Paramater Query That Brings Up A Lookup Table

Jun 21, 2006

Hello, is there any way I can have my single-parameter query bring up a lookup list of options from a table field rather than relying on the user to correctly type in the criteria? Then when this query runs I will know the user is picking one of the correct options from the lookup list.


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Query By Paramater

Oct 10, 2005


I am trying to set up a query by paramater to then base a report on.

For example, I would like to input a location name to get a query to only display the records for the specifiied location and the accompanying data for use in the report.

How do I do this?

I have tried using the [Enter .......] type command but I either get zero or I get the full list, which is no use.


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Paramater Query

Apr 16, 2007

I'm not sure if this is a syntax problem or not, but:

I am trying to design a parameter query using a form for entery. The trick is that I am trying to use a wildcard in order to select the data for one of two job sets.

My job number format looks like this:
I can get the query to work without the wildcard by using anexact number, but I am trying to pull all the jobs that begin with "06" or "07" (but not in the same query).

In my query, I direct the query to get the records based on the data from this field:

I have tried using the wildcard as follows:
Like "[Forms]![frmDRSNOInupt]![txtDRS1].[Value]*"

Additionally, I experimented with different possibilities, but as you can see, I wound up here.

All help is appreciated.


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Code Ot Working, Brings Out Null Value

Dec 8, 2006

Can anyone see why the sql code below is not working, it works up unitl

StrSQ4 = DLookup("[D Status]", "tbl_Delupdate", "[Cylinder Barcode Label]='" & Stringy1 & "'")

But when i try to get the latest date for that Cylinder Barcode as shown below it does not bring out a value

StrSQ4 = DLookup("[D Status]", "tbl_Delupdate", "[Cylinder Barcode Label]='" & Stringy1 & "'AND [Date of D Status]=#" _
& DMax("[Date of D Status]", "tbl_Delupdate", "[Cylinder Barcode Label] = '" & Stringy1 & "'") & "#")

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Queries :: Access Brings Back No Data If Fields Are Blank

Jul 5, 2013

I have a query that I made for about five fields, where the criteria is

Like "*" & [Forms]![DATA SEARCH]![Box] & "*"

Where box is the name of the field that I am searching for.

However, some of the fields in my form are left blank, which makes this refuse to give any results when I try to query it with a form. The other problem that I have is that the fields are bland in different parts of the 1,000 some-odd row table, which was imported from MS Excel.

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Lookup In A Query With Unrelated Table??

Feb 29, 2008


Is it possible to create a lookup in a query against a table which has not relationship but has a match?

E.g. iif(spec(in query)=Spec (match table) then bring back cost in (match table)

Hope this makes sense?


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Lookup Value From A Table To Input In A Query

Oct 11, 2006

I am building a mortgage/amortization database and I need to look up the "points paid" from another table and also the "adjustment to margin" based on the points paid and the index, "MTA" or "COFI". I have no idea how or where to write this lookup. Any suggestions?

Thank you!


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Search For Record Via Paramater?

Sep 3, 2007

Hi All

I am very new to Access and currently experimenting with setting up basic database.

I need to search for a record with a unique indexed number (no Dups) via a command button on my main form.

Ideally the search will then take me to the corresponding row displayed in a sub-form.

I would assume that i acheive this via a query and the paramaters options but I am unsure about the how to and displaying the results in a new form?

Any help????

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Select Query Using A Lookup Table As Criteria

Aug 29, 2007

Using MS Access 2002

Need some help trying to filter out some data so it can be deleted from the main table so updated data can be pasted into it that table.

Table name is "dbo_VG_PropertyValues"

AppID - Number
DNIS - Text (This is the column i need filtered)
PropertyName - Text
ProperetyValue - Text

I had a query where i would just type in the 3-4 DNIS numbers that i needed to search for by using "11111" or "22222" or... etc... in the simple query view under criteria..

