backg = ""Select Case recItem1Value Case "x" backg = " style=""background-color:red;"" " Case Else backg = ""End Select%><!-- whatever code here... //--><td<%=backg%> nowrap><input name="txtField1" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)%>" size="4"></td>

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Forms :: Memo Field Has Color

Jan 14, 2015

I have just noticed that one of my forms (memo field) with copied text from internet has lots of different color letters when the text is highlighted.

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Change The Back Color Of An Active Field

Jan 11, 2005

Is there a way to change the back color of an active field in a form? Meaning, when I tab through my form and the field I tab to becomes active, the field turns white. This poses a problem because my form back color is black and my field text is white. When the field is active, I can't see the value in the field due to the back color defaulting to white. Does this make sense? Is there a way to change it?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Field Color

Apr 16, 2014

I would like to have a conditional formating colour of green if the field contains a value like 10%..If the field has no value and is blank there will not be any background color change

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Forms :: Changing Row Color Depending On Value Of A Field?

Sep 24, 2013

I have this code that should change backgroundcolor in multiple items form based on a value of a field:

Private Sub Form_Current()
'check if field on form called somefield is DVD
If Me.TYPE.Value = "DVD" Then
Detail.BackColor = vbRed 'DVD
Detail.BackColor = 16777215 'BOOK
End If
End Sub

But it does not work, what can I do?

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Modules & VBA :: Edit Font Color Based On Field Value & Age

Mar 4, 2015

I am attempting to adjust the font color of a date field on a report based on the value of two other fields. I have the below code set in the "On Format" property of my detail section - however it does not work when I open the report to view.

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Me.Frequency = "Annually" Then
If Me.ClassDate < (DateAdd("yyyy", -1, Date)) Then
Me.ClassDate.ForeColor = vbRed
End If
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Color Text Field Based On Value Of Combo Box

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table named ColorValues with the following three fields:

- ID
- MunsellCode
- RGBValue

30 fields from another table called Color_Analysis are linked to the above with one to many relationships (I've already thought of other ways to normalize data, but this is the most efficient, so no need to go into this topic).

Now, I've constructed a form for Color_Analysis and all 30 fields recording color are included as combo boxes bounded on the ID in ColorValues and displaying the MunsellCode for the user. I've also created unbounded text fields next to the combo boxes and want to use them to display the color that the user selected in the ComboBox. The question is how do I do this?

Essentially I need a piece of code that picks up the value of the combo box (this is essentially the ID in ColorValues), looks up that value in the ID column of the ColorValues table and uses the corresponding RGBValue of the same table as the .BackColor for the unbounded text field.

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Reports :: Change Text Of A Field To Blue Color If A Certain Condition Is Met

Oct 8, 2014

I have a report which I would like to change the text of a field blue if a certain condition is met. What I want to happen on this report is if a specific field has an "Active" - then it will be in Blue text, otherwise it is in black text.

I have gone into the report ->in the Details section -> put a procedure in the On Format event. The code I have been trying is:

If Analysis_Status = Active Then
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Change Color Of Substring In Rich Text Field

Aug 14, 2013

I'm using Access 2010. I'm passing a string into the OpenArgs of my report - works fine. In the report there are 3 rich text fields which may contain the text I passed in, and if so I want to change the color of that text to red so it stands out.

The value passed to the report changes so I'll need to use VBA in the detail's format section to check each of the 3 rich text fields.

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General :: Access 2010 - Can Field (Color) On A Form Be Set To Combo Box

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to have a field (Color) on a form be set to a combo box. A drop-down box appears with Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Other. When other is selected a dialog box prompt appears asking the user to enter the color. The response is then what appears in the Color field.

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Changing Text Color In Access Table Data Field

Oct 31, 2013

I'm trying to change Selected text color in an Access data Field. I want the change to be permanent and show up in reports.

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Change Field Background Color Based On Query Results

Jun 24, 2014

I would like to change the background color of a field that is the result of a Unique Values query. I am trying to get a list of invoices where all the line items are approved. I can't seem to get it to work the way I want because if even one invoice line item is approved it will show up as approved.

Is there a way to change the background color of the invoice field to red if ANY of the Approved line items are = False

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Reports :: Change Font Color Based On True / False Value Of Another Field

Jun 28, 2013

In access report, I'm trying to change color of text in specific records based on the true/false value in another record. Works in forms using conditional formatting, but won't seem to work in a report.

Here's what works in forms : IIf([2009 Symposium]=true, forecolor=255 ....this changes the records to red.

But using the same expression in a report doesn't change the text color.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting - Rows To Be Of Specific Color Based On Value In 1 Field

Jul 24, 2014

I have a report that I would like to have the rows be a specific color based on the value in 1 field on the row.

I have attempted to use conditional formatting but it will not work (IE, I can get font color to change, but not field boxes to have color).

The field is labeled [text144] based on the value in the field (1,2, or 3) I would like the field to be a different color.
3 = green
2 = yellow
1 = red

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Forms :: Continuous Form - One Field Change Background Color / Current Record

Jul 28, 2014

in a continuous form i want to click on one record and have the one field change the background colour to highlight it. When I use the code: Field. BackColor = vbYellow it changes the background on all the records. Is there a code to say only for the record with focus?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Changing Field Color Based On Hours Passed

Jan 7, 2015

I'm having a spot of trouble trying to get conditional formatting to work. I have an overview form which displays current quotes going through the system, the QuoteStartTime field is generated from the Now() command.I Would like if possible to show, 1 hour = Green, 2 hours = Amber and 3+ hours Red.

I've tried variations of

I've done this before with a date only field before, but working with time is taking too much time.

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Little Onclick Issue..

Mar 25, 2005

Ok, I know this is a very simple question..and most people's reactions (including mine) would be to say "Try the search button" or some such thing..so I would just like to say I have tried and could not find the answer >.<

I have a subform with 5 fields displaying information on a specific customers service tickets... I am attempting to use OnClick to open a new form with the information in the ServiceID field used as a filter...so when ya click on a service id number it opens a new form with all fields for that service ticket visible.

I know this has to be a very simple question, but I am just finishing with a basic access class in college and trying to expand into the areas they failed to cover, thnks in advance >.<

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Button And OnClick Event

Oct 2, 2006

Attached is a project I am working on. It's a personal reminder program. The problem I am having is that when I enter the actual completion date at the bottom and click on the "Complete Task" button, I want the record to be copied to the History table, then the Start Date and Due Dates reset based on the Frequency. If someone could look at the On Click event procedure for this button and help me get this fixed, I would appreciate it very much. I don't know much about VB or SQL coding.


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Onclick Witha Combo Box

Jun 13, 2005

hi again folks!

i was wondering since i am not so good at VB, if you can help me out with this one problem i have.

i haver this combo box, and i have 2 items listed in it, and when i highlight the correct code, i want the CMD button to open up the correct form page.

i know it goes someting like this but i do not know the correct syntax.

Code:Private Sub Command31_Click()if [you choose this list], [open Form1]Elseif [you choose this list], [open form2]End Sub

I just need help with the syntax

Pleas help Me!

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Onclick Even Doesnt Work In Tab Controls?

May 2, 2005

I have a tab control with buttons nested inside of it calling to open a form - but when I go to test the buttons, they do not open the form that the wizard selected. I get the error message: invalid outside procedure. If i copy the button into the main portion of the form outside of the tab control - it seems to work. Any ideas would help. Thanks again!

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