Only Showing The Avg Result For Fields-report

Jun 12, 2006

Please help

I have created a database to track student grades. I have made a report that shows the different grades for each criteria of each unit but, because the students get to do the unit many times it shows the same criteria many times on the report. What I want to do is have the report show only the best grade for each criteria.

i also want to be able to work out the average grade for each unit from the best grade for each criteria and store this for use in another table.

If you require more info i would be happy to supply this. Thanks

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Reports :: Open A Report But Only Showing The Result Of One Record In A Sub Form?

Jun 21, 2013

i want to open a report but only showing the result of one record in a sub form,

i have a field that is on all rows of the subform,[click to run] and what i want the user to be able to do is double click on this field and it will open the report with only the record information for that row displayed.

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Do Not Report If All Fields Showing An N

Jul 28, 2005

:p Hello,

I am wondering if anyone can help me create a query (which is used as a basis for a report) using a criteria which is clever enough to know that if all fields are have an N (no) that a report should not be generated - but with anything else e.g. all Y's or a mixture of Y's and N's that a report will be printed. There are 6 columns where there could be a Y (yes) or an N (no) and I would really like to know if this is possible in access??


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Showing A String Query Result In A Subform

Sep 19, 2005

I have a dinamic SQL string built by a function, and i want to assign it to a query to show it in a subform.
Here are the names.

Form FrmServiciosAfectados
Subform subFrmcnsServiciosAfectados
Query cnsServiciosAfectados
Built SQL String strSQLPuertosCanales

Please help me with code.

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Forms :: Controls Disappeared After Showing Blank Result

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form with a query assigned to it . it has also some controls to filter the data when i filter the data and there are any relevantr data for the results the form shows nothing for the query and it's true but the controls will be disappeared and i have to go out from the form and come in again to be able to filter the query again.

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Result In Query Not Showing Because Field Not Filled In (Joined Tables)

Apr 23, 2014

I have a query, that I have a criteria to show appointments in the past (< Date()) but one result doesn't show up although the appointment end date is a past date, it only shows up when I fill in a field that is in another table that is joined and part of the query. But there's no criteria there for it to not be null.

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Fields Not Showing On Form

Aug 15, 2006

I have created a form off a query. I made the form for adding new records only. When i bring up the form it is blank, the labels and fields don't even show. Anyone know why this is?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Report Showing Num Due To Zero Values

Jan 2, 2014

I have a report that is returning percentages based upon other calculated fields. Some of the percentage fields are showing #Num on the report. I've found this is due to one of the calculated values being zero.

3 Fields used:

Field: Qty
Total: Sum

Field: InitQty
Total: Sum

Field: OrderQty: Sum([Qty]-[InitQty])
Total: Expression

I need two more fields to return percentages based off of those 3 fields. This is what I started out with:

Field: InStock: [SumOfInitQty]/[SumOfQty]
Total: Expression

Field: Ordered: [OrderQty]/[SumOfQty]
Total: Expression

This works great until the query returns one that has sum of qty equal to zero. So this is what I've tried:

Field: InStock: IIf(Nz([SumOfInitQty],0),0,[SumOfInitQty]/[SumOfQty])
Total: Expression

Seems like it should work but its still showing #Num when I run the query.

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Show Query Result In Form Fields

Aug 23, 2006

i'm a begginer at access, so please excuse me if this question is very basic.
i have a multiple table select query which shows me which user has which piece of a equipment at that given time.
I also have a form that logs any problems the users have with the equipment, what i want that form to do is show the results of the query based on inputting the users name. ie put the serial number and model number into the relevent fileds on the form.
I can get the form to run the query but that just shows it in the query window, i need it to show on the correct feilds on the form.

Hope that makes sense and that somebody can help me.



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Reports :: Adding Query Result To A Report

Sep 16, 2013

I have a report (report1) which is based on a single query (query1).

There is a second query (query2) which returns just a single value (say 100) and I want the result of the query2 to appear at the bottom of the report1. The query2 is not related to the query1 so I cannot join them.

When I insert a text box in the report1 and choose the query2 from the control source Access gives the error, "The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize '' as a valid field name or expression".

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Open Report Based On List Box Result?

Oct 24, 2013

I am trying to setup a button that will open a report on click. The catch is that the report name is coming from a query result that is populated into a list box. The way it works the list box will never have more than one result so by default it will always house the name of the report appropriate to a chosen client. I would like to do it this way so that I don't have to clutter up the from with extra buttons all pointing to specific reports.

I found some references to this in this forum, including the example listed below, but I have been unsucessful in making work so I assume that I am entering wrong, entering it the wrong place or maybe the code is incomplete. Unfortunately I am a complete novice to Access VBA so I am still learning how it all works together.

List box name is BillingFormat

The first of 5 reports is named Standard Billing

So in the form I enter the client number and BillingFormat is auto populated with Standard Billing

I tied the button to this code: DoCmd.OpenReport Me.BillingFormat, acPreview

The results I was looking for was for the report named Standard Billing would open. The first way I set it up nothing happened not even any errors. The other way threw an error stating it did not recognize DoCmd as a valid function.

what I am doing wrong?