I'm now getting lists of 50 + numbers i need to do searches for, delete and replace with updated data. I can't run a string of "or" statements on 50+ numbers, it won't allow it. I created a table called 'DNISList" with the 50+ numbers i need to search for out of the "dbo_VG_PropertyValues" table. In the simple query view i linked on the DNIS number from both tables and set the join property to show all the records that matched. Hey it looks good, so far, i got the results i wanted but can't delete anything.

Is there anyway in the criteria field under the column DNIS from "dbo_VG_PropertyValues" where i can so a search on that table without linking the tables? I hope I'm making sense. You know something like:

IN ([DNISList]![TFN])

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Enter Paramater Value/Report Question

Aug 7, 2005

I have numerous reports based on queries with a criteria date select string. So when I Preview the report I first get asked "Enter start date:" etc.

In all reports I have entered a text label with date control source stating "=[Enter start date:]" to have the start date parameter value printed on the report. All straight forward up to now. Anyone have an idea why with some other reports when I enter the exact same code the report preview text label renders "#name?". I don't get it?? So I thought maybe I should change it to something completely different. "Start book date". I changed it for both query and report label and still get "#name?".

Completely clueless and I have rechecked them all. The labels are all consistent with the criteria string in the query.


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Tables :: Possible To Automatically Lookup Data In A Table Without A Query?

Jun 18, 2013

A field in a table can be populated by a lookup up but it has to be done manually or with a form.A "new" table can be created with a query that matches the data.

Is it possible to skip these steps and create a field that automatically populates with the data from another table based on other common data?I can do this in Excel but not sure it can be done in Access.

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Queries :: Lookup Records From Table - Adding A Value To A Query

Feb 12, 2014

I have a query which looks up records from a table, now what I would like to do is append the word All Projects to this query - is it possible, and if so how?

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Auto Lookup In Query Not Updating Underlying Table

Jan 6, 2012

I have created a 'junction' table between 2 many to many tables:

Jobs table (details all jobs)Jobparts table ('junction' table details Job ID, Part ID, quantity and unit price)Stock table (details all stock).The fields Job ID, Part ID and Unit price are each lookup fields from the corresponding fields in the jobs and Stock tables with quantity being a manual entry. This works fine.

I discovered you can automatically populate the unit price field using autolookup based on the entry of the Part ID field on the form. However having amended some pre-existing jobpart details randomly on the form when I checked back to the table they had not updated. Similarly when creating new entries while the form 'unit price automatically updated on entry of the 'Part ID' these details did not feed through into the table.

I assume it has to do with how the table was originally set up the field properties will need to be changed.

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Lookup Table - How To Make More Than 1 Field From Query Appear In The List

Dec 1, 2014

In Access, when using Look Up function, Table/Query, how do I make more than 1 field from the query appear in the drop down list?I will be doing the same thing for students and some other tables. But for this example I am only wanting to show instructors first and last name and their ID number in the drop down.

I am using

SELECT instructors.first, instructors.last, instructors.ID FROM instructors;
in my Classes table.

What am I doing wrong?

I would like for it to show their instructor first and last name but actually put the ID in the field as I will be using that key for various relationship based functions. Show the first and last name to the person who will be using the database, but actually put the ID in the field so I can use it as a common field across other tables.

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General :: Lookup List In Table From Query In Split Database

Sep 14, 2012

i have developed an application in access 2010 . and split into front and back end . now i want to add more tables in back end and i need to define lookup list in table definition from the query presently in front end . when i get into lookup list and query builder doesnt show front end content ... how to solve this problem ?

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Tables :: Split Database - Table Field To Lookup Values From A Query?

Jul 6, 2015

I have a split database and need a field (Combo type) in the table to lookup values from a query in the front end. How do I do this as it doesn't see the querys because the front and back end are split?

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Modules & VBA :: Restrict Value In Lookup Field To Only Include Values From Table B Not In Table A?

Feb 2, 2014

I have a database that has 2 tables. Table A and Table B. Table A is my primary table. On this table I have 2 fields. The first field is a LOOKUP Field that looks up information from Table B and displays my selection in the field on Table A. Then using DLOOKUP I automatically input the information in the Second Field on Table A based upon the selection from the First Field.

