Pages To Switchboards

May 6, 2007

This might be a question that isn't possible, but I have three html pages made in my database, and i was wondering if there is a way to link the pages into the switchboard somehow because then everything would be accessible from one central location?? if you have any answers or sugestions they are greatly appreciated! thanks

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Switchboards- Different Things On Different Pages?

Aug 21, 2007

This is the first time ive used the switchboard so hopefully this will be just a quicky!

Bascially i have a main switchboard which has 3 buttons. These buttons all link to different switchboard pages.

THE PROBLEM :- I have labels on the main switchboard and these are all appearing on the consequent switchboard pages. Is there a way of assigning these just to the main switchboard and not the other pages?

Thanks, any advice would be most appreciated!

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Apr 11, 2006

is there any way to add a button to a switchboard but not have it appearing on every s/b because in design view, it just shows a generic board, how do you edit specific boards?

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Oct 11, 2006

Hi all.
I am having trouble creating a switchboard. Im new at this, and get so far, yet the board wont work.
I can get the board up, the buttons are there, when I click on them, nothing happenes.

Please help.



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Jan 28, 2005

What is the purpose of a switchboard. I set one up that has options to either go to a data entry form or go to a list of reports. My understanding of a switchboard is that its a screen that pops up with options to go other places in the database. But how? If this is correct than how do I get to a place where I would design this screen(?) and associate the right commands to the buttons. What am I missing here?

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Feb 3, 2005

I want to create a switchboard with a field - that I enter a record # in, and it will bounce me to a (already created) report, and then find the specific record so I can print it. Is this possible? I am a beginner with almost not programming experience. Actually I am a finance manager by trade. I have been teaching myself Access so please..please..make your suggestions simple and clear enough that a turnip would get it...Thank you

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Help With Switchboards

Jun 28, 2007

I have created a switchboard to view a hours worked report. what I would like to do is be able to have dirrerent buttons on the switchboard to view different hours worked from the same report. As an example one would bring up the report showing only last weeks hours, and another for this weeks hours only, or by person. Is this possible and what are the conditions that I should use


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A Question Involving Switchboards

Jul 6, 2005

I have my db set up so that when you load all you see is the menus or tool bars. I have done this by going into startup and disabling real trick there..

I have an option on my main switchboard to exit to design...from there it opens a form for a password, if the password is correct, it closes the password form, closes the switchboard and uses the sendkey {F11} macro function to open my design view for the db....the problem is that my menus and tool bars are not around either...

is there anyway to do a vb command to enable these

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Fixing Broken Switchboards

Mar 10, 2006

When I added some Access 2003 (Winows XP) machines to our Access 2000 (on Windows 2k)-based database, many of them would not operate some of the Switchboard "buttons" (especially for reports that contained macros). The animation of "click" would operate, but nothing would happen, no form or report would occur like it should.

After several rounds with Microsoft's Access Help guys, here's how we "fixed" it:
1. I deleted all printers from the affected user's computer.
2. I booted into SAFE MODE with NETWORKING, then installed the Windows-based GENERIC TEXT printer.
3. I rebooted into XP and installed the GENERIC TEXT printer there also, for the affected users.
4. I re-installed the usual office printers around our office.

This completely fixed the problem on all XP-based computers. The technician at Microsoft says he cannot explain WHY this works, but I have experienced that it DOES work, so try it if you're having troubles, too. It's some kind of mysterious workaround that "fixes" Windows XP somehow.

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Multiple Switchboards To Open In Different Tabs

Apr 22, 2014

I have a main switchboard but because the limit on it is 8 objects I decided to have different switchboards (Main data-entry switchboard, Query switchboard, and Report/Printing switchboard). I can easily add an object on the MAIN switchboard to open the Query switchboard and then on that Query switchboard have a button to go back to the MAIN switchboard but what I would like to do is have each switchboard open in different tabs instead, maybe a macro or "onclick" event needed? Would it be easy to build and customize my own switchboard?

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Asp Pages For Db

Apr 3, 2006

I have a database with 4 tables One for agent info and 3 for property info.
I have linked the agent table to the property tables.
I need to setup a link for the agents. If I have an agent and they click on see my property, Do I have to have a page for each agent or can it be done with one page?

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Tab Control Pages

Aug 29, 2006


I want to open up a certain page of a tab control using VBA code.

For example: when user presses a button in a form, tab number three of a tab control opens in an other form.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Timer On Tab Pages

Nov 13, 2007

Hi im trying to see if there is a way to put a timer in tab pages. so that when the time expires it changes to another tab. I have it working fine with the command button. I have like 20 tabs all hidden until the user clicks the cmd. Now is there a way to put a timer? I know that i can do it with the Form_timer, but that dont seem to work with tabs.

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Tab Pages On Form

Sep 23, 2005

I am using the "Tab Pages" on a form. On one of the pages I have a subform. If I'm doing a routine in VBA regarding that subform, do I need to reference the Tab Pages object as well as the form and the subform?

