Open A Form Without Any Data In It

Feb 9, 2005

I want to open a form so it is blank.

I have looked through old posts, and the only way I can see to do it is using:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

However, this is no good for me, as I dont want to allow data entry AND I have default values for one of the fields.

Is there a way to do this?


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Forms :: Open New Form With Record Data Sorted From Another Form?

Apr 2, 2014

I have a main form[frmResearchNotes] with combo box controls that filters a query populating [subfrmNotelist] containing several records from the filtered query. From there, I double click on a field within one of the remaining records, [CompanyName] for example, and it opens the new form[frmNoteDetail]. The problem is that second form is not displaying that selected record. The second form's record source has been set to the same query so when it loads, it displays the same info but it's displaying the 1st record out of the entire filtered list, not the record I clicked on in that list.

I figured I could use the strWhere function to copy the record I selected in the event procedure and then open the new form with those details. Not sure how to actually do this with VBA or if it's even the correct approach.

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Open Form And Pass Data

Apr 19, 2006

Hi All,

I should know how to do this but my brain has gone blank.

I have a form "frmMainClient" which has a field "account_no".

On the main form "frmMainClient" I have a command button which opens a pop up form ""frmJobNew" where I can enter a new job record. The "frmJobNew" form has a field "account_no".

I am trying to auto fill the "account_no" field with the data from the "frmMainClient" - "account_no" field and store the passed data when the record is saved.

I can pass the data using "=forms![frmMainClient]![account_no] in the "account_no" field on the "frmJobNew" but when I save the record the data is not saved.

Can anyone offer help, please

Many thanks.

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Open Form With Data In Field

Jul 4, 2006

I have tried searching, but have not foud anything that quite fits the bill for this.

I would like to add some code to my event procedure for opening my form so that when it opens a field has a value entered in it and then the record is saved.
My form name is frmCompanyClients based on tblCompanyClients and the field is ClientType (text box)

I don't want to use a default value as I want to change what goes into that field depending on user input on the Front Form.

I need to save the record as soon as that is done so that a Client_ID number is generated and my subforms can then be properly associated via the Client_ID field. I was having problems with unassociated records, and found out that it was because I was entering data into the subforms first and not any of the parent form's fields and so because no Client_ID was generated I was getting the lost records.


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Forms :: Using Data From Open Form To New Form

Feb 22, 2015

i have a form with automatic ID, i open new form and want this ID to be in a the new form's field , and when i add data in new form , that this data will be written in the table.when i use this command:=([Forms]![Field]![Table]) it shows the ID number in the new form, but when i click add data it add all input but the ID number.

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Using A Form Button To Open And Insert Data Into A Word Doc

May 12, 2006

Hi all,
Not sure if this is in the right section but heres my question.

How can i gett a button to open a word document and put in specific information. for example. to send a client a letter, the button would open a word doc with the specfic client data in it.

Also a button to start a mail merge with all client records held on the db.

Thanks for any help

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General :: Open Form And Auto Enter Data

Jun 22, 2014

So, I've got a frmCustomer and want to link the form to frmNewWorkOrder using a button.

More precisely when I choose/scroll to a customer and click the button "New work order" to autofill data from selected client from frmCustomerto frmNewWorkOrder (First and Last name, telephone number and client ID).

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Forms :: Data Input To Check And Open Second Form

May 15, 2013

I have a form called frmStartTimeEntry where a user inputs data using a barcode scanner. In this form there is a field called Part_No where after a value is inserted, I'd like the form to check if table_lines_per_part includes this part. If not found, then I'd like the form to open another form called frmLinesPerPart where the form would pull the same Part_No inserted in the previous form to fill in the Part_No field (which is hidden) and then the user would type in a qty for the LinesPerOrder. A user would then click a button btnOk to append this new record to table_lines_per_part and be returned to the frmStartTimeEntry to continue filling out the rest of the form.

This is the idea I have but I don't know how to code the part where the form checks after update if the part_no exists in the other table, nor how to capture the part_no to the other form and then append both the part_no and the lines per part to the other table.

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Tables :: How To Open Form Using Hyperlink Data Types

Jun 8, 2014

I create a table that have one hyperlink data type and i want to open a existing form that i created using this hyperlink.

