Order By Clause Not Being Following

Jul 18, 2007


I have a problem with an Order By Clause.

Basically, my database holds records of sites in the UK, and I have a select query (qry_SumGIS3) that opens up a summary report (rptSumGIS3) when a button is clicked on the menu page. The report opens perfectly, showing me all the information I need to know about all the sites in my database. However, it is ignoring the Order By Clause I have specifically told it to do. I want to order the records that appear in the report by a calculated field (OBJ_WS_OVERALL_CALC) in descending order (highest to lowest percentage). Instead, it is ordering it by the site id (RTP_ID). How can I stop it doing this?

This is my code (that was created in the SQL view of the query design):

The red line is the part of the code that I think is being ignored.

Anyone that can help me is a lifesaver!

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Help With SELECT And ORDER Clause...

Dec 5, 2007

I am working on a commercial website that is using ASP and an access database.

I have a pretty elaborate select statement that works, except for part of the ORDER clause.

Here is the scenario.... my client sells automotive parts...

Table 1: (itemsku) holds part numbers
Table 2: (itemveh) holds vehicles that work with those parts along with some descriptive clarification (cab size, bed size, years, ...)
Table 3: (make) holds the vehicles make name (ford, chevy, ...)
Table 4: (model) holds the vehicles model name (F150, Ram, Silverado...)

I need to get a list of parts and their approriate descriptions and sort it by Make, Model, Specific Description, and year.

Ideally, it should look like this:

Chevy: Silverado, Longbed, 2007-2008
Chevy: Silverado, Longbed, 1999-2006
Chevy: Silverado, Shortbed, 2007-2008
Chevy: Silverado, Shortbed, 1999-2006
Ford: F150, Longbed, 2004-2008
Ford: F150, Longbed, 1997-2003
Ford, F150, Shortbed, 2004-2008

My select statement reads as follows (spaced out for readability):


itemsku.id, itemsku.item_id, itemsku.sku, itemsku.desc_sku,


model.name as modelname,

make.name as makename


((itemsku left join itemveh on itemsku.id=itemveh.itemsku_id)

left join model on itemveh.model_id = model.id)

left join make on model.make_id=make.id

where itemsku.item_id=4

order by


If I put it as listed, all sorts properly, except for the years. As soon as I add to the end of the order by....

, itemsku.yr_beg desc

Then, the desc_sku portion does NOT sort properly, but the years do. I have tried dropping the desc as well to see if that would help, but the desc_sku does not play into the sort factor if the yr_beg is added.

Am I missing something or is their a limit as to the number of fields in an ORDER?

Thanks ahead of time....


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Passing A Parameter For The Order By Clause

May 26, 2005

Can someone please tell me if it is possible to pass in a parameter for the sorting field to a stored procedure in MS Access.
When I tried to execute a query similar to below, neither did the query give me an error nor did it execute correctly.

Select * from Employees Order By ORDERBY_FIELD;

It will be great if someone could help me with this.


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Queries :: Order Of Conditions In WHERE Clause

Jun 12, 2014

From a performance perspective, does it matter in what order a number of clauses are specified ? For example if many records satisfy ConditionA but few records satisfy ConditionB, is it better to put ConditionB first ?

SELECT Fields FROM Table WHERE ConditionA and ConditionB
SELECT Fields FROM Table WHERE ConditionB and ConditionA

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ORDER BY Clause Works In Query But Not In Report?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a Report that uses a query as it's record source. I have the query ordered by a field, which works as expected in the table view of the query. In the report, however, the ORDER BY clause does not seem to carry through. The field is not sorted Ascending. What's going on?

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Where Clause - Open Form To Correct Work Order?

Aug 25, 2014

Windows 7
Access 2013

I've been trying to work up a where clause that is generated by a button click event on a report. The workflow that i'm trying to obtain is as follows:

1) A report is run to determine the remaining work orders that need to be processed.
2) A button that is placed on that report is to be clicked, taking the user to the form associated with that work order, so it can be processed.

What i've been able to do so far is capture the unique ID for the work order and then print that in a message box. I can then open the form.

What i haven't been able to accomplish thus far is to open the form to the correct work order.

Things I've tried : I started trying to use the macro with the search for record option and using the where clause. Not successful. I am a little more comfortable in using vba so i switched to that pretty quickly.

Private Sub btnJobEntry_Click()
'GOAL: open the work order form to the correct entry
'METHOD: store the uniqueID to a variable, then use that in the open command's where clause
Dim strJobID As String
'store the unique ID in the variable

[Code] ....

I've put the strJobID variable in both the filter and where clause sections of the DoCmd but it just opens the form to the first entry. I'm fairly confident i'm not applying the filter/where clause correctly by using the incorrect syntax.

