Over Type Values To Create New Record?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm looking to record bets and winnings for multiple accounts with a running balance for each account and a running grand total. On the face of it a spreadsheet seemed to be the answer but I need to create a history of bets placed and winnings received. The friend, for whom I'm doing this, wants to be able to overtype current values to create new records. There must also be a facility to create new accounts.

Account A has an opening balance of £135.00 and the other accounts each have their own balances.

A bet of £100 is placed against Account A i.e. a debit, so the balance is now £35.00. Subsequently, a win of £150.00 is received of £150 so the balance is now £185.

Each bet should, I think, have an effective date and an inactive date. Current records will have an effective date but the inactive date will be null. Completed bets will have both an effective date and an inactive date.

Wins only need a date created date.I need to display the account name, current bet, winning amount and balance on the same row - using a form? When the form is opened there will be a column of account names, a column of current bets, a column of winnings and a column of balances.

If there is a current bet then that value should be shown in the appropriate text box. When a win is received the user should type that value in the 'Win' text box and a new Win record should be created with today's date. The inactive date of the current bet should be updated to today's date.

Now the Current_Bet text box should be empty as should the Winning text box.

The user should now be able to enter a new value in the Current_Bet box and create a new current bet record with an effective date of today and a null inactive date.

How can I populate the Current_Bet box with the value of the current record, make the changes described above and use the same text box to enter new values and create new records.

Essentially the form would look pretty much a spreadsheet where the user can just overtype values but a history of changes has to be recorded and the balance isn't just the sum of the displayed values because if it was then each time values were overtyped the balance would change and would take no account of the history.

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Modules & VBA :: Create Unique Reference Number Based On Field Values For Record

Jun 18, 2015

I want Access to automatically generate a reference number for a record based on the values in on two other fields for a given record using a form.

The first field is called Operation Number.

The second is Bag Number.

The reference number needs to be in this format: 19C.3.1

Where 19C is the Operation Number, 3 is the bag number, and 1 is automatically generated. Additionally I need the last number --the automatically generated one--to go back to 1 if with each new bag number.

This is kind of like library catalog numbers. Not sure how to do this.

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How To Create A Access Table Having Autonumber Type With Sql?

May 20, 2005

field type of autonumber can not be created with sql,why?is autonumber a data type like int,text ect.?but int or text field can be created

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General :: Create A Field Lookup With Value That Specify In A Form That TYPE In

Jul 17, 2013

I wanted to create a field lookup with values that I specify, not on the table sheet, but on the form. User can click on a text box or combo box and can select a list of value that I specify, not values that are listed on a table but ones that I type in, in the form.

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General :: Program That Can Be Used To Create EXE Type File For Application?

Dec 12, 2012

I have been reading a lot about Access Runtime and the problems that occur when a runtime application is installed on a machine that already has a full version of Access. Any program that can be used to create an .EXE type file for an access application that will eliminate all of these problems? The cost of the compiler program is not a major concern if it works!!!

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How To Create My Own Message If A User Enter A Value Not Match With The Data Type?

Jul 26, 2006

In MS Access form, how can I create my own message if the user enter a value that not match with the data type of a field in underlying table? Thanks a lot!

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General :: Cross Join To Create Ledger Type Query From 4 Tables

Apr 2, 2013

I have 4 queries in which data needs to be connected from the date and shown as a single date showing each sections entry in a row and a cumulative total is maintained as the balance .

See the attached image ...

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Insert Null Values Into Date And Integer Data Type

Sep 22, 2006

Hello guys,

Does anybode has any idea, of how to do that ? I can do it very easy in VB.NET, or C#, but in Access I give up.

So, I have to take data from the form , and send it to Sub.

With data type of String , I have no any problem, use Nz funciton, end everything, goes well.

But with Date and Integer, I can not find solution.

So :


Dim PensionerFromDate as Date

PensionerFromDate = IIf(IsNull(Me.txtPDPensionerFromDate) = True, ????, Me.txtPDPensionerFromDate)

(instead of ???? i tried everything .. dbNull, vbEmpty, vbNull,sqldatenull, and somtimes it works but int the table stores "12/301899")


Dim CompanyID as integer
CompanyID = IIf(Me.cboCompany.Column(0) = 0, ????? , Me.cboCompany.Column(0))

I tried here instead of ????, tu insert "", ",," , " " , Cint("") itd. itd. . but nothing works.

Has anybody any idea ?

100 x thanks in advance

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Forms :: Hide Unchecked Values In A Listbox - Create Hyperlink On Listbox Values?

Jan 20, 2014

Firstly, is it possible to hide unchecked values in a listbox? I have a user with several roles and I want to only show the ticked roles in the listbox.