Can this hyperlink data type open a form in the same access database? or open form in different access database?

Using hyperlink button have the function to open form in same database but the problem is this function is not available in hyperlink data type.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Form After INSERT INTO - Refresh Data In Table

Apr 16, 2014

Is there any possibilities to open form after INSERT INTO? I think Ms Access can't fast refresh data in the table after that, so form opens up clean:/

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblZlecenia (id_zlecenia_info, DataPrzyjecia) VALUES ('" & ostateczne & "', Date())"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
DoCmd.OpenForm "Formularz2", WhereCondition:="ID_Zlecenia=" & ostateczne

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Forms :: Open Form And Show Specific Data To Display

Apr 1, 2013

I have a form and this form shows some values from one table. One of the fields named as Key. I want to open another form and show the record that has the same value as Key.

I am able to make this with filter but the form opens and when the user navigates the record, it creates a duplicate value in related table.

I want to open form and find specific data to display and then stop at this record.

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Forms :: Access Will Not Open New Form With Specific Data Instead It Returns All

May 2, 2013

I am currently creating a database in a hierarchical system that is to be used by multiple users to enter information specific to them. The tables are arranged like this:


Theses are connected using primary ID's and Particular Entries in the next table so they form a hierarchy - when you expand owners it brings up a list of Modules attached to that owner, then expand each module and it brings up a list of tasks associated with that module, expand the task and it brings up a list of highlights associated with that task. This is all very straightforward of course but what I would like to do is create forms that basically match so that the users can navigate from their name, through their modules and tasks and then add highlights to each task.

For this I have been using continuous forms to list all the different entries and inserting a button in each entry that I would like to link to the next form and find the specific data, however when I try to do this the button always without fail will just return all the entries from the form rather than the specific ones requested. I set up the button using the wizard and select 'open form and find specific data' and then select two entries that are identical on each form. I have trawled the internet quite a bit to try and find why this is happening and have inserted various bits of code etc into the embedded macro in an attempt to make it work but to no avail.

I wonder if there is something I need to activate on the form that the button connects to aswel or if I need to connect these forms using the relationship that I used to connect the tables (I am still using a unique identifier).If I connect to a single form it will display the first entry on the list (and I can cycle through them all) on a continuous form it will display all entries starting with the first.I would like it to display all entries for the selected record on the form.

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Forms :: Data Not Updating When Open Form - Refresh Actions?

Jan 31, 2014

Test findings showed that when I open a form the data does not update. I added a refresh action after the openform action. If I want to open three forms via the macro, do I need three refresh actions, one after each openform action, or simply a single refresh action that would apply to all three forms.

Scenario 1:OpenForm1, Refresh, OpenForm2 Refresh, OpenForm3, Refresh
Scenario 2:OpenForm1, OpenForm2, OpenForm3, Refresh

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Command Button To Open Another Form - Matching Specific Data Fields

Aug 25, 2011

I have a subform in which I want to put in a Command Button to open another form.

I used the wizard as per normal, but when you come to matching specific data fields, there is nothing in my left hand column of the sub form. I have checked the record source property and it is bound to the correct table.

I have read that this is an issue with Access 2007? Is this the case or am I missing something obvious here?

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Modules & VBA :: Main Form On Open Event To Show Tabbed Controls Only If There Is Data

Jul 24, 2013

I have a report that tracks scores for our employees. From the report, you can click a button to add a new score in a form or edit an existing score(frmscoretracker). On this form there are two subforms, in a tabbed control to track additional information about the score; what areas were marked down(Trends), and was it a failing score(AutoFail).

When this form opens I have it programmed to only show the subform if there is data in it. The goal being, if I am adding a new score and there is no existing trends or Autofails for this new record, neither subforms will show - I will add an after update even to show either trends or autofail depending on the score recorded. Also, if someone chooses to edit the score, whatever subform with data, will show as well.

When someone clicks to add a new score, opening this main form to a new record, both of the tabs show. However, if the form opens to an existing record, the appropriate tab shows. Here is the code


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'If the subform has a record, the tab is visible, if not, the tab is not visible
If Me.frmtrends.Form.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Or IsNull(Me.Trends) Then
Me.Trends.Visible = True
Me.TabCtl33.Visible = True
Me.Trends.Visible = False
End If


Both tabs are set as not visible in the default settings. Is there something in this code that is triggering then to be visible when there is no record in the main form?

