Options Table Or Registry

Apr 27, 2007

I'm curious about everyone's opinion of creating an Options table to keep track of things like defaults vs. using the system registry.

Example: For a montly report, I'd like to remember the previous end-date the user picked and use previous end-date+1 as the starting date the next time the user runs the report to make it easier on the user.



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Check Book Registry Table Design

May 2, 2005

Hi all, Im updating my current checkbook registry database. Just want to be sure that table look ok to everyone before starting the coding process. This will be a multi user - multi account program. I have attached the relations diagram.
Please give me some suggestions as to what fields i might need to add.

Also check to relations.

Thanks a bunch.

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Local Table And ODBC Linked Table Don't Have Same Filter Options

Dec 31, 2014

In a local DB table or a data grid view, the columns have an arrow at the top next to the name. When the arrow is clicked, all the entries in that column are displayed with check boxes. They are listed underneath the "sort" and "text filter" options. I am working on a DB project with ODBC linked tables instead of a local access table.

My linked table does not have this same functionality. It is missing the names with check boxes where I can select individual entries. I don't know the correct terminology for this functionality I am describing. That makes searching tough. What this is called and why the tables would be different.

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Read Registry

Jan 4, 2006

Happy New Year All,

I know that I've done this sometime or another, but does anyone have a
code snippet for reading a Registry entry? Also, what reference?


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Linking 1 Table To Another With Y/n Options

Jul 27, 2006

I’m really new to access, learned through video professor. I have access 2000 Question: my main table contains basic client info. There is a yes/no field on it. When I click on the box in the form I would like to link it up with another table that I will create with some of the fields already filled out (name, Phone…) from the first table.
Example: the y/n box is labeled as “Buyer” if I click yes in the form; I want to create another table that asks more questions about the ones who are buyers only. In the second table, I also want a few of the fields to fill in automatically with some of the info from the first table (ID#, name, phone#...).

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Jet DSN Error - Unable To Open Registry Key

Oct 22, 2004

I got this message after I install the "SMTPSVG.DLL" that i got from http://www.serverobjects.com/comp/Aspmail3.htm
What should I do?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x8d8 Thread 0x994 DBC 0x240303c Jet'.

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Tables :: Auditory Registry Of Historic Changes

May 14, 2013

I want to know if possible how to define the structure or function that when you have a table "customers" and yoy (f.instance) change the address, you can save, modify the actual value but conserve the historical value.

Previously I am reading on how to create a Form that permit to obtain all the data required (not to complete) but to consult and if u want to modify.

I think this form could be easy but I want to create the register of the modification so that if any problem I can check the person who changed the data when and what items.

I think this is complex but I want to try....

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URGENT!!! Time Registry On User Entry

Nov 21, 2006

Hi I'm a newbie in access, i've read almos all of the threads posted

my problem is that I need to register times

for example
I ask for user number (this is an exlcusive number)
and by the time User clicks on Accept i need acces to record this time

user 19394 time 7:35 am (for example)

can this be done in access??

and another i need acces to display a pop-up message like

"User 19394 Jhon Smith
is this correct?"

can you help me

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General :: Adding Registry Key With Packaging Wizard

Nov 15, 2012

When using the runtime version, there is an issue with trusted locations. The only way around this, it seems is to edit (add) the registry key,My research tells me the key to be added is:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0A ccessSecurityTrusted Locations]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0A ccessSecurityTrusted LocationsLocation(n)]
"Description"="The description"
"Date"="01.01.2007 12:00"

If I use the Packing Wizard with Access 2007 to prepare an installation disk, there is the option for Additional Registry Keys, which looks promising, however, I am unsure how to proceed. You are asked: Root, Key, Name and Value. There are 4 options for Root: Default root, Current user, All users, Classes root.

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Enable Macros In Access Via Registry Settings

Sep 22, 2011

I need to enable macros in MS Access.

I don't have Trust Center.

How can I do this via registry settings?

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Tables :: Retiring Table / Drop-List Options

Mar 28, 2013

I have a sizable list of GIS polygon shapes(~9000 data points), collected over 15 years, that I am trying to shrink down to unique ID's. Each years data has a unique label, but for many of the polygons the shape does not change from year to year, so I want to assign a unique ID that encompasses all of the years that shape existed. Some examples:

1950- Parcel A - 2 acre star same
1951- Parcel K - 2 acre star same
1952- Parcel L - 2 acre star same
1953- Parcel F - 2 acre star same

1954- Parcel J - 3 acre box same
1955- Parcel Z - 3 acre box same

Ok, simple enough. I created a unique polygon ID in a separate table, and set the first 4 records to some value, let's say AAAA. The latter 2 records I called something else, BBBB let's say. These values are used in a combobox so my data entry stooges can easily assign each duplicated polygon the same ID, so a quick query will show that polygon XXXX is comprised of so many years worth of the same value, just with a different label. Now my question...

In the above example, after 1953 the 2 acre star polygon never exists again, so I want to 'retire' that option from the combobox so it cannot be chosen in error. As it stands now, if I were to enter the following date point 1956- Parcel N - 3 acre box

I can still choose AAAA or BBBB as the unique polygon ID to equate it to. Is there some way (maybe a boolean option) to disable just a specific combobox value so it cannot be entered in new records, but STILL shows up in old records, a.k.a. is not deleted?

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Tables :: ODBC Databases Do Not Show Up In Table Options

Sep 12, 2013

I have Linked a few ODBC Databases to my database in the Tables objects. How do I make them usable for queries or as record source for my form? I tried to create a query but the ODBC databases do not show up in the Table options.

