Operators In IIF Statements

Sep 7, 2005

Is it possible to have operators (<, >, <=, >=) in an IIF statement like this:

iif([field a] is null, > [field b], < [field c])

This is in the criteria for a currency field.

I have been trying different combinations without any luck for the last couple of hours or so. :confused: :confused:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Problem With Operators

Nov 7, 2005


I'm gonna try to explain my problem.

In fact, I have a form where I have a list where the user can select the following signs :

<, >, >=, <=, = (greater than, less than etc...)

Also, the user has the possibility to set the value that will be go with the operator above.

I tried the following expression in the query :

=[Forms]![Open_Form]![Sign CL AMT] & [Forms]![Open_Form]![CL_Amt]

the sign CL Amt is > and the CL AMt is 500'000 and I want to have >500000 in the criteria of the query in order to have only the amount above 500'000.

But is does not work.

I get the message : "The expression is typed incorectly or is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables"
If some one has a solution would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



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Comparison Operators.

Apr 27, 2006

I'm having difficulty coming up with a way to exlcuded a group of dates from my Query. I am trying to have a set of dates come up without the dates, between 7/1/2006 and 7/31/2006.

I've tried <> Between #7/1/2006# And #7/31/2006#, and a few others with quotes and such. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Binary Operators In Access 97

Jan 6, 2006

I am trying to store binary values (as decimal long integers) and then use bitwise comparisons to update the values. MS help suggest that the standard logical operators (And or etc) can do bitwise comparison as opposed to comparing boolean logical values for expressions; but I have found no way of making this work.

Is this possible? Any ideas. Doing it mechanically, by splitting the decimal into the relevant parts for any bit is very tedious!


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Unsure Of Logical Operators

Dec 6, 2006


Can someone answer me if Like "Red" and Like "Blue" Or Like "Red" is a logical operator?

Thanks for the help

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Calculated Field With Appropriate Operators?

Jul 2, 2014

Ihow to formulate a calculated field properly that would look for records that has at least 'annual report' in a specific field.

For example, a record with a field ([DocumentType]) with "2013 annual report", another record with a field ([DocumentType]) with "2012 annual report" and then I would like to count in those records and exclude the other records.

Here is the formula I wrote:

Report: IIf([TABLE]![DocumentType]<>"Annual Report",[TABLE]![Name],"")

Maybe I am using the wrong operator or something....?

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Access 2003 Expression Operators

Nov 7, 2007

I am currently learning the Totals in Access 2003, using the Group By and it's drop down menu which has all the Min,Max,Sum Count etc Expressions.

I have a table of which I need to create a query, the table contains info with Mechanics names and jobs that they have done, often a mechanics name appears more than once in the table.

Which Expression do I use to query the number of mechanics in the table? When I use the Count the query contains all of the mechanics names including the the ones whose names appear more than once! :confused:

Any help would be gratefully appreciated I look forward to any replies thank you.


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Data Succession-passing Db Tables To New Operators

Feb 23, 2006

I am preparing a database application that will be used by one person in an organization. Frequently , (every year or two) the program will be given to another (usually a laptop) user in the organization as that person assumes the task of the program’s operation and responsibilities.

I would like the user to load the program from the installation CD (made with Wise Installation System and SageKey softwares) on each computer each time there is a brand new user and each time a subsequent user takes over. However, each successive user needs to have the data files passed from the last user.

At face value it seems that having a front end/back end arrangement might be the most desirable. Can anyone jump start me on the best way to accomplish this process to EZ data transfer?

Thanks in advance to all,


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Queries :: IIF Statement With Comparison Operators In True And False Parts

Oct 2, 2014

I have a report where my customer wants to be able to input a value and then be able to select whether the report shows values above or below that value. I have a combo box that has 2 values (1=Less than or equal to, 2=greater than or equal to). There is a text box where he inputs the rate to compare against (e.g. $75). When he hits submit, the application stores the values of the combo box and text box into global variable and then I have a public function that can be used to retrieve the values. GetHRate() gets the value to compare against and GetHRateCompare() gets the value to indicate <=(1) or >=(2).