Secondly, can you create a hyperlink on listbox values? i.e, if I click on "Manager" in the roles listbox, it follows that to another form and opens the record about managers?

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Modules & VBA :: Create Values From Other Subform?

Nov 6, 2013

my parent form has two subforms. when the user double clicks a value on one subform it populates the first blank field in the other subform. I created a code for the double click on the subform

Forms!frmeventbuild!Form.frmBUILDsub.EMPLOYEE.Value = Me.FULL_NAME

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Create A Paragraph Using Field Values

Oct 25, 2012

How can I use different fields values to compose a paragraph? I want to make a shipment notification letter using different fields. For Example,

Hi [ShipToName],
Your order of book [BookName] has been shipped via [Shipping_Service]. The tracking No. is [TrackingNumber].

Your order has been shipped to following address,
[City], [State] [ZIP],

Then I also want to email it using outlook 2010 but that might be a different thread.

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Create & Populate Through Access Query And Their Values

Apr 14, 2008


I need your guidance to do the following;

On a click of a button from the Form the following should execute.
I have created 50 queries. Each query has more than 1000 recordsets.

1. I want to count the number of rows for each query (50 queries = 50 different values)
2. create one table and populate those 50 different values into the table
3. Using those values in the table; a Stack column chart has to be created.

In simple explanation; on a click of a button the data should be processed and chart has to be created.

Just a tip will also do to try on my side.

Thank you in advance

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Queries :: How To Create A Query To Append Values

Nov 6, 2014

I am trying to create a query to append new records from my NEW database into my old excel database.....

The old DB has 4-5 extra tabs that the NEW database does not have so when I append, in those extra columns the new database will just have blank records since the column doesn't exist.

Usually I do a append query in design view. but sometimes it gets funny because it creates duplicates...

How would I go about it, so its quicker and persistent like creating a macro excel.

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How To Create All Unique Values In 4 X 4 Matrix Table

Oct 6, 2012

if I got a 4 x 4 matrix table - 4 rows and 4 columns - MS Access 2007/2010 the values should exist as below with no repetition of any number in any of the cells.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

a number should not repeat in any of the cells.I set a primary key on cloumn 1 and defined unique on all the fileds but that doesn't work since 1 columns does not know what the other cell contains and no relationship exists.

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Create Primary Key From Values Entered In The Field

Nov 28, 2014

I have two Tables, Table A and Table B...Table A and B have a one to many relationship with A (one) and B (many).I have a Master form that displays information for Table A. Also, I have a subform within this Master that displays information for Table B.

As I scroll through the records of A, you can see the 1-many relationship elucidated in the subform with many being displayed for Table B.I run into a dilemma, though, when I try to ADD a new record to Table A (and in turn Table B).When I add a new record, there is no Primary Key left to be displayed since this primary key is generated from a query.Hence, when I move to a new record, I can not save the record because there is no primary key. Since there is no primary key, there is nothing that i can input into the subform either. I want to create the primary key from values entered in the field. However, i CAN NOT create a relationship with an expression for field values.

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Changes Not Successful; Create Duplicate Values In The Index, Primary Key, Or ...

Nov 29, 2005

This is a real mind bender.
I am running a2k. I am merging two databases. table1 is in the backend database. table2 is linked to the second database.
I run an append query to add table2 entries to table1. The append fails for 96 recs saying key violation. Turns out I can rerun the append if I drop the zip code field.
I then try to manually change the zip code and receive the duplicate values in index, primary key, or relationship.

I ran a compact & repair the databases, still no go. I can't edit the value of the zip code. I import the table to a new database. Still can't change the zip code. I drop MANY of the indexes. Even the index on the zip code field. Run compact&repair. still getting the index message. I even re-imported to a new db again. Still same error message.

I may start again by importing JUST these two tables to a new blank db and see if I get the same issues. I'll keep you posted...but maybe there is someone out there who has seen this error before.

fyi-if I enter a new record, the autonumber field correctly increments to the next available autonumber field. (I say this because of another thread on this matter w/ autonumber fields and bug in A2003)

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Forms :: Combo Box With Different Column Values To Create A Table

Jan 17, 2014

Am I correct in thinking the only way to have a combo box with different values in each column is to create a table and then bind the combo box to the column you are referring to if you want it to represent a value from another.

For example if I have a combo box with the words January, February etc can that combo box have a corresponding month number value in a separate column (this combo would be derived from a list) or would I need to create a table holding both the month names and numbers and then bind to the name value for selection but use the month number value?

The reason I ask is I wasn't sure if for every type of list I wanted with multiple column values, I would need to create a table.

