OpenArgs, Two Parameters

Oct 30, 2006

I have used the OpenArgs method to pass a parameter to another form, but I now need to psss two parameters, and I am not sure how to do this.

On Error GoTo Err_CmdOpenForm_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmName"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , , , Me.Text0 'need to pass another
'Parameter Me.Text1
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdOpenForm_Click

And on the Load event of frmName, Me.Text1 = Me.OpenArgs 'and Me.Text2

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Feb 21, 2005

I've read about 50 posts regarding passing a value from one form to another, and I Just don't get it!

I have a table of zipcodes which I use to autofill city and state fields. The Zipcode is entered into txtCoZip. If the zipcode is in the table it autofills, but if the zipcode is not in the table, a form opens to add it to the table. OpenArgs seems to be the answer to this, but I can't quite follow it all the way through. This is the code I'm using to open the form:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAddZipcode", OpenArgs:=Me.txtCoZip

This is the code I'm using on the onOpen event of frmAddZipcode:

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.ZipCode = Me.OpenArgs
End If

I'm getting an error "you cannot assign a value to this object'.
What am I doing wrong?


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OpenArgs Always Null Value

Nov 6, 2007

Hi Guys,

I have 2 form (Form1) is a log-in form, (Form2) is the Data Entry. After Authenticating the user on Form1 I used DoCmd.OpenForm "MyFormName", , , , , , varUserName, then open Form2 with following code on OnOpen event:

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.txtUser.Value = Me.OpenArgs
MsgBox ("Null")
End If

but it always shows the msgBox "Null"

What seems to be the problem with this?

Thanks in advance.


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Refreshing OpenArgs?

May 16, 2005

Hi all,
I have a form (sub_Main) that opens and has an openargs value (Department) from my main form when user clicks on a cmd button. However, if I were to go back to my main form and click on another department the openargs value is not passed along. I have tried using Me.Refresh under LostFocus but it doesnt seem to work.

What is causing the openargs value from updating? Any help?


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Openargs Problem

Jun 22, 2005

Why do I get and error with this code? It says the openargs is null when I run it

Private Sub TXT_SALESMAN_NUMBER_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim StCustNumber As String

DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm_Slm_Name", acNormal, , , , , StCustNumber
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim StCustNumberSub As String

StCustNumberSub = Forms![frm_slm_name].OpenArgs
DoCmd.GoToControl "Salesnumber"
DoCmd.FindRecord StCustNumberSub, , True, , True, , True

End Sub


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OpenArgs Problem

Aug 27, 2005

I have a calling form with the following code

Dim strTbl As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strSQL As String

strTbl = Me.cboRep.Column(0)
strTitle = Me.cboRep.Column(1)
strSQL = "SELECT tblSupp.SuppName, tblCurr.CurrName, * " _
& "FROM tblCurr INNER JOIN (" & strTbl & " INNER JOIN tblSupp " _
& "ON " & strTbl & ".SuppID = tblSupp.SuppID) " _
& "ON tblCurr.CurrID = " & strTbl & ".CurrID;"

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptList", acViewPreview, , , , strSQL & "," & strTitle

On the Report's OnOpen Event I have

Dim strStr1 As String
strStr1 = Left(Me.OpenArgs, InStr(Me.OpenArgs, ",") - 1)
Me.RecordSource = strStr1

And on the Report's On Activate Event I have

Dim strStr2 As String
strStr2 = Mid(Me.OpenArgs, InStr(Me.OpenArgs, ",") + 1)
Me.txtTitle = strStr2

This should work but it doesn't. The error states that the SQL statement
was not found. Of course, without the second concatenated argument
and Me.RecordSouce = Me.openArgs everything works fine.
Can anybody see where I have gone wrong


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OpenArgs Problem

Sep 9, 2004

I'm making a DB for invoices.

