PLEASE HELP - Append Qry Is Duplication Records

Nov 17, 2004

I have two tables.

Table one - tblContent
Table two - tblConentImport

I have built a select query that will identify all records that from the tblConentImport table that do not already exist on the tblContent table.

Here is the SQL -
SELECT [tblConentImport].[ID], [tblConentImport].[LoginName], [tblConentImport].[Title], [tblConentImport].[Type], [tblConentImport].[Code], [tblConentImport].[Date Assigned], [tblConentImport].[Date Started], [tblConentImport].[Last Accessed], [tblConentImport].[Progress], [tblConentImport].[Date Completed], [tblConentImport].[Time Spent (min)], [tblConentImport].[Score], [tblConentImport].[Result]
FROM tblConentImport LEFT JOIN tblContent ON ([tblConentImport].[Code]=[tblContent].[Code]) AND ([tblConentImport].[Type]=[tblContent].[Type]) AND ([tblConentImport].[Title]=[tblContent].[Title]) AND ([tblConentImport].[LoginName]=[tblContent].[LoginName])
WHERE ((([tblContent].[LoginName]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Title]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Type]) Is Null) And (([tblContent].[Code]) Is Null));

I then built an append qry that appends the new records to the tblContent table.

Her is the SQL -

INSERT INTO tblContent
SELECT [qrySelectContentTable].[LoginName] AS LoginName, [qrySelectContentTable].[Title] AS Title, [qrySelectContentTable].[Type] AS Type, [qrySelectContentTable].[Code] AS Code, [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Assigned] AS [Date Assigned], [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Started] AS [Date Started], [qrySelectContentTable].[Last Accessed] AS [Last Accessed], [qrySelectContentTable].[Progress] AS Progress, [qrySelectContentTable].[Date Completed] AS [Date Completed], [qrySelectContentTable].[Time Spent (min)] AS [Time Spent (min)], [qrySelectContentTable].[Score] AS Score, [qrySelectContentTable].[Result] AS Result
FROM qrySelectContentTable;

This works great as long as the [tblContent].[type] is not equal to "Class".

This select query and append query have not created duplicate records in my tblContent

Please help me. I'm loosing my mind. Below is the address to view this database. The select qry is named - qrySelectContentTable. The append qry is named qryAppend Content Table.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

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No Duplication In Append Query

Jul 28, 2006

Hello, I am suing an append query to append new tables to an existing table. However, I only want to append the records that are not in the existing table. I have three variables: Category, Group, Project. None of them are unique. How to wirte this query.

For example: In existing Table:

Category Group Project
A 1 Pro1
A 1 Pro2
A 2 Pro1
B 1 Pro1
B 2 Pro1

Now I have two records:

A 1 Pro3
A 1 Pro1

I only want to append A 1 Pro3 to the existing table.

Thank you for your help.

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General :: Append Data From Table1 To Table2 Daily With No Duplication

Jan 6, 2014

I have 2 tables,

table1=productid,ProductName,Qty &

I want to be able to append data programatically once daily OnClose.Although users can log-off & on as many times,but the Append should be once & after then,update subsequent records for that day automatically from table1-table2.

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Duplication Of Records From A Form

Mar 28, 2006

Hi there,

I have a form with information on it relating to several linked tables. I would like this information to be duplicated in the tables and a new autonumber assigned.

Is there a way that I can do this by clicking one button and the autonumber will automatically generate a new number keeping the rest of the information in the form and updating the tables with a new record?.

Thanks for you help

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MS Access Can't Append All The Records In The Append Query

Feb 18, 2007

hi Guys,
I have been looking at different post and checking Microsoft help files as well, but still can't seem to fix this problem.

I am having 2 tables. The first table is connected to a form for viewing and entering data, and in the second table i am just copying 3-4 fields from the first table.

I am trying to use the insert statement to insert records in the second table, and everytime i click on the "Add" button to add the records i get the following error "MS access can't append all the records in the append query ... blah blah blah"

However if i close the form and reopen it, and goto the record (as it is saved in the first database) and now click on the add button to add the fields to the second table/database, it works.

What am i doing wrong???

Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.

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Duplication Problem

Apr 28, 2008

Thank you for taking the time to look my question. Hopefully I can be pointed in the correct direction.

