Parameter Window Help

Sep 8, 2005

Is there a way to have unlimited parameter boxes to pop up when a query is ran?


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Toggling Linked Subform Shows Parameter Entry Window Twice?

Mar 9, 2014

I have two subforms in a main form. book_sub and book order subform. there are various subforms which i toggle in book order subform window by changing their properties with command button on main form. here is the code -

private sub billq_click()
Me.BOOK_SUB.SourceObject = "BILLQ"
Me.BOOK_SUB.LinkChildFields = "[order ID]"
private sub stock_click()
Me.BOOK_SUB.SourceObject = "stock"
Me.BOOK_SUB.LinkChildFields = "[BOOKCODE]"

Now the problem is when i change billq to stock it shows parameter entry window with caption [order id] twice. after clicking ok it does toggle the form to stock. then when i click button for billq again it shows the same thing.

the code works fine except showing parameter entry window twice with every toggle.

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Help: Pass Argument From Child Window To Parent Window?

Feb 15, 2005


I have a parent window which upon clicking on a button will pop-up a child window containing a listbox. The listbox recordsource is a subset of the parent window. I want the user to select a record from the listbox which will load the selected record onto the parent window.

How does one pass argument back from child window to parent window?

From parent window to child window, I used
docmd.openform ,,,,,,[argument] and me.openargs in the child window

thanks in advance.

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Forms Are Opening In Same Window / How To Open Forms In Different Window

Oct 21, 2013

My application is developed in Access 2003 version. Recently we moved from Access 2003 to Access 2010. Now users are facing usability issues like - in Access 2003 all the forms are opening in different windows and they can move to forms easily. But in Access 2010 all the Forms are opening in same window, if they want to move to different forms then they need to close the current window or press ctrl+F6. How can I enable/open forms multiple window in Access 2010.

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Capturing Parameter From Parameter Query

Jul 12, 2005

I have a form whose data source is a select query, q3, that is built from 2 other select queries. I'll call them q1, q2, and q3. q1 is a parameter query where I enter a "Cutoff Date" that the 3 queries manipulte and generate the desired results that appear in the form. The problem is that I don't know how to capture the parameter "Cutoff Date" from q1 to display on the form.

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Parameter Query Asking For Parameter More Than Once!

Nov 9, 2006


I have a query that requires a Start-Date and an End-Date to be input by user for the Where clause. It is asking for both over and over. I've had it ask from 1 up to 4 times! :eek: Shouldn't it store the input and only ask for it once? I'm thinking that the way my query is arranged may be causing it to have to loop through that section more than once to find the data, but that's just my theory. Any help would be great!

Here is my code (abbreviated slightly):

FROM Pen AS C1 INNER JOIN Jobs AS C2 ON C1.subno=C2.[Jobs Acct]
WHERE ((C1.typ="SS" Or C1.typ="CC" Or C1.typ="PP" Or C1.typ="TT") And C1.stdate>=[Enter Start Date] And C1.stdate<=[Enter End Date] And C2.[Type]<>"EE" And C2.[Type]<>"QQ" And C1.entdate<=C2.[ChangeDate]+60);

I'm selecting rows from "Pen" and "Jobs" that have the same subno/Jobs Acct numbers (text), then there are criteria for "Pen" types, user inputs criteria for date range (Start Date and End Date) and there are criteria for "Jobs" types. Finally, there's a cross-table criteria based on a date field ("Pen" entdate should not be more than 60 days past the "Jobs" ChangeDate). Tables are in quotes in my explanation here.

So running the above, it asks for user input "Enter Start Date", then again for "Enter End Date"...but then it asks for each again...and again...and sometimes again!

Help! :confused:

P.S..I didn't notice this repeating until I made it user input (parameter query) because it was using whatever dates I hard-coded in there before.

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Pop Up Window With F12 Key

Jul 20, 2007

For my Access DB, I have unselected the relevant options in Tools – Statup to hide the Objects window so that inexperienced users don’t corrupt the design of the forms, reports etc. However, I find that hitting F12 key brings a pop up window ‘Save Form (name of the form open appears here) To: ……….(blank text box). As ……(form or data access page options here)’ with OK and Cancel buttons. Hitting OK saves the form as it is and typing something after ‘To’ saves the form in that name. Though it doesn’t corrupt the DB in any way, I find this pop up window an irritant. Is there a way to stop this?

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Database Window Help

Mar 12, 2006


ive been disabling the database window from the startup tab in MS access, just now when ive tryed to show it on startup it appears but its stuck in the top left hand corner and i cant move it! so i cant access the tables

help any1 pleassse

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Database Window

Mar 13, 2007

I've imported somebody's access db which hides the database window by default. When I click the db window button in the toolbar, the db window pops up high up and is somewhat hidden by the toolbar. I can't pull it back down as the top is hidden and when I try to move the toolbar,the db window simple moves up so I can't grab it and move it. Any suggestions?


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Stopping Pop Up Window Of F12 Key

Jul 20, 2007

In order to prevent inexperienced users corrupting the design of the Forms, Reports etc. of my Access DB, I have unselected the relevant options at Tools – Startup and it doesn’t display the Objects window. However, I find that when I press F12 key, a pop up window appears with ‘Save As’ ‘Save ‘frm……’ To: As …..’ with OK and Cancel buttons. Though a user can save the form with a different name and this does not interfere with the proper functioning of the DB, I find this an irritant pop up window. Is there a way to stop this pop up window?

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Can't Show Immediate Window

Sep 3, 2007

Hi, I have been using Access 2000 for quite a while now. I have been using the Immediate Window to call my code, but for some reason, this window won't display now, no matter what I do - I have repaired the installation and reinstalled it but to no avail

Is there any help out there for me?

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Database Window?

