Opening An Mde File In A Newer Version Of Access

Apr 22, 2007

I have an mde database originally created in Access 2003. Will I be able to open it in Access 2007?

(I ask because this mde file was originally created in Access 2002, and wouldn't open in A03. We had to track down the creator and get her to resend a new mde file that was 03 compatible. Are we going to run into the same problem after the next upgrade?)

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General :: Batch File To Check (version) Of A File?

Aug 28, 2012

I use a batch file to distribute the front end of a database application. Currently, everytime the user clicks the shortcut on her desktop, the batch file executes and copies the front end from a network location to user's local machine. The FE is updated like every couple of days. The users run the database more frequently.

I would like to modify the batch file so that it checks some attribute of the FE file to decide whether it needs to be updated. I can't rely on file size, since the FE includes temporary tables. I essentially need something like the "tag" property of form controls, only for files. It would be ideal if it was me who sets this property, like "version number". Except it has read without opening the file itself.

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Opening PDF File From Access Is This Possible

Nov 24, 2005

Hi All

I'm not sure if this is even possible but I have a table which has a list of Categories(text) and another field named filepath(also text) which contains a file path which points to specific pdfs. So my question is Can I create a report which then prints the categories with a button next to them which if clicked on opens the coresponding pdf ?

Any help will really be apreciated I am a database novice but am really good at following instructions and copying code :)

Thanks in advance

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Opening An Excel File In Access 97

Aug 26, 2005

I created an Excel file using:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, _
"Compile_Query", acFormatXLS, _
"G:ServiceCompanySanDiegoWarehouseLCDLine_Summa riesDaily" _
& DateMonth & DateDay & DateYear & ".XLS", False

However, after creating this excel file, i want it to automatically open.

Is there any way to do this in 97?

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Problem Opening Access File

Apr 9, 2007


I am having trouble opening a file I created like 6 years ago. The verison has changed and I have changed computers. When I try to open the file I am receiving an error. That the current user account doesn't have permission to convert or enable this database. Is there a way to correct this? Thanks

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Opening Other File Types From Within Access

Nov 16, 2004

I have a database application that I have to get to display some external PDF files.

I thought that I would create a command buttone and use that to open the files, but that doesn't want to work. Can anyone provide some thoughts on how to open a Word document or PDF file from within an access form? I only need to display it and then close the file so it doesn't have to be anything fancy.


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Opening A MSword File From Access

Jan 27, 2005

I wish to open a specific MS Word file using a button on an Access form. Word opens OK, but how do I get it to open the particular file please?


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Got Warning Everytime Opening An Access File

Dec 3, 2006


I wonder if anyone here might be able to help me out here. I've been pondering this issue for so long and i was almost giving up.

I've been getting this warning everytime i open up an Access file (.MDB) especially, when trying to open up a file that's sitting on another computers. i have a few computers and they are set up in a peer to peer environment.

I took a printscreen of the warning message and attached it to this post. Please take a look at it. It's called "access.jpg"

Is there any way of turning it off? is it to do with the peer to peer networking?

Thank you in advance

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Opening Different File Types With Ms Access 2003

Jan 15, 2008

hello good afternoon.
i am trying to open different file types using ms access. the following piece of code i found would only open 'word' documents. how do i make this piece of code more flexible to open pdf documents and excel as well. as it is currently i have a txt field on my form and if the path in the txt fiels leads to a word document when i click a button the word file opens. i want it to open a pdf or excel doc if it was in the txt field

Sub OpenWordDoc(strDocName As String)
Dim objApp As Object

'Opens the document

Set objApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objApp.Visible = True
objApp.Documents.Open strDocName

End Sub

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Opening Doc File Through Microsoft Access Ribbons

Feb 17, 2012

Any module that would open a word document. Also, If that module could be linked to a ribbons menu item...

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Modules & VBA :: Opening Excel File From Access Form

Sep 21, 2014

I am trying to program a button on my ms access form to open up an excel file.. So far the simplest code ive found online was from URL....


Private Sub Command57_Click()
Dim xlTmp As Excel.Application
Set xlTmp = New Excel.Application
xlTmp.Workbooks.Open "C:Excel1.xls"
xlTmp.Visible = True


However the code doesn't work, any way to open a file from within access?

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General :: Opening Access Database From Batch File Or VBS

Dec 20, 2012

Is there a way to open an Access Database from a batch file or VBS file wait for 20 seconds and then close the Access file. Preferably I would like the Access file to run in either invisible or minimized mode. I would like the Access Database to close again after the 20 seconds has elapsed.

(The reason for this is so that the Database can refresh itself from Sharepoint on another users machine so that the excel reports on his machine are up to date).