I'm trying to make it so that an item can be returned by clicking a command button (cmdReturn) and a form (Returns) will be brought up with the ItemID field already filled in. I'm trying to use OpenArgs but am having problems. At the moment i've got

In the command button:

Private Sub cmdReturn_Click()
Dim varItemID As Integer
varItemID = Me.txtItemID
If Not IsNull(varItemID) Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Returns", , , , , , varItemID
MsgBox "No valid item to return", , "Error"
End If
End Sub

And in the Open Event of the Returns form:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim varDCount As Integer, varOpenArgs As Integer
varOpenArgs = Me.OpenArgs
varDCount = DCount("ItemID", "Returns", "[ItemID]= 'varOpenArgs'")
If varDCount = 1 Then
DoCmd.GoToControl (Me.txtItemID)
DoCmd.FindRecord varOpenArgs, , , , , acCurrent
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
ItemID = varOpenArgs
End If
End Sub

I'm getting this error message:
"Run-time error '94':
Invalid use of Null"

And the line in bold above is highlighted with the mouse over message saying "Me.OpenArgs=Null"

If an item already has a Return entry, I want it to go to that entry instead of making a new one. ItemID is the primary key in both tables, linked in a ONE TO ONE relationship.

Any help is appreciated, please ask questions if something's not clear.

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Same Subform On Different Tabs - Openargs Help

Aug 31, 2006

I have a form with some tabs. Each tab has 2 subforms, of which the 2nd subform is always the same (call it SubformB).

I had it set up before so that the SQL query to run is passed in the openargs property to that that form and this works well.

However, on a tabbed form, each tab opens up Subform B as soon as the page is loaded. Is there a way to pass openargs to SubForm B on each of the tabs so that they all run different SQL queries even though they are essentially the same form ?

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Modules & VBA :: Send OpenArgs As Array?

Apr 28, 2015

Is it possible to send several form's OpnArg as Array ? Now I'm using a long text string including || as divider so I can split them later into Array.

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OpenArgs And Find Record Combination

Dec 9, 2014

The access website says there is a way to use the open arg in combination with the FindRecord method to open a form up to a specified client name. I'm trying to have a macro that asks the user what student they are looking for and then takes them to the form with that name. The reason I can't use a query or something else is because I have macros on the form page that I want them to have access to.

So my question is this.

What's the best way to make a macro that will
1) ask the user for a name input
2) open an already made form
3) take them to a specific record based on the input name

I tried to use something with InputBox and DoCMD.OpenForm but I'm running face first into a wall any time I tried to combine the two.

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Public Variables, OpenArgs And Compatability Issues

Aug 10, 2005

Hi all,
I seem to have encountered a strange problem at work.

I declared a public variable for user department. The user selects his department from a Log On form and if the password is correct, he opens another form with the department variable passed on in openargs.

All of this works fine in access2k but upon testing with 2003, the openargs somehow do not seem to be being passed on. Maybe I am being dense somewhere but it is kinda puzzling for me.

I am not using access's security for users and groups because I am trying to reduce the complexity of the whole project (I wont be around to maintain it next time).

Any help rendered is greatly appreciated!

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Error 2001 Problem With OpenArgs And Filter

Jan 12, 2006

Ok heres the situation, Ive had to edit a piece of code that worked fine filtering but wouldnt allow me to refresh a subform on the main search form. Now im using OpenArgs to pass the Selected bike ID to a popup form. This bike ID should then be used to filter the pop up form. But i get error 2001 (You cancelled the previous operation) when the code is run.
The Code follows:

Private Sub cmdSell_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmSubSell"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria, , acDialog, Me.frmSubBikes!BikeID


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim SearchStr2 As String
SearchStr2 = "[BikeID]= " & Chr$(34) & Me.OpenArgs & Chr$(34)
Me.Filter = SearchStr2
Me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Thanks, Sci

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Forms :: Populate Form Control With OpenArgs

Sep 19, 2014

I have this code in a button on my Patient Form:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Admissions", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, , "NHS Number|" & Me.[NHS Number]

And this in my Admissions form LoadEvent:

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Use this version if the ID is a number
Dim x As Variant


The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist

Borrowed code from: [URL]

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Mar 16, 2006

I have created a report from the results of a query. The query has 2 parameters.