This is working mostly correctly. However, the problem is, when I click on the next record in the table, it automatically changes the Second Field on that record to the same value as the record before it and continues this trend each time I click on another record. This occurs without me making a selection in the first field. If I make a selection in the first field it does change the Second Field to the Correct Value, but then the next Record has the same issue.

How do I go about fixing this so it doesn't change the value with the change of the record. Only change if I change that particular field within that 1 record?is there a way to restrict the Value's in my lookup field to only include the Values from Table B that aren't already in Table A?

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Tables :: Two Fields In A Table / Link To Same Lookup Table

Mar 14, 2013

I have a table "Product" and in this table I have two fields "StoragePlaceID1" and "StoragePlaceID2". Both these fields link to the look-up table "StoragePlace"

*Attached Image "Product_StoragePlace" from the Access Relationship Window"*

When I want to add a new Product from my inter face i get the error you can see in the Attached Image "Save_Error".I think the problem is that the Relationship is defined as One-to-Many,there a way to define the relationship as Zero-to-Many.

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Table Lookup - Row Source From Another Table - Only Showing Numbers

Feb 11, 2012

When I have a 3rd table looking at the row source of the 2nd table, which is looking at the row source of the 1st table. I only get numbers.

Everything I have read so far points to using a query as a solution. However, the query I made is not updating the information from the 2nd table.

I have attached a few examples.

Attachment 6247

this below shows. I changed "Bakersfield-test1" in the original table. However, the query I made does not update, still showing "Bakersfield-test". When you click on the drop down, it shows the updated "Bakersfield-test1", but it does not repopulate my column with the updated info from the table.

Attachment 6248

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Need 2 Fields From Table 1 / Using Lookup Info From Table 2 And Put Into Table 3

Jun 28, 2013

I need to get x and y coordinates for each device, but the data has to get looked up from 2 other tables.

I have a table (called InstReclosers) that has device names. Each device is on a Section. I can go to another table (called InstSections) and look up what Node that particular section is tied to. Then I need to go to another table (called Nodes) to get the X and Y location for that particular node.

How I can go about getting this X and Y data into the InstReclosers table? summary, InstReclosers has device name and section name. InstSections has section name and node name. Nodes has node name and XY coords. Need XY coords for each device in InstReclosers.

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Lookup Table

Jan 6, 2006

I am very new to Access and any help would be appreciated. I have been through the entire Access Bible and many forums but can't find the answer to my specific question.

The project:

I'm setting up a database for tutors and students. Tutors will, via the web, enter data about a specific tutoring session (studentName, subject, sessionLength, etc.) Then at the end of the month a report will be generated detailing hours tutored and total compensation.

The problem:

Students pay varying rates based on subject (math or verbal). So in the Session table each record for each tutoring session has an empty field called payRate. This is the rate the student will pay based on subject. So I need this field to "fill in" automatically based on the 'student' and the 'subject' from the same record. Then I can multiply the field by sessionLength and get a totalPay field for the session. Add these at month's end and pay the tutors.

I've set up a lookup table called 'subject' with three fields (student,subject, payRate) and I have the student and subject combined as the primary key. Am I on the right track here? If so, how do I link the tables to get that Session 'payRate' field to fill in automatically. This is where is breaks down for me. I've tried the lookup wizard but all I seem to get when I open the Session table is an empty PayRate field with a drop down box containing the entire subject lookup table.

Sorry for being so long winded but I need help from someone better at his than me. Thanks in advance.

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How To Use A Lookup Table

Apr 24, 2015

My experience has been with SQL Server using Delphi and other languages where code is written for data integrity. A local service club has asked me to setup a relatively simple Access database where those that will use it have very little experience. I am not sure how to setup the following: The ClientTbl has a field, Ad. There is a table, AdTble with the following fields:

Primary key: AutoIncrementing
Description: text (30)
Amount: integer (dollar)

I would like to have a dropdown that shows the description, and when selected, the link to the Primary Key is inserted in the field, Ad. Can this be done? Will the Amount show?

