Opening Subform At The Last Record?

Nov 9, 2011

I have a main from named RequestChecks with two list boxes on it named ListDateii and ListDateiii .Also , there are two subfroms named OperatingAccountII and Operating AccountIII. tHE list boxes have master-child bound relation to the subforms .If user scroll ListDateii and highlight the date , the subfrom shows the resord associated with this date . And the same with ListDateiii. If it is possible, when a user opens the main form RequestChecks, the list boxes show only the date of the last record and consequently the subrofms show the last record.

I put the below code in main form load events

ListDtaeii.ListIndex = List0.ListCount - 1
ListDtaeii.Selected(List0.ListCount - 1) = False
ListDtaeiii.ListIndex = List0.ListCount - 1
ListDtaeiii.Selected(List0.ListCount - 1) = False

It doesn't work.

Seond my attemp -I put the code in form current

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = OperatingAccountII.Form.RecordsetClone
If rs.RecordCount Then
MySubForm.Form.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End If

And doesn't work neither.

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Forms :: Opening Subform After Entering New Record

Feb 17, 2014

What is the best way to open a linked subform using a button while in a newly created record?

I thought a simple


command would do (either in the "current record" or the "after update" event)

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Forms :: Opening Form To New Record In Subform

May 20, 2013

I have a form with a subform. Every time I open the form I want it to open to a new record in the subform (but not necessarily a new record in the main form; that will depend on some other stuff that I've already taken care of).I found a way to do that using the following VBA in the main form:

Private Sub Form_Current()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

It works great, but it causes Access to automatically scroll down to the start of the subform, blocking the view of information in the main form that the user needs to see. I've tried adding a line to Form_Current() to reset the focus to the main form but it doesn't seem to work.

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Opening Popup Form With Current Subform Record

Sep 7, 2005


I am trying to run a macro on doubleclick in a subform (dataview) that will open the same record in a popup form (tabular).

I've enter in the macro Where Condition the following statement to only show the record I doubleclicked on in the popup. The only problem is it's asking me for a parameter value for the LogID. Its apparently not picking up the LogID I doubleclicked on. Is there any way I can fine-tune this WHere statement so that it knows the record LogID I clicked on. (The pop up form should show only the same record).

[LogID]=[Forms]![CommunicationLog Subform]![LogID]

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Forms :: Opening Form To A Specific Record From Subform

Jan 28, 2014

I have a form that displays details for a specific asset and a continuous subform that lists all the purchases for that asset. I have the following code in the On Click event for one of the fields in the subform:

Dim myOrder As Integer
myOrder = Me.txtOrder
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmOrders", acNormal, , "OrderID=" & Order, acFormEdit, , "Edit"

The problem is, when I click on any item in the subform, the code returns the value of the first item in the form rather than the one clicked on. If I open the subform on its own (outside the main form) then the code works fine. I can't figure out why it won't work in a subform.

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Having A List Of Record Names Displayed And Opening The Full Record Via Click

Sep 13, 2005

Im not sure if this is the right place to put this but I was wondering if you could help me:

Say I have database with forms that display records or people ie name, address, postcode, etc. What I want to do is display a list of Names then from that list I can double, single click and open the record details.

Id call my self and amatuer at access and am probably guessing this is done via vscript or something else, but any help will do.


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Forms :: Highlight Unbound Subform Record That Matches Other Subform Record

Jan 22, 2014

I have two unbound unlinked subforms residing on a 3rd unbound main form. When I enter the current record on Subform1 I would like the matching record(s) on Subform2 to be highlighted or otherwise formatted. I can get this to work for only the first record on subform2 due to the way I have my code setup on Subform1:

Private Sub Accounting_Unit_Enter()
'find where AUs match. only works for first Subform2 record
If Me.[Accounting Unit] = Forms!MainForm.[Subform2]!AccountingUnit Then
msgbox "Match"
End If
End Sub

My thought was that I needed to reference the Recordset of Subform2 and search for all AccountingUnits that match the current AccountingUnit of Subform1,

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Selecting Record In List Box And Opening That Record In Another Form

Sep 16, 2011

I created a search form that searches for Customer Number, Part Number, and Revision Number. The results are displayed in a List Box.

I want the user to be able to make a selection on the List Box and click an "Open Selected" button that launches that record in another form. How is this possible?

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Prevent Next Record Button From Opening New Record

Apr 25, 2006

I've got a form/subform showing employee/position details. I've disabled the regular record navigation buttons and put in ones of my own. If I'm advancing through all the position records for a particular employee using the next record button, when it gets to the last record, the next button advances to a new blank record. Because I'm prepopulating new record fields with previous record values, the users sometimes don't realize they've just created a new record. Is there a way to advance through records without advancing past the last record into a new blank record? I still need the ability to add new records on this form using the add record button I've created.