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Queries :: SELECT Records From A Table Based On IN Clause And Sort Them In Order

Jan 4, 2014

WinXPPro Sp3
Access 2007

After some research I thought I had found a neat way to SELECT records from a table based on an 'IN' clause and sort them in the same order as the values for the 'IN' clause... i.e.

SELECT Unique_No, Table_Name, List_Order FROM My_Table
WHERE Table_Name = 'Titles'
AND List_Order IN (3,1,15,4,5,12,7,2)
ORDER BY INSTR('3,1,15,4,5,12,7,2', List_Order)

Unfortunately, this returns list_order 5 just after 15 and list_order 2 just after 12, thus


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Help With WHERE Clause

Oct 2, 2005

If this were a table

Amount Job_id Crew_id
$100 1 3
$200 2 4
$400 2 4
$600 2 3
$750 2 3
$800 3 7

and i needed a return (WHERE clause) when job_id is the same (i.e 2), and the crew_id is repeated like 4,4 and 33, how would i write it. I am trying to only sum the rows when this condition is fulfilled. Can anyoen help me

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Where Clause

May 29, 2006

Could anyone explain me the following sysntax :
... where ((cond1 and cond2) and (fld1<>'54')<>'60')
the syntax did not return any error while executing the query.

Thanks in adv.

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Where Clause

Jul 26, 2006

I have an select statment that pulls data from a server. This server is really slow, and there is quite a bit of data. This statement has the following where clause.

"WHERE upc_number = '" & strPikWhere & "' AND ((dbo_root_description_type.description_name)='PFM S' Or " & _

"(dbo_root_description_type.description_name)='Full tech') AND ((dbo_root_price.zone) Not Like '8*') " & _

I was wondering if the order of these where statements would make a difference, and if so how?

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The Between Clause

Dec 5, 2006


I have a query using the between clause with dates #01/01/2006# and #01/01/2007#. I have been reading a little on the between clause and it differs from SQL program to SQL program. What are its characteristics in MS Access is it >=#01/01/2006# AND <=#01/01/2007# or >=#01/01/2006# AND <#01/01/2007#.

Thank you.

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Where Clause

Feb 12, 2008

Where = "cardnumber = " & CardNumberGlobal

DoCmd.OpenForm "scoreform", acNormal, , Where, acFormAdd, acWindowNormal

When I do a Debug Print for where I get cardnumber = 1111111
The card number is a string because it might have a letter in it
don't i need it to be cardnumber = "1111111"

if so how do I get the quotes around the numbers

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Using An If Clause

Dec 1, 2004

I have a table "addresses" that has the following fields.......
id - type - street1 - street2

and type can be one of the follwoing

I am trying to write a query that gives the graduation address if it exists or if graduation doesnt exist it gives the home address.....
I was thinking of an If clause but do not know how to do it....
can i write a module...???
Any help on this is appreciated.....
Any other method also can be suggested....

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Calculated Value In Where Clause

Sep 30, 2005

In one of my queries, I'd like to reuse a calculated field as
criteria in the Where clause. SQL seems reluctant to want to
do this. You can RESTATE the calculation in the Where clause,
but can't refer to it by Name. You can Order by it, but it
can't be in the Where clause.

If the query result set consists on a set of Named columns, why
can you refer to a calculated column by Name in the "Order By"
clause but not in the Where clause?

Why is this OK?

Select FldA As FirstField,
FldB As SecondField,
FldA - FldB As TheDifference <-- Just a calculated field
From SomeTable

And this is OK?

Select FldA As FirstField,
FldB As SecondField,
FldA - FldB As TheDifference
From SomeTable
Order By TheDifference <-- Order By is OK

And this in not OK?

Select FldA As FirstField,
FldB As SecondField,
FldA - FldB As TheDifference
From SomeTable
Where TheDifference > 100 <-- Can't use TheDifference in Where clause

Don't want to repeat the calculation.

Select FldA As FirstField,
FldB As SecondField,
FldA - FldB As TheDifference
From SomeTable
Where FldA - FldB > 100 <-- I know this works, but ...
Order By TheDifference


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Having Or Group Clause

Jun 2, 2006

i have to list BookID numbers borrowed by patrons where fine are greater than a set amount

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Searching With A Like Clause

Jul 12, 2007

hi, is it possible to have a form where you enter a word in a text box and it searchs a table and brings up all records which match it, but it doesnt have to be an exact match.

you enter : the

results : the car
the bike

any help appreciated.