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Modules & VBA :: Reading Registry On Windows 7 X64 With Access 2010 X86?

Nov 22, 2013

I have always had solid read access to the Windows registry running on Windows XP with Access 2007. I am utilizing code from here in a separate VBA Module to obtain access to the Windows registry:

"Change registry settings in VBA"


On Windows 7 x64 / Access 2010 x86, I am seeing a 0 value in lngKeyHandle. Also, m_lngRetVal has a value of 2 after the RegOpenKey LOC.

' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Query the key path
' --------------------------------------------------------------
m_lngRetVal = RegOpenKey(lngRootKey, strRegKeyPath, lngKeyHandle)
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' If no key handle was found then there is no key. Leave here.
' --------------------------------------------------------------
If lngKeyHandle = 0 Then
regQuery_A_Key = vbNullString
m_lngRetVal = RegCloseKey(lngKeyHandle) ' always close the handle
Exit Function
End If

I have verified that I have the key successfully in the registry... installed via the .reg file that works on Windows XP / Access 2007 systems.

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Forms :: How To Change Drop Down Box Options In Form Without Affecting Table

Jun 20, 2014

I'm a new user of Access and I'm required to input a survey into access. The data collected is being analyzed afterwards and therefore there cannot be any alpha content in the original table so I assigned multiple choice options numbers to correspond to the answers. In form view however I need the drop down boxes to spell out the answers, not just the numbers so the interviewer can read them out, I've seen this done on other similar surveys..I also tried going into form view and editing the drop down choices but that changes the table values.

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Options To Use For A Small App

May 10, 2005


I was using access 2000 to build a small office app. It will be on a network and will generally be used by only 2 or 3 people(max). I was wondering if the default jet technology would be good enough for this. If it isn't, what should I use? I looked at other options such as msde and ado but it's a bit confusing when you're new to this stuff.



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Saving Options?

Aug 10, 2005

I'm trying to create a database for a taxi-type service that runs on thursday, friday and saturday nights. My question is: Is there a way to save the database at the end of the night separate from the previous nights, and so that the database is empty for the next night, but reports can be viewed for all of the nights combined?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Need Help Trying To Understand Options

Jan 18, 2006

ok I have an access db which is all on access. the dbase has been operational now for 3 years and working well however, do to business needs and changes I'm trying to figure out a better way to collect and share data.
So the backend of the database is stored on our local office server when users log on to enter or review data they must be in the local office. We now had the need to access the database remotely from customer sites. Now the way this works is we use a local dialer to connect to our company's network and then are routed to our local server (you can imagine how slow this is) it is impossible to operate the current database this way. So I have been reading different posts and different options (front page, sql, asp etc.) What
I would like to do is convert my dbase to a program which can allow input and review of data both remotely and locally without a huge speed loss. What is the best approch for me?



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Start Up Options

Sep 5, 2006


I unticked all the boxes in the Tools > start up window. I closed my database then reopened it. Now, I can't put these settings back again as I can't see the Tools tab.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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No Options For AcHidden

Apr 10, 2007

Hi, i need to hide a report when it is opened in another function with

DoCmd.OpenReport rptName, acViewDesign,,acHidden

but it does not allow me the full set of arguments! why!?



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Enabling Options

Jan 17, 2008

I'm by no means an expert when it comes to using access and its many controls that are avaliable to use on forms. Thats why I've come here to seek your help.

I have a database that has been created by someone who has now left the company and it needs a little work done to it.

The ideal thing we would like to get working on form, is that we would like a number of options to be greyed out and only accessable when another option is ticked.

I'm not sure how to group these options together, nor an I sure how make them active only when an specific tick box is ticked. Any help would greatly appreciated on this matter.

Thanks for your time and patience.


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IIF Condition With 3 Options

Sep 23, 2005

:o Please help... I am trying to get the following results. If the Qty is less than 99 bag 10 per, if the qty is between 100 and 999 bag 100 per and if the qty is greater than 999 bag 200 per.

Pkg Qty: IIf([QTY]<=99,"10 PER",(IIf([QTY]>99,"100 PER",IIf([QTY]>999,"200 PER"))))

I am only getting the results of "10 PER" AND "100 PER". How do I get the results I want?

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Print Options

Feb 17, 2005

I ned to create a form that asks the user which reports they want to preview/print. I see it as a set of tick boxes with one saying all, then a print button. Im not really sure though, can someone offer some advise or maybe an example?

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Printing Options

Feb 28, 2005

How do i create an option inside the form, such that when the user ticks this option, it will print the form in this particular report. If user ticks another option, it will print the form in another particular report format... Thanks...

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Mouse Options

Jul 14, 2005

Is there an option so that turning the mouse wheel will scroll through the screen rather than scrolling through the different records in a form? Thanks! :confused:

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Options In A Form

Aug 31, 2005

I am a bit of a beginner to Access 2003, and I would appreciate any help you can give me? :)

I have a drop down box on a form in Access 2003 with several options when an option is selected from the first drop down I would like a sub catagory of the selected drop down option to appear in the second drop down menu.

For example:

First drop down Hair, Clothes,

If you select Hair it then give the products relating to hair which need to be choosen in the second drop down menu.

I hope this makes sense.

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Choosing Different Options

May 2, 2006

I am trying to make a form that will allow me to make several selections and run a report. I want to be able to select from a list of Grade Levels, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. After I have picked my grade level or selected more then 1 grade level I want to be able to choose from a drop down list of school district. After I have choosen my grade level and my school district I want to run my report. How do I do that?

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