Override Form Allow Edits With Code??

Oct 20, 2004

I am still struggling with my sub-form.
Have managed to prevent edit by using the form properties.
However I have some fields which have to be updated after the form has been closed.
I tried putting the following code in the (Before Update Event) of date issued field for instance.

If Me![DateIssued]=Null then
end if

Needless to say this didn't help.

I have some fields which cannot be filled in until a later date.
These are job records so I have date open, Technician name date completed plus a whole herd of other stuff which has to be filled in as the job progresses.

Any help will be most appreciated,

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Utilities/code To Make Form & Report Creation/Edits Easier

May 26, 2005

I am wondering if anyone can recommend shareware or free ware Utilities/code to make Form & Report Creation/Edits easier?

I'm thinking of something like Cub Editor http://www.peterssoftware.com/ce.htm or SmartForm+ http://www.aadconsulting.com/smtfrmplus.html

but alas .... I can't do anything that will edit the registry (company politics says Access and it's Wizards is plenty 'perfect' http://www.dbforums.com/images/smilies/frown.gif maybe I will convince the powers that be but not in short time)

Also the code (or forms / reports built) need to work on Access 2000, 2002 and 2003. or well-commented on how to modify as I'm only modest with writng VBA code.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Modules & VBA :: Ignore / Override Form Ribbon Created For Users

Jan 27, 2014

I have created a ribbon for the users on all forms, and named that ribbon on each form. While I can bypass the Main ribbon (hiding backstage and most other tabs) by holding the shift key on open, the minute I open a form I am stuck with the very limited form ribbon I've named. Is there a programmatic way I can ignore this call, either when holding the shift key or some other avenue?

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Printing Form That Allows Only Certain Edits

Jul 11, 2014

We have 3 different sizes 1x3 2x3 4x6..I want to make 3 separate forms that have multiple sections that can be chosen.Upon Request I can Supply each separate Label with arrows to show what fields need to be changed for each Sales order.For the 1x3 Labels we Make:

1. ETL
- We change model #
- We Change if the Labels Says Dry Damp or Wet Listed.

2. MISC.
-One Plain Txt Box that can be edited in the center

For the 2x3 Labels:

1.Box Labels
-Sales Order#
-Shipping Location
(For the Box Labels I was thinking I have a Table that holds all this data and all I would have to make is a Query then a form)

-Change Model
-Wet Damp or Dry
-Change Model
-Change the Wattage (3 Different Places)
-Wet Damp or Dry
-6 Text Boxes (From top to Bottom not side by side)

4x6 Labels:
1.HID Box Labels
-Medium or Mogul Based

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Two-table Query-Based Form Won't Allow Edits

Oct 2, 2006

Have the data settings for the form all allow=true
And tried the VBA allowedits=true on form open but the form is still locked.
Any suggestions about why?
Is updating two tables from a two-table query not allowed or???

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Button To Allow Edits On A Form

Nov 4, 2014

So I have a form that allows me to view the information associated with a specific record. Within this form is also a subform that shows additional information about the record from a junction table. I want to create a button that allows me to edit the information on both forms.

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Forms :: Apply Filter To Form And Allow User To Do Edits

Jan 10, 2015

I'm creating a database about Vets and I need to make a button on my menu form that will open something like message box that will allow me to type in something (in my case Customer ID) which will then apply the filter on the customer form and allow me to do edits. I have only done the macro that will open the customer form but can't figure out how to do the filter part.

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Forms :: Why To Undo Edits After Changed Records In A Form

Jul 22, 2013

I thought "Undo" was only available while in the current record.Here were my steps:

1 - Loaded form that shows 1 record per form page.
2 - Edited a record
3 - Moved to another record with status bar nav arrow
4 - Verified my edit was in the underlying table
5 - Moved back to the original record, again using status bar nav arrow
6 - Clicked my "undo" control and the original data appeared in the form
7 - Moved to another record
8 - Verified my original data was now back in the underlying table

My undo control has this vba on click:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo

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Forms :: Edit Button To Enable Edits On Form And Subform

Sep 22, 2013

I have a form "Handover" on this form I have a button that enables edit functionality once clicked, I now have a subform on this form named "Bdown".