SELECT Nonconformances.DateRaised, Nonconformances.Customer
FROM Nonconformances
WHERE (((Nonconformances.DateRaised) Between [Enter start date] And [Enter end date])) OR (((Nonconformances.Customer) Like [Enter customer name] & "*"));

Now the problem is that I have been asked to add the search criteria to the report header. If the search criteria came from a form, no problem, but the user enters the criteria into a parameter box generated by the query. So if the start date was 1/5/05 and end date was 31/12/05 and the customer search was F.C, how do I capture this and show it on the report?

Any help appreciated.

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Sep 1, 2006


When I want to run a form it prompts me to enter some parameters. I wonder what could have caused this issue?

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Jun 3, 2005

I have a date field. I have
Between [Please enter second begin date] And [Please enter second end date]
as my criteria so that the user may enter two dates. But, I want the extreme dates to be included in my data.

For Example: If the user enters 1/1/2005 and 1/31/2005, I want the information for the 1st and 31st to be included. How can I do this using just about the same criteria statement?

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Where Are The Parameters?

Nov 29, 2005

Below is a query in SQL view that is driving me crazy.

When ran it ask for a StartDate, EndDate, StartDate, EndDate.

Can someone please look and see if they can determin where the criteria is coming in from. In design view there is no criteria set up to ask for dates. Also, there is no parameter set in the parameters box.

SELECT tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber, tblGroupInformation.strGroupName, tblGroupInformation.strGroupNumber, tblSystems.ysnSystemWork, tblSystems.dtmSystemWorkComplete, tblGroupInformation.dtmDateMembershipReceived, tblGroupInformation.strRegion, tblBooksAndContracts.ysnNeedBook, tblBooksAndContracts.ysnNeedContract, tblBooksAndContracts.intBookAndContractCarveOut, CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent]) AS [Book Complete], tblBooksAndContracts.dtmContractDistributedToMarke ting AS [Contract Complete], CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing]) AS [B/C Complete], ([tblGroupInformation.dtmDateMembershipReceived]+[tblBooksAndContracts].[intBookAndContractCarveOut]+30) AS ECD, CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing],[tblSystems].[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[tblGroupInformation].[dtmDateMembershipReceived]) AS [Master Complete Date], tblGroupInformation.dtmEffectiveDate, tblGroupInformation.strRegion, tblGroupInformation.strNRC
FROM (tblBooksAndContracts INNER JOIN tblSystems ON tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber = tblSystems.intTrackingNumber) INNER JOIN tblGroupInformation ON (tblSystems.intTrackingNumber = tblGroupInformation.intTrackingNumber) AND (tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber = tblGroupInformation.intTrackingNumber)
WHERE (((EntryIsComplete([ysnSystemWork],[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[ysnNeedIDCard],[dtmMailIDCards],[ysnNeedBook],[ysnNeedContract],[ysnNeedDraft],[ysnNeedFlyer],[ysnBookAndContractComplete]))=Yes) AND ((IsBetween([startDate],[endDate],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing],[tblSystems].[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[dtmMailIDCards],[tblGroupInformation].[dtmDateMembershipReceived]))=Yes));

As well as when it does run, and you enter the span dates, if the field is blank it inputs 12:00 am in the field and includes it in the query. I checked the tables and it is not set up to input 12:00 am as a default value, nor is it stored as 12:00 am in the tables.

I am at my wits end here and any help/advice would be helpful.

If this does't make sense let me know and I will try and explain further.

Thanks in advance!

*please disregard the grammer, I am typing this fast before I head out to get the kids..a mommies job is never done!*:eek:

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Too Few Parameters.

Sep 21, 2006

Please look at this sql statement and tell me where the error is. When I try to open the recordset, I get a "Too few parameters. Expected 1" error. That kind of error usually goes with missing # on dates or ' on text

DateTime is a DateTime field that defaults to Now().

The problem appears to be in the dates because when I comment out all after the user parameter, it works, and taking out the "AND Used Is Null" doesn't help.

sqlstr = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM tbl_Usage " & _
"WHERE User = '" & UsrNm & "' " & _
"AND DateTime >= #" & Date & "# and DateTime < #" & DateAdd("d", Date, 1) & "# AND Used Is Null"

This is from the immediate window
SELECT * FROM tbl_Usage WHERE User = 's5ucba' AND DateTime >= #9/21/2006# and DateTime < #9/22/2006# AND Used Is Null

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Sep 4, 2007


I am using 'Like "*" & [Forms]![Template]![Combo433] & "*"' in a query to a combo box on a form so if I have nothing selected in the combo all data is shown, except this does not show any null values!

