Opening A Form Relating To A Record In Datasheet

Jul 16, 2006

In Filemaker, when you open a table in datasheet view and then select a record you can then open the form relating to this record. Can you do this in Access - I can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Opening A Form In Datasheet View

Sep 17, 2014

I'm trying to open a form in datasheet view using the following code

Private Sub Run_Activity_Duration_Totals_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm ("frm_Activity_Duration_Totals_25_Hours"), AcFormView = acFormDS
End Sub

I keep getting a message saying

Compile Error: Type Mismatch

and the equals sign is highlighted in my code.

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Modules & VBA :: InStr - Use Clause In Opening A Datasheet Form

Jun 16, 2015

I want to that the WHERE clause for a SQL statement that I am using options on a form to build. I intend to use the clause in opening a datasheet form.

This is the code I have for getting the substring


Dim intPos As Integer
Dim tempString As String
Dim BaseQueryFormStr As String
'BaseQueryFormStr is used to reopen the BaseMasterQueryFrm with the specified parameters
tempString = "WHERE"

intPos = InStr(1, strSQL, tempString, vbTextCompare)
BaseQueryFormStr = Left(strSQL, intPos - 1)
MsgBox (BaseQueryFormStr)

The value of intPos remains=0 and when the program hits the second to last line I get "run-time error 5"

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Forms :: Clicking A Record On A Datasheet Form To Open Record In A Pop-up

Apr 23, 2013

I have a form "IntUnderwriterSearchByName" which is based on the query "Search by Name". This form opens with a parameter (please enter name of broker) and is set out like a datasheet with the following fields- "Broker Name", "Domicile", "Broker Code" and a couple of others. I'd like to be able to click on a record and open the form "IntUnderwriterPopUp" so that the details of that specified record are displayed.

Broker Code is what I'd like the form to look for and this Broker Code is unique for every one of the 900 or so records. This code can be numerical e.g. 01233 but also can be a mixture of both e.g. EU2885. It is also worth noting that this code is not the primary key- i have an autonumber (called ID) that does this- but this field does not appear on the form.

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Selecting Record In List Box And Opening That Record In Another Form

Sep 16, 2011

I created a search form that searches for Customer Number, Part Number, and Revision Number. The results are displayed in a List Box.

I want the user to be able to make a selection on the List Box and click an "Open Selected" button that launches that record in another form. How is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box To Show Records Relating To A Specific Record

Jun 11, 2013

I have a combox field on subform C that shows records from a query.How do I get this combo to only show records that relate to an ID on subform B.I have a subform for storing contracts and these are stored against a company name.On subform C I have a field that currently shows all records in a table. I need this combo to only show the records that relate the current record on subform B?

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Display Form As Datasheet With Many-record Queries?

Jan 2, 2007

I want to build a form for my users to allow them easy access to data shown in datasheet or continuous forms view.However, the problem is that they want to also see on the same form Contact details (Name & This is a one to many relationship with the underlying query so I cannot build this data into that query as it then makes it un-updateable.I had thought of putting the contact details into a subform and then putting that onto the continuous form but Access does not allow that.I am currently trying to get it work using an Unbound listbox and then using either a query or DLOOKUP but so far I cant get it to work.It seems to be something to do with it being on a continuous form.Any ideas please?

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Modules & VBA :: Opening Forms In Datasheet View

May 8, 2014

I have read various answers on how to open a form in Datasheet view from VBA code, but I can't get my syntax correct.

Here is one of my 50 attempts to guess at the format. Removing different components, separators, variables only gets me a syntax error of missing separator or "expected =".

DoCmd.OpenForm ("frm_OrdersHOTHeadersOnlyWORKSHEET", [View as acFormView=acFormDS], , , , ,[acFormEdit])

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Opening Single Records From Datasheet View

Apr 15, 2015

I have a form in datasheet view that has a user directory with a list of each person. On each row you can click to open another form that contains the users details using the below VBA:

DoCmd.OpenForm "User Details", , , "[ID] = " & Me.ID

But once you open to that specific record, no other records are available to navigate to.

I want to be able to stay on that detail form that was opened and go to another record.

How do I continue to pull up that specific user in my detail form, but also load the others so I can navigate to them from the detail form without having to go back out to the datasheet form?