I am trying to stop duplicates in my customer table, the table is as follows

CustomerID PK

I have the surname, address1, City & Phone number Indexed(Duplicates ok)
but if the combination of all 4 fields match then I want this to be not allowed.
I guess maybe I should make the primary key the combination of all 4 fields, not sure how to do that though.
Hope this makes sense.


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Duplication Of ID Field

Sep 29, 2004

Hi all
In my client data entry form i have a key field clientid if a duplicate id is entered it allows the whole form to be completed and wipes entire form on exit, this is ok but how can i get an error message to warn about the duplication of id.

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Append Only New Records To A Table

Jun 28, 2005

I want to append records that I have created in Table1, via a form (Form1), to Table2, using Form1's OnClose event. (Table2 will be amended later, but I need to preserve Table1). Is there a way to append only the records from Table1 that haven't been previously appended to Table2? Also, can I turn off the warning messages in an append query? TIA

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Append X No Of Records From Date

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,

Am a bit stuck with this one.

I have a table "tblReviews" with the following fields:-


I have an unbound form with the following txt boxes:-

txtReviewStartDate (Format dd/mm/yyyy)
txtAmountOfReviews (Number)

What I would like to happen is after I have completed the above fields, appends the rows to my table.

So if

txtLearn_ID = Ajwebb0982
txtReviewStartDate = 01/09/2005
txtIntervalWks = 1
txtAmountOfReviews = 4
txtReviewer = Ann

I would like to Add 4 rows to my table which should look something like the following:-

Learn_ID, Review_PlannedDate, Reviewer
Ajwebb0982, 08/09/2005, Ann
Ajwebb0982, 15/09/2005, Ann
Ajwebb0982, 22/09/2005, Ann
Ajwebb0982, 29/09/2005, Ann

I'm sure it is possible, just stumped on how to go about it. :confused:

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Append Multiple Records

Oct 25, 2005

I Have a situation where a client will want to pay some lump sum amounts of money off a loan and it may be something like $100 per month for 10 months. I have created a table for lump sums payments into which this info would be entered but I need to create an individual payment for the period of time designated ie 10 individual records of $100 each starting in a month and incrementing the month.

I see it being a append query but do not know how to make the append query create 10 instances of the one record based on a field value. I also do not know how to make the Month increment by one for each record ie Mar05,Apr05,May05 etc.

If this is possible any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Append Records To Query

Apr 17, 2008

I need help with ACCESS query. I am not at all good with access queries and am unable to figure this out even though it may have an easy solution.

There is an existing query designed by our company in a database. This query links different fields from 4 more queries and finally generates 16 columns as shown below. (I have also attached excel file with the same example as the text below is not aligned)

Name(1)ReportDate(2)TB(3)MV(4)NC(5)AI(6)SN(7)LN(8)SID(9)Country(10)PVS(11)BMV(12) Fund Code(13)MV by Fund code(14)Total TNAD(15)CUR(16)
ABC3/31/2008USDACDUDna0$150.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
ABC3/31/2008USDBCDUDna0$256.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
ABC3/31/2008USDCCDUDna0$325.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
XYZ3/31/2008CADACDUDna0$112.00wxyz $387.00 $420.00 CAD
XYZ3/31/2008CADBCDUDna0$275.00wxyz $387.00 $420.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURCCDUDna0$60.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURACDUDna0$72.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURBCDUDna0$34.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD

In this example I am just showing 8 records, but in reality there usually about 4000 records and the number changes every day.

Now I am asked to design a query based on the query that gives the above results.

The 14th column (heading –MV by Fund code) actually sums up the market values in column 12 (BMV) that has same fund code in column 15. For example for fund code “abcd” the BMV are $150, $256 and $325 which sum upto $731 and hence this number shows up in column 14 against each record with “abcd” fund code.

Now there is a difference of $14 between column 15 (heading-Total TNAD) and column 14 (heading- MV by Fund Code) for fund code “abcd”. I am asked to design a query that will add records on the results generated above by the existing query.

The new record added should show the difference of $14 in column 12 and text “OTH” column 8 and column 9 and should show the fund code “abcd” . The values in remaining columns should be the same as the fund code “abcd”.

