Open Word Specific Page

Apr 5, 2008

Anyone able to help. Can a command button be coded to open either a Word or PDF file at a specific page number? Any help really appreciated.

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Open A Specific PDF Page On Access

Oct 20, 2015

I want to create for each record I'm introducing in my database a link to open a specific page of a pdf file I stored in a folder.

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General :: Open Tabbed Form To A Specific Page?

Jan 21, 2014

Can I open a tabed form to a specific page?

If I'm in the form I can move focus by using

Me.[Page 12].SetFocus

but when opening using that code produces and error Page not available?

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Searching For Any Word In A Memo Field On ASP Page

May 1, 2008

Hi there, I am currently working on our intranet at work and am creating an Access database so we can record all of the box files at our storage facility.

One of the fields is called 'contents', which is a Memo field, where the person who is inputting the data will describe what is in the box. They will then use the autonumber generated by the database to label that box.

That way we can locate the boxes much easier than at the moment.

I have created a results page with a search box at the top using ASP in Dreamweaver CS3 and it works fine if I replicate EXACTLY what is written in the contents memo field.

ie: if the contents field for record number one reads

'Archived box of insurance documents dating back to 1999'

I would need to type in that exact phrase to pull that info back.

What I want it to do is if I was to put in '1999' or 'insurance' then it would return the same result (and others with those specific words).

What do I need to do in my code?

Here is the current code

Code:<%Dim rs__MMColParamrs__MMColParam = "1"If (Request.QueryString("content") <> "") Then rs__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("content") End If%><%Dim rsDim rs_cmdDim rs_numRowsSet rs_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")rs_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_intranet_STRINGrs_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM archive WHERE content = ?" rs_cmd.Prepared = truers_cmd.Parameters.Append rs_cmd.CreateParameter("param1", 200, 1, 255, rs__MMColParam) ' adVarCharSet rs = rs_cmd.Executers_numRows = 0%><%Dim Repeat1__numRowsRepeat1__numRows = -1Dim Repeat1__indexRepeat1__index = 0rs_numRows = rs_numRows + Repeat1__numRows%><%Dim MM_paramName %><%' *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parametersDim MM_keepNoneDim MM_keepURLDim MM_keepFormDim MM_keepBothDim MM_removeListDim MM_itemDim MM_nextItem' create the list of parameters which should not be maintainedMM_removeList = "&index="If (MM_paramName <> "") Then MM_removeList = MM_removeList & "&" & MM_paramName & "="End IfMM_keepURL=""MM_keepForm=""MM_keepBoth=""MM_keepNone=""' add the URL parameters to the MM_keepURL stringFor Each MM_item In Request.QueryString MM_nextItem = "&" & MM_item & "=" If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,MM_nextItem,1) = 0) Then MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL & MM_nextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(MM_item)) End IfNext' add the Form variables to the MM_keepForm stringFor Each MM_item In Request.Form MM_nextItem = "&" & MM_item & "=" If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,MM_nextItem,1) = 0) Then MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm & MM_nextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.Form(MM_item)) End IfNext' create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the stringsMM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL & MM_keepFormIf (MM_keepBoth <> "") Then MM_keepBoth = Right(MM_keepBoth, Len(MM_keepBoth) - 1)End IfIf (MM_keepURL <> "") Then MM_keepURL = Right(MM_keepURL, Len(MM_keepURL) - 1)End IfIf (MM_keepForm <> "") Then MM_keepForm = Right(MM_keepForm, Len(MM_keepForm) - 1)End If' a utility function used for adding additional parameters to these stringsFunction MM_joinChar(firstItem) If (firstItem <> "") Then MM_joinChar = "&" Else MM_joinChar = "" End IfEnd Function%>

and for the search form:

Code:<form id="content_search" name="content_search" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" action="archive_results2.asp"> <label> <input name="content" type="text" id="content" value="" /> </label> <label> <input name="button" type="submit" class="directory_form_button" id="button" value="Search Content" /> </label> </form>

Thanks for any help that could come my way!!


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Modules & VBA :: Display Watermark On Second Page Of Word Document

Mar 19, 2015

There are two pages in a word document. All the pages have same headers as attached in word document "Capita.doc". I want to display that header on just first page and on second one page, I want to display watermark stored in "J:PAP107.jpg". The following code displays same watermark on all the pages i.e "J:PAP107.jpg" but I want to keep the header as in the attached word document on first page only and display watermark stored in "J:PAP107.jpg" on second page.