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General :: Form With Subform Datasheet - Record Deleting

Aug 17, 2015

Currently i have a form with subform datasheet

Form from Purchase order table
Subform from serial table(Brand,Model,Type,Location,Serial) with serialtrans table(InOut,AQty,Comment)
(SELECT tbl_Serial.*, tbl_SerialTrans.*
FROM tbl_Serial LEFT JOIN tbl_SerialTrans ON tbl_Serial.SerialID = tbl_SerialTrans.SerialID

when i click on the datasheet row and delete the row it only delete the record from tbl_SerialTrans but record on tbl_Serial was not deleted

is there any way to delete it?

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Select Current Record In Datasheet And Show In Main Form?

Aug 20, 2007

Hello everyone,
I have a query that runs from the main form when the command button is clicked. It displays the results in datasheet view. I want the user to double click a specific record and jump to that specific record in the main form. How do I do this? Sorry, if this is a dumb question. Please help, my boss is breathing down my neck. :eek: The main form is called Contracts. Each record has a unique ID.


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Updating Main Form When Deleting Record From Subform Datasheet

Dec 21, 2006

Hi, I have a problem I don't know how to solve it. I have a subform in datasheet view, linked to the main form. There is a running total on the main form based on a dsum on a field of the subform.
When I delete a row on the subform datasheet, the main form calculation is not automatically updated. I had to create a "update" button to do the refresh.
Is there a "on record delete" event available for a datasheet sub form?
Thank you for any help.

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Forms :: Datasheet Subform Not Updating From Main Form Add Record?

Jun 23, 2015

I have a navigation tab with 6 sections, of the 6, 5 of them are self-made split view with a form view on top and datasheet on bottom and upon adding records through a command button on form view I would like the datasheets to update.

On other forms it would (I believe) update to the bottom of the datasheet, now on the ones I've been banging my head against it either replaces the top record or doesn't show up unless I switch tabs and switch back. From my searches I assume this is in need of a requery...

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Forms :: Datasheet Form - Click Specific Record And Open

Apr 10, 2013

I have created a Datasheet Form which when opens shows lots of records. I was looking to see if there was a way that if i clicked on a specific field name within a record it would open a new form with all the information of that record only.

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General :: Click On Datasheet To Open Specific Record In A Form

Jul 16, 2012

I have two forms. One is a datasheet. One is a form with a default view of Single Form (which contains combo boxes).I want to have the user select (click) on a record in the datasheet and have the second form open to that record. The datasheet form acts as an advanced search on two title fields.I tried the open form macro but I dont know how to have to second form open to a specific record.

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Form Opening To A New Record

Oct 28, 2005

Another Simple one From jeff.

Upon opening a form how do you get it to open to a new record rather hen the first record. Thanks All. Jeff

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Opening A New Form At A New Record

Dec 24, 2005

looking for help again!!

i am trying to switch between 2 forms using a command button..

i have 2 things i am trying to achieve

i want the form to open up at a new record as at the moment it seems to be opening at the last record created.. i have tried to use an open form function for new records but that doesnt seem to work.

secondly i have tried to use the code below to go to the next record then close the form and open a new one...

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Welcome Page")

but so far all it does is open the new form it doesnt go on to the new record in the current one!!!

hope it makes sense



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Opening A New Form At A New Record

Dec 24, 2005

looking for help again!!

i am trying to switch between 2 forms using a command button..

i have 2 things i am trying to achieve

i want the form to open up at a new record as at the moment it seems to be opening at the last record created.. i have tried to use an open form function for new records but that doesnt seem to work.

secondly i have tried to use the code below to go to the next record then close the form and open a new one...

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Welcome Page")

but so far all it does is open the new form it doesnt go on to the new record in the current one!!!

hope it makes sense



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Opening A Form With A New Record

Feb 2, 2006

I have a switchboard form that opens with the database. One of the buttons on it opens up a standard form for entering names and addresses.

I created the button with the button wizard, so the standard code:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Enter Details"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

However, this opens the form with record 1 loaded. There is a danger that someone might accidentally enter data over that, so I would like it to open up to a blank record (at the moment, users have to know to press the ">*" button). How can I do this?