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Opening A Password Protected Excel File From A Command Button In Access

Dec 22, 2006

Hi All,
I have three excel files (ActualHires.xls, ActualPromotions.xls and
ActualSeparation.xls). These are password protected files (with the
same password). They are linked to an access database and whenever the
files are opened, one must supply the password and click the 'Enable
automatic refresh button.' What I was wondering was if this could be
done in access with a command button. I have pasted some code below
that I found but now I'm getting an error.
This is the code:

Dim BookNames As Variant
Dim B As Long

BookNames = Array("O:ExcelFilesActualHires.xls",

For B = LBound(BookNames) To UBound(BookNames)
WorkBooks.Open FileName:=BookNames(B), _
UpdateLinks:=3, Password:="*******"
WorkBooks(B).Close SaveChanges:=False
Next B

But when I click the button, I get this error:
Run-time error '9' Subscript out of range.

and this line is highlighted:
WorkBooks(B).Close SaveChanges:=False

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Determine File Format Without Opening Database (Using Access 2007)

Jul 15, 2014

Using Access 2007, can I return a value for CurrentProject.FileFormat WITHOUT opening the database?

I'm looking for a way to determine the file version of a given Access database without actually "opening" the database in Access (I don't want it to ever be visible at all or in any way).

So to open a database in Access 2007 "without opening it," I'm using:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("C:Path-ToFile.accdb")

From here, there are at least two different "version" indicators that can be used, as in this example:

Debug.Print db.Properties("Version").Value
Debug.Print db.Properties("AccessVersion").Value

Now, if you run this code on an Access 2002/2003 .MDB file, you will get:


If you run this code on an Access 2007 .ACCDB file, you get:


Note two important factors:The db.Properties("Version") seems to be returning the JET version from what I can see in research. This is NOT what I'm after.

The db.Properties("AccessVersion") returns THE SAME VALUE for an '07 ACCDB as it does for an '02-'03 MDB, since Microsoft never updated it, apparently.

Now.... the one way that I have found that ACCURATELY describes the version of a given access database file is to use:

Debug.Print CurrentProject.FileFormat this will always return, for example, 2.0 for an Access 2.0 .MDB file; 10 for an Access 2002/03 .MDB file; and 12 for and Access 2007 .ACCDB file (and there are others; these are AcFileFormat bitmask constants as described in Access support).

BUT, this CurrentProject object doesn't seem to be available (so far as I can see) when using the "open without opening" method described above.

SO, is there any way to return the FileFormat value without opening the database visibly? (Merely basing it in the extension isn't right either.... that would be easy but not accurate as several formats use MDB.

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Modules & VBA :: Determine Excel File Type Without Opening The File?

Aug 14, 2015

Question: Is it possible, using VBA, to determine the actual Excel file type without opening the file?

I receive data files from other departments. Seems like every time someone changes their download structure, I end up with file types that do not match the download extension (example: xlm file with a xls extension). The files can't even be opened because of this. I think I can fix it if I could figure out how to determine what the file type really is.

I'm using Office 2010.

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Forms :: Storing File Location And Opening File From A Form

Dec 5, 2014

i had a database that allowed me from a form to store a file location for a record on a form, so i any time i could access the record, and then open the file, usually a pdf, it wasnt stored as a hyperlink, but as long text

i made the mistake of not copying the files for safe keeping when i got a permanent position..i am now back self employed, i need to recreate the database.

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General :: Batch File To Allow Users To Copy Latest Version Of Front End Whenever Change Made

Aug 7, 2014

I have been trying to set up a batch file to allow users to copy the latest version of the front end whenever a change is made. The following is the code that I am trying to get to work properly. The first part works fine, the old front end is copied to a folder on the user's desktop as a backup. But I cannot get the copy of the server - the "P" drive, to overwrite the current copy on the user's desktop. Actually I cannot get the code to copy the new front end from the server and install it on the user's desktop. I think the path is correct for I seem to be able to run the new front end from the server.

When I look for the location on my computer, the server locations is listed as:

General (Servernamefiles) (P: ) (there is no space after the P: it seems to result in a smiley face when I type it and try to post it).

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%-%month%-%day%
rem echo %TODAY%

[Code] .....

This code works so I thought that the path was correct
rem this works
rem start the new DB front end
Start P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb

But this code does not.
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

Neither does this:
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ ServerNamefilesP:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEn dDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

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Access Version

May 31, 2005


Will a database created in Win Xp using Access 2003 work on machine running Win 2000 Pro and Access 2000?


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What Version Of Access Do You Use?

Jul 16, 2005

Very General Question

What version of Access do you use?

