Override Max Width In Reports

Jan 27, 2005

I have a report that i need to extend past the 22" margins currently allowed but have not been able to find a way to reset this value I would require at least double the width. Any suggestions.

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Reports :: Fixing Report Height And Width

Sep 6, 2013

How to fix the height and width of a report. I would like the report to stay landscape, 100mm wide, 62mm high. This is required by a label printer.

The issue is that a A4 laser printer has to be set as default (for other software) so when the report is launched the size is set to the default printer size, when I select the label printer it fails as it is the wrong size.

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Reports :: Adjust Section Width To Avoid Blank Pages

Nov 18, 2014

I have set up a report in Access. However, when I look at it in print preview, I get the message that the section width is greater than the page width, and that some pages will be blank. It is obvious that the Detail Section is the issue, but I can't figure out how to reduce the section width. The detail section only contains a few text boxes that are well within the margins of the other sections.

How do I adjust the section width so there won't be any blank pages?

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Override AutoNumber

Nov 9, 2006

Hi all.

I have inherited a database which contains a table of tasks and where the TaskID is an autonumber. Quite a bit of code has been written that refers to specific values but unfortunately one of those is not contained within the table (for background the reference is 10 and where the current value is now 1683).
So, I want to add TaskID 10 but of course I cant be specific about that value. If I change the field to be just a number, I can add the record but then of course Access won't allow me to change it back to AutoNumber.

Any ideas?



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Override A Calculation

Dec 6, 2006

i have a database form with a field called commitment fee

in that field is a calculation

=-IIf([Type of finance]="Term Loan",([Total amount requested]*0.015),-([Total amount requested]*0.01))

But sometimes i want to be able to override this and input a different value like 0.00 if the amount has been paid.

any ideas what the code would be for this


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Override Required Fields

Aug 30, 2007

Well guys, I don't know if this is possible or not, but maybe someone can guide me in the right path.

I have a data entry form that several employees use. I have certain required fields that are set on the form level. I have couple employees that I would like to have the ability to override these fields. I was thinking like using F10 key or other key combinations that will allow them to override the required fields in order to save the record.

Is this something realistic that I can accomplish in access, and if so, does anyone have a sample that can help me with this task? Thanks to all.

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Override Event With Function Key

Nov 26, 2005

I am attempting to duplicate a feature of some software I use in my office. Been pretty easy so far because this software is built on Access. So here it is...... I have fields with names, job names in this case. Call it "JobDescription" MOST times I will want proper case, so I put ........Private Sub JobDescription_AfterUpdate()[JobDescription] = StrConv([JobDescription], vbProperCase)End SubThat works fine. But there are times you want to override this code.... The program I am imitating does this by using the "F10" key to move to the next field instead of the tab key. My question is what code to put on the F10 key to skip the "vbProperCase" code??

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Allow A User To Override A Calulated Field

Dec 19, 2006

Hi all

i have a field called commitment fee and it has a calculation of
=-IIf([Type of finance]="Term Loan",-([Total amount requested]*0.015),-([Total amount requested]*0.01))

but i want to allow a user to enter a manual amount of money into the field how do i do this.


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Override Form Allow Edits With Code??

Oct 20, 2004

I am still struggling with my sub-form.
Have managed to prevent edit by using the form properties.
However I have some fields which have to be updated after the form has been closed.
I tried putting the following code in the (Before Update Event) of date issued field for instance.

If Me![DateIssued]=Null then
end if

Needless to say this didn't help.

I have some fields which cannot be filled in until a later date.
These are job records so I have date open, Technician name date completed plus a whole herd of other stuff which has to be filled in as the job progresses.

Any help will be most appreciated,

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Forms :: Override Default Date Value

Jun 6, 2013

I am developing a customers and orders database for a coffee sales company. I have, of course, a tblOrders that contains the fields 'OrderDate' and 'CallBackDate'. The 'CallBackDate', in most cases, should be 14 days from the 'OrderDate' and self-populate as a default value based on the 'OrderDate'. No problem with the concept there.

I originally wrote the following expression as the control source of the 'CallBackDate':[OrderDate]+14

Yes, works beautifully, populates field just as it should. However, if, for some reason, they want the 'CallBackDate' to be more than 14 days, you can't override and type in your own date.

I have also tried making the control source the 'CallBackDate' field and the default value [OrderDate]+14, but then it doesn't default, only leaves the field open for manual entry. I need to be able to somehow do this within Access. Text fields will allow you to override a default value.

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Modules & VBA :: Ignore / Override Form Ribbon Created For Users

Jan 27, 2014

I have created a ribbon for the users on all forms, and named that ribbon on each form. While I can bypass the Main ribbon (hiding backstage and most other tabs) by holding the shift key on open, the minute I open a form I am stuck with the very limited form ribbon I've named. Is there a programmatic way I can ignore this call, either when holding the shift key or some other avenue?

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Forms :: Make Command Button Override Required Fields Focus?

Sep 18, 2014

I am using code like this to give warning messages and pass on focus to boxes only when things are selected.

Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.TextBox2) Then
MsgBox "TextBox2 cannot be left blank"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

I do this for a series of required fields in order.

However, I also want a command button that is 'Exit without Saving' that should be clickable at any time, but of course when focus is controlled in my required fields sequence, it can't be clicked. How can I separate this button?

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Column Width

May 11, 2006

Hi -

I have a form with a subform that i've displayed as a datasheet. I'm wondering if there is anyway to fix the column width so it cannot be changed when the form is open.


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Combobox Width

Dec 8, 2006


a simple 1,

ive got two columns in my combobox .... userID and name.

i want to hide the userID column and just show the name column? how do i do that?

the userID is the first column(to the left)

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Length & Width

Dec 2, 2005

I've notice a situation in a few databases. One is where we track sidewalk construction. There are two called fields LENGTH and WIDTH. In my report I have text box with the control source =[Length]*[Width]. However it returns some bogus number. If I change the field names to something else like Width1, it works fine.

Any ideas?

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Applications Width And Height

Jan 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to set the application's width and height? I have an access application and I want to resize the applicatoins' with and height, NOT the forms!
is this possible?


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Search Width Jokersigns

Aug 22, 2007

Edit : Jokersigns=wildcards

First of all I want to beg you pardon for my English, I hope you will understand me .

I have a question about how to search in Access widthout Access's own tool. I have a database width hundreds of booktitles. And I want to search from them width jokers. But how to? I have managed to do a parameterquery like this:

FROM Query1
WHERE ([Query1]![Title]) LIKE ("*" & [What do you want to search] & "*");

But i want the query to referer to a field in the form. Like this:

FROM Query1
WHERE ([Query1]![Title]) LIKE ("*" & [Forms]![Form1]![Textbox1] & "*");

But it doesn't works. Please help me!


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Block The Colums Width

Sep 25, 2006

I have a form displayed as data sheet, how can I block the column so that the final user will not modify the width of the columns?


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Export .csv With Fixed Width Fields

Nov 10, 2004

Hello all,

I'm trying to export a table to .csv file, but I want fields with null values to be padded with spaces. ie. if the field length is 50, but there is a null value, I want all 50 spaces.

Anybody know if this is possible?



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Importing From XML. Field Width Issue.

Apr 26, 2007

We are importing data from XML files manually to an access Database.
The imported tables are all text fields with field width 255.
Some text fields are too big and we end up loosing some records as import errors. Is there a way to let access generate an imported table with a text field that is longer than 255 character ?

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Tables :: Column Width In Table

Aug 19, 2015

One of the Tables in my membership database is named [WaitList] and has a linked Form.

The Form is configured to pull data from another Table named [Groups]. The fields are [Group ID], [Group name] and [Leader].plus others from a second Table.

When the [Group name] is selected from a Form Combo Box it succesfully records the [Group ID] in the Form and Table, but repeats the [Group ID] in the [Group Name] column of the Table. I am convinced that the problem lies with the Column Width setting on the Property Sheet which is currently set at 0;2.54, but trying various combinations has not solved the problem.

The Row Source for the [Group Name] field is
; SELECT [Groups].[Group ID], [Groups].[Group Name], [Groups].[Leader] from [Groups] and the Column Count is set at 1 (2nd in Table)

I believe the [Leader] field is a different problem in that the Form correctly finds the ID and the Name but not the Leader. I have checked the property sheet for anomalies, but without success.

I have built this type of Table/Form relationship many times but have failed on this occasion.

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Queries :: Adjust Column Width To Best Fit Using VBA

Mar 20, 2013

How to adjust the column width of the fields to best fit in a Query using vba codes? Manually it can be done by selecting the Query - Click on More dropdown of the Reports section in the ribbon - Click on Column width - and select best fit as the option.I want this to happen by a vba code and not manually doing it everytime because the field length changes as it is a dynamically created Query.

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Auto-width For Columns In SubForm

Jul 10, 2014

I have developed an Access app, which has different navigational tabs which open up different forms. e.g. Tab A has Form A inside it and Form A has SubForm A1 inside it.

For some reason, the following code is not working on any of the fields Me.YourFieldName.ColumnWidth = -2...

What to do that all the fields in the subforms will have auto width adjustable to fit in the text.

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Export Fixed-width With Line Feed Only

Nov 9, 2006

Hey guys,

I searched the forums and couldnt find anything that directly related to my issue. What I am trying to do is export a fixed-width text file, but the issue is that the file has to be line feed only. By default Acces creates CR/LF and the client's import specification only allows for Line feed.

I am currently using a macro, with export specification, to create the file. Due to time constraints and other obligations, I am really trying to avoid VBA programming.

Thanks in advance,

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Forms :: How To Increase Width Of Columns In A List

Sep 10, 2014

I have created a list that has 5 column. Data is filled in list using a query. I know how to remove 2 columns, but I do not know how to increase the width of columns.

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Modules & VBA :: Change Width Of Combo Box Based On Value?

Jul 31, 2014

So how would I go about changing the width of a combo box to the length of the value in vba?

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