The Bdown subform allows edits without having to click the "btn_Edit" on the main form "Handover".

Is is possible to make the edit button on "Handover" control the edit function on "Bdown" also?

Currently "Handover" contains:

Private Sub btn_Edit_Click()
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.btn_Edit.Caption = "Editing"
End Sub

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Split Form With Combo Box As Filter Allow Edits False

Sep 6, 2014

I have a simple split form with datasheet on the bottom and a couple of comboboxes (unbound) on the form header which the user can use for filtering the data. When some users open the form the allowedit property of the form is set to false, because those users can only view the records. But the result is that also the comboboxes cannot be set, hence no filtering!

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Override AutoNumber

Nov 9, 2006

Hi all.

I have inherited a database which contains a table of tasks and where the TaskID is an autonumber. Quite a bit of code has been written that refers to specific values but unfortunately one of those is not contained within the table (for background the reference is 10 and where the current value is now 1683).
So, I want to add TaskID 10 but of course I cant be specific about that value. If I change the field to be just a number, I can add the record but then of course Access won't allow me to change it back to AutoNumber.

Any ideas?



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Override A Calculation

Dec 6, 2006

i have a database form with a field called commitment fee

in that field is a calculation

=-IIf([Type of finance]="Term Loan",([Total amount requested]*0.015),-([Total amount requested]*0.01))

But sometimes i want to be able to override this and input a different value like 0.00 if the amount has been paid.

any ideas what the code would be for this


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Override Required Fields

Aug 30, 2007

Well guys, I don't know if this is possible or not, but maybe someone can guide me in the right path.

I have a data entry form that several employees use. I have certain required fields that are set on the form level. I have couple employees that I would like to have the ability to override these fields. I was thinking like using F10 key or other key combinations that will allow them to override the required fields in order to save the record.

Is this something realistic that I can accomplish in access, and if so, does anyone have a sample that can help me with this task? Thanks to all.

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Override Event With Function Key

Nov 26, 2005

I am attempting to duplicate a feature of some software I use in my office. Been pretty easy so far because this software is built on Access. So here it is...... I have fields with names, job names in this case. Call it "JobDescription" MOST times I will want proper case, so I put ........Private Sub JobDescription_AfterUpdate()[JobDescription] = StrConv([JobDescription], vbProperCase)End SubThat works fine. But there are times you want to override this code.... The program I am imitating does this by using the "F10" key to move to the next field instead of the tab key. My question is what code to put on the F10 key to skip the "vbProperCase" code??

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Override Max Width In Reports

Jan 27, 2005

I have a report that i need to extend past the 22" margins currently allowed but have not been able to find a way to reset this value I would require at least double the width. Any suggestions.

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Allow A User To Override A Calulated Field

Dec 19, 2006

Hi all

i have a field called commitment fee and it has a calculation of
=-IIf([Type of finance]="Term Loan",-([Total amount requested]*0.015),-([Total amount requested]*0.01))

but i want to allow a user to enter a manual amount of money into the field how do i do this.


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Forms :: Override Default Date Value

Jun 6, 2013

I am developing a customers and orders database for a coffee sales company. I have, of course, a tblOrders that contains the fields 'OrderDate' and 'CallBackDate'. The 'CallBackDate', in most cases, should be 14 days from the 'OrderDate' and self-populate as a default value based on the 'OrderDate'. No problem with the concept there.

I originally wrote the following expression as the control source of the 'CallBackDate':[OrderDate]+14

Yes, works beautifully, populates field just as it should. However, if, for some reason, they want the 'CallBackDate' to be more than 14 days, you can't override and type in your own date.

I have also tried making the control source the 'CallBackDate' field and the default value [OrderDate]+14, but then it doesn't default, only leaves the field open for manual entry. I need to be able to somehow do this within Access. Text fields will allow you to override a default value.

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Forms :: Make Command Button Override Required Fields Focus?

Sep 18, 2014

I am using code like this to give warning messages and pass on focus to boxes only when things are selected.

Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.TextBox2) Then
MsgBox "TextBox2 cannot be left blank"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

I do this for a series of required fields in order.

However, I also want a command button that is 'Exit without Saving' that should be clickable at any time, but of course when focus is controlled in my required fields sequence, it can't be clicked. How can I separate this button?

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Allow Edits To Combo Box

Aug 5, 2006

I want to allow users of a database to view data through a form but not to edit or delete it. I have set Allows Edits, Deletes and Additions to "No", but this causes the record-finding combo box I have to search for records to stop working. It works again if I enable Allow Edits, but then users can edit the data through the rest of the form. Is there a way I can allow edits to the combo box but not the rest of the form?


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Copied Db Won't Allow Edits Or Additions

Jul 2, 2007

I'm an Access idiot - please be kind :o

I made a little Access app for a friend, to do his invoices. Access wouldn't allow me to copy the db to a CD, but advised me to convert it to a Master. I followed all the instructions (honest!). Afterwards, I could burn his db to a CD and, on his computer, it opened but wouldn't allow edits or new records - not terribly helpful for an invoicing program :eek:

Since then I've tried creating a new admin in his name, re-setting all permissions, blah blah ... Basically, it looks like there is loads of help on securing a database but very little on un-securing it enough to be transferred to another PC!

The dang thing persists in allowing everything except edits & additions :confused:

I can't find out how to convert it back from a Master to ... what, a slave? :p
Even so, that wouldn't be the answer coz I'd be back at square1.

I use a PC running XP and Office 2003. My invoice-less friend has a PC with Win[NT]2000 and Office 2000. I converted the database to Access 2000. I am way out my depth here, but hoping you Access swimmers will be able to advise :cool:

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Forms - Allow Edits, Only When Requested

Nov 29, 2003


i am relatively new to databases so this is a fairly basic question.....

I have a form. Within this form all records are locked as i do not wish users to change details. However i am told there is an option allowing the editing of existing records upon request. is this true?, as it would improve my form greatly

help would be much appreciated


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Is There A Way To Count Number Of Edits?

Aug 10, 2005


I have a db where a planner inputs a commit date. The problem lately, is that the commit changes day to day before the part if filled. Management is looking for a way to count the number of times a commit field has been updated? Is there a better way to do this? I have minimal VB knowledge. Please help!

Thank you in advance.


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Tables :: Check Box Edits

Dec 26, 2013

I have a check box field in table, i want this field to be work as if once checked cannot be unchecked again... no worries if done through queries, vba etc

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Help With Password-protecting Database For Edits

Jun 6, 2007


I designed and distributed a database client to a bunch of users. They have asked me to password-protect it so that anyone can open the database and view the forms, but a password is needed to actually make any updates. I am trying to do this, but everything in Tools--Security is making my head spin. I have actually already managed to somehow lock myself out of my own database, although I have another copy.

How do I set the Workgroup Administrator Files so that they apply to anyone? It wants to put a separate file on my C: drive, but I don't use this database, I distribute it to people who do. (The server is on a share drive, can I put the Workgroup file(s) there?)

What settings do I modify to require *anyone* to need a password to update? Or is that even possible? I don't really want to break up the users into different categories.

If anyone could walk me through this process I would really, really appreciate it.

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Query Results Allowing Edits

Oct 18, 2007

I have 2 related tables. The form to enter new data into the tables is set up with a subform for the second table. I want to allow the user to query for a specific record, have it display in a form that looks exactly like the data entry form, and be able to update the tables from that. I first tried an exact copy of the data entry form, using a subform for the second table. It allows me to update the 2nd table from the query results displayed, but won't allow updates to the main form. So then I tried just doing one form with all the results displayed, no subform, but then it won't allow me to update ANYTHING.

What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.


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Dont Allow Record Edits After A Certain Date

Feb 8, 2005

Hi all,
I have a form that is used to Enter and Edit records. At the end of a record is a "shipped Date". This is blank until the item ships. I want to make the entire record editable up until a date gets placed in this field. Is this possible? and can editing of the record still be done maybe at the table level?


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