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General :: Open Word Document With Corresponding Data Filled From Text Field Of A Form

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to open a word document with corresponding data filled from the text field of a form. I managed to get the word document but I don't know how to give a variable in word document.

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Forms :: Open Form From (Edit List Items) Option In Data Entry Mode

Feb 4, 2014

I have several comboboxes in my database from which users select values. However, in most cases, I do want to give them the option to add an item that does not appear while simultaneously updating the underlying table which stores those dropdown values. I have made use of the builtin "allow edit list items" feature of Access 2007 but the form always opens on the first record of the form on which they are to add the new item. Is there a way to specify that it should open in Data Entry view apart from using VBA?

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Creating Dynamic Hyperlinks - Open Data Entry Form And Navigate To Specific Record

Nov 28, 2011

I have a form that lists records in a table. I would like to have a hyperlink beside each record that will open the data entry form and navigate to that specific record. Right now, the use can only open the form for all records and has to use the record navigation buttons to find the desired record.

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Making Form Open With Data From A Table Based On Date And Time In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

How to make a form open with data from a table based on a date and time in the/a table?

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Open Form "B" Data To Match Form "A" Data

Jun 11, 2007

I have created Form "A" to record all data necessary for creating a quote. When the customer wants to go ahead with the Purchase then Form "B" a Work Order can be opened by the click of a button on Form "A" the Quote.

I would like the description from the quote to automatically show up on the work order... this would save me from having to retype all this information... however there are usually small changes that need to be made to the work order.... so I need this information to show up automatically, and allow me to make changes, but I want to make and save these changes to the work order and have the quote data remain untouched.

Can this be done??

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Forms :: When Open A Form / Want To Open Another From At Same

Jan 14, 2015

when i open a form i want to open another frm at the same time. i have a main form with some buttons in it. when i click on a button and a form opens then i am not able to click on a button to open other forms from the main form.

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Closing An Open Form From Another Form That Is Open

Dec 17, 2004

Is there a way to close a form that is open from another form that has the focus. I tried using the Unload event, but I received an error message "Cant load or unload the object". I would appreciate any help!

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Forms :: Button In Form To Open Different Form And Chose A Customer Based On Last Form

Mar 26, 2013

Basically I have a Customer Form, which I have a New party button on it,this button opens up the party form to a new party, what I would like it to do is open up a new party but make the new party for the customer I had selected in the previous form.I have tried the GoTo macro's but cannot seem to get it to work.

I am thinking on clicking the button it will need to get the Customer ID, and then open the party form, create new party, and paste in the Customer ID, which then updates the Name - Date - Address - Company Fields.

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Data Base Left Open

Feb 1, 2008

How can I stop agents from leaving a database open after they have finished there days work. I maintain and modify a database from home, but some agents forget to close the database at the end of the day. That prevents me from doing any modification on the database. Maybe a simple message that would come up and close on a regular timed bases. Or some other simple way of reminding them to close before leaving for the night.

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Button To Open Url With Textbox Data

May 13, 2006 have a blank form.. with 2 controls..Textbox - name is 'text'Button - name is 'button'my user will type in something like i want is that when they press the button.. the url '"is added to the data in the textbox and the url is opened.. this of course will allow my user to test whether the image they are referring to exists..can this be done.. if so what code do i need to add to my controls.

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Cannot Open Data Access Pages In IE7

Mar 18, 2007

I have a database that I want to share with everyone on the company intranet.
Many people upgraded to IE7 (because they have auto update on). I can access
the DAP on every computer using IE6 without a problem. However, on every
computer that has IE7, upon attempting to open a DAP, IE7 crashes. Only one
computer with IE7 has no problems opening it.

I am not a hard core tech geek, but can muddle my way through. Can someone
please help me? Is there any settings in IE7 that needs to be changed etc? I tried running IE7 with add-ons disabled. Then the DAP loads but the fields have no links to any data and I get a message saying, OWC is needed (which is predictable as I have the add-ons disabled). I compared the add-ons running on two different machines running IE7 (where the DAP loads on one machine and causes IE7 to crash on the other), however could not see any difference. I would appreciate any input.

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