And if you use Access 97, why do you choose to use that over that of Access 2000 or higher?

I am curious to find out the reasons.

As for me, I use Access 2003 all around.

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Access Version

Nov 23, 2005

how do i go about this

i'm unable to do any upgrade of this version of access on my machine running windows XP, it is only possible on a machine running windows 2000.

what do i need to do to be able to tweak reports and forms and stuff.


Happy thanksgivings

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Which Version Of Access To Use ?

Dec 17, 2006

Hello All

I have a database which is use at busy times to run the delivery side of our Floristry business. The orders are entered,assigned to a delivery area, address labels printed. When it comes to delivery day orders are selected from the list ticked off then printed a make a list for the driver.

It was built using Access 97 when it first came out. Since then the software was upgraded to Access 2000 many mods have been made each year to improve the performance and the number of things it can do. It now has about 15 tables and a lot of queries.
Not being an expert with Access a lot of the design has been on a trial and error basis. Put it another way the main form has many hidden fields to make things work behind the scenes. But it does most of what I want it to.
I have now go to the point where the main query is saying that I can't add any more features because I have to many fields in it.

So the time has come to look at re building it for a number of reasons.

1. It is a stand alone database on one Pc.......... I would like to have it on a network to 3 or 4 Pc's around the shop.
2. Some of it needs to be redesigned to take out my ( it might not be the way a designer would it but it does work) type bits.
3 I would like to be able to use the system for all orders received on a day to day basis. So it will need to be used by other people.

My question today is
Should I be looking to rebuilt it using Access 2003 + the extra software so that i can run it on more than one PC.

Or would it be better to wait few months till Acess 2007 comes out and start from scratch.



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MS Access Version

Feb 5, 2007

Here is a question.

I go to the menu bar, Help->About MS Access

It's shown Microsoft Access 2002 SP3

This is MS Access 2002 Version, right.

But, at the top it is shown (Access 2000 file format)

Why do I use 2000 file format in Access 2002 version?

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How To Tell What Version Of Access Is Being Used

May 12, 2015

I am trying to determine what version of Access is being used from a file that I obtained from a user. Everything I clicked on does not say what version of Access is being used. The extension name of the file is .MDB. The original version of the file I am accessing was created in 2001. Thus would you tell me how to verify what version of Access I am working with?

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Future Version Of Access

Oct 17, 2005

When will Access support the .Net framework?

Will Microsoft ever consider making another RAD program similar to Access that supports the .Net framework?

Just think of an IDE of a RAD program similar to Access that has a full set of toolbox items already built in .Net that supports all of the functions / options that Access currently supports in its forms, reporting etc. and have the ability to interface with all of the .Net database engines... :cool:

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A Look At The Next Version Of Access/Office

Oct 26, 2005

All of the session from PDC content is also available online to anyone, for free, for six full months. For more information, refer to this blog post There are a few sessions that are interesting from the Access perspective:

OFF307: “Access 12”: Developing Collaboration Solutions with “Access 12” and Windows SharePoint Services “v3”
Speaker: Clint Covington – Broad overview of many new features.

OFF201: “Office 12”: Introduction to the Programmable Customization Model for the “Office 12” User Experience (Part 1)
Speaker: Jensen Harris – explains the philosophy behind the new UI and the ribbon changes.

OFF302: “Office 12”: Developing with the Programmable Customization Model for the “Office 12” User Experience (Part 2)
Speaker: Savraj Dhanjal – explains how to customize the new UI.

OFF310: Windows SharePoint Services: Developing Collaboration and Tracking Applications
Speaker: Mike Morton – explains many of the changes to WSS that can be used while building Access applications with WSS link tables.

OFF417: Visual Studio Tools for Office “v3”: Creating Office Application Customizations
Speaker: Andrew Whitechapel – details around how to develop managed task panes and addins for Office including Access

OFF415: Windows SharePoint Services: Developing Custom Workflows
Speakers: George Hatoun; Pravin Indurkar – details about workflow that can be used while building applications with WSS. Access will have hooks for working with WSS workflow.

Last, if you don’t read the blog post, know that you can right-click on the speaker video, choose Play Speed, then Fast to watch the presentations at a higher speeds.


Clint Covington
Lead Program Manager, Access
Microsoft Corp.

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Access Version Upgrade

Mar 26, 2006


I'm recently starting a new job and one of my tasks is to clean up their Access 2000 database. After looking through it and realizing how much crap there is in it, I was thinking about starting a new one for them from scratch. I was wondering if there are any pros/cons to redeveloping the database in 2003 verses 2000. Its a pretty small company with usually about 6 people concurrently working on it throughout the day.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!!

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