In my query for criteria for rate I have this expression:
IIf(GetHRateCompare()=1,"'<=",">=") & GetHrate()

I've tried every combination of double quotes, single quotes, no quotes moving the GetHRate inside the IIf statement and nothing seems to work.

If I just hardcode <=GetHrate() into the criteria it works perfect but that does not achieve my goal of letting him select over/under at run time. Here's the full query:

SELECT qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.ServiceName, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.ScheduleID, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.SumOfTotalTim e, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.PropertyID, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.PropertyName, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.MonthCount, qryCustomers_AverageTimeByScheduleID.AverageTime,

[Code] ....

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I Need Help With Using IIF Statements

May 16, 2007

Can anyone give me any guidance on how to use IFF statements in microsoft access? or Has anyone got a link to a good website that can help me? I need to use the formula below to determine if the quantity of an order from a store is greater than the quantity that is in stock at the warehouse and produce a message message.IIF([quantityordered])(=[quantityinstock]"enoughstock","notenoughstock") I just dont know where to start, i didnt even know you could enter formulas in Microsoft Access so i really need help

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If Statements

Mar 8, 2007

Hi, I have another problem with my Access database now...

I am trying to disable fields when a certain value is chosen. I can do it for one field with this code:

If ALLOCATION_LP = "Other" Then
End If

That one works perfectly well, but I have another one that needs to disable two fields instead. If they choose "No Extant PP", I want it to disable two fields; one combo box - PLNG_PERMISSION_STATUS_2 (which I can get to and it works) and also an "Other" text box - OTHER_PLNG_PERMISSION_STATUS_2 (this is where i get stuck). I have tried two If statements, but whether I'm writing them wrong, I'm not sure.

I would really appreciate the help. Thanks.

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Two Where Statements

Feb 5, 2008

'construct a where clause as required
If Nz(Me.Manufacturer.Text, "") <> "" Then
Where1 = "WHERE MFRcode LIKE '*" & Me.Manufacturer.Column(0) & "*' "
End If

Me.list.RowSource = _
"SELECT ID, Description, Par, MaxCoins, PayLines " & _
"FROM MachineTypeQuery " & _
Where1, Where2 & _ <- how do i get something like this to work
"ORDER BY Description;"

Exit Sub
Where2 comes from another control and has to be filled in before they get to this control. also "where1" and "where2" are set as public stings

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And Or Statements

Feb 25, 2005

I want to check eight Yes/No fields. If none of the boxes are checked I want to display a msgbox. I can link seven of the fields (no problem), when I add the eighth it doesn't work.

Am I limited to seven fields in my statement? Is there a way around this?

Any help would be appreciated.


If Me.Printer = 0 And Me.Hardware = 0 And Me.Software = 0 And Me.MSOffice = 0 And Me.Network = 0 And Me.NewComputer = 0 And Me.Profile = 0 And Me.Other = 0 Then

MsgBox "You must enter the type of problem(s) addressed with this customer", vbQuestion, "Type of Problem(s)"

blah blah
End if

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SQL Statements

Nov 5, 2004

I want to select all records where a specifc field data start with specific data.

I'm having a meltdown because I know if is easy. If have tried Like "*" but that doesn't work. What is the command for Starts with?

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IF Statements

Feb 28, 2007

My database has a field named "Note". This field will either have a "Y" or "N" in it. At the bottom of a report I'm writing, I want to count the number of "Y's" (not the "N's") at the bottom of my report. Can someone tell me how to do this? Thanks so much in advance!

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Iif Statements

Apr 2, 2007

hey all

i have a list of values that i'm trying to run through an iif, like so:

IIf(([Warehouse Location].[ToAISLE] Like "1" Or "2" Or "3" Or "4" Or "5" Or "6" Or "7" Or "8" Or "9" Or "10"),([Product Inventory with totals].[Available]+[Warehouse Location].[Qty]))

im doing that in a query, not the vb code. now heres my problem: that's not the correct syntax for the Like blah blah blah part. does anybody know the correct syntax for this?


