Open In Form View

Mar 17, 2006

Stupid question, but I have forgotten how to .MDB and go directly to form view. Help, please.


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Open Form In Min View

Sep 29, 2006


I have a form that has a button, when user presses that button another form is supposed to open in minium view. The problem is that: If my main form is maximized, the other form opens as max or the other form makes main form minimized.

I wonder if it's possible for the main form to remain maximized when the smaller form opens?


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Subform Open In Form View??

May 16, 2006

Is it possible to automatically open a subform in form view as opposed to datasheet view?

If so would someone very kindly advise me on which code to use and where to implement it?

Many thanks folks.


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Startup - Open Form In Maximised View

Mar 14, 2007

I bet there is a simple explanation for this.

I have a form which opens automatically when the database is opened, but I want it to open in the maximised view so it takes up the whole screen.

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Using Subform In Datasheet View To Open Other Form

Oct 21, 2006

Well, I couldn't find this using the search, so here it goes:I have a form in which I enter data to create a new client. Within that form I have a subform in datasheetview which is based on a query which holds/retrieves certain (important) fields from a table that holds case info. So in that one view the client data is displayed on the form and all cases and the most important data from those cases is displayed nicely in one screen.Now, when a client calls I navigate to that client and see all previous and all current cases that are open and/or closed for this customer. So the customer says case this and that number is the case I need to discuss with you. Now, what I would like is to be able to click or double click anywhere on the line that, for instance, says case nr 55, so that the form(s) belonging to case nr 55 pop up and all info concerning that case is displayed and can be edited as needed. My problem is: I'm still a newbie and if it was a simple thing like using the on_click event to open the form that's needed, I would not have to post this question. But that can't be done (as far as I know) since the subform is based on a query which is displayed in dataview.Am I overlooking a very simple solution to this problem or is it really going to be as difficult as I think it's going to be?For clarification of the idea I have included a screenshot of the form in question. I assume there are tons of databases out there which use such a layout or idea as this one. Please, never mind the buttons etc. It is still a work in progress. ;)

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Forms :: Open A Form In Datasheet View

Nov 4, 2014

i have the following code and i want that the form opens in datasheet view but i don't know how.

On Error GoTo Err_Befehl14_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Copy Of frm_logistik_zeitfehlerein"


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Forms :: Query Open In Form View

Mar 23, 2013

I have a form for data entry into my main table. Some records are correct, but some I need to come back to later and correct.

So I have a button on the form to run the Query which works fine. But it opens in a new "Data Sheet View".

Can I make it open in the original form so I can edit the queried data?

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Forms :: Datasheet View - Specify Ribbon To Open On Form Load

Aug 11, 2015

When you open a form in datasheet view, the default ribbon is of course the "Datasheet" tab. I would rather have the "Home" tab ribbon open up, because I have one field in this form set up as hyperlinks to open another form, so the filter and search buttons would be more useful to the user. I'd rather not go to the trouble to create a custom ribbon, so is there anyway to set the default ribbon tab to "Home" when you load the form? There is a ribbon property for the form, but I don't know the reference name for the tab.

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Forms :: Click On ID In Subform Datasheet To Open Single Form View

Apr 3, 2014

I have a Project form, which holds StockArtProduction_Subform in datasheet view. I need for them to be able to click on the ID in the StockArtProduction_Subform datasheet and it open a single view form (StockArtProduction) with the correlating ID.

Ideally, it would also work for new entries in the StockArtProduction_Subform, but the StockArtProduction form would have to "auto populate" (did I use it right?) with the ID of the currently open Project form.

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What Have I Done? You Can't Open A Subform When It Is Also Open In Design View

Jun 1, 2006

Visual Basic run-time error 7792: You can't open a subform when it is also open in Design view.

I have a subform with properties for SourceObject, LinkMasterFields, LinkChildFields changing according to objects and events in the master form.

The subform was bound to a query before which meant that the subform load event was happening as soon as the master form is loaded. I needed to restrict the subform loading until a certain point so I removed the SourceObject property for the masterform's subform. The subform on the master form is now Unbound.

(This is because I'm now running some code on the FormLoad event for the subform which needs to be restricted until the LinkMasterFields and LinkChild Fields properties have been assigned correctly otherwise it takes ages to load.)

Now I'm getting the above error. Obviously, i do not have the subform open anywhere in design view. No Visual Basic windows are open. I've closed the db, closed access, reopened it and clicked on nothing except the masterform. The error occurs when I raise the event in the master form which assigns the sourceobject property to the subform, i.e.

Me.sfmQryAllOV.SourceObject = "sfmQryAllOV"

Can anyone help me? I've googled this but finding no answers.

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How To Open In "Form" View?

Mar 17, 2006

Stupid question, but I have forgotten how to .MDB and go directly to form view. Help, please.


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Blank Form In Form View But Fields Present In Design View

Oct 19, 2005

After reading many of the posts here, I decided that one of the problems with the tables in the db I was working on was in the primary keys. I had used the same field name as the primary key in all of my tables. This was RecipID, which was a user entered textbox with an example in a label beside it showing the format to use.

After reading stuff here, I decided this wasn't a good idea. So I changed RecipId to be an autonumber in the parent table (Household_Info) and a long integer foreign key in the children. Also, I added some fields to the parent table to identify the head of household (lastname, firstname)

I already had a continuous form made with a subform and a pop-up form associated with it based on my previous tables. Reran the query underlying the form, and the new fields showed up in the field list box for the form. The fields are all still present in design view, but I get a totally blank form in form view. I checked the forms recordsource and made sure that it was set to the new query.

Can anyone give me an idea about what I'm overlooking? Do I have to recreate the form?