Can any advise on how I can adapt this to allow for null values!

Thanks in advance...

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Parameters Etc

Dec 25, 2007

I have designed an access database for an organisation. The database is basically all the people who work for an organisation, their addresses, the borough they work in and other details. I have deisgned a query that picks out all the people who work in a particular borough, by using parameters. So when I click a button, a box comes up and asks me to put in the borough and voila, I get a list of all the people who work in that borough. But what do I put in the parameter box, if I want the entire list of people in all the boroughs not just one particular borough?

Really appreciate the help...

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Jun 13, 2005

I have a form that lets the user enter a beginning date and ending date in text boxes, then below that asks the user to choose a major category from a combo box. That works fine. The user the hits a command button below which opens a report. On the report is a chart based on the information they provide. This works well too. Also, the heading of my report contains the parameters in which the user gave to develop the report. The dates come up fine because I used a text box and put in =[Forms]![myformname]![parametername].
But this code does not work for a combo box. It will not pick up the choice that the user makes. Does anyone know how I can capture the answer so that I may display it in my report?

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Feb 15, 2007

How would I go about creating a parameter that can search for all events that occurred in a particular month. I don't want the user to have know the exact date, just the month and year.

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Nov 8, 2007

I have a report thats based on a table works well(thanks to the help from you guys) my problem is..When the parameter comes up to put in the customer name I would like to change that into a list box for spelling reasons, I have changed "customers" in all tables and quereies to look up list box but my parameter only comes up with a part for me to type the customer name.can this be changed? if so how please and I am a novice at this so please try and keep the help as straight forward as possible

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Enter Parameters

May 3, 2006

I have a Data Access Page which is generated on behalf of a query.
Query uses one parameter field ,so when is started it promts with the form named Enter Parameters in which I have to input parameter value.
So before the DAP is opened, first is displayed parameter form.
I would like to change dimensions of that form(height, width) but I dont know how.
I already tryied by opening DAP in design view & then in microsoft script editor but i couldn't find anything about this pop-up parameter form.
Any suggestions are wellcome:rolleyes:

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Multiple Parameters (I'm SOL With SQL)

Jul 26, 2005

I am trying to strengthen an already developed database at my work. They had a form with five different text boxes, each one that would run a seperate query on the same table, and the results would open on a different page. I am trying to combine all these text search parameters from the form to a single query and have the result come up on the form. I have done every search I can thing of from a forum search, a google search, and just reading through query forum posts for about a day; but I still cannot tell what is wrong. If someone could look at my code, and see if I have a mistake, or if I'm even in the right direction. :confused:

WHERE ((FLIGHTS.[FINISH OD]=Forms![KNOWN BURN SIZES]!Text25 & "*") And (FLIGHTS.PITCH=Forms![KNOWN BURN SIZES]!text37 & "*") And (FLIGHTS.[TYPE OF MATERIAL]=Forms![KNOWN BURN SIZES]!Text32 & "*") And (FLIGHTS.PartNumber=Forms![KNOWN BURN SIZES]!Text0 & "*") And (FLIGHTS.PurchaseOrderNumber=Forms![KNOWN BURN SIZES]!text36 & "*"));

The FLIGHTS is the main table, [KNOWN BURN TABLES] is the form that the parameters are entered. I want users to be able to enter any fields they want and leave others blank. Currently all I get is a blank query. Sorry if the answer seems obvious; I tried avoiding posting till I knew that I couldn't figure it out on my own.


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How To Specify Parameters In Sql Statement?

Apr 23, 2007


i have written an sql statement to display fields from a table. but i want it to do this based on a date range (the user enters a parameter)

this can happen in access, but im using vb6 to do this and i dont know how to specify the parameter to wait for user input to filter the results

pls help

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