Parameters Determined By Combo Boxs On Forms

Oct 1, 2007

Hi All

I have set up a form to run a query. There are 3 main variables; 'Status', 'Substatus' and 'Publications'. The publications variable has multiple choices on the form as it is likely i will be sending out more then one publication at a time.
What I need to be able to do is that if a dropdown box is left empty it returns all fields of that variable but at the same time only those that are within the criteria set out by the other combo boxes.. i.e. status is left empty, but the query still runs and filters out those specific substatus and publication. I think this is becoming complicated because the publication criteria relys on five combo boxs.
So in short, how do i get a criteria to return all results for that field if the combo box is left empty but still filter the entire list by the other combo boxes.
I have tried setting the parameter in the criteria as "*" or forms.combobox1 etc but this doesnt really allow for the multiple selections for publictions!

help!, im a little lost.

many thanks in advance


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Forms :: Set Combo Box To Value As Determined By Listbox Column?