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IF THEN Statements

Jun 5, 2007

Within my database I have 5 fields that will have either "Yes" or "No" data. I want to be able to have one of these fields look at the 4 others and if they meet a condition have the background of the field change colors.Here's a breakdown of what I'm trying to do:

Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5

Yes Yes Yes Yes No
No No No No Yes

If Field5 has a "Yes" and Fields 1,2,3,4 are all "No" then I want Field 5 background to change color to indicate that a criteria was met.

Is there a way to do this? Thanks for any help.

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Exporting A Set Of SQL Statements

Mar 7, 2007

I need to export a set of sql statements from my Microsoft Access database in order to put it into my new mySql server. I know that its possible to get the statements off the mysql database, but i cant figure out how to do it in microsoft access. Any help is appreciated

Thanks in advanced,
Teh mockers

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Select Statements

Mar 19, 2007


I hope I posted this in the right forum. It didn't seem specific enough for the other ones.

I have a select statement in a form that reads as follows:

Select [Port of Origin] from [Port of Origin]

It works great. It does exactly what I want it to do.

I want to add another field to the statement but it is from a differnet table. If it was to stand alone it would read as follows:

Select [VendorName] from Container_Vendor_Information

How would I combine these two statements? I have tried various things can't get it to work. Any thoughts?

Thanks so much in advance.


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Combining 2 SQL Statements

Jun 1, 2005

Hello. I have a problem implementing two separate SQL statements in dreamweaver from an Access 2003 database. The queries work fine in Access but is causing many problems in dreamweaver as they are separated.

I very much so need help in combining these two statements to form one SQL statement. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

SQL Statements


SELECT tblApp.Time
FROM tblApp
WHERE (((tblApp.BranchID)=[Forms]![frmApp]![branch]) AND ((tblApp.Date)=[Forms]![frmApp]![date]));


SELECT tblTime.Time
FROM tblTime LEFT JOIN qryAppointmentsOnDate ON tblTime.Time = qryAppointmentsOnDate.Time
WHERE (((tblTime.Branch)=[Forms]![frmApp]![branch]) AND ((qryAppointmentsOnDate.Time) Is Null));


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IIF Statements With Wildcards

Sep 14, 2005

I've got a query that is defeating me, but that might be due to a week's worth of insomnia related sleep problems. My issue exists in the following query, of the four IIF statments in the HAVING portion of the query and the need to select all if the statement is false for each one of the four queries, the way it is now partly works by returning all results where none of the values are null, I need to get null results as well. I've tried not including the false action for them, a wildcard to select all and just can't get around this problem. Any help appreciated.

SELECT DISTINCT vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Channel, vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Store_Number,
[AOI Category groups].ProductType AS Category, dbo_Contact.Source_of_Inquiry,
dbo_Company.Rn_Descriptor AS Store_Name, vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Job_Number,
Sum(vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Extended_Price) AS Sales1, vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Designer_Code,
vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Manager_Code, 0 AS Sales2

FROM ((dbo_Company RIGHT JOIN vw_mdb_SalesSummary ON dbo_Company.Store_Number = vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Store_Number)
LEFT JOIN dbo_Contact ON vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Job_Number = dbo_Contact.Job_Number)
LEFT JOIN [AOI Category groups] ON vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Category = [AOI Category groups].SalesCategory

WHERE (((vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Order_Date) Between [Forms]![frmLandS]![currentStart] And [Forms]![frmLandS]![currentEnd]))

GROUP BY vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Channel, vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Store_Number, [AOI Category groups].ProductType,
dbo_Contact.Source_of_Inquiry, dbo_Company.Rn_Descriptor, vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Job_Number,
vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Designer_Code, vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Manager_Code, 0

HAVING (((vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Channel)=IIf([Forms]![frmLandS]![Channel]<>"",[Forms]![frmLandS]![Channel],[Channel]))
AND ((vw_mdb_SalesSummary.Store_Number)=IIf([Forms]![frmLandS]![Store]<>"",[Forms]![frmLandS]![Store],[vw_mdb_SalesSummary]![Store_Number]))
AND (([AOI Category groups].ProductType)=IIf([Forms]![frmLandS]![AOI]<>"",[Forms]![frmLandS]![AOI],[ProductType]))
AND ((dbo_Contact.Source_of_Inquiry)=IIf([Forms]![frmLandS]![source]<>"",[Forms]![frmLandS]![source],[Source_of_Inquiry])));

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Multiple IIF Statements

Nov 16, 2006

I'm trying to compile a number of IIF statements.