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LookUp Tables For Dynamic Set Of Attributes: Set A Pointer Or Use A Generic LookUp?

Jul 24, 2007

I'm wrestling with the issues; in other threads, it became apparent that because I could not know ahead of time what I will need to know about a given entity, I will use a table to enumerate attributes that is applicable for a given entity.

However, the stumper is that what if an attribute should conform to a set list of values? Since they are dynamic, I would have problem predicting what I will need to be able to lookup, and am even don't know whether I will need a one-many lookup or many-many lookup.

I thought that generic lookup table with a table listing "classes" of lookup would allow me to have one big generic lookup table while using "classes" to act like virtual tables so I can then set the query to appropriate "class" to return just right set of values.

But as I thought about it, I ran into some issues which is pulling me toward the crazy idea that I should have freestanding tables, and use a field in tblAttribute to give me the table's name so I'd know which free-standing table it points to, and have the necessary key to lookup the values within that table.

Even though my gut instincts tell me that I shouldn't be going against the conventions of database design (who the frick goes around creating free-standing lookups?!?), I'm simply not sure how I can use a generic lookup table to hold all information.

For example, suppose I was given a list of values that has its own categories. Since the former design allows only for two level (lookup and lookupclass), where am I to insert that extra level?

Furthermore, I found myself needing a set of virtual keys to reference a certain "class" of lookups for report purposes. That means I need an extra field in my lookup table than I originally anticipates. What if I find myself needing one more field that just won't fit the generic lookup table?

So does anyone have suggestions on how we would create a placeholder for a lookup table that will be made just in time?

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Table Lookup Function

Mar 21, 2005


I have a table with the following 3 fields (these are the ones i'm having the issue with but there are others).

ID, Country, City

The ID is an auto number.

The Country Field is a lookup with the following lookup properties

Display Control: Combo Box

Row Source Type: Value List

Row Source: "England";"Spain";"France" etc

:confused: Now the problem...

I also want a lookup in the City field which changes to reflect what was selected in the Country field.


If in the Country Field Spain is selected then in the City Field I should have the option of selecting Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia etc.

Is this possible in the lookup of a table???

Thanks. :)

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Field & Lookup Table

Jan 6, 2006

I am very new to Access and any help would be appreciated. I have been through the entire Access Bible and many forums but can't find the answer to my specific question.

The project:

I'm setting up a database for tutors and students. Tutors will, via the web, enter data about a specific tutoring session (studentName, subject, sessionLength, etc.) Then at the end of the month a report will be generated detailing hours tutored and total compensation.

The problem:

Students pay varying rates based on subject (math or verbal). So in the Session table each record for each tutoring session has an empty field called payRate. This is the rate the student will pay based on subject. So I need this field to "fill in" automatically based on the 'student' and the 'subject' from the same record. Then I can multiply the field by sessionLength and get a totalPay field for the session. Add these at month's end and pay the tutors.

I've set up a lookup table called 'subject' with three fields (student,subject, payRate) and I have the student and subject combined as the primary key. Am I on the right track here? If so, how do I link the tables to get that Session 'payRate' field to fill in automatically. This is where is breaks down for me. I've tried the lookup wizard but all I seem to get when I open the Session table is an empty PayRate field with a drop down box containing the entire subject lookup table.

Sorry for being so long winded but I need help from someone better at his than me. Thanks in advance.

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Lookup Table - Numbers?

Mar 9, 2006

Hi all,
I Have a question regarding lookup tables. I have a table called tblActivities. In this, I have created a field called ActivityBudget. I would like this to be a lookup field (select entries from a list). In order to do this, I have created a table called tblBudgetLists with all the various budgets. For the AcitvityBudget field in tblActivities, I have set it as Text with the following things:

Display Control: Combo Box
Row Source Type: Table/Query
Row Source: tblBudgetLists
Limit To List: Yes

The function is half working... There are 19 entries in the tblBudgetLists table. When I select a budget from the list in tblActivities.ActivityBudget, the numbers 1 to 19 are displayed (I am assuming because there are 19 entries), rather than the names of the budgets. Any ideas on how to change this?


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