One Form Maximized & One A Set Size

Dec 14, 2005

Good Afternoon,

I am writting a database and i am have difficulties with forms.

What i need to do is have one form (Main) maximized and the other windows set to a standard size, the main form is always visible the others need to be opened and closed via buttons on the main form and sub forms.

I am not sure if this can be done so any help would be good.

Alastair Lane:eek:

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Form Always Open Maximized?

Sep 19, 2004


Does anyone know how I can make a form always open maximized?


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Maximized Form Appears To Unmaximize Itself

Mar 19, 2007

I bet this is a simple one.

I have a form with the on Load command


On this form I have a button to open another form, this works fine. On the second form I have a button to close the form. When I press this it closes, and the first form is still there which is what I want, but somewhere along the line it has unmaximised itself and is about half the desired size. Basically I want it to stay Maximized the whole time it is open.

The way I can think to get round this is to close and re-open the forms as I navigate through them but just wondering why this is occuring?

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Maximized Form Changes To Restore Mode

Sep 12, 2005


I have a db app that has all forms maximized continually (I have set the vba code to do so on Open, Close and GotFocus events). From my app Home Page form the user can browse to other forms in the db. When another form is opened the window automaically maximizes. However, when the user navigates back to the Home Page it goes in restore mode. I haven't told it to do this anywhere. I have also tried saving the form stretched out to fit the full screen, so that if it goes into restore mode it at least still fills the screen, but it still reverts to a restored window (about half the screen). It doesn't matter what configuration I use in the AutoResize, AutoCenter properties either.

I have been developing custom db apps in Access for over 8 years. However, this seems to be a stupid (albeit simple) problem that is annoying me. I currently use Access 2003 and this issue is new (or so I believe since I never ran into the problem in previous versions).

Any ideas?


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Maximized Form Coming 'unstuck'

Aug 15, 2006

Thanks if anyone can offer a suggestion, I cannot find a similar problem described on the forum.

I have a form which runs at startup maximised. Pop-up and Modal are set to 'NO', Auto Resize and Center are also set to 'NO', Border style has been set to various settings, and Moveable has also been tried at 'YES' and 'NO'.

A command button on this form opens another form with the same settings which I want to take the original form's 'place' in the application window.

This all works fine, just that when I close the second window (using DoCmd.Close), the original window is then no longer maximised underneath it. I want to make sure certain windows are maximised at all times.

I know I could hack this with a DoCmd.Maximise somewhere, (or by switiching to full Pop-up/Modal mode and hiding the Application window) but the results of these are all a bit of a hack.

Can anyone shed light on the mysteries of Access's default form maximisation behaviour?

Or does anyone do what I have described successfully?

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Forms :: Main Menu Form Not Maximized?

Apr 25, 2014

I have a front end that I have distributed to four users. The front end sits on a shared drive and when I make design changes I just replace it and have the users copy it over to their desktops.

I set up a main menu for them to access the various forms, reports, etc. When I first open the front end on my desktop the main menu form is small and not taking up the entire screen. I put the cmd.maximize command in the on open event and still does not maximize the form when I open the database. I tried to size it and saved changes but still not working.

I just did a share session with a user and she opened the form and it was maximized on her desktop.

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Forms :: Restore Button Available When Form Is Maximized

Jun 6, 2013

I'm using overlapping forms in my Access 2010 database.

When the form(s) open I want them maximized and I don't want the restore buttons to be available.

I have the Min Max Buttons set to None.

I have DoCmd.Maximize in the On Load.

I want the border style set to thing.

Is there any way to prevents the Restore button to be enabled?

I open the first form it's maximized as per the DoCmd.Maximize in the On Load. I then open another form (which has nothing to do with the first form) and it opens maximized. When I close the second form the first form is no longer maximized, it's restored.

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Query Opens Maximized.

Mar 5, 2007

Greetings all.
I've got a minor housekeeping issue with my db that I can't seem to crack.

The db opens to the main form, which has a boat-load of control buttons that open a variety of forms and reports and 1 query.