(Sorry if this is a repeat of a question someone has already addressed, but I couldn't turn up any relevant threads after several hours of searching.)

Thanks, Charlotte

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Forms :: Text Boxes Showing In Design View But Not Display In Form View

Apr 19, 2014

I have a Form which I have linked correctly to a subform. The Text boxes are showing in the Design view but are not when one switches to the Form View. Labels for Fields are visible in the Form View. Have even created a new subform and that will also not display the Text Boxes.

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Forms :: Unable To View Object Properties In Form Design View (Access 2010)

May 16, 2014

Why the ability to view the properties of an object within a form is not available when you double click on it in design view?

I was happily working away double clicking on a command button to edit some code when for some reason the next time I tried to edit it did not open up for me.

I was unable to access it even by right clicking on the object & selecting properties as that also appears to be disabled, not greyed out or anything but just does nothing when selected.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere that prevents the properties from being displayed?

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How Do I Show The Subform As Form View Instead Of Datasheet View :confused:

Jul 19, 2007

See title :)

I have seen that in some sample db's rightclicking the mouse showed the menu with an option to check or uncheck the dataview option, unchecked the formview was applied, but when i 'just' import the subform, i cannot find somewhere the possibility to change from dataview to formview.

Maybe someone can help me with this, probably very simple(?), question?

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!!??? All My Forms Are Blank Under Form View - But Fine Under Design View!!!

Jul 13, 2006

Anybody ever heard of this before? I open a form, and it is empty, just a blank window. I open the same form in Design View, all appears well. :mad:

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Quick View Open Incidents

Jan 31, 2006

Hello All!

I think this will be a difficult question but im going to ask it anyway. Ive tried several ways to open 2 forms. Ok, ive achieved this one by letting a code to open up the Main menu (like where you can press buttons) and the second one is to open a field with the open incidents of the person that is logged in.

First question:

How can i achieve that the form will open with the employee name and its incidents?

So what i mean if i login with the name Michiel and a password of it that the main menu will start up but ALSO the form start up with MY open incidents and ofcourse when i login underneath someone else that their open incidents will open.

Second question:

How can i create actually this kind of of good form with the open incidents in it? Do i need to create lets say 5 special forms with all of his own name in it? Or can i create query's that are looking to the login form and that the right query will be loaded?

Can someone help me out please? :) Im getting desperate...

I will update the first post because i think more people will like this idea!?

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Forms Don't Open In Datashett View

Mar 15, 2006

Hey all, Having small issue with forms opening in form view eventhough I have them set to datasheet default.
If I open them from the database window they will open in datasheet view but when I use a command button that I created on a main menu to open the form the always open in Form View.
Any help would be appreciated

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Open PDF File In Reduced View?

Mar 2, 2014

In my access project i used Gohypelink as defined in this website [URL] well, but i want it to pop up in a reduced view?..At the movement it fills whole screen, and the user have to click on buttons to reduce the size. I want the file to pop up in a smaller view.

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Forms :: No Filters - Cannot View All Records In Form View

Aug 27, 2013

I have 4 tables and around 440 records but can only view up to 417 in the form I have designed. I have been adding new records via form and it has been added to my main table, but when i try to view it in form view - the record is not available to view. What do I need to do to correct this problem?

I have checked that there are no filters, data entry is set to No, Auto deletions, additions and edits are set to yes.

Also to mention it seems that the problem has arisen since I set up some new queries, there is a one to one relationship between the tables!

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Content To Control Changed On Open Or View

Dec 22, 2006


I have a text filed on a tab control on a form. What I want to do is when the record is opened for viewing I am it changed the contents of that field. The reason that I am doing this is that I am auditing the changes in the database and any changes to any of the fields are recorded on the in this table along with the users windows username.

This would put an entry in the audit table for everytime a record was opened, even if no changes were made to the record and I want to use this information to create a last ten records form for the users to view there last ten records.

Does anybody know how I can do this.


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Open A Card Directly From Table View

Jun 7, 2015

In fact, I have one principal d/b running on my access, ad/b which I had imported from my iPad... The import went smoothly enough but I face this problem. I usually scroll the table in order to locate a patient's name.

I can't find a way to select this line and have it switched to a card view in order to update it. I need to move to card view, search from there in order to locate this person in card view. I am sure there is a way to select a line ( a record) in table view and jump from there directly into this record in card view.

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Design View - Property Sheet Will Not Open

Feb 4, 2014

With a form in design view, I click on the DESIGN tab on the ribbon and then under TOOLS, I click on PROPERTY SHEET, whick opens on the form. Now I do that and nothing happens. It is the same with ADD EXISTING FIELDS. Neither one appears. Everything else seems to work ok.

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How To Open A Report In Pivot Chart View By Default

Nov 30, 2011

I like to open a report as a pivot chart from my query. How to open a report by making the default view of report as pivot chart?.

I am able to manually create a pivot chart by clicking pivot chart view from the sql view in a report. Then I pull in the required columns to the x axis and y axis and a graph is generated. I do not know how to save it and open the report by default in pivot chart view every time I click a button.

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Access Crashes When Try To Open A Macro In Design View

Oct 21, 2015

Without having made any changes to my setup, Access now crashes when I try to open a Macro in design view. I have checked the Trust Center and the folder where my database is stored is trusted (including sub-folders).

I am running Office Pro 2013 with Windows 8.1.

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I Want Datasheet View... Why Does It Keep Showing Form View?

Apr 6, 2006

I have a form which is opened with a filter from another form. For some reason it views the form in form view, although it was set up as datasheet view. I even went to the form properties and the default was datasheet and i made it not to allow other views. This still didnt solve it. I want it to be in datasheet view because i want to show multiple records at the same time.

If u kno how i could resolve this please offer ur help


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