Parameter No Longer In Query After Table Update

Aug 10, 2011

I have a lot of tables that need updating often, so I delete the old ones and re-import them then run the queries again. From time to time, I add / remove columns but in the case I removed columns that are NOT needed in the queries.

So, I ran the queries again and they run fine but it says "Enter Parameter Value" for a column that is no longer there. It's not in the SQL code either.

So where is it trying to get these columns from and how do I fix this?

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Update Query No Longer Runs As Transaction.

Feb 22, 2008

I have been using the following query, literally for years, without any changes. I run it from code using db.execute, and I do use the dbfailonerror option.

UPDATE TST3 SET [date] = Mid([timedate],8,2) & '/' & Mid([timedate],10,2) & '/' & Right([timedate],4), [time] = Left([timedate],2) & ':' & Mid([timedate],3,2) & ':' & Mid([timedate],5,2), Serial = [serial] & '3';

One of the things it does is to add a '3' to the end of the [serial]. [serial] is the primary key in the TST3 table. You might think that there would be a problem if, say, I have a list of serials containing
and I'm trying to update them to
But this has worked OK in the past. NOW I'm getting a KV Error when it tries to update the 1 to 13, because there's already a 13 in the table.

Even stranger, when the query fails, all the rows BEFORE the offending record DO get updated. So the query fails, and I end up with:
(and yes, I DO have dbfailonerror set)

So, it looks to me as if update queries are no longer running as transactions.
I am pretty certain that action queries have always been run transaction-wise in the past... if the query fails, the whole thing should fail. WHY is the transaction processing no longer working for this update query? Has anyone else noticed this?

I recently ran microsoft update and am now running
Access 2002 (10.6771.6830) SP3.

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Passing A Parameter In A Query To Update Linked Table?

Oct 8, 2015

I have a linked table tblHome which is stored in a Sql Server DB and I want to create a form with 3 fields in it i.e. fieldA, fieldB, and FieldC in it and a button.

I want to add values to fields fieldA and fieldB and fieldC and when I click the button I want the value in fieldA to update any records in the linked table tblHome which contains the values in fields fieldB and FieldC.

how to do this?

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Forms :: Enter Parameter Value On Fields No Longer Existent

Jun 24, 2014

I have access 2013 and this database is on a windows 8 OS,

I created 2 fields to sort data sets, and later discovered there were redundant and i could use values from a different linked table. After deleting those fields, when i open the form they still pop up as an "enter parameter value for *****" .

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Hyperlink In A Table No Longer Connect To Internet

Jan 29, 2014

In a current version of a MDB, clicking on a hyperlink in a table no longer connects to the internet (?!)

I know for certain that it used to, so I opened an older version of the MDB (from a backup file), clicking does connect... so somewhere along the way, I must have done "something" to the current file (and too much time has passed along the way to revert to the former...)

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Forms :: Table Inserted Into Form No Longer Expands After Db Is Split?

Aug 20, 2013

I have elected to have tables inserted into my forms. For example on the School Information form, I have the Employees table inserted at the bottom so that it will show the employees that are assigned to that school when it's pulled up.

Before I split my database into a BE/FE situation, I could expand the items in the tables to other related items, but now that option is gone.

Is there any way to get that back with a split database?

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General :: Query Can No Longer Be Accessed From Excel

Oct 25, 2012

I have a query which I have connected to an excel worksheet. The query displays as a table in excel. Recently I've decided to reorganise the data that goes into the query, however the query itself hasn't changed, there's a chain of queries all feeding data into each other to arrive at this final query, and it's further up the chain that I did the reorganising.

Now when I try to open the workbook, I get this error (the workbook is set to refresh data whenever it is opened)The query did not run, or the database table could not be opened.Check the database server or contact your database administrator. Make sure the external database is available and hasn't been moved or reorganised, then try the operation again.

If I try to edit the data connection or create a new connection, the query I've been using also no longer appears in the list of queries and tables I can get data from.The problem is, this wasn't the sort of reorganisation that I could do incrementally and then see what specifically caused the connection to fail. The query was out of action altogether until I'd finished the reorganising. So it's a bit complicated and I don't know what kind of things could cause a query not to be available to make a connection with Excel.

I am able to see from the list of queries I can connect to where the first query in the chain comes that I can't connect to. The only thing about this particular query worth mentioning is that it uses the Nz() function (it adds together sales figures by month from a list of sales, and in months where there are no sales, there is no data, hence null, when logically I want it to be zero, hence the use of the function).

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Table Name As Parameter In SQL Query

May 23, 2006

I have a SELECT query which includes complex calculation that I would like to run on a large number of tables. This query also uses parameters to input ranges for some fields.

I can run this on other tables by doing a global replace of the table name in the script and pasting this as a new query, but this is cumbersome. I would like to set the table name as a parameter, so I can type in the table name for which I want the query to run (similar to the parameter inputs on the range fields).