Private Sub CmdPrint_Click()
Call WordSetupQA("", "J:PAP107.jpg", Format(DateSerial(ComboBox4, ComboBox3, ComboBox2), "mm/dd/yyyy"), pno)
End Sub

Sub WordSetupQA(fnTemplate As String, fnBackGroundPic As String, b As Date, a As String)
On Error Resume Next
'MsgBox txtbox
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim strworkbookname As String
strworkbookname = "C:System1.mdb"
Set WordApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")


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Display Specific Characters In A Word

Nov 9, 2007

I need to print a report on pre-printed paper. The name fields are in blocks, which means I need to print the first character of the name in the first block, the second in the second block, etc. Any ideas??



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Can Narrow Down To A Specific Word In DLookup?

Jun 17, 2013

I am trying to Dcount in a report agianst a query but I need to narrow down to a specific name within the [Catgory] for example [Category] ='Allowable' How do I fit that into the statement?

=Nz(DCount("[Category]","qryAttendanceHistorybyDept","[Assoc Nm]=Reports!rptAssociateAttendanceHistorybyDept![Assoc Nm]"),0)

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Opening A PDF At A Specific Page Via Hyperlink

Sep 14, 2006

I'm tying to open a PDF file at a specific page using the Adobe hyperlink open syntax, ie,
is set as a label hyperlink.
Unfortunately the document still opens on the first page.
If I type the path with #page=3 at the end into internet explorer, the document opens at the page specified.

Anyone have any idea's?:confused:

Thanks, Matt Turner

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Queries :: Need To Remove A Specific Word From A Field

Dec 2, 2014

I have a column named "stuffno" that i should enter the id of my stuff.I should enter "no 111".I did this because some stuff dont have id's so if i make a calculated field. "No " & [stuffno]I will get in the field of stuffno1 "no " for the stuff without id..Ok now i want to make another column that contains just the id of the stuff..Is there anyway to take just the id numbet the contents of "stuffno" field without "no " so the "stuffno1" will be empty or it will contain just the id.

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Queries :: How To Find If Memo Contains A Specific Word

Mar 18, 2015

I need to find whether a memo field contains a specific word. I know how to find whether it contains a specific string.

Let's say I am looking for the word "run." I would not want a positive result when searching "I don't like gerunds," but I WOULD want to find the records with "I know how to 'run' a search."

So I am looking for WORDS, not matching strings.

I am perfectly willing to use a user-defined function, to put involved processing into the query, such as

WHERE FieldHasWord("run", memoField) = True
AND ...

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Report - Page Break On A Specific Code

Jul 7, 2006

I have a report with grouping on a code - I would like to do a page break on the second code - I don't know where to start on this.

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Forms :: Set Focus To A Specific Page On Tab Control In Access

Apr 24, 2014

If there a way to set focus to a specific page from a command button on a Tab Control?

I tried Me.TabCtl0.Value = 3.

But it doesn't work.

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Forms :: Search Text Box For Specific Word - Find Option

Sep 18, 2013

I have 5 textboxes and a multiline textbox in a form in my Access Database. I am going to type several keywords in those textboxes and I am going to type an article in the multiline textbox.

What I need to do is I want to calculate the keyword density in the article. I can do that if i know how to search the whole text in the article and count the specific word. And I want a function to count all the words in the article too.

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Reports :: Filling Report Based On Specific Word Template

Jan 13, 2014

I was thinking today if it is possible to fill Access reports based on a specific Word template? I don't want to populate a Word file with Access data as users of my app might not all have Word. Or is there another solution using a WYSIWYG editor where users can format everything according to their needs? That would be fantastic.

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How To Create A Specific Search Page And Connect A Text Box To A Command Button

Mar 19, 2012

I haven't used access before and have been set the task to create a data of photos. The table is called 'Find a Photo' and contains 6 catergories of various information including river, site and date. I would like to create a search/command button by which i can type the river, site and date into seperate text boxes and search all of them at the same time.I don't know how to connect a command button to command button and not sure if any macros/queries are needed. Hope all this aint to hard to do.