Any help is much appreciated!

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Error When Opening SubForm!!

Apr 18, 2007


I have a subform which opens good with Access 2003 but now that I updated to Access 2007, it won't open. It gives me a "type mismatch in expression" error. Why does this happen??

thank you.

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Opening A Form From A SubForm

Nov 8, 2006

I have a sub-form in a form that displays data that relates to the data in the single form. What I would like to do is double click on that record in the form which then opens a form that displays more of same data in the sub-form. I have created the double click action that opens a form, but shows all the data and not the specific information relating to the record that is selected in the orginal form.

Look forward to any advices

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Forms :: Which Tab Is Subform Opening In

Jun 23, 2014

I have a tab control with 8 tabs, one for each hour in a shift. There is a subform on each tab. Some of the subforms are re-used since they are identical to each other (there is a 1,5 form, a 3,7 form and a 2,4,6,8, form). I'm looking for a way for the subform to know which tab it is in when it opens. I have some code that I need to run differently depending on which tab the subform is opening in. in other words, on the 3,7 form I have code that I want to run if it is in the Hour 3 tab during hour 3 but not if it is in the Hour 7 tab.

Everything I've tried seems to run into the same problem, since subforms actually load first, it can't see which tab it is on. If the user clicks another tab, it thinks it's still in the previous tab and the wrong code runs. I may have to resort to creating duplicate forms for each hour just to accomodate this. That will increase the form count to 8 from 3 and duplicate effort when making changes.

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Opening Subform Based On A Certain Condition

Jan 24, 2006

I have 2 combo boxes which I select a 'Year' and an 'Incident'. Based on 'incident', a listbox lists whether it was a 'bad' or 'good' incident.

I only want my subform to pull up the record if the listbox says 'bad'. how do I do that?

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Opening A Form Inside A Subform Area

May 4, 2006

I have a form (eg. frmMain) with a subform (eg. frmSub).

The subform is going to be a query which displays results based on criteria defined in the main form.

So say frmMain had a field called 'OrderDate'. When they typed an order date, all the orders on that date appear in the subform.

The way I have it set up at the moment is that the query criteria is like [forms]![frmMain]![orderdate]

Do this means that once the order date is entered - there is still no results in the subform because the query has already run when the form was opened and, as this field was then blank, no results were returned.

I would like to keep this setup, but - instead of having the subform set to the query, it would be set to another form which just has a commond button.

The user will then input the OrderDate - click the button (which is in the subform) and the query will run. This can be done easily. HOWEVER, is there a way for the query results to be displayed in that subform area after the button has been clicked instead of opening up a new form.

I know in web design you can target links to frames, so wondered if this was possible?

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Opening A Subform Based On Criteria From A Combo Box

Sep 30, 2004

The posting in archive t-31918 was very helpful and almost does the trick. I have a subform with gifttype that has only giftID and gifttype. There are four different gift types and I need a subform to open in a specific location, as a subform. The code given by the archive (my version):

Private Sub Gifttype_AfterUpdate()
If Me.[Gifttype] = "restricted/unrestricted" Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmgift1"
ElseIf Me.[Gifttype] = "planned gift" Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmplannedgift"
End If

Opens what I want as subform as a regular form.

How can I get the correct subform to populate a certain area on the master form?

Thank you!
Pat Wright

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Set Values In Subform When Opening Main Form

Apr 16, 2007

I'd like to know how to set values to a subform when opening a main form
I have a quotation form called FQuotation with a subform on it.
This subform is the link between the products and quotation it is called SFProdQuote and has the fields: refproduct, quantity, quote and PQTotal.
Once I have filled the info on the main form i pick the products on the subform using a combo box on the refproduct field, input the quantity and give it a quote.
All this works fine it calculates quantity x quote = total.

My issue is I'd like to create a quotation form that opens with a set of products already selected in the subform. let say 10 of them, since my quotations always start with the same 10 products or so. I do not want the users to have to select over and over the same things.

Is it possible to open a form with set values selected in the combox of its subform?

Thanks for your help

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Combo Box Filter In Subform Showing Blank At Form Opening

Feb 26, 2015

In the Purchase Order details form a Supplier has to be chosen via a combo box. Based on that another combo box in the subform displays products only from this supplier (Products table is linked to supplier table).

I managed to let the subform combo show only relevant products using criteria referring to the main form combo box. Also other product data will show accordingly in text boxes. So far so good.

However when I close the form and reopen it the subform combo box is blank, other text boxes still show the right values. If I remove the filter criteria for the subform combo then all fields show all data correctly. (However the combo box is unfiltered again 8-/)

So somehow the 'criteria' prevents the combo to show the value that was previously chosen.