Apr 14, 2008

This may seem silly and I've seen no mention of it in this forum yet but the "Database Window" from previous versions of Access is now called the "Object Browser"? I had code to hide the database window on startup but can't seem to find a way to hide the object browser on startup. Any ideas? Also, is there another way to view my objects in ACC07 because this way is slowing me down tremendously! It's much more difficult to find the objects I'm trying to work on and visually see where I left off. Any help would greatly be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

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Please Help With Window Order

May 22, 2005

I have a button on a form that opens up a report. However, the report always opens in the background. How can it change so that once the button has been clicked on, the report comes to the foreground and the form in the background. Please see attached example. The button is called 'Label'.

Thanks in advance


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Minimize Window

Nov 10, 2005


In MS Access:

In Forms section

DoCmd.OpenForm "Procedure", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog

I have one button for doing the above action, it works.

when the form come out, there is only close window (x), it doesn't have minimize window (_) option. How can I make minimize window button at the top right corner?


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After Displaying A Window...

Jul 6, 2005

Hello all you experts and thanks in advance for your help.

I want to issue a message box after a window (a form) is displayed. I have attached it (in VBA code) to the onOpen event but the message displays before the window is displayed. So I tried, OnCurrent, then onLoad, but in each case the event triggers the message box before the window is displayed.

Is there an event which triggers AFTER the display of the window. Note that I don't want the message box displayed several times so onGotFocus is out.

Many thanks in advance,


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Search Window

Sep 28, 2006


I have a form and would like to add a list box to search and open drives and files directly from access.

I would like to create something similar to the mycomputer window. Is that possible? Any help or sample? Thanks.

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Window Opening Problem

Sep 5, 2005


I am a bit drained today and can't think clearly.

How do I stop a new window opening everytime I open a new form. When I get going on the latest project, inputting data I can have up to 6 different windows open.


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Running Mdb From Command Window

Dec 13, 2005

Hello - Here's my problem:

I've created a mdb that i'm trying to run from a command window. When I type "vemacro.mdb" at the command prompt the mdb runs fine. But - after it runs I get a popup error window that says "cannot find the file "f:vevemacro.mdb" (or one of its compenents)." But - it DID find it and ran it just fine.

I'm running ms access 2003 and windows 2000.

Can anyone tell me what is causing this to happen??


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Hide Property Window

May 29, 2006

hi guys,
easy question.
when the DB is open a login form comes up. The issue is that the properties window for that form comes too.
any suggestion? thx max.

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Height Of Window For Form?

Jun 5, 2006


Is there anyone can help me?

how to create a form that automatically can make the form longer when user click a button?

thank you..

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Relationship Window - Broken Or CE?

Jun 8, 2006

I have a db with about 70 tables in it. I am trying to see the relationships among say, 40 of them, all at once. I like the view of the relationship window but: I cant scale it, select multiple tables and reposition them, use the mouse wheel to move it (only the window sliders), and, I have to click on a table entry to allow me to reposition the table (should'nt I just have to click on the table outline itself?). This is a really awakward thing to use. Also, I can't seem to 'Shrink to fit' the relationship window when I print it.
Is it cockpit error or just really broken?
Any way to make it easier to work with?
(or, did I choose the wrong DB tool for the job?)

Thanks for your suggestions.

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Remove The Design Window ?

Aug 30, 2006

Is there a way to remove the design window from your project ?

I have made a program but, the problem I am having is that when
I run it and say the query results show up I close that window and
then the design window shows up. I need the close button on the
other windows but I need to block out the design window when I
use the program.
I also know about the start box where you can uncheck items and
they are removed. Am I missing something ?


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How Unhide Database Window

Sep 13, 2006

Dear Friends I made my a stupid mistake and I don't know how to rectify it.

There is a inventory software built in access xp. In order to protect database I've cleared all the options from that is

a) Display Startup form
b) Display status bar
c) Allow Full menus(Changed with Custome Menu)
d) Allow Default shortcut keys
e) and foolish thing cleared Use special key also

I've given a task to modify program where I may have to add New form. I don't know how to unhide database window. pls suggest me what to do....

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How To Disable The Properties Window

Nov 30, 2006

I was hoping someone knows how to disable the ability for users to gain access to the properties window.

When viewing a form (or any object), one can usually right click, click on the corner of the form, or a few other actions and gain access to the properties option. If selected, the properties window is displayed with all the object's properties.

Is there a way to NOT allow the users to select this option? i.e. to disable this option from the menu list?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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Database Window Not Opening

Dec 13, 2006

I have a weird problem with one of my databases. Out of a sudden, when I wanted to open that database the databse window did not show up anymore. With this I can not access my forms, tables etc. any longer. However, when I click on View->Databaseobjects and choose e.g Forms than I can click on the code icon and I can access my code as well as the corresponing form in the design view. I can not access the tables but when I click on the "show fields" in the design view the list of fileds is showing for the corresponding form.

I tried that database on 3 different PC's with the same effect.

Does anybody have an idea what could have caused that the database window is not showing anymore and/or how could I bring that window back.

Thanks for any help and advice


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Size Of Viewing Window?

Mar 4, 2007

Hi All,

users can opening a file (either .doc, exe or .pdf) with additional data to the record they're looking at by clicking on a icon on a form. The icon has code behind it that opens the document (Application.FollowHyperlink NameDocTo Open). That opens the doc OK, no problem, but what is a problem is that the window for this document is exactly the same size as the window of the access form from which the second doc is opened.

The size of the access window is defined. I'd like to get the word or excel or pdf to be maximized. The weird thing is that I use the same code in another database and there the 'secondary doc' opens in a new window and of large enough size. How can the same code generate 2 outcomes? And how can I fix the issue described?

Thanks guys.

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