Does anyone know if it's possible to make the column heads, column count, column width properties of a list box fit automatically according to the text they hold?
Currently, I have the following query being run against a table holding what is essentially an access log for a rather elaborate system. I have been doing lookups against the log to determine last changed and created dates/times. The log has grown large enough that the lookups I am doing are taking too much time to perform. Is there any way to get at the data I want faster, barring adding created/modified fields to the individual records in every table, and storing the data there as well?
Here is the current query:
SELECT Min(SecurityLog.Date) as Created, Max(SecurityLog.Date) as Modified FROM SecurityLog, WorkOrderLineItems WHERE (Len(SecurityLog.Param2) <= 4) AND (WorkOrderLineItems.PONumber = '" & PONumber & "') AND CStr(SecurityLog.Param1) = CStr(WorkOrderLineItems.WorkOrderNo) AND CStr(SecurityLog.Param2) = CStr(WorkOrderLineItems.LineNumber);
Param1 and Param2 are Memo fields, Whereas WorkOrderNo and LineNumber are numeirc field, to explain the funny type conversion.
This was good enough for a long time, but as the SecurityLog table is reaching a quarter million entries, it's starting to cause some problems.
Hello, I am new here and needed a little help if you wouldn't mind.
I've built an application for a company that I also use for other work I do for them. I have several tables, queries, forms, and a few reports. I have a lot of VBA code behind the scenes. The application is about 6 mbs. When accessing it over the VPN the application runs really, really slow. I need to find a way to increase the speed of the application so that everyone can work in it without the huge delays. Obviously, it runs normally locally.
I have a form with a Treeview in. I have it populated from a self-referencing database using the following code.
Code: Private Sub Form_Load() Const strTableQueryName = "SELECT * FROM tblHierarchy ORDER BY tblHierarchy.Function_Parent;" Dim db As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset Set db = CurrentDb Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strTableQueryName, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
[Code] ....
The database this is referencing is about 30000 lines and it takes ~4 minutes to populate this way. I know Treeview isn't really supposed to be used in this way however it's what is required.
Now I have come up with the theory that I will populate each node with children as its clicked to be expanded.
hello all i have a problem, i have a form bounded to a query that displays the books infos, in this form i have a list control that displays the list of authos based on the code of the book the problem is when i have more than one record in the opened form ie more than one book and i move to the second record the list doesnt change and displays the authors of the first book when the form first opened anyone has an idea how can the list be updated automatically when i move between records thanks a lot
I have a form (frmHourEnter) with a combo box (Staff_ID) that lists staff members from a table (tblStaff). The table form (frmStaff) has a checkbox (ckEmploy) which indicates if a staff member is still employed. If the checkbox is checked how do I exclude that staff member from the combo box Staff_ID in the form frmHourEnter?
I have a combobox with a value list as the control source. I have a user who clicks the drop-down, but there are no options. Every other user is able to view these options, and this user has no problem with any other combobox with a value list.
I would like to right align my text for some fields in my list box control. Is there a better list box control out there than the standard one ? how to align the text. The default left alignment doesn't work for all my fields.I tried to search but came up empty.I did try a function "Justify String" I found on the internet This is what I tried .. Call JustifyString("frmExercise","List16",ExerciseTime, 2,True,False)
Here is info from the actual function.
Function JustifyString(myform As String, myctl As String, myfield As Variant, _col As Integer, RightOrCenter As Integer, Optional Sform As String = "") As Variant
I have a Table with a short text field, field size: 20. The row source has been set up ie "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", etc. Allow multiple values IS allowed.Once I drop a control on a form (list box) to represent the aforementioned field, I realize I can put a checkmark in many items. Why? I add up the total length of the items text at 40-50 characters, yet the field size is only 20. To check my sanity, I open the Table in Datasheet view and lo, I can see all the Items spelled out, in clear violation of field size constraints
I use Access 2010 on Windows 7 64b to create a form with a Treeview control. However, this control is missing from the list of controls activix. How can I add?
I am relatively new to Access and i am wondering why i cannot find a specific field from a table on the control source when i am and attached it to a check box.
I have created the field on the table, and now i want to attached it to the check box on a form however when i go down the list of control sources i cannot see it.
Essentially I have a form_A with several tab's and then one list control box in each of those tabs. At present if you double click on any item within the control boxes your taken to another form_B with info about that item and when you close that from down again if refreshes form_A.
Is it possible to only refresh the specific list control box that is active instead of refreshing the whole form ?
I have created a form "PAYMENTS" that include a sub form "PAYMENT DETAILS".
In the sub form control Policy Id is defined as combo box, and retrieving the list from Policies and Payments where Policies.Client=Payments.Client the query of Combo Box is as follows:
Only first time Combo Box display the Policy Ids according to the Client, but when I change the client and always displays the previous clients Policy Ids.
how to retrieve correct list of Policy Ids according to the Input Client in Payments.Client control
I have an access database where I have added a new field, but I cannot find the name of that field in the Control Source list to link it from where the data will be entered. It IS in the table, too. Why in the world is it not working.
A user enters a New Job Opening into the form for New Job Opening. Later, a user enters a New Interview in the New Interview form.... when they enter the job opening number into the job opening number field, it auto-populates the other information previously entered into the New Job Opening form into an area within the New Interview form. I have made sure the new field is in the table for the New Job Openings table.
I want a List Box on a Form that takes its available drop-down values from tblDiscipline and puts the value selected into the Discipline Field of tblEquipment.
