Open Certain Table

Apr 8, 2007


I'm new to Access. I'd like to know how can I choose which table/form will open when I open the MS Access file from my desktop? And can I change it in the future? I have Office 2007.



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Making Form Open With Data From A Table Based On Date And Time In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

How to make a form open with data from a table based on a date and time in the/a table?

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Can Not Open Table

Oct 11, 2005

I have never seen something like this. I am not able to open any table in Access ... Every time I clicked on table I have message "Unknown"

Does anybody have idea why I have this problem???

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Edit A Table Using DAO, PLEASE OPEN

Mar 12, 2007

Hi, I have a form called Edit Column, which contains two text boxes: ID and Description. The user types something in these two boxes and presses a button, and this button should take the value of ID and edit description for that particular ID in the table "Map". Here is the code I have written for it:

Dim d As Database
Set d = CurrentDb
Dim r As Recordset
Set r = d.OpenRecordset("Map")

If r! = Me.Text1 Then [I]('Text1 is the text box where the user enters an ID)
Do While Not r.EOF
r![Description] = Me.Text3
MsgBox "Successful", vbInformation
MsgBox "This column does not exist in the Store", vbCritical
End If

Thanx in Advance

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Open Table On Startup

Aug 29, 2006

Is there any way that anyone knows to have a table open on startup? I am not using a form, because the nature of this database is easier to use with a table. And I can't use Excel because I need reports out of the data.

Having said that, I have some users who may be partially Access-illiterate, and it would be easier to have them work on a table that opened for them. Any clues?


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Open Table From Switchboard

Nov 28, 2004

i'm creating a database which has several switchboards. i have several tables, each saved in the same format with the table name representing the date of the report, for example table 1 is saved as 100204(Oct 2, 2004), and table 2 is 100904, so on and so forth. I have a text box which a user needs to enter the date of the report they want to look at and i need to be able to open the desired table by date entered. I've had a couple of vb classes but haven't used it in a while. can anyone help? thx in advance.

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Use Combo Box Selection To Open The Table

Feb 17, 2005

I have created a combo box with the values I need from a table. Once I select the correct record from the drop down box I'd like to be able to open the table with just that one record being displayed. Thanks for your help.

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Control Button To Open Table.

Jul 26, 2005

the wizard does not have a button to open tables...i have been using this code to open forms...what needs to be changed in order to make it open tables?

Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command5_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "intakeMatrix"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command5_Click

End Sub

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Using Command Button To Open Table

Aug 26, 2005

Dear All:

I would like to use a command button on a form to open a table. The name of the table is called "MAJORCODE"

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


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Tables :: Open Table From Query

Sep 12, 2014

I have a query that lists all tables within my access database.what i want it to be able to click the table name from the query list.for example my query list is:


how would I click on Tracker and open in up the tracker table? is it something like

stdocname = "tablename"
docmd.opentable, stdocname, opentable, acnormal , ," [tablename] = " & me.tablename?

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Tables :: Open Table As Read Only

Jun 27, 2013

I want to be able to open a Table as Read Only, so that a user can browse etc., but neither alter nor enter data - I want them to use the Forms for that. How then, using VBA code, do you open a Table as Read Only?

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Table Exclusively Open By Another User Problem

Jun 27, 2006

i have a form that uses a text box to search through my bookings, and when the user double clicks on the record in the listbox it loads that record in my main booking form..

this works fine. the problem is this..

i will search and find a record using the text filter.. i will double click on the record and it loads in the booking form.

i then close the booking form, and the search form is still open in the background..

if i then click on another record in the search form, i get this message..

runtime error 3008, the table bookings is already opened exclusively by another user... etc

below is the code in my search form, is there anyway it can be edited to make sure this doesnt happen.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub QuickSearch_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "newBOOKINGS", , , "[bookingid] = " & Me![QuickSearch].Column(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Search_Change()
Dim vSearchString As String

vSearchString = Search.Text
Search2.Value = vSearchString

End Sub

Private Sub QuickSearch_AfterUpdate()

Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[bookingid] = '" & Me![QuickSearch] & "'"
If Not Me.RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
MsgBox "Could not locate [" & Me![QuickSearch] & "]"
End If

End Sub

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Make New Table In Front End When Back End Is Open

Jul 2, 2007

I have a Front End Database and a Back End Database.

Certain tables in the BE are linked to the FE.

Once or twice a day I need to run Make Table Queries in the FE, but I am unable to do so if someone else has the BE open.

Best solution would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks


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Open Blank Form When Connected To Table?

Mar 21, 2005

I have a form that is connected to a table - when I open the form it loads the first record in the table. How can I make it open a blank form, ready to add a new record?