Thanks in advance for any help... and for putting up with me of late! ;)

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Double Click On A Record In Datasheet Opens A Form To Enter Data

Mar 1, 2008

I have a list of incidents in my Incidents Management Database. It comes up as a grid view when users open the database.

This is what it looks loke (paste the following into address bar of your browser.

I want particular incident to open in a form when users double click on any particular incident from the list above.
For example double clicking on the first incident (dated 1/03/2008 in the list above) should open the form below with THAT PERTICULAR incident. And double clicking on 22nd incident should open the following form with 22nd incident loaded, so users can edit that incident

please Paste the following into your browser to see the image.

Any detailed help is much appreciated. – I am too new to understand macros and vba.

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Forms :: Main Form Show Record Selected Within Datasheet Subform

Sep 30, 2013

The situation is i have two forms, looking at the same table, but the main table shows more records, I would like to select a record in the datasheet subform and have the main form flick through to the corresponding record.

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May 4, 2007

I have form "QUOTE" (which has a check box "GenerateOrder") and form "WORK_ORDER". Once I click on "GenerateOrder", I want form "WORK_ORDER" to open, and I want to assign a value from a txtBox in form "QUOTE" to another txtBox in form "WORK_ORDER" creating in this way a new record on form "WORK_ORDER". I want to make clear that as soon as the value is passed or assigned to the txtBox in form "WORK_ORDER", a new record for this form should be created.

I tried this code:

Private Sub GenerateOrder_Click()
If (Me.GenerateOrder.Value = True) Then
DoCmd.OpenForm (WORK_ORDER)
[Forms]![WORK_ORDER]![QID] = [Forms]![QUOTE]![QID] 'assignment
End If
End Sub

but it doesn't work

Thank you very much

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Opening One Form From Another Using Current Record

Mar 25, 2005

I would like to create the following functionality on a form in my database:

When the form is open, and a record is displayed on the screen, I want to add a button that will open up a second form displaying information related to that record.

To be specific, I have a form called "Contracts". Each contract record contains a customer name in the field "Customers." I want to create a button labeled "Customer Details" that will open a new form, "ViewCustomers" displaying the record associated with the value entered in the "Customers" field for the current (displayed) record only.

I have been trying to use a hyperlink to a macro that uses "OpenForm," form name "ViewCustomers," but I don't know how to filter it down to just the current record.

I hope any of this makes sense. Any insight would be really helpful.

Thanks! -Matt

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Opening A Form At A Specific Record

Dec 23, 2005

Hi all

Im currently designing one of my first databases!

I've initiated a log on procedure, with a password.

A user enters their ID and password. Once the correct password is entered, the next form is then loaded up, to which they make some choices.

My problem is that I have lots of users, and I would like them to only access the page that is relevant to themse, and NOT be able to see anyone elses.

I gather there is a little bit of tweaking to go on the

line, and somehow incorporate the userID, but not entirely too sure what it is.

Apologies if this seems really easy!

All help appreciated - many thanks!

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Record Count Before Opening Form

Feb 16, 2006


I've searched the database and found similar problems but don't understand the replies (mainly DCount()).

I have a control form where a user can search the database by entering information. The form asks them to type some text that will appear in a description field, and match any records with the same text.

However, when the user types the text and clicks the button to open the form (which is linked to a query searching the description field), I want a message box to say no records found before opening the form. Mainly because when it doesn't find a matching record, the form opens with a new autonumber.

I either want a matching record to appear, or a dialog box saying no matching records found and the form not opening therefore not creating a number that is not used.

I tried in the command button entering if recordcount>0 then openform but it doesn't like the else statement or doing a if recordcount=0 underneath.

Any ideas?

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Form Opening And Record Locking

Oct 5, 2006


I am opening a form, from another form, that is based on a table of 20000 records.

I am using the WHERE criteria to do this, code is included below. I need to provide database access to several users on a network (and only want to lock the record that the user has searched for), and was wondering if this mode of data access will lload and or lock all 20 000 records on the users sytem, or if it will just load and lock the specific record that has been opened using the WHERE condition to open the form...

Advice appreciated.



stDocName = "frmCONTACT"
stLinkCriteria = "[contactID]=" & Me![ContactID]

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria

End Sub

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