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WHERE Clause In SQL String

Sep 3, 2007

Hi all, do you think you could help me with this SQL statement I'm using in vba code for a recordset object?

strSQL = "SELECT idCompactPartNumber, txtItem," & _
"lngDepartmentNumber , dteAquiredDate, curPrice," & _
"intQuantity , lngUnit, txtLocation," & _
"imgPicture, dteRetiredDate, blnActive," & _
"blnConsumables " & _
"FROM tblMaterials" & _
"WHERE lngDepartmentNumber=" & lngDepartment

When I try to open the recordset with this, it says there is an error in the WHERE clause. I've tried changing all sorts of things but nothing works. I've tried with the WHERE clause commented out and it all works fine then.

Hope you can help, thanks

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Oct 24, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have the following SQL statement. The COUNT(b.BookingID) AS TB, gives me the number of bookings. I need to ensure that the number of bookings + PrebookCapacity is less than v.Capacity. I do this by:

COUNT(b.BookingID) AS TB + PrebookCapacity < v.Capacity in the WHERE CLAUSE. But when I run this in MS Access 2003, it says Enter Parameter Value for b.TB (It does not recognise b.TB as b.TB is not a table field). If I omit AND ((b.TB + PrebookCapacity < v.Capacity AND SessionStatus = 1) OR (b.TB < v.Capacity AND SessionStatus = 0)), from the WHERE clause, it works fine, also giving me the TB.

As I need to do my check in the WHERE clause, how can I check to make sure that the COUNT(b.BookingID) AS TB + PrebookCapacity is < v.Capacity, without any problems.

SELECT CourseName, Format([s.SessionDate]+[s.StartTime],"dd/mmm/yyyy hh:ss AM/PM") & " - " & Format([s.EndTime],"hh:ss AM/PM") AS [DateTime], s.SessionID, PrebookCapacity, v.Capacity,
COUNT(b.BookingID) AS TB
FROM tblCourses AS c, tblSessions AS s, tblVenues AS v, tblbookings AS b, qrySessionsAccepted AS q
WHERE c.CourseID = s.CourseID AND s.SessionID = 85 AND q.SessionID = s.SessionID AND b.SessionID = s.SessionID AND v.VenueID = s.VenueID
AND ((b.TB + PrebookCapacity < v.Capacity AND SessionStatus = 1) OR (b.TB < v.Capacity AND SessionStatus = 0))
GROUP BY CourseName, Format([s.SessionDate]+[s.StartTime],"dd/mmm/yyyy hh:ss AM/PM") & " - " & Format([s.EndTime],"hh:ss AM/PM"), s.SessionID, PrebookCapacity, v.Capacity;



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Where Clause Issue

Dec 19, 2007

Hi I'm new to query writing and I'm needing help with a query that will search a field that either contains a name or an address and only return fields with addresses.

Select address1
From Booktable,
Where (Left([address1],1) = Like "[A-Z]"

Thanks in advance for any help!:D

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Parameter With IN Clause

Feb 7, 2008

in simple my query looks like

SELECT Field1, Field2
from table1
where table1.Field2 in (1,2,3)

and now i need to parameterize this query.... I tried with

SELECT Field1, Field2
from table1
where table1.Field2 in ([Parameter])

Now the problem is... it is working fine with only one value
For example if I input 1, it provide the required result. however, if I input 1,2 it doesnt provide a single recordset

I changed the datatype of parameter from number to text and also tried different way of inputting number like "1,2" , 1,2, but still problem is the same...

Can someone please guide me where I am going wrong

Thanks in advance

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Using Another Table In Where Clause

Feb 13, 2008

This probably sounds stupid but I need to ask because well, I'm stupid. I have created a separate table of partnumbers that DO NOT get included in a SELECT Query for another table (tblmain). How can I use this table in my WHERE clause? Below is my SQL statement and the table with the partnumbers is tblreportpartnumbers.

strSQL = "SELECT SUM([Yield]) AS [My Sum] FROM tblmain"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE(([Area]='Cell 1 Supfina' AND "
strSQL = strSQL & "([Date entered]=#" & dtmdate & "#"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND([Part Number]=???????)))"
strSQL = strSQL & " Group By [Date entered];"

Any help would be wonderfulllll

Thanks A lot

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Iif Statements... Then The WHERE Clause? Help!

Apr 16, 2008

here is my query which runs within the VB code...