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Check To See If A Table Is Already Open On A Click Event

Feb 4, 2005

Some of the things that bring me screeching halt really surprise me. I swear, this sounds like it should be so easy....

What I need to do is check, when the user clicks on a button, whether a specific table that is going to be modified/deleted later in the click code is already open. If it is open, I will msgbox the user to close the table first and exit the sub.

Any ideas?

All help, as always, is much appreciated!


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Modules & VBA :: Open Table To Specific Record?

Oct 8, 2014

Is it possible to use VBA or macros to open a table to a specific record?

I know how to open a table in database view using a command button. I'd like to have it open to or automatically scroll to and select a specific record, based on the content of the form. This way I don't have to spend time scrolling through the whole table to try and find the desired record.

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Tables :: Open Query And Save To Table

Oct 23, 2014

I have a query that I dump into a table...via Macro. I made changes in the table (User Input in some fields) ..can I requery and not overwrite the inputs? I am new to Access not sure if this is possible?

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Queries :: How To Append Table - Cannot Open Database

Mar 23, 2014

how can i appnend table from one table to other table when i do it says...Cannot Open Database". It May not be a database that your application recognizes , or the file may be corrupt.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Open Table In A Single Form

Dec 15, 2014

I am using Access 2003. I would like to be able to open a versatile form that can open any selected table in data sheet form. Currently I am using Command Button with the names of the tables as the trigger. Looking for VBA that would change the form's Record Source to a selected table and add all the fields of that table to the form on open. I figured that I can use the OpenArgs to get the form Record Source to be assigned, but how do I assign all the fields of the table to be dropped into the form?

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Forms :: Open Combo Box Containing Contents From Table

Aug 8, 2013

I have a combo box containing "ProgramType". If "DDI" is selected from this combo box, I would like it to open up another combo box containing the contents from "tblDDI". Then I would like the selection to be transferred to "ProgramType". Is this possible?

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Macro To Open Table To A Specific Record

Dec 8, 2014

I'm very new to access database and I'm trying to create a macro that allows the user to enter data after seeing a mistake in a form. I need a macro that will open the specific table and record of a piece of data. For example there is a student TestName3 whose grade on a competency is 30% but should really be 45%. I want a macro by the competency percentage to allow the teacher to edit that without looking through the entire table. The macro should prompt first to ask if the teacher is sure they would like to edit, second prompt asking for the student's unique ID number, and finally be taken to the specific record and table related to that competency.

I have tried to use a vastly overcomplicated DLookup and Order column to give me the value for a acGoTo search.

Here's what I have.

Option Compare Database

Dim answer As String
Dim response As Object
Dim gotoresponse As Object

Private Sub Command71_Click()
On Error GoTo Command71_Click_Err

[Code] ......

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Open A Card Directly From Table View

Jun 7, 2015

In fact, I have one principal d/b running on my access, ad/b which I had imported from my iPad... The import went smoothly enough but I face this problem. I usually scroll the table in order to locate a patient's name.

I can't find a way to select this line and have it switched to a card view in order to update it. I need to move to card view, search from there in order to locate this person in card view. I am sure there is a way to select a line ( a record) in table view and jump from there directly into this record in card view.

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Forms :: Open Form Based On Table Values?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a table with the fields Thermometer_ID (primary key) and CalibrationType (combo box list with the options of InHouse or SendOut)

I want the user to click on a button and have an input box to input the thermometer_id. Then if the CalibrationType is InHouse open form Verification and if it's SendOut open form Thermometers.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Form After INSERT INTO - Refresh Data In Table

Apr 16, 2014

Is there any possibilities to open form after INSERT INTO? I think Ms Access can't fast refresh data in the table after that, so form opens up clean:/

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblZlecenia (id_zlecenia_info, DataPrzyjecia) VALUES ('" & ostateczne & "', Date())"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
DoCmd.OpenForm "Formularz2", WhereCondition:="ID_Zlecenia=" & ostateczne

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Queries :: Yes / No Field As Bookmark In Table With Names - Open To Last Or First Check

May 21, 2013

I have a yes/no field as a book mark in a table with names. How can I query it to open to the last or the first check?

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Open Tab Control For Data Entry When No Records In Table For User?

Nov 29, 2014

I am trying to open TabCtl86 forms in AddData mode if there are no records in a table for a user chosen form cboClientSearch. The tab control has three pages on it. At the moment I am getting an error saying "the form named '0' is either misspelled or doesn't exist".

I am using this at the moment; DoCmd.OpenForm Controls!TabCtl86, acFormDS, , , acFormAdd, acDialog

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