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Forms :: Main Form Opening Subform In Add Mode But One Field Is Already Filled

Jul 20, 2015

I'm using Access 2007. I have a few problems:

1. I have a switchboard. I want to click a button, that opens a form with a dropdown list, when I make my selection, it opens a subform in add mode, but the linked field in the subform isn't empty, but filled with the mainform's field value that I selected?


2. Is there a way for me to open a form in add mode, add data to it, click the add button (I will add an add button) that allows me to add again, but this time a particular field is not empty, but filled with selected info from previous selection?

Say for instance, I have 2 fields (both combo box fields), I click add, made selections for both fields, I click add again, but this time one of the fields stays constant like it's already been selected. It's filled with what was selected from before.

Either of those 2 - which ever is simpler.

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Opening A Specific Record

Dec 8, 2006

I have a form that displays customer account information. The form is connected to two tables. each customer has their own account number that i use to lookup their information. right now i have to click on the account number field and click find to pull up the record. I have built a popup form that displays the customers names with their respcetive accounts. My question is, How can i use the popup form to select a customer name and have the main form goto that record without using the find button.

thanks in advance.

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Form Opening To A New Record

Oct 28, 2005

Another Simple one From jeff.

Upon opening a form how do you get it to open to a new record rather hen the first record. Thanks All. Jeff

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Opening A New Form At A New Record

Dec 24, 2005

looking for help again!!

i am trying to switch between 2 forms using a command button..

i have 2 things i am trying to achieve

i want the form to open up at a new record as at the moment it seems to be opening at the last record created.. i have tried to use an open form function for new records but that doesnt seem to work.

secondly i have tried to use the code below to go to the next record then close the form and open a new one...

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Welcome Page")

but so far all it does is open the new form it doesnt go on to the new record in the current one!!!

hope it makes sense



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Opening A New Form At A New Record

Dec 24, 2005

looking for help again!!

i am trying to switch between 2 forms using a command button..

i have 2 things i am trying to achieve

i want the form to open up at a new record as at the moment it seems to be opening at the last record created.. i have tried to use an open form function for new records but that doesnt seem to work.

secondly i have tried to use the code below to go to the next record then close the form and open a new one...

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Welcome Page")

but so far all it does is open the new form it doesnt go on to the new record in the current one!!!

hope it makes sense



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Opening A Form With A New Record

Feb 2, 2006

I have a switchboard form that opens with the database. One of the buttons on it opens up a standard form for entering names and addresses.

I created the button with the button wizard, so the standard code:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Enter Details"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

However, this opens the form with record 1 loaded. There is a danger that someone might accidentally enter data over that, so I would like it to open up to a blank record (at the moment, users have to know to press the ">*" button). How can I do this?

Thanks in advance for any help... and for putting up with me of late! ;)

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Opening A Record Using Filter

Oct 19, 2004

Hi there, I'll give as much information as I can. This is my first post, I'm used to programming in Delphi but someone set me this task in Access/VB so I'm practically a newbie.

I'm creating a system for a youth project. All Youth Workers want in depth access to the list of kids in their area. Currently, all young people are stored in one table. The staff can access the list of young people via a form that populates Name/Age/IDnumber (basic information) from a report based on the criteria project = 'project_name'.

I have set up another form that displays the individuals in depth information.

I would like to access the indepth individual form from the list by a dblclick event.

but, I can't work out how to get it to open to the appropriate record.... any ideas?

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May 4, 2007

I have form "QUOTE" (which has a check box "GenerateOrder") and form "WORK_ORDER". Once I click on "GenerateOrder", I want form "WORK_ORDER" to open, and I want to assign a value from a txtBox in form "QUOTE" to another txtBox in form "WORK_ORDER" creating in this way a new record on form "WORK_ORDER". I want to make clear that as soon as the value is passed or assigned to the txtBox in form "WORK_ORDER", a new record for this form should be created.

I tried this code:

Private Sub GenerateOrder_Click()
If (Me.GenerateOrder.Value = True) Then
DoCmd.OpenForm (WORK_ORDER)
[Forms]![WORK_ORDER]![QID] = [Forms]![QUOTE]![QID] 'assignment
End If
End Sub

but it doesn't work

Thank you very much

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Opening One Form From Another Using Current Record

Mar 25, 2005

I would like to create the following functionality on a form in my database:

When the form is open, and a record is displayed on the screen, I want to add a button that will open up a second form displaying information related to that record.

To be specific, I have a form called "Contracts". Each contract record contains a customer name in the field "Customers." I want to create a button labeled "Customer Details" that will open a new form, "ViewCustomers" displaying the record associated with the value entered in the "Customers" field for the current (displayed) record only.

I have been trying to use a hyperlink to a macro that uses "OpenForm," form name "ViewCustomers," but I don't know how to filter it down to just the current record.

I hope any of this makes sense. Any insight would be really helpful.

Thanks! -Matt

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