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Not Showing Blank Values On A Report

May 3, 2005


Each client has either an entry with a correspondence number or a notes number. So, the table would look somewhat like this:

Client: 333, Correspondence: 1, Notes: Blank
Client: 333, Correspondence: 2, Notes: Blank
Client: 333, Correspondence: Blank, Notes: 3
Client: 333, Correspondence: Blank, Notes: 4

How would I make a report that will make it look like this

Client: 333, Correspondence: 1, Notes: 3
Client: 333, Correspondence: 2, Notes: 4

Thanks! Hope that was clear.


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Report Not Showing Requested Totals

Jun 24, 2005

Dear All:

I am totally clueless on this one. Here is the statement I am using in a textbox in a report:

=DCount("[Transcript_type]","[Diplomas_requested_per_month]","[Transcript_type]='Official copy'")

This report is based on a query. The query is called "Diplomas_requested_per_month". The fields in the query are: "Transcript_type" and "Request_date". In this query there is Between [Start Date] And [End Date].

I am attempted to count the number of "Official Copy" for a specified month.

I am propted to input the start date and ending date, it works great when I run the query. But in the report, I get a "#error".

I am thankful for who have responded to the previous posting of this issue, but I am completely lost.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Reports :: Report Showing Primary Key But Not Value?

Apr 21, 2013

I have a query that runs - off the back of this, a report. The query will show a name eg dave however the report will show Daves unique key (eg 3) and not just say dave how do I sort this?

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Count Blank Fields Then Output Result To Form

Mar 18, 2007

Hi Have scoured the forum and have found people with a similar problem, but I just can't seem to get my head round this.

Basically I have a table with various fields, one of these fields is a sign off field where the user enters their name once the record has been reviewed.

I want to count all the records that do not have a name entered in this particular field thus are null/blank. I then want this figure to appear on a form thus representing the total number of records still to be reviewed.

I have tried doing this with various methods with no joy.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Queries :: Calculate Multiple Fields For One Result - Callsign

Feb 21, 2015

I have never created a single query that is this complicated.

I have a time card database that I created back in 2003 and over the years more and more new task have been added to track volunteer hours has been incorporated into it.

The current task at hand is to determine if each member has achieved or meet certain requirements each year.
They are attend 8 or more meeting and check into 5 or more nets and be Net Control Operator for at least 1 radio net and be involved with 1 or more Public Service events. Sounds simple right?

I have a table that contains all the information that is need to get the result I want but am having a problem getting that result with a single SQL query. Everyone you talk to says use SQL query to obtain calculated vales and never store/save them.

So from the work table below meetings consist of 4,5,6,8,9 and nets consist of 10,11,14,15 and events consist of 2, 13 and the NCOflag is T/F.

So those are all the parts, count the number of meetings, nets, events and NCO and set the meets requirement flag T/F
I keep getting "You tried to execute a query that does not include the in specified expression <name> as part of an aggregate function. (Error 3122)"

In this case it keeps complaining Callsign.

You did not enter an aggregate function in the TRANSFORM statement.

Here's the statement I created:

SELECT [Work Hours].Callsign, [Work Hours].[Work Code], [Work Hours].NCOflag,[Work Hours].SubMtg, [Work Hours].SubNet, [Work Hours].SubNCO, [Work Hours].SubEvnt, [Work Hours].ReqSubTotal
FROM [Work Hours]
WHERE (((Year([Date Worked]))=(Year(Date()))))

[Code] .....

It is failing on the first HAVING (([Work Hours].SubMtg) =Sum(). I have tried many variations and changes but don't see what is wrong with it.

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Queries :: Search With Multiple Fields Result From Query

Dec 26, 2013

I want to make a form which will allow me to get data from a query and search using 3 fields parallel.

Attached the database in 2010 format.

Password of the db is "nolimit".

The query PTM & Equipment should be bound with the form and

If I enter month, PTM and equipment need rest 2 fields displayed.

Like choosing the above 3 fields from the drop down , the next 2 text box should display the rest two fields.

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Query Fields Not Showing In Expression Builder Or Elsewhere

Mar 14, 2008

In Expression Builder and other areas of Access where the fields of a query show, my fields are not showing anymore for any of my queries. Does anyone have a solution for this?


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Hiding Or Showing Input Fields And Formatting.

Apr 30, 2008

Firstly, thanks to everyone for help so far. My first access project in a proffessional environment has been successful and mostly down to the people who have helped me here. I know i didnt really do it all myself but i have learned things that will hopefully serve me well going forward!

Secondly, i apologise for the ambiguously titled thread, i'll explain what i mean.

Basically i have my form that looks like the below

What i'm trying to do, is make the questions below ("Risk in Authority" and "If Not, Risk Referred?") hidden, unless the answer to "Are All Policies Acceptable?" is No.