Is there any way this can be done within SQL? I presume it can be done via VB, but I am not familiar with VB.

Any help appreciated.

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Choose Table In Parameter Query

Oct 23, 2005


I would like to set up a query that uses two tables. One of the tables, the 'main table', wil be used every time the query is run. Each time a new record is created in the main table a 'new table' is created containing a subset of data - the name of this table uses a ref ID from the main table. I would like to be able to select which 'new table' to use in the query as part of a parameter query.

eg. Main table record 1 has a field JID of J0001 and a corresponding 'new table' titled J0001. record 2 in main table has JID J0002 and creates a 'new table' J0002 etc

so I would like to set the query up such that when a record is chosen in 'main table' the query knows the name of the 'new table' corresponds to the JID of the record in 'main table' ....

Have seen the same question asked but no answer - is this possible ?

any pointers appreciated..

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Multiple Table Parameter Append Query

Oct 6, 2005

With referential integrity enforced, is it possible to use append query to append to multiple tables based on only one parameter that applies to only one table. If so, please enlighten me with a detailed explanation.

Thank you

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Parameter To A Query - Data Sent To A Table

Jun 5, 2013

I have a function that when called transfers a query recordset to an excel spreadsheet then emails it. At the end of the function I use code to write the date sent to a table. Each time the function is called I only need records in the query that have been modified since the last time the function was called. I have a field in the query 'LastModified' with a criteria '>[Enter Date]'. I then look up the date in the table and enter it manually. I know how to look up the last date sent in table using code but getting the >#SomeDate# in the query with VBA.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "qryUpdateWebmaster", _
"C:SubmarinersUpdates_Sent" & fname & ".xlsx", True, "Webmaster_Update"

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Queries :: Parameter Query - How To Get Table Contents Between Dates

Feb 3, 2014

I have a parameter that I need to get a table contents between dates. In the query:

Birthdate: XXTable: criteria as follows: Between [Enter Start Date] and [Enter End Date:]

When run it gives me the Error - ! This expression is type incorrectly, or its too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables

I have tried almost everything. The formatting of the Birthdate is x/x/xxxx or shortdate. Will this affect the input thus affecting the outcome of the query.

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Cannot Run Multi-table Parameter Query With Criteria Specified In Form

Dec 7, 2011

I've created a farm database, with a form (frmSearch) that will allow user to filter data. The form comprises of combo box and list box etc... for the user to input their own criteria. The subform below has a datasource. The data source is based on a query (qContractionSearch) which is basically a parameter query with 3 tables. The problem is, however, that it won't work with 3 tables... but will work if data source comprises just one table.

See the farm database attachment...and go to frmSearch...then go to Contraction tab. (The Cattle tab filter works fine-it only has a single-table datasource).i have a requery macro which runs whenever the user clicks 'search'.

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Queries :: Adding Test Field To Different Table And Try Different Query Using Like Parameter

Mar 20, 2013

I'm using Access 2003...I have a query that searches a parts table by description:

Like "*" & [Enter in Part Description to search] & "*"

I need to add another search to this query, I added another field to the parts table call manufacturer. I add this field to the above query and added this parameter to it:

Like [Enter in Manufacturer] & "*"

I then added a manufacturer to one of the fields for test purposes. For some odd reason this doesn't work. If I take out the manufacturer parameter and don't enter in anything into the part description the query returns all the records. When i type a description into the part description field the query returns the proper records. When I add back the manufacturer parameter and enter through both parameters only the one record returns showing the test record instead of all of them. If I put a part description in and enter through the manufacturer parameter no records show when they should.

I've tried adding a test field to a different table and tried a different query using the like parameter. The parameter works in a field already in the table but won't work with the new field I added. I've done compact and repair.

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Queries :: Enter Query Criteria - Filter All Record From Parameter Table

Nov 14, 2013

I have table which store set of number

table: parameter
field: Branch

I want to use enter query criteria so that it can filter all record from parameter table, How can I do? or any VBA code can serve same purpose?

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Parameter + Update Question

May 29, 2007

Hi all:

I am trying to figure out how (if it's even possible) to update a field with the string of a parameter query search result from a different field? It doesn't have to be all in the same query.

I have a memo field that I want to search on with a parameter query, and then plug the text from the search into a different field.

So, source field called MEMO, destination field called FURNITURE.

Search for 'chesterfield' in MEMO, plug 'chesterfield' into FURNITURE field for returned records.

I'm going to be doing this hundreds of times with different strings, so I think it has to be a parameter query (unless there's a better option that's equally dynamic). Or, is there another way to bulk-update?

Oh, and I'm running Access2000 on NT4.0.
Any help is greatly appreciated. And Hello from Vancouver, Canada.