The above logic would then apply to funds “wxyz”, “pqrs” and so on

In this example the following three records should be added below the above 8 records with these details

ABC3/31/2008USDAOTHOTHna0$14.00abcd $731.00 $745.00 CAD
XYZ3/31/2008CADAOTHOTHna0$33.00wxyz $387.00 $420.00 CAD
PQR3/31/2008EURBOTHOTHna0$34.00pqrs $166.00 $200.00 CAD

I guess this would require coding in SQL. But I am unable to do so.

Any help is highly appreciated



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Best Way To Go About This, (stop Duplication Of Entries)

Aug 8, 2006


On our database, we have a form that has 2 calendars. A start date and an End Date. The users fill in the name, and a couple other fields. Then select the start date, and end dates.

When they hit submit, the form enters into the table this info for each date in-between the start and end dates. For example if the users enters they will be taking vacation, then they enter 8/1 as a start and 8/10 as a end date. It will make an entry for each day. This works pretty well for us.

But I would like to improve it if possible.

Let say, a user a month ago made an entry that they would be work 8/23 at home. So in the database it has 8/23 at home.

Well, this week they decide they are going to take a vacation 8/21-8/25. So they make the new entry with start date 8/21 and end date 8/25. The form enters all the info just fine.

But if someone runs a report they see 8/23 at home, and also 8/21, 8/22, 8/23 ect on vacation. So gets a little confusing to where they actually are

So I was wondering if there is a way, for the database to prompt the person making the entry, that there is already an entry for 8/23 and ask if they want to delete it or save it? Then continue on creating the entries for the rest (8/24 and 8/25 in this example?).

Has anyone seen something like this? I was going to search, but not really sure what to search for on the forum.


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Requery? Need To Avoid Duplication!

Dec 14, 2006

is there a way that I can compare the ID number from a combo box selection and a table... in order to avoid duplicating that same entry?

If me.cbo1.column(0) = [table name].[field] then
me.cbo1.column(0) and me.cbo1.column(1), etc... = vbWhite

End if

What I am ultimatly trying to accomplish is a way to get rid of one selection in a combo box after it has been selected once and used for another record. is the .requery a better method... if it is, can someone please elaborate on how to use that a little more.

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Append Query Overriding Records?

Jan 9, 2007

Access 2000


My user opens frm_ENTRY. Which is pulling data from tbl_TEMP. They clean up a few fields on the form. Then click a button which executes an append query which appends the data to tbl_MAIN.

My problem is sometimes when it appends the data it is overriding older data. It is not creating a new line each time. It simply overrides an existing record. Does this make any sense at all?

There are many other forms, queries, tables and macros in this DB. If that matters at all. I think it has something to do with a bound form that is connected to a drop down from a query, but I have no way of trouble shooting this? Where do I start?

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Append Query Single Records

Apr 27, 2006

Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem first of all. I have a form that shows records but I want a button next to each record that will append that one single record to another table that is built exactly the same, which is for historic records. Not the brightest on Access and I can only manage to append all records.

As an example, I have an employee record that have a task, when the task is complete I want to append the record to a historic table that I can look up later on. However, just that one employee and not all that are in the current table.

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Queries :: Append Query - Only New Records

Aug 15, 2013

How can I modify the below code so that it only adds new records to AttributesTBL from ProductInformation-Consumer?

INSERT INTO AttributesTBL ( Material )
SELECT [ProductInformation-Consumer].Material
FROM AttributesTBL INNER JOIN [ProductInformation-Consumer] ON AttributesTBL.Material = [ProductInformation-Consumer].Material;

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Forms :: Key Violations For 2 Records On Append

Jul 2, 2015

I've been reading through the Key errors but how they apply to my application. I am appending records into a table from a main form and a sub form. I can append twice and then I get the key error.

Can't append all records in the append query. Type conversion, Key violations for 2 records. I don't understand why the subform lists the first 2 with no problem but if there are more than 2 it throws the error.I have checked the possible reasons but there are no violations.

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Duplication Problem With Sql Function In A Query

Apr 23, 2006

Hi all,

Please note the following table:

ShopID | Desc | NumberItem | Price each | Total | ShopGrandTotal
01 | Drills | 2 | $200 | $400 | $425
01 | Nails | 5 | $5 | $25 | $425
02 | Hammer | 3 | $20 | $60 | $160
02 | Paint | 10 | $10 | $100 | $160

I try to do this in one query but resulted in heaps of duplicate values. Can anyone help?