I have managed to make it happen, but it's far from perfect. As below:

I'd set the value for Visible to No in the properties for every object in the Questions (the pretty boxes are all named things like Box123 and Label 53, all set to hidden). Then i set the "On Click" event of the No in "Are All Policies Acceptable" (called Option168) to

Me.Box60.Visible = True
Me.Box121.Visible = True
Me.Box122.Visible = True

and so on.

This works ok, but if you click on the same option twice it reverses the action.

Is there a more effective way of doing this? maybe through Validation?

Thanks for any help once again. (I've also recommended this board to a couple of guys in the office who are already proficient with Access and SQL who can hopefully contribute to the community )

Edit: As an Addendum - this formattign should only apply to one record at a time. So if the question are visible on record 1, they could still be hidden on record 2. If that's even possible.

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Forms :: Fields Not Showing With ODBC Tables

Aug 8, 2013

I Created a form and linked it to a ODBC table with no data. Set the Allow Additions property to Yes. It shows fine if there is data in the table but not when there is no data.

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Showing A Week Of Data In A Report Chart

Sep 27, 2004

Colm and Baxter, you've been great helps to me so far, and I will include you in the special thanks in my programming credits. I ask your help once more-

My program tracks how many calls are received per day at the office. I have a report showing a chart (thank goodness for wizards ) that lists the calls per day. This all works fine, and I was extremely proud of myself for doing so. However, after thinking about it, I realized that after a while, my client might not care to see ALL of the calls per day ALL of the time, and might wish to see maybe a week's worth or a month's worth at a time. I was thinking I could solve this by using a form to enter "from" and "to" information, but I'm not quite sure how to apply this so it would work with my report.

Also, if I can get this to work, on this same form I would like to have an option field that the user can select so that the usual options (today, this week, this month, this year, all) require only a click, rather than having to figure out what days are in this week (a tedious task, I know, but we're going for efficiency here ) but they also have the option of seeing specific dates they want.

The fields that I'm using for this are very simple- tblCustomer.CallDate and tblCustomer.LeadType, where CallDate is just a date and LeadType is a string from a lookup table that is either "Call-in" (the one I'm tracking) or "In-field".

I know this sounds like a lot of coding, but I'm sure if you could get me started, I could figure out the rest myself. It's just that the way Access does dates is so confusing to me, and I have midterms coming up and not a lot of time to figure this out by myself from scratch. Anyways, thanks for your help in advance!


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Reports :: Subreport Not Showing On Main Report

Jan 12, 2015

I have a main report with one subreport. The main report contains details of a payment being made to a supplier. There is the total amount being paid, and the cheque number being transferred. There is also a field called payref which is made invisible. This is used to link up with the subreport. The amount is the total of several invoices for which payment is being made.

The subreport contains details of each of a number of the invoices being settled. The subreport is linked to the main report via a common field called pay-ref, and the subreport is 'visible'. The subreport prints when placed in the page header section of the main report. However when there is a large number of invoices being shown in the subreport only a certain number appear. It appears that the subreport can only hold a certain number.

When the subreport is put, as it should, in the detail section of the main report, it does not appear at all in the main report. I have no clue why and I have made several reports like this one before.

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Forms :: Showing A Formatted Field In A Report?

Jun 16, 2015

I am trying to show the Current Repair Estimate total in currency form on my report. The attachment shows my criteria, which works on the query, but does not show in the report. The second attachment shows what pops up when I try to view the report. What can I do to get this current rep estimate to show correctly in currency form on the report?

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Reports :: Report Showing Data From Previous Run?

Feb 9, 2015

I have a REPORT containing 7 ('columnar') subreports. Each subreport is to show showing a days worth of medical doses.... to visually represent a wall planner.

When the report loads - user enters a week value # via Inputbox(). This value is written to a TEMP table. Each subreport accesses this same TEMP table to retrieve the week # value. In the Recordsource for each subreport I have the following code :


... where the DayVal goes from 1...7 corresponding to the columnar position of each subreport on the display ie. for each day of the week.

The problem I am having is that when the report runs - I see the display showing the data from when the report was previously run. ie. I have to run the report twice to see the data for the correct week value entered. All the SQL works as expected when I run from Query view but when I run through VBA..

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Reports :: Check Boxes Showing On Report

Apr 22, 2015

On design, layout and report view, everything looks exactly how I want it. However, when I display it in Print Preview mode, checkboxes appear about the Project Name.There's nothing in my report to show that I have these checkboxes on the report. Where these could be coming from and why they only show in the Print Preview layout?

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Reports :: None Of Query Data Showing On Report?

Mar 6, 2014

I created a Report from a query. The query shows the correct data that should be on the Report. I created the report to sort by Field A and then sum Fields D, E, & F. None of the query data shows up on the Report. I;m stymied as to why I can see data on a query, but the ONLY data that shows up on the Report is Field A. None of the summations show. All are blank with the box outline.

I've created the report 3x thinking I did something incorrect. Whatever it is, I did it 3x!

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