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TRying To Open A Word Doc From Access

Sep 20, 2004

I have a word doc which i can open from Access but i need advice on something i would like to try out.

I have a form with a patients name and i can scroll through the table through here(on the form using nav buttons) as well and see other patients information. What i'm trying to do is according to whoever is on the form when they click on the button to open the word doc i want the patients name to appear on the word doc.

I guess it's like a Mail merge but i want the data to be pulled from the form like the patients name and address and i want this information to go onto the Word Doc. Any ideas on how to do this.

Access 2003 and Word 2003.

Thanks in advance,

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The New IE7 Will Not Open All Images On The Page

Oct 16, 2006

I have a query.
I've just installed the latest release of IE7 and it does not download all
the images on a page.
Does anyone know how to fix it?

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Forms Open Down The Page

Mar 16, 2006

When I open my form, it doesn't open at the top of the page. How do I get it to open up at the top, so that I do not have to use the scroll button to go up to top?

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Open A Word File From A Form

Jun 5, 2005

Hi all
I need to run a certain file from the form
I create a button as follows
Select in the categories "Applications" then select "Run Ms Word"
I have tested it and it open Word but not even a blank page
I then open the code as seen below and want to insert the filename but do not know where. Can someone please help me?

Private Sub Command35_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command35_Click

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oApp.Visible = True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command35_Click

End Sub

The file is - D:PanelbeatersPb Manual.doc

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How To Open A Word Document From Within Access

Jan 4, 2007

I am creating a database for someone which includes a mail merged document with some data from the database.
Is it possible to allow the user to open the document by clicking on a button that will be on the Switchboard in the database, so that they do not have manually open the document?
Hope this makes sense!

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Open A Word File Within Access

Jan 11, 2007

I would like to Open a Word file throught Access code.
With the following code I can start Word, but how can I specify the file name I want to Open:

Dim wrdApp As Object
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.application")
wrdApp.Visible = True


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Open Web Page When Form Loads

Jun 8, 2006

I have a form that displays data based on a simple query. The query asks for a PO number (from the query) and then displays the data. I wish to open a web page after the PO number is put in. What is the vb code to do so and is it on the onLoad or onOpen portion of the form?

Also, the web address needs that PO number. So, the web address would be: where PONumber is what was entered into the text box that was prompted by the query. Any ideas on where to start on this one? Thanks!

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Command Button To Open Web Page.

Oct 26, 2004


I would like to make a comand button in my form that will open a specific web page.
Can some one Help Me Please?

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Open Word Window On Access Form

Sep 6, 2005

I am a researcher creating critical editions of ancient texts by collating readings from several manuscripts (i.e. different mss all contain minor differences). I create my edition in Word and use footnotes to record the variant readings. I also have a database - created from the word file - in which I can add context to each variant e.g. decisions, history etc. So I have a word file containing the text and its variants uniquely identified with a footnote reference and a database with one table and a record per variant and where the variant records are also unique and share the same number as the footnote. I would very much like to be able to open a window on my variant form which displays the word file at the correct variant (i.e. footnote reference) location. This will make it easier for me to record my assessments of the variant in the dbase while looking at where the variant occurs in the text. Obviously I don't need to see the footnote window as I have this info in the dbase.
I haven't got a clue how to do this and would appreciate any pointers.
Many thanks in advance,

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Open Hyperlinked Word Documents As Read Only

Mar 22, 2014

I have a database with hyperlinks to open word documents on my network. If someone else has that word document open it will ask me if I want to notify or open in read only. However since upgrading to Access 2013, (from Access 2003), this sometimes freezes the database.

I am wandering is there a way to tell Access (or Word) to open the document in read only if there is someone using it already?

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Open Word File Off Access Form

Jul 9, 2012

I have fairly large Access 2003 tables and forms on my job. I am curious if I can open word document off the form by using command button. Very often I need to put info off the form to word and sent it via e-mail to clients so I every time I have to keep a lot open word documents at the same time on my computer 10 or more that is slow pc down. I would like to have like this : on specific form I have command button and when i need to work with word document , click that button that will open specific word doc and when I am done I think I need a second command button to safe and close word document and so that i can attach it to e-mail and sent it out. So every time I need to work with word doc, I can open it off the form and close it also when I am done with it so no word doc would be open unnecessarily.

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