queryString2 = ""
queryString2 = queryString2 & " INSERT INTO markup SELECT TOP 1 JDE_Customer_No AS [JDE Customer No],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " Custom2.Customer_Name AS [Customer Name],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " part.id AS Part,"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " price_factor.use_fixed_price AS [Use_fixed],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1,fixed_price_list.price,price_list.price) AS [Base Price],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1,price_factor.fixed_price_factor,price_factor.fa ctor) AS [Factor],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1,fixed_price_list.min_quantity,price_list.min_qu antity) AS [Price Break],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " part_select.quantity AS [Quantity Required],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " part.unit_id As [Unit],"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif(Use_fixed =1"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " ,(price_factor.fixed_price_factor*(fixed_price_lis t.price*FixedCurrencyConUKP.sterling_exchange_rate ))"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " ,(price_factor.factor *(price_list.price*CurrencyConUKP.sterling_exchang e_rate))) AS Price"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " FROM part_select, part, fixed_price_list, price_list, price_factor, Custom2, CurrencyConUKP, FixedCurrencyConUKP"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " WHERE part.id = part_select.part"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_list.part_id = part.id"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND fixed_price_list.part_id = part.id"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND Custom2.JDE_Price_Group=price_factor.customer_grou p"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_factor.part_group=part." & PriceGroup
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND Custom2.Customer_Name = " & "'" & CustomerSelection & "'"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND fixed_price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND part.id = " & "'" & select_part_rst!part & "'"
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND part_select.quantity = " & select_part_rst!quantity
queryString2 = queryString2 & " ;"

It all works pretty much fine, however, the problem occurs because the iif statement tells the code to use either the fixed_price_list table or the price_list table depending on the value of Use_fixed. the iif works fine, its the WHERE clause. because the iif statements tell the query to look at one table or the other, the WHERE clause includes statements from both tables e.g.

queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "
queryString2 = queryString2 & " AND fixed_price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity "

but some parts dont have information within the fixed_price_list table, and thus are not being found in the results due to the WHERE clause. can anyone help?? i tried using a left join but it didnt work how i wanted. in a perfect world i would be able to include a iif statement in the where clause e.g.

queryString2 = queryString2 & " iif Use_fixed =1, AND price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity, AND fixed_price_list.min_quantity <= part_select.quantity) "

can anyone help?

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Where Clause Trouble

Apr 22, 2008

OK I have code to make a where clause this is working fine. Now I have to add another piece of code to filter it even more, this is where I am having trouble

Code that works fine

'construct a where clause as required for the list box
'if the Manufactur box is blank then all games will show up on the list
If Mfg = "0" Then Mfg = "*"
If Denom <> "" Then where = "DenomFix LIKE '" & Denom & "*' AND "
If Mfg <> "" Then where = where & "MFRCode LIKE '" & Mfg & "' AND "
If Search <> "" Then where = where & "Description LIKE '*" & Search & "*' AND "
'this will filter the list with only the approved games
Dim Aprvd As String
Aprvd = "Approved"
If Me.AprrovedCheck = True Then where = where & "Approved LIKE'" & Aprvd & "' AND "

'remove the trailing "AND ", if it exists
If Right(where, 4) = "AND " Then where = Left(where, Len(where) - 4)
'and if there is any text in the where clause, add the word 'WHERE '
If where <> "" Then where = "WHERE " & where
'apply the SQL to the rowsource of the List box to Pick a game

Me.List8.RowSource = _
"SELECT Approved, ReelStops As [Corp ID], DenomFix as Denom, Description As Theme, Par, MaxCoins As [Max Coin], PayLines As [Pay Lines]" & _
"FROM MachineTypeQuery " & _
where & _
"ORDER BY Description;"

Now what I need to add code to make a where clause that says something like DVIA is greater then 0 (DVIA >0) but I want to do this by its self and add it back into the where clause

Private Sub ApplyPropertyWhere()
If PropertyGlobal = "DVIA" Then PropertyWhereGlobal = "DVIA > 0"

I would then put a line of code in the where clause like this
'This will filter the list with only the property they are from
If Me.PropertyCheck = True Then where = where & PropertyWhereGlobal

Please Help me fix the "DVIA >0" Thanks

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Using A Where Clause On A Subform??

Oct 4, 2005


I have a sub form on my form which displays the normalised data on a datasheet.

I have managed to create a txt box on my main form that contains the number of records within that subform by doing this in the control source.

ControlSource --> =subform_controlname.form.recordset.recordcount

How do i know create another text box that display the number of rows within the subform where fielda = "String" (string being a word)????


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Where Clause Problem

Apr 7, 2007

First I just designed my first database and all seems to work fine except that my if I try and use a where clause in my query it won't work. Example below:

This query works fine but as soon as I add this it won't work.
SELECT Assets.EmployeeName
FROM Assets

SELECT Assets.EmployeeName
FROM Assets
WHERE Assets.EmployeeName='Lucky Kruse';

If needed I can send the database as I really need help on this.
Thanks for the help.

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Oct 19, 2013

I have seen WHERE clause works with GROUP BY, just not this one, not sure why.


SELECT seller, iid, startTIME , count(*) as cntBID
FROM bid
WHERE count(*) = 1
GROUP BY seller, iid, startTIME

SELECT seller, iid, startTIME , count(*) as cntBID
FROM bid
GROUP BY seller, iid, startTIME
HAVING count(*) = 1

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