Ordering/Sorting Data In Form

Feb 24, 2005

Hi all,
I have a simple 2-table database. the 'parent' table is tblProducts, and the 'child' table is tblDocuments. (one [products] to many [docouments] relationship)

My data entry is done using a 'documents' subform inside a 'products' parent form. The data entry works fine, except i would really like it if my products and documents would be listed in alphabetical order in their respective form/subform {makes it easier on the user, and saves me needing a find record button}. At the moment they seem to be ordered by the time in which they were added to the table. I guess Access is using the primary Key as the 'order by' parameter.

The thing that is infuriating me is that i have gone into my two tables and told access to sort the data by Product Name, and Document name in the respective tables. I can verify that this has worked by going to data view; lo and behold the data are listed in the order i specified.

Further I have gone into my form and sub form properties, into the Data...Order By property and have keyed in the name of the field i want to sort by (product name in the parent form, and document name in the sub form).

I have tried all combinations and permutations of the above processes but nothing seems to work.

It seems i am missing one crucial piece to the puzzle, as i haven't had much luck finding a solution on groups.google or anything else (maybe im using the wrong search terms). I am having this problem with all of my databases, so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Sorting Table / Query - Ordering Numeric Values

Dec 30, 2013

I currently have records that end with a letter and 2 numbers. For example, A1, A2, ... , A10, A11. When I try to sort my table/query by these values, A10 & A11 come before A2. It seems that it is sorting by the first digit shown. Is there any way to fix this quickly within table/query properties so that this can be displayed in proper numeric order?

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Sorting Form By Filtered Data

Mar 14, 2006

I have a button that opens a second form and shows filtered data based on the selection of a ComboBox from the initial form. That all works nicely, I now wish to sort the Data in the new form by [POID].

The code I'm using looks like this;

Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command5_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "FRM_AWMPonum"

stLinkCriteria = "[ClientID]=" & Me![Combo0] & " AND IsNull(DelDate)"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command5_Click

End Sub

What changes do I need to make to the code to sort the data?

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Sorting Data In A Form By Clicking On The Header

Aug 31, 2006

Is there a way to sort data in a form by clicking on a corresponding control (e.g. label/txtbox) in the FormHeader?

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Ordering Form

Nov 4, 2006

I have actually 2 questions. They are probably very easy to solve, but I have no idea where to start looking.

1) I have a form (Form1) which has a combo box. When pressing "F2", I start a second form (Form2).

On Form2 I want my records order by Name, but I always have them ordered by ID. I tried the "Order By" property on the form, but that doesn't seem to work.

2) When closing the form, I want the selected (or the newly created record) to be the current record in the Combo box on Form1. How do I do that?


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Ordering By Date In A Form

Dec 10, 2014

I have created a form with many companies. each companies have 4 events in one year,but the first event in the form is the last one. How can order this events in this form chronologically?

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Sorting A Table, Apply The Sorting To A Form

Mar 10, 2006

Hi all.
I've created a database which contains information about stores. I want to have the forms automaticly sorted by the department number.
I've tried to sort the table by department, but when I try to add a department, the sorting doesn't seem to affect the form at all.

Lets say I have department 1,2,3,6,7,8 in the form, and I add department 4, it will be the last post in the form. I want it to be the fourth, and so on..

I'd apreciate some help with this :) Thanks

Here's the database (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12934&stc=1&d=1142018915&PHPSESSID=f730b7f11f6983965698faeacbe5a1ee)

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Best Way Of Sorting This Data

Nov 5, 2004

i have 2 tables...

1st table called -"tCodes"
containing fields called -

CodeID (PK) - Autonumber
Code - Text
Code Description - Text

2nd Table - "tMachines"
containing fields called -

MachineID - (PK) - AutoNumber
Machine - Text






I need to assign various codes to specific lines...

for example i may need to assign A101 to lines A,B & C but not line D

i was thinking i should make a third table and link the 3 together...should i do this..?

also i think that this could be a huge task as i have over 25 machines and over 700 codes the combinations are huge, what is the best way for me to overcome this problem ?

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Data Sorting And Count

Feb 10, 2008

hi dear members
i m new in access dont know how make query i wanna sort and count duplicate recorde with the help of query
for example
id numbers total numbers of trade
A 123 98674
B 456 98458
C 674 093253
A 123 84545
A 123 3423



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Help Sorting And Filtering Data For A Report.

Oct 22, 2004

Hi everyone,

I am having a little trouble using a 'canned' Access database. Using the built in Asset Tracking database, I am trying to get specific information on the Assets report. The Assets report generally shows all assets, I've made a new report to show the data sorted by the phone extension number, also the room number (which is how our inventory is tracked).

This works well, except, I want to be able to view one extension/room at a time. To do this, I added a button on the 'Enter/View Emplyees' form to preview the report, and created a macro to get this info. However, it only shows whatever data is highlighted in the emplyees sub-form. How can I get all of the data assigned to each extension to appear on the report?

Tried to upload the file, but it's too large. Can email if requested.


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General :: Sorting Data In A List Box

Sep 21, 2012

I have a database with a form. Form has a list Box. I write a code for sorting data in list Box and it is worked but sorting in one of the column in list box does not work.I think the reason of it that this column is a combo box with multiple values.

The file of database is in attachment.

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Sorting Ends Data Entry Mode

May 14, 2013

I have a form containing a subform. The subform is opened in data entry mode, so it displays no existing records. However if the user right-clicks the form and selects a sort, all records are displayed. Is there any way to stop this behavior so that the form remains in data entry mode?

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IIf Statement Used For Sorting Data Based On Option Group

Jan 10, 2006

Hi all,

My problem is as follows:

I am trying to generate a report, which is based on a query, which references a form that has an option group containing four options.