The problem is I set the Control Source of the List Box to tblDiscipline (so the List Box can use these values for the drop-down selections) and when I make a selection it tries to put it back into tblDiscipline instead of tblEquipment, because I can't find anywhere to set the table that the result should be Bound to.
How can I set up a control, such as a List Box, so that it gets its values from one table but returns them to another?
I have a form called Add New Delegation, i have combo box of Institution names on the main form and a subform for Agreements discussed. with a combo box called agreements. I successfully cascaded the combo boxes so that the agreements discussed on the subform are filtered by their respective institutions on the main form. However i am unable to refresh the list each time a new institution is selected as the Macro will not allow me to requery a control on the mainform from the subform..
control called "FilterListBox" list box called "lstCustomer" option Box called "optCustomerType"
When the user selects an option in the option box, "FilterListBox" is updated to either "1", "2" or "1 or 2"..One of the fields in the query for "lstCustomer" is "CustomerType" and its criteria is set as follows:
if "FilterListBox" = 1 the query for "lstCustomer" returns the correct records if "FilterListBox" = 2 the query for "lstCustomer" returns the correct records
But if "FilterListBox" = 1 or 2, no records are returned.
I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?
I have a form with a tab control, inside the tab control I placed an ActiveX control (Microsoft Web Browser). These are at the bottom of the form.
Everything displays fine if the entire form fit on the screen but if the form is too long and I scroll down the browser control is getting obscured by the tab control and getting chopped off (the contents are covered). It is as if the browser control is staying in space where it was and moving behind the tab control as I scroll.
This problem does not occur if I place the browser control directly on the form. Also I note that the browser control is sitting correctly within the tab control.
I have been through all the settings and properties of both controls and haven't been able to fix it. I searched all over the web but no one has previously stumbled across this one by the look of it.
I have table that I had to add a new field to which we update with a form. I tried to add a control for the new field but the field does not show up in the list for the control source. I am trying to add a list box to the form with a blank and 5 options.
I have attached screen shots of the table design and the form. The table has the field in datasheet view and I have manually entered a few entries in it but it still will not show in the control source for the form control. The top section of the form is where we enter and select the data for the new records. The bottom section (circled in red) autofills the matching record, from separate tables, for updating with the new entries.
I have added form controls for modified fields in the past so I am confused about why this is happening.
OK. I have searched and searched and every thread dances around similar situations but none seem to address this particular one. I am trying to make a control on a sub form visible/not visible depending on the condition of a control on a main form. The catch is that the control I'm trying to change the state of is on a subform located in a tab control. I've tried a thousand combinations and none seem to work. How do I reference the control on the subform in a tab control?
Main Form: frmMemberMain Tab Control: TabCtl12 Tab Control Page: 2 Subform: frmChildren Control on subform: txtRelationship
Can someone please help before my brain explodes!! Thanks! :eek:
In my access form I provide the user a list of locations from various countries in a listbox . But the list is too long so I provide him a combobox for selecting a country. Selecting the country should update the listbox showing only the locations in that specific country.
So my SELECT from the listbox must cover the unselected state and show all entries and when a country is selected it must narrow the selection.
I tried to get this happen with the following SELECT statement containing a variable. Choosing a country in the Combobox results in a change of the variable and in a requery. This works after the first country is selected and for each country change, but the initial list is empty.
VBA in the loadform 'Application.TempVars.Add "varcountryselect", "*" SELECT in the listbox "lstlocationsperproject" SELECT tbllocations.locationID,, tbllocations.localstreet, tbllocations.localcity FROM tbllocations WHERE (( Like [TempVar]![varcountryselect]);
VBA in the combobox Application.TempVars("varcountryselect") = [Form]![kombcountryselect].Column(0) Me.lstlocationsperproject.Requery
The values in [kombcountryselect].Column(0) are texts like "SPAIN", "MEXICO", etc.
Any hints, how I have to use the * for getting the complete list on the initial view ?
Hi All a newbie here so any help will be appreciated,
sorry for the long post but trying to give you all the information you might need.
I wrote a basic access database for my Church to aid in a paperwork audit for a charity food drop which we do monthly to give free food to the needy.
But each month it gets harder to find out who was in line first so I thought with all your help we may be able to randomize the names each month in a different order as to avoid confusion and also avoid people waiting in line as they turn up at 5am and we don't start until 9am.
So if this will work in access they can all come for 9am
I don't mind creating a new database and adding the additional information, if that's what it would take.
My Background I have created basic databases from scratch not using wizards, But I don't know much about code or how to implement it so any help in where code goes it would be very much appreciated.
Database details (Microsoft Access 2002 version)
Table Name = details Field name = ID (auto-generated) Field name = FirstName (text) Field name = Surname (text)
If possible it would be nice to keep a record of the randomized lists (in the database somewhere ?) each month in case anyone wants to see it or disputes the lists, where I can just create a report to show the details.
There will be approximately 90 to 125 names.
Thank you in advance for all your help in this matter
I have created my tables and form and am now trying to run reports to organize the data. I have figured out how to group the individuals by group and treatment, but can't figure out how exclude individuals from the final list if they are already in another. As background, some of the individuals are eventually excluded from the experiment, though I keep the initial data. When the exclude individual checkbox is checked ("True" on the report) I do not want the individual to be listed in the "False" list, even though there are entries for that individual when that checkbox wasn't checked (when it was "True"). This is so I can get an idea of the current totals in each group.
Implant Period >Treatment >>Exclude individual? >>>Individual ID
I feel like this should be a fairly simple task, but I cannot figure it out... Maybe there is coding to exclude individuals from the "False" list if they are already listed in the "True" list?