Parameter Query With "<=" Losing Values?

May 21, 2007

Any possible solutions to this issue would be much obliged, it's one of two absolutely stupid issues that I'm just working around since I can't resolve...

I have a parameter query set up on a Date/Time field that is returning results not including the last date entered as a parameter. So if the user enters "2007-04-07" for the start date, and "2007-04-30" for the end date, the records with "2007-04-30" are not included.

I know it's some stupid thing I've done with this query that is causing it to do this, but since when does "<= some date" and ">= some date" not include the last date retrieved in the result set... do I need some programming lessons on operators, or what?:confused:

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Tables :: Consolidating Duplicate Values Without Losing Other Information

Jun 11, 2013

I've got a table which lists accounts with an associated charge. If the account has multiple charges, then the account appears multiple times, for each charge. I'd like to consolidate the duplicates without losing each charge that is associated with the account.

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Passing Multi Parameter Values To A Query

Aug 14, 2005

I have a query set up which needs to have different criteria at run time depending on values selected by the user. If no option is specified, I need to pick up all records with 'Nulls' in them else, if date is specified by user, I need to pick up all records with date > than specified date. The query is able to pick up the date value from an unbound text box in the form. I used the same field in the form and populated "Is Null" in the field and it does not work. How do I pass this as a paramater to the query from the form?
Is there a way around without setting up 2 sets of queries and reports?

Thanks,Priya :mad: :confused:

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Modules & VBA :: How To Set Parameter Values For Saved Query

Jun 26, 2013

I am using MS Access 2010 to export data into MS Excel 2010 spreadsheets.

I am just wondering: Is there a way to set the Parameter value for the query via VBA?

For example: There are 10 regional managers. When I click a button on a form, 10 sets of data per manager are going to be exported into Excel spreadsheets.

I have created a saved query named [For exporting] with a parameter [Manager Name] for the field [Master Table].[Manager].

The VBA for the button has 2 subs:
1) Sub 1 for the loop for 10 managers

strQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT [Master Table].[Manager] FROM [Master Table] WHERE ((([Master Table].[Manager]) Is Not Null));"
Set rstStores = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQuery)


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Queries :: Append Query With User Entered Parameter Values

Sep 17, 2013

I have an append query that currently looks like this URL...This query automatically adds the machine parameters for a product code and lot number into the running condition log. This is so the user does not have to manually go in and tediously select each machine parameter.

The running condition log also has a date field to specify what day and record number the machine parameter's value was recorded on. When I run the query the appended rows look like this. The product and lot are defined by user parameter and there are actually about 36 machine parameters

Productstockcode LotNo Day Record Parameter ActualCond
PE-500 130816m71 StockTemp
PE-500 130816m71 Zone 1
PE-500 130816m71 Zone 2

My question is: how do I modify the query to automatically add the date and record number in one shot? It needs to be user defined at the time of the query because this data is not stored anywhere else in the database. For each 36 machine parameters the day and record would be the same.

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Losing Records In A Query

Jul 20, 2007

Is it possible to have a query retrieve all information from one table, but only partial information from another?

For example, suppose I have two tables, Jobs and Employees.

The Jobs table is a list of all available jobs in the company; some filled, some not. Each job is assigned a Job Number which is unique.

The Employee table is a list of all employees in that company. Each employee is assigned to a particular job, referenced by the Job Number.

The query's job is to provide a list of all Jobs, but with employee information added to those jobs that are filled.

The Jobs table has two fields; JobNum and JobDesc.
The Employee table has three fields; EmpNum, EmpName, JobNum.

Jobs has five records;

100, Boss
105, Aide
200, Manager
201, Worker
202, Worker

Employee has four records;

111, Montgomery Burns, 100
112, Waylon Smithers, 105
121, Homer Simpson, 201
122, Lenny Leonard, 202

Jobnum is the link between the two tables in the query and its fields are;

JobNum, JobDesc, EmpNum, EmpName

What I want is;

100, Boss, 111, Montgomery Burns
105, Aide, 112, Waylon Smithers
200, Manager
201, Worker, 121, Homer Simpson
202, Worker, 122, Lenny Leonard

But, what I get is;

100, Boss, 111, Montgomery Burns
105, Aide, 112, Waylon Smithers
201, Worker, 121, Homer Simpson
202, Worker, 122, Lenny Leonard

Job Number 200, the Manager slot, is being dropped out.