The problem is that when you select the button that opens the simple query, the query opens in maximized view and then when folks want to close it, they often end up closing the whole db, instead of just the query. (Using the right corner X.)

I'd like to open it about half screen or so, to avoid the accidental closing of the whole database.

I can open the query directly or from the macro and in both instances it opens up the correct window size. But when I use the button it opens maximized.

I've searched the code, can't find any reference to maximize.
Can't find anything in the button properties that would cause it.

Any idea why this is happening or how to get around it? It's probably something simple, but then, so am I. (hehehehe)



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I Want Switchboard Maximized, But Having Trouble?

Oct 28, 2005

Hi All,

I want to load switchboard in maximum view only, but all other forms in a popup like format.
I have the Swithboard_On-Load, docmd.maximize, but when I select a menu item from switchboard that form opens in max-view. If I make that form Popup=Yes, it works, but then any command button [printview] will bring up a form behind the "popup" form.
How can I get just the switchboard to stay in max-view only?

I don't want to have to modify all forms and reports so that "popup"=Yes

Any suggestions.


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Large Field Size = Larger Overall Database Size?

Aug 29, 2005

Will keeping your field size shorter result in a smaller MDB file?

Or does Access only use as much space as there is real data in its fields.

Way back in the dBASE III days, dBASE would pad all your "real" information with as many spaces as necessary to fill up your field. I suspect that the MDB structure is probably smarter than that.

Another question on the same topic - I believe there is a maximum number of characters in a record (4000?). Can your field sizes add up to more than 4000, as long as the actual data, all combined, never totals 4000...?

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General :: How To Make Form Controls Change Size / Position As Form Is Resized

Jul 24, 2013

how to make my form controls change size / position as my form is resized / loaded on a computer with a different resolution. Several of the tutorials out there suggest putting code on the "on resize" property of the form. When I looked at the Northwind database to try to mimic their code however, it looks like they must be doing something different as there is no on resize code under the form properties and I was unable to find the code they do use.

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Form Size

May 4, 2005

hi all

i am new to access.I have a continous form with lots of coloumns.Is there a maximum size defined by access .

I checked this on the forms properties ..its showing the width for the form as 22".i tried to increase this but everytime it sets to this value.

Is there any way i can do this.


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Trying To Set Form Size

Aug 15, 2006

I am trying to set the form size through VBA code when the form loads.
I have autoresize set to No and then run this:
DoCmd.MoveSize 100, 100, 100, 100

...except nothing seems to happen. The form is still maximised.

Any ideas?

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Form Popup Size

Feb 23, 2005


All my popup forms come up at the wrong size. I have popup = yes, modal = yes, border = dialogue box settings. I have tried this with both autoresize on and off. One form comes up to small and one comes up to big. I've tried changing the size of the form in design mode, but this has no effect.

Could someone please help me pls?


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Form Size When Opened

Jan 18, 2006

Is there a way I can make a form open to maximum size to fill the work area without click the forms Max button


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How To Maintain Form Size

Mar 9, 2006

I have used the docmd.restore when closing a maximized report to keep the form from maximizing... but when I view a data sheet from my form then close the data sheet my form is maximized! Any help out there??:(

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Setting On-screen Form Size

Jul 14, 2005

Could somebody please tell me how to set the size that my form will appear when loaded, because it's really annoying me trying to get them to appear at the size I want.

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How Do I Lengthen Form Page Size?

Sep 5, 2005

I am adding fields to my form in Design View and I need to lengthen the page to make more room. Up until now, no problem, but now I am at 22 inches long and it will not expand any farther. I have just been grabbing the little bar at the bottom of page and pulling it longer, but now it has quit and won't let me make it longer. Is there a setting somewhere where I can make it so it can go longer. Surely Access doesn't limit your form page length to only 22 inches does it? Thanks!

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Problem Setting A Size Of The Form

Nov 23, 2005

Hi guys

In my database I have a main form and depending on the options chosen on this form other forms will pop up on the screen.

I want the main form to cover the whole page therefore in the On Open event I have used the Docmd.Maximize function. The problem is that after this point all the other forms will maximize once they are open! How can I stop the pop up forms from maximizing and make them open in a specific size? What code can I use for this?