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Queries :: Update Query (table To Table) Not Updating All Records

Nov 26, 2013

I'm using an UPDATE query to update records in one table (tblMain) from another table (tblTemp)

Here is my SQL :


UPDATE [tblMain]
INNER JOIN [tblTemp] ON [tblMain].[MainField1] = [tblTemp].[TempField1]
SET [tblMain].[MainField2] = [tblTemp].[TempField2];

I only want to update the records in tblMain which have a corresponding record in tblTemp (linked by MainField1 / TempField1)

If any record doesn't appear in tblTemp, I want tblMain to retain the existing value for that record.

However, it appears that in such situations, the record in tblMain has it's MainField2 value set to null / ZLS.

I've tried using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and also tried WHERE clauses but the result is the same every time.

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General :: Way To Fix Parameter Value So That All Queries Update At Same Time

Oct 10, 2012

suddenly all the old queries crash (message: enter parameter value). The table name is Exactly the same. Columns in the new table are also the same. Is there a way to "fix" the parameter value so that all the queries update at the same time.

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Modules & VBA :: Cancel Parameter In Before Update Event

Jan 7, 2014

I am trying to use a Combobox BeforeUpdate Event to achieve a required result.

I have two combo boxes inside a frame. The first is a year number 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

The Second is the Week No ranging from 1-52, but 1-53 in some cases and this updates accordingly with the year number selected.

When the user has selected Week 53 and then changes the year to a year where only 52 weeks exist I want to Cancel their event.

I have already made a function to determine if 53 weeks exits however when I come to do the Cancel Event, the combobox for the year doesn't change back. It stays on the users new selection.

Below is the code that I am trying to use:

Private Sub cmbWeekNoFromYear_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If UpdateWeekNoSelections Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

'cmbWeekNoFromYear is the name of the combobox which holds the year number
'UpdateWeekNoSelections Simply returns True if I want the users change cancelled for cmbWeekNoFromYear

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Capturing Parameter From Parameter Query

Jul 12, 2005

I have a form whose data source is a select query, q3, that is built from 2 other select queries. I'll call them q1, q2, and q3. q1 is a parameter query where I enter a "Cutoff Date" that the 3 queries manipulte and generate the desired results that appear in the form. The problem is that I don't know how to capture the parameter "Cutoff Date" from q1 to display on the form.

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Update Table Query

Oct 3, 2006

I have a table (ANSWERS) that has the following fields:
CASE_ID, E1, E2, E3, E4. The ANSWERS table is based on the CASE_ID's in the OBLIGATION TABLE and the CASE_ID field is the only field populated.

Then I have two other tables:
OBLIGATIONS table and WAGE table and each has only one field, CASE_ID.

The WAGE table has only CASE_ID's where there is a wage assignment in place.

What I want to do is populate the E1 field in the ANSWERS table with YES for all the CASE_ID'S in the OBLIGATIONS table that that match the CASE_ID's in the WAGE table. Can someone tell me or show me how to do this?

Either I'm stupid or this is hard to explain...sorry.

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Update Query For One Table

Oct 11, 2006

Hi all..

I have what I think is a very simple solution but I can't figure it out..

I have a table that has jobdescription and currentbadgetype as two of the fields. I want to do this:

if jobdescription=ASD 1 then currentbadgetype=Civilian Badge...

table name is ID_DATA.. I have backed up my data but I don't know how to go about writing an sql statement or creating an update query. I would appreciate any help...

Thanks again

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Update Table From A Query

May 26, 2015

How to update a table from a query. I have a database that tracks overtime, if an employee calls in sick, he is unable to work overtime for 2 weeks. I have a freeze table that tracks the employee, the date they are frozen, to the date they are available to work again.

I would like a query that when ran, will look at the Available to work Again field and if the date they can work again matches todays date, it then edit the employee table turning the freeze field from Frozen (Yes), to Unfrozen (No).

I am using two table

tblemployee and


the tblemployee has the overtime Frozen field

and the tblFrozenOvertime table had the Available to work again field which is also on a frmFrozenOvertime.

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Update Table From Query Field

Apr 3, 2006

I have a query that does calculations in the expression builder field. Is it possible to update/populate a field in a table with the calculated field/answer from the query? Thank you.


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Update Table From Query Field

Apr 3, 2006

I have a query that does calculations in the expression builder field. Is it possible to update/populate a field in a table with the calculated field/answer from the query? Thank you.


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How Do Perform An Update Query From One Table To Another?

Apr 4, 2006

Hi there.
Does anyone know how to use an update query to copy some records from one table into another?
I have table1 which has all the contact details and what I would like to do is work out a process for importing records from an excel spreadsheet.
What I have so far is as follows:

1. In access go into the queries tab and select update query
2. Open both table1 and table2
3. Drag the fields to be updated (table1)
4. In Update to select [table2].[table2 column name]

When i run this nothing appears to happen. 0 records are appended.
Does anyone now how to go around this with another solution or should I be using other SQL methods?

All comments much appreciated

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