This is the SQL code for the query;

SELECT Jobs.JobNum, Jobs.JobDesc, Employee.EmpNum, Employee.EmpName
FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Employee ON Jobs.JobNum = Employee.JobNum;

How can I get the complete Job list with employee data added to those jobs which are filled, while leaving the vacant positions - well, vacant, but still included in the query's result?


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Queries :: Insert Query Losing Decimals

Feb 4, 2014

So, I am inserting new records into a table. The values in the decimals are being stored as zeroes.

Field Properties
Long Integer
Standard (I also tried Currency)
2 Decimal Places

When I remove the "INSERT INTO" part of the query, the decimal data is in the results. I started out not using the FORMAT function. Then I tried it using "Standard", "Currency", and "#,##0.00"

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Queries :: Select Query Losing Records?

Sep 19, 2013

I have a Union query as follows;

FROM 1st_Lives
FROM 2nd_Lives;

1st Lives has 465,414 records and 2nd Lives has 151,852 records.

When I run the query I only get 604,976 records instead of 617,266 (I basically just want to add the two data items together).

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Top 'X' Values From A Parameter Form?

Nov 21, 2006

I have a simple parameter form where the users enter selectives for their queries.
They usually want the top 100 records, but would like to select the number of records from that same form.
I tried adding the forms' field name into the top records field in the query but it will take only a number.
Any suggestions about setting it form the form or using VBA?


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Summing Parameter Values!

Oct 11, 2004

BACKGROUND: I have a query, in which the user decides a customer name. According to the customer name a specific custom price is chosen for the customer from tblInputProductSpecs. Based on this I do the following calculation Total Price:[Price]*[Quantity], where the quantity is already known.

PROBLEM: Since the Total Price is total price for a specific product. I wanted to calculate the TOTAL of all the Total Price/Product. But finding it really hard to do this. I tried to do Total:SUM([Total Price]), but this doesn't work. I get an error. I even tried Total Price:SUM([Price]*[Quantity]), but this also doesn't work. Is there any possible way to find this TOTAL?

I would really appreciate your help with this frustrating problem.


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Macro To Run Reports With Parameter Values

Mar 24, 2006

I have devolved two reports which receive their data from the same query. I could not fit everything in one report as I am limited by Access’ 22 inch limitation. I would like to enable a user to run the reports off a Macro. The report/query requires the user to enter a “Parameter Value” such as date and facility number. When running the Macro it requires the user to input the same “Parameter Values” twice, once for each report. What I would like the Macro to do is only request the Parameter Values once. Is there a simple way to achieve this? Thanks for any assistance.

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Queries :: Between Parameter With Null Values?

Jan 17, 2014

I am trying to alter this parameter to bring back all records if either beginningsalesrange or ending salesrange is left blank. I can't quite get it right.

Between [forms]![frmState]![BeginningSalesRange] And [Forms]![frmState]![EndingSalesRange]

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Replace Parameter Values In Control Source Property

Apr 28, 2007

I have a text box in a report, with it's control source property set to =[BegDt].
Upon loading the report a message box pops up and asks the user for the value of [begDt]. This occurs 3 more times for 3 other parameters.

Now I want to change the design of the report so I decided to put these 4 parameters on a form so the user can fill in the 4 values all at once rather than responding to 4 message boxes that pop up when you run the report.

The problem is now the control source properties in all the different text boxes need to be changed to [forms]![frmABC]![txtBegDt] etc.etc. There are over 100 text boxes in this report that make reference to the 4 different parameters.
Is there a replace command I can use to change all the occurrences in the text boxes or perhaps a simpler way would be to pass the values to the report through code.