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Form Size And Display Issues

Dec 28, 2005


I have designed a bunch of forms that the user will access through the Switchboard. Things are working fine except that when I deployed the application to a different machine from mine, the forms appear to not display properly in the sense that they are appearing too big and the user needs to scroll horizontally to see it completely (which was not the case in my machine).

So, I just want to know if there is a setting that enables the forms to resize per the machine being dipalyed on or if I should have designed the form within a particular size that ensures that they displayed properly in most machine (fyi, most of my forms had a total horizontal width of about 9 on the horizontal ruler in form design view).

Any guidance is much appreciated. thanks.

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Forms :: Controlling Form Size?

Feb 2, 2015

I have one form "Products" that I have a button on which opens up another form. The second form lists a different number of lines depending on how many items are in a group.

The problem I am having is that I can not make the second form shrink or grow depending on how many line items I have in each group. Currently, I have to make the form as large as the most possible lines I could have (which is 19) but sometimes I might only have 5 lines in a form.

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Return Size Of A File In Form Text Box

Feb 17, 2005

A quick question that I'm sure one of you guys will be able to answer without any trouble, but I'm having difficulty with...

I have a form on which I would like to have a text box which returns the size of a file on my PC. The file path will not change.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Button Face / Form Size Questions

Apr 20, 2005

1st of all let me say hi (newbie on this forum)

2nd: i started doing access about 3 weeks ago. and 90% of my knowledge goes to this forum. ur just great guys (or woman, if any here). cograts. (well to brag a bit, i made a form, subform table on it, can use checkboxes to filter data on the table (4 checkboxes), can add open a new form and add the data while the table subform is refreshed,etc... and like i said, i got it 90% from this forum). Who's da man?? YOU ARE!

3: my problems:
a) i want to either:
- change a face (pictucture) on mouseover or onclick
- use a picture for a button and change it on mouseover or onclick

b) i want to set a default size for my forms. now the problems are:
- the unists are in centimeters (or inches). i want pixels. screensize is in pixels so it's easier to adjust the form that way. i know that if i type for ex. 400px and move away it is converted to px, but is displayed in cm. any way to use px as default display units?

- the form has the size of the whole window instead of just the grid. what's the trick? (i mean if i say 400px, the grid is 400px. but if i have a gray area 200px more (design view), then when the form is opened, it will be 600px). huh?

c) can i get rid of the scrollbars if i don't need them? and they will auto appear when needed.

Thanks for the answers. And again, even if i don't get any, this forum is by far the best. (well for access anyway ;)

d) is there a "mailto" function i can run with onclick [command button]?

Bye for now

(oh you can reply here or by mail:

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Changing Form Size According To Screen Resolution

Oct 13, 2005

Hello this is my first post in the definetely best Access & VBA forum on the net and i hope i am in the correct forum to ask this.
I would like to know if there is any way in access to change the size of the for my users view according to their screen's resolution.
E.g. i am creting the form using 1280 x 1024 resolution and my users have 1024 x 768 resolution how go i make the form adapt to their res.
Thanks for any replies :D

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Sub Form Increase In Size Depending On Data

Sep 29, 2006

I have a main form with a few imbedded sub forms.
Sometimes these is a great deal of data in one of the sub forms & non in the others.
Is there a way that the sub forms can grow depending on the amount of data there is in each particular sub form. (The sub form grows for a lot of data & shrinks for little data)
The way I have it now is that each sub form is always the same size and a scroll bar appears when these is extra data. This is OK but I need to see all data in sub forms at once if possible.
Can anyone help with ideas please?

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Help Needed To Change Form Size/resolution

May 2, 2005

I hope I can explain this clearly.
I have a subform that has a lot of information and I was wondering
if there is a way to make the subform appear as if one turned up the
resolution, thus making it's contents smaller, allowing me to pack more info
in it. I would love to leave the size of the main form alone.
I'm using Access 2000.
The sub form is currently displayed as datasheet.

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