I have 6 IIF statements, but would like to put them all in to one IIF statement.

Could anyone help me with this one?

OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="2005WMDT","Web","Phone")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="2005WMKE","Internet","Phone")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="DOGNET23","Web","Fax")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="CANTRY3J","Web","")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="MAMTWOSE","Web",",")
OrderTrack: IIf([O_SRC_CD]="2005W999","Web","Mail")

Thank you for your help and time


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Disappearing SQL Statements

Feb 28, 2008

Hi All,

I have a large database with about 200 queries. I am having a problem with the last few I added. I run them from VB. When I run them the SQL statement disappears, sometimes. If I go to the SQL View instead of the Design veiw all that is left is Select;. I the Design View there is nothing.

Any suggestions?

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Iif Statements... Then The WHERE Clause? Help!

Apr 16, 2008

here is my query which runs within the VB code...

queryString2 = ""
queryString2 = queryString2 & " INSERT INTO markup SELECT TOP 1 JDE_Customer_No AS [JDE Customer No],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " Custom2.Customer_Name AS [Customer Name],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " part.id AS Part,"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " price_factor.use_fixed_price AS [Use_fixed],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1,fixed_price_list.price,price_list.price) AS [Base Price],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1,price_factor.fixed_price_factor,price_factor.fa ctor) AS [Factor],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1,fixed_price_list.min_quantity,price_list.min_qu antity) AS [Price Break],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " part_select.quantity AS [Quantity Required],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " part.unit_id As [Unit],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " ,(price_factor.fixed_price_factor*(fixed_price_lis t.price*FixedCurrencyConUKP.sterling_exchange_rate ))"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " ,(price_factor.factor *(price_list.price*CurrencyConUKP.sterling_exchang e_rate))) AS Price"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " FROM part_select, part, fixed_price_list, price_list, price_factor, Custom2, CurrencyConUKP, FixedCurrencyConUKP"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " WHERE part.id = part_select.part"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_list.part_id = part.id"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND fixed_price_list.part_id = part.id"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND Custom2.JDE_Price_Group=price_factor.customer_grou p"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_factor.part_group=part." & PriceGroup
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND Custom2.Customer_Name = " & "'" & CustomerSelection & "'"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND fixed_price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND part.id = " & "'" & select_part_rst!part & "'"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND part_select.quantity = " & select_part_rst!quantity
queryString2 = queryString2 & " ;"

It all works pretty much fine, however, the problem occurs because the iif statement tells the code to use either the fixed_price_list table or the price_list table depending on the value of Use_fixed. the iif works fine, its the WHERE clause. because the iif statements tell the query to look at one table or the other, the WHERE clause includes statements from both tables e.g.

queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND fixed_price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "

but some parts dont have information within the fixed_price_list table, and thus are not being found in the results due to the WHERE clause. can anyone help?? i tried using a left join but it didnt work how i wanted. in a perfect world i would be able to include a iif statement in the where clause e.g.

queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif Use_fixed =1, AND price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity, AND fixed_price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity) "

can anyone help?

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One Event Two IF Statements

May 13, 2006

This should be simple! I'm looking at something wrong. I have two If-Else statements on the "onCurrent event of a form. ONly the first one fires. Is there something rong with the syntax???

Private Sub Form_Current()

If Me.OptInterviewed.Value = -1 Then
Me.InterviewDate.Visible = True
Me.InterviewDate.Visible = False

If Me.OrientationDate.Value = -1 Then
Me.OrientationDate.Visible = True
Me.OrientationDate.Visible = False

End If
End If

End Sub

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Multiple If Statements, Best Way ?

Dec 15, 2004

I have a query which works fine for one if statement, but i neewd to have 10, whats the best way of sorting this, can it be done in one query, or should i use a module or should i use the code?

my if statements are as follows:


can someone please help me sort this...

a problem may be that the list of eventcodes may increase... again whats the best way to sort this.


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