I want to sort the data according which option group radio button has been selected (they the values of 1,2,3,4).

Originally there were only 2 options and the query said (in SQL view):

ORDER BY IIf(Forms!frm_08_reportsort!opt_sort_by=1,TBL_Acco untManager.Name,TBL_SiteContactDetails.SchoolName) ,

This works fine for 2 options, but I can't figure out what command i should use for more than 2 options :confused:

Any help would be much appreciated :)

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Ordering Help

Dec 8, 2005

i have a database with 3 main tabels: customers, items being sold and orders. i am having problems with having more than one item assigned to a order. can anyone help me please? i am new to access so if anyone can help can you explain in symple steps?

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Reports :: Hiding Field That Is Only For Sorting Purposes To Group Data

Sep 24, 2014

I have a table of about 250 items that are sorted based on two fields. I created a query of the table and hide one of the fields because it is only there for sorting purposes to group the data.

For example, I have a "Type" field. In the type field, I differentiate the items with different categories, such as "Materials", "Safety", etc. My next field is "subtype" which assists the "Type" field being sorted properly for my needs. In the "Materials" category, all of the items are either "Fencing", "Plastic", "Wire", or "Miscellaneous". I am sorting the "type" and "subtype" fields in ascending order so that all the "materials" are grouped together, and all of the "fencing, "plastic", etc are grouped together within the materials field.

I am creating a printable report and I do not want the "subtype" field to be on the report, but I need the "subtype" field's sort to be affecting my data so it is grouped properly. I'm having difficulty, is there a way to hide fields in reports?

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Ordering Sheet Help Please!!!

Feb 22, 2006

hello i have created an ordering sheet for my company. i want to know if it is possible to automatically record the time of each order made?
If possible could someone tell me how it is done?

Also is it possible to put a clock in an Access database?



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Ordering Sheet Help Please!!!

Feb 22, 2006

hello i have created an ordering sheet for my company. i want to know if it is possible to automatically record the time of each order made?
If possible could someone tell me how it is done?

Also is it possible to put a clock in an Access database?



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Ordering Records

Nov 25, 2005

Is there a way of , when a database administrator enters a new rocord to a database, making the new record appear at th e top of the table it is enter ed into, i.e can he prefix the entry to tell access to put the record at the top of the table

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Ordering Dates

Jul 25, 2007


I have a question on date order please see attachment. I have changed the numerical value into a date abbreviation with an iif statement in design view via another crosstab query.

I am now trying find out a way to start the data with April and ending with March for my financial year. Any help would be appreciated.


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Ordering Records

May 12, 2005

I have a database containing music library data, with fields <Composer> and <Title>. I have a form that shows a these fields as lists, but I want to add a button at the top of each list to order the data by that field. How do I do it?

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Manual Ordering.

Jun 9, 2005

I think this may be impossible but I am hoping it isn't :)

Have any of come across a way to Manually order a continuous form.

The way I would see it working is to have a column in the table called sort_order and two buttons on the form called move up and move down. Once clicked the sort_order value would change thus changing the order on the form.

I should imagine it would be alot more complicated than my brief description, in fact it may like I said be impossible.

If any of you have an idea how to achieve this I will be very grateful



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Modules & VBA :: Sorting Out Data To Be Used In Final Table - Runtime Error 3021

Nov 25, 2014

I have managed to sort out the data to be used in the final table. However, I am having trouble transferring the data from each of their own tables into the final table.

Each time I run my code I receive "run-time error 3021: No current record."

It seems that only my timestamp is being added properly, but the error pops up and highlights the first "rstInsert.Edit" of my code. I'm suspecting that my function is running too fast, such that it did not have time to read that the table has already been populated by the timestamp in the AddNew code

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstTimestamp As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAcknowledgement As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAgent As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Group Data In A Report From Single Table Using Grouping And Sorting

Dec 2, 2014

I'm trying to group data in a report from single table using grouping and sorting and I want the percentile of every record over group total. I'm using a query to fetch data from table, however I'm unable to get percentage of every single record over group total.

I want to display the report as attached image in single report. I'm unable to get data in "Perc" field. It's populating wrong values.

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Report Grouping And Ordering

Jan 5, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a field in a table on Access 2000 database with takes the following information in any order and can be repeated. e.g. can have 10, etc people with contact signed, 10, etc people with PDD issued, etc.

contract signed
PIN issued
PDD issued
validation finished
Host country approval
EB approved
CER's issued.

I am designing a report in which I want to Group and order the info. in the field in the order shown above, e.g 1. contract signed, then 2. PIN issued followed by PDD issued, etc in Ascending order say and the other way round say CER's issued, EB approved, etc.

Can anyone help here? I have not much experience with designing reports but I have tried using the report Sorting and Grouping and it does it in aphabetical order, not in that order I require.

Thank you


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Ordering In A Report Column

Jan 23, 2007

I have used the following Query statement to produce a variable that appears in a Report column:

ValueInReportColumn: IIf([Number1]=0,"NA",Val(Format([AnotherQueryName].

Although the The Val function reconverts the text, produced by the Format function, back into a number the IIf function seems to convert back to text again. This means that in the Report, when I order the values in descending order I get:

NA 50 50 50 40 28.57 14.29 100 10 0 ...

Is there anyway round this, to order the numbers and leave the text value NA at either end?! Hope this makes sense! Any help very welcome. mcchu

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Ordering A DISTINCT Query Of Dates?

Jul 20, 2005

Is this possible, if using the following:

SELECT DISTINCT (Format([Month],"mmm yyyy")) FROM Table;

Adding a ORDER BY [Month]; gives a "distinct and order by" conflict...

Is there any way to alleviate this?

I want to display a "mmm yyyy" formatted combobox in order (i.e. Jan 2005, Feb 2005, Mar 2005, etc...)


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