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Duplication Pain In The Neck... Do U Have The Remedy

Nov 7, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I have posted this question twice but i did not get any promissing response that could made my day.

I have a Database with one table. The database has a two forms. One is called Header Form Having following fields:
ClassNo, RollNo, Grade, Name.
and the other form is DETAIL form having following fields:
Month, Year, Subjects, Percentage, Result

Now it works this way. The user first enters data to HEADER form and presses a button that saves the HEADER information to the table then it takes the user to DETAIL form which shows all the fields(Non Modified) from HEADER of the record entered most recently and DETAIL form fields. Basically the DETAIL form is comprised on main(HEADER) and subform(DETAIL).

Now my problem is that when i enter particulars to the HEADER Form and press the button to jump to DETAIL form it works fine. on DETAIL form when i add a record and move the cursor to the next record it also accepts all the data entered on DETAIL form. But when i look at the data stored in table it gives me duplicate entries. I have set the form DUPLICATE on a query which returns non duplicate values. If i enter one DETAIL Item it shows no duplication but when i add more that one record to DETAIL it shows min 2 records with same ClassNo.

Here how my table looks like
Record No 1: ClassNo, RollNo, Grade, Name.
01 10 9 john

Month, Year, Subjects, Percentage, Result
Nov 99 Maths 76 Pass

Record No 2: ClassNo, RollNo, Grade, Name.

Month, Year, Subjects, Percentage, Result
Mar 99 Chemistry 87 Pass

My form is not putting the Header data on any record after second. It only puts ClassNo field in each child record.
Please Help Me with this and thanks for your patience for reading my problem. I hope someone will give me a chance to say thanks.


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Tables :: Prevent Duplication In Table

Jun 11, 2015

i have a table called tbl1. in this table i have field month, year, or trainee. is it possible that above mentioned three field found same data table automatically delte those rows. so i found only unique data. or their is another way to make this possible.

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Forms :: Way To Stop Automatic Duplication

Dec 17, 2014

Everytime I change the picture of an image, a duplicate is made. I can see this in the "Insert Image" menu. It this moment, I have over 6000 duplicates which slow my form down alot. I know that you can delete these duplicates by accessing the system tables, but is there a way to stop this automatic duplication? An example is a button that makes an arrow change direction. Every time you click the button, a duplicate of the picture gets saved.

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Row Duplication Using Column List MS Access

May 28, 2015

I would like to use Access in order to duplicate the content of a list of values into new rows based on the content of a column.

Here is an example below:












How can I achieve this in Access?

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Three Tables - Multiple Join Duplication

May 1, 2014

When I join three tables I get duplicated records in Access SQL. How can I solve this? Using distinct is no options.

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Deleting Duplication But Keeping Original

Jun 12, 2013

I would like to execute a code to remove the duplications in the MS Access Query but keeping one one data of the duplications.

For example, in the below data, I want to check for the data in the column Part No. The part number 123 and 234 are repeated twice so I want to delete the part no 123 and 234 that repeated second time and keeping the one data.

I'm complete new to MS Access.

Part No


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How To Copy Linked Records (append Query?)

Jan 16, 2008

I have attached an image of the 2 tables concerning my question.

The main "transaction" table is the tblAssessments and a linked table tblRisks drives a subform - showing multiple Risks per assessment.

The field "OccupantID" identifies the facility where Assessments are done (there are other tables, of course).

I am using an OccupantID "00000" to store templates - pre-filled assessments with most common options selected.

I am trying to develop code and/or query or SQL that would do this:

copy all templates (records from OccupantID 00000) and corresponding sub-records from tblRisks into the same tables, but under a different (selected by user) OccupantID.

I have no problem just using an Append Query (actually a SQL statement in VBA with variable parameters), but that only lets me copy into 1 table - so I can copy just the tblAssessments records.

but how do I then copy the tblRisks related records and make sure I attach them to the correct AssessmentID?

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Append Query Also Updating Earlier Records

Nov 7, 2006

Can anyone help me with this - I have an append query to a statement table for invoices with a macro set. When the query is run the data is added to the statement query.

what is happening is that it is adding the data ok on a seaparate line but is also updating any previous invoices for the same client to the new invoice number obviously not what I want.

many thanks



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