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General :: Create A Forum That Changes Values In A HTML Template

Jul 8, 2014

I Am working on a Access database that will build a excel spread sheet, that will be uploaded to Ebay via file exchange. I am looking to build a forum that will edit parts of a Html text in a column, such as the size and color.

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Forms :: How To Create A Query On Lookup Of Multiple Values

Oct 19, 2013

I wanted to create a form where you can select multiple values from the table "years" and on a button it would open a query displaying all the records in "students" in those years selected.

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Queries :: Create A Query That Can Sum Values Of Different Fields In Different Tables

Apr 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a query that can sum values of different fields in different tables...Can I sum values of a field and put the result into another field in different table?

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Finding Values That Are Duplicated / Can Create NO DUPLICATES Index

Jun 13, 2013

I am using Access 2010 32-bit on a Windows 7 64-bit platform.I have a database that I have imported existing data into. For the most part, I have eliminated duplicate entries in my Item Number field.

Obviously I have missed at least one (or possibly more) duplicates. When I try to create a NO DUPLICATES index, I am informed that there are duplicate entries.I am looking for a quick way to generate a list of values that are duplicated so I can address those and correct them.Item number field is a number field of type DOUBLE with 2 decimal places.

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Record Locking - Multi User Worklist Type Database

Mar 9, 2006


Bottom line I'm in bit of a pickle, work has moved forward the migration of Office97/NT4 to Office2003/XP by 2 months (clever lot) and was hoping not have to cram for this question until at least 3-5 weeks.

I'm looking for pointers/suggestions because I now have to test in Access2003 Runtime on MONDAY!!!!

What it is, is:

I have a query which is a list of items that need to be worked out of 65,000.
Of that 65,000, 20,000 end up in the query (Actually do need looking at after an Automated process)
(it's adapting the query/process I think I need)


EntID - UniqueID for a household
Applicant1 - Number lookup value for Applicant 1
Applicant2 - Number lookup value for Applicant 2
Qualifies - 1 = Yes, 2 = No, Null = Not worked.

That's basic building block of the Query which is Drives the main Form.

What I would like is a scenario similar to this:

Person A opens record 1

Person B opens record 2

Person C opens record 3

Person C finishes record 3

Person B finishes record 2

Person C opens record 4

Person B opens record 5 (he/she took a little break)

Now that's the way I would like it to work, but there will be other factors and this is where I'm all ears for anyone who is used to this type of system.

The problem I can't figure out is that the Main Form has several subforms, but none of the data is to be edited, it is there for visual purposes only.
The users will be creating records via the Main Form through code, but not directly into any tables/queries with which I can use conventional record locking, that I can see.

My thoughts are that Person A calls up a record based on Min EntID and somehow locks it so the Person B looks for Min EntID Where not locked.

Question Time:

Please, please can someone point me in the direction of how to do it and more importantly the correct order of events?
I have tried doing the Min EntID and locking the record, but while Person A is running the Min Query, Person B is running it also so they end up with the same record as B has the record on screen while A is locking it.

In the real world Person B might open record 2 and think, nah I can't be bothered.
I would like a proffessional opnion on whether C opens record 2 or should B be made to deal with it.

I think not given the huge time constrants landed square on my lap, I would get there with smaller questions, but I've spent the last 10hrs writing a Function, to get it ready for the testing lab, where the owner has changed the requirements 7 times and my head isn't working.

All or some help given will be GREATLY received.
Any further information needed, just ask.

Hope you can help.


Ian Mac

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Queries :: Loop To Create New Tables With Unique Field Values

Sep 20, 2013

I have a table - (Table A) that has 2 fields X and Y. I would like to write a query or script to make two new tables based on the unique values found in field X. In other words, all data where field X = 1 would be written to a new table called "1" and all data wehre field X =2 would be written to a new table called "2".I would like this done automatically.

Table A
Field X Field Y
1 a
1 b
1 c
1 d
2 a
2 b
2 c

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Tables :: Auto Fill Values In New Record With Data From Previous Record

Apr 29, 2015

How to fill values in a new record with data from previous record?

I've total 11 columns in a table and values in 3 4 columns are repeating for few rows before it needs to be changed eventually. I want to fill these rows with values from previous record.

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Queries :: Create Query That Takes Values From Search Form And Provides Records

May 5, 2015

I am trying to create a query that takes values from a search form and provides records. I was having issues with getting results when some boxes on the form were left blank. I found a solution to that and it worked with a small number of fields. However when I make the full form query (about 8-10 fields) and run it says the query is too complex. I wrote the sql as I could not get designer to do what I wanted. Attached is the sql that works and that which is "too complex".

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