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Tab Controls Or Pages

May 26, 2006


I have a form with a lot of controls. To make it much more clear for users, I was thinking of adding tab controls or page breakes.

I have placed a tab control with two pages on my form and tried to move the existing controls on the required page but of course the control will show on all the pages.

Is there a way to bypass this without having to create a new form and placing controls one at the time?


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Empty Pages On Report

May 9, 2005

Hello visitors,

I have a report base on a select query but in the report i get the following:

page 1 = record 1
page 2, page 3, page 4 = are empty (nothing to see on the pages)
page 5 = record 2
page 6, page 7, page 8 = are empty (nothing to see on the pages)
page 9 = record 3
So there are three empty pages between every two pages(records).

I have checked in the settings of the report and all properties but cannot find the solution.

Can any one help me to solve this ?
Thanks in advance

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Data Access Pages

May 13, 2005

Hello Experts..

I am new to Access. I have Access 2003.
When I try to create a data access page using Wizard, I am getting the following message.

'The wizard is unable to create your data access page'

When I click on Database and select Refresh, I get the other msg

"Microsoft office access is unable to connect to the data source specified in the connection string of this page"..

I am very badly stuck here..Please help.

Thanks in advance...

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Data Access Pages Again..

May 13, 2005

I am getting very frustrated(and surprised) to see there was no answers to my question regarding Data Access Pages yet. I searched the web and manuals and help in Access, but no luck yet...
Can anyone tell me if Data Access Pages really works? I just came to know about it while developing MS Access application...I just thot it will be cool to go web with less effort...

Thanks very much...

Hello Experts..

I am new to Access. I have Access 2003.
When I try to create a data access page using Wizard, I am getting the following message.

'The wizard is unable to create your data access page'

When I click on Database and select Refresh, I get the other msg

"Microsoft office access is unable to connect to the data source specified in the connection string of this page"..

I am very badly stuck here..Please help.

Thanks in advance...

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SSL And Data Access Pages

Aug 9, 2005

I'm setting up data access pages that will be accessed over the internet. Because of this I want to make sure that everything is secure. I am using IIS 5.0 (Windows XP) as the web server. I used the three-tier authentication approach discussed in the microsoft article here ( So I'm pretty sure that the authentication is secure. But what about the communication between the browser and MSDE during databinding? Is that secure?

Wanting to make sure I set up a SSL certificate which secures the page and set the Remote Server in the connection settings in the data access pages to "". Does this secure the comminication between browser and the server?

Thanks in advance

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Data Access Pages

Dec 6, 2005

If I build an access database that uses data access pages, are all users required to have a copy of the MS Access software, or does the database run strictly off of the browser?

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Data Access Pages??

Nov 19, 2007

Novice user here. I have created a database with tables,queries,forms and reports. I'm now trying to create a webpage that will run the reports i have created. At the moment i'm the only user that will run these reports (via webpage) so the database is on my computer.

I have created a data access page using a query but the records are displayed 1 by 1. I need it to display like my reports.

Sorry if you're confused. Thanks for any feedback.

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Active Data Pages

Jan 20, 2006

Please can anyone tell me how to make this pages editable when displayed as a web page.
I don't know what property to set that would allow data entry.

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Properties Of Tabbed Pages

Jul 16, 2005

I have a number of tabbed pages and I was wondering if you could increase the size of the tab to make it (Vertically) larger so you could write the headings over two lines.

Also what does "Multi row" mean in the tabbed row pages?

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Tabbed Pages With Subforms

Jul 14, 2005

I have created a form which has a main section (Client demographics (bound to tblClient) and then five tabbed pages with subforms.(Data associated with the Client- all forms derived from tblAssociatedDetails). The subforms on the tabbed pages are all linked via a ClientID number.

In the form header I have put a a combo box and with the wizard said that I want it to select data from my form (in the case search via Surname). This works but only for the top part of the form (ie it will load the demographics) but will not load any of the data from the tabbed pages (subforms).

Any idea where the missing link could be?

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Data Access Pages

Sep 9, 2006

I have generated a data access page from a table. I want this page to be used on the Internet where users can enter their data and the info is automatically sent to the access database.

But when I accessed the page in the browser, I can not edit the fields and do any inputs. Have I missed something?


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Data Access Pages

Sep 30, 2007


When I create the Data Access Pages, I put the table values fields on the page, but it does not allow the user to edit the data. If I just create Textbox there, we can type it. So, Does the Data Access pages only view data? It doesn't allow the user to edit data. And also, I create a few button over there, and I want to create a few different function of each button, such as Update, Add, Delete. But, The properties of the buttons do not have the click event. Actually, I know that the forms can do it.
Actually, what is advantage of using Data Access Pages? I feel that Data Access Pages can give me a lot of help. It has many limits. It just created by HTML format, and save it external (I mean that it will not save inside the db file, but it just link the file to db file)
I thought it is just simple webpage, only view data, and search data. That's it. It doesn't allow us to edit data on Data Access Pages, create button.

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