I tried placing this in the report header's format event and it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Code:Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)begytd = [Forms]![frmABC]![txtStDt]endytd = [Forms]![frmABC]![txtEndDt]curmo = [Forms]![frmABC]![cboMo]curyr = [Forms]![frmABC]![cboYr]End Sub

I should mention that the report uses a table (tblRecap) as it's record source. I tried using a query that refers back to the form for the parameter values but that means I have to use the query as the reports record source and that creates a problem because the report needs fields from the table to perform calculations.

Can someone help me with a solution please.

Thanks for your time.

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Reports :: Pass Parameter Values To Report Fields?

Apr 18, 2013

I have a report that is based on a query.

The query has two fields. Start and End Dates.

When I run the query the Parameter box asks for the dates by using <[Date1] and >[Date2]

What I want is to have 2 fields at the top of the report, that display the values I enter in these boxes?

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Forms :: Button To Activate Subform And Request For Parameter Values

Mar 21, 2015

I have two forms one simple and another sub form located in simple form and connected to query where query has parameters, while opening the simple form the sub form require the parameter values. Question is here how I can make the sub form like when I open the simple form the sub form must be disabled (not request me for parameter values) and make a button in simple form to activate the sub form and then request me the parameter values.

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How To Handle Multiple Null Values Using Form-based Parameter Queries

Nov 19, 2012

i'm creating a search form giving the end user a range of controls to use when filtering/searching data. See the image.But, i think my range search (using the textbox) to put in a lower and upper preventing this from working. In fact, when i put data into all the controls, no data pops up in my subform.

My query data source can also be seen...showing you how i've handled teh null entries. (i need to put in a null 'handler' for the two textboxes?)

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Capturing Parameter From Parameter Query

Jul 12, 2005

I have a form whose data source is a select query, q3, that is built from 2 other select queries. I'll call them q1, q2, and q3. q1 is a parameter query where I enter a "Cutoff Date" that the 3 queries manipulte and generate the desired results that appear in the form. The problem is that I don't know how to capture the parameter "Cutoff Date" from q1 to display on the form.

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Losing Functionality

May 3, 2006

I am building a database for a client that tracks construction drawings. The client came today to check on progress. Just before he came, I changed the start-up properties to hide the database window, menus etc so it would look more like the finished product.

Problem was, I lost alot of the functionality and had to change it back to demonstrate:( . Is this common and can anyone explain why? much appreciated

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I Keep Losing My Margins

Aug 18, 2006

Hi Everyone

I wonder if anyone can help me please.

I have a form that nearly fills an a4 sheet of paper when printed. For this reason I have to set the margins from 24.99 down to 5.

This is ok and the form works well and prints out properly about 75% of the time. Occasionaly when I open the form it has reverted back to the 24.99 margins which of course prints out on three sheets of paper and is all over the place.

Is ther a way to set the margins on load and can anyone suggest an appropriate bit of code.

Kindest regards


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Is It Corrupting Or ? Losing Use Of Buttons

Aug 22, 2007


There's not much space in the title but I hope I caught someones attention that can help.

For starters it's ACCESS97

The database is split into front end and linked tables.

We added few fields a couple of days ago. ( We have a full back-up)

What is happening now is that after a period of time the buttons stop working and give a message saying something like...

The On Click can't find the file or info that it is supposed to be doing. That isn't the exact words, but I don't currently have the damaged version it is deleted. There is no error message number.

The same thing has happened 3 times. Each time I delete the front end and replace it with the backed up copy. This then works again.


Once the corruption or whatever it is happens, you cannot add any buttons in design view and also you cannot get to the Event Proceedures through the properties and also the Build Event doesn't let you in either. All you get whet trying any of these is a File Not Found message.

Any ideas out there or do I just have to revert back to the copy before the changes ?

It's a very big database about 90Meg Front end and 8Meg Tables

Help Please.

Thank you


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Top/Max/Subqueries ... Losing My Mind

Mar 8, 2008

I've looked at so many options for writing this query that I can't see the forest for the trees and hoping you kind folks will point me in the right direction.

I have a table called services that includes:

service_year (ie: 2007, 2008)
service_date (ie: 3/3/08)

service_id is a unique ID for each service which relates to data I will need to pull from another table.

prop_id relates to a property ID in another table, not unique as multiple services against one property.

The problem that I have is that each prop_id can have more than one service_date for the same service_year. I need to be able to find the latest service_date on a prop_id and its associated service_year and service_id.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. BTW, using this in Access 2003 & 2007

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Subform 'losing' Data

May 12, 2006

I have a form and subform. Clicking a record in the subform displays the details of that record in the main form. The form is used for editing, adding and deleting data for a given person's sales record and the subform displays a full list of all records for that person.

When I edit a person's record, using the main form, and click on a button to run the code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

I can go into the underlying table and see the changes. I can also refresh the subform and see the changes.

However, the next time I click on any of the records in the subform, the value in one of the fields vanishes from both the subform and the table. Any other changes made, to however many fields, remain.

Surely, if there's a problem with that field, the update shouldn't happen at all?

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Losing Records In Tables

Mar 19, 2012

My company had an Access db created back in 2002 in order to create file names (Legal Labeler). The db consists of many reference tables (Figure 1). The person who created the db created a form to use in order to create the file name and labels. As you can see there are various drop downs where the end user can choose which information to include. I do not think that the tables are linked. Once the end user fills in the form they click Save Label Data and the data is written to a master table (Table tblLevelOneSubject).

One of the problems we are having is that records in any one of the extraneous tables (Company Name, SubCatetory, SubCategories L1/L2, etc.) just disappear. For example, in Figure 3, we have all the entries for the drop down labeled SubCategory (A codes are depicted) but, for some reason, we are randomly missing some of the codes (typically all the A codes and B codes); however, nothing from the master table is missing (that is why I do not believe they are linked).

Another major issue we are running into is in the table named tblLevelFiveSubCatTwo (SubCategory L2 on the form) (Figure 4), which is an auto-numbered table, we are also losing records (as you can see it table starts at 7). When I created a file last week I needed to create a new entry in the drop down SubCategory L2 and it was auto-numbered 8 when it should have been 734. Also, the table shows that there are only 697 records but if we are auto-numbering there should be 734 records. Therefore, we are losing records in this table as well.

Is there any way we can secure the tables so this does not happen in the future? When I export the data into Excel it looks as though all of the data is accounted for - it is just missing in the reference tables.

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Importing A Csv Losing Trailing Spaces

May 26, 2006

I am creating a csv in another application where fields may contain trailing spaces. If I open this in excel, the trailing spaces are preserved, but if I import into Access I lose the trailing spaces. Is there any way to preserve them?

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Refresh Subform Without Losing Place

Feb 10, 2005


I have a subform that is based on a SQL statement that sums by Dollar Amount and groups by Account. I have it set up so the user can double-click on an account, which opens an unbound form. I then have the form execute a SQL INSERT INTO statement, which works beautifully.

The form opens as a pop-up, and I have it requery the subform when it closes. However, when the pop-up closes, I go back to the first record on the sub-form. I need it to "remember" the record I was on and take me back to that one. What is the standard procedure for doing this?

Thanks in advance!


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Losing The Plot With Subform Update!

Nov 16, 2005

right I have a subform which holds assessment data
it is a tab-control form which monthly assessment data each tab has its own form i.e. "frmCurrentAssessment-October2005", "frmCurrentAssessment-November2005" and they are based on their own queries i.e. "qryCurrentAssessment-November2005". It will not let me update the subform which is joined to frmAllStudents which is based on "qryallStudent"

the form and the subforms are joined by Admission Number. I can update directly from "qryCurrentAssessment-November2005". But the form wont let me update, I have already checked that the fields arent locked or that the form isnt uneditable and everything seems fine.

I am at a complete loss as to what to do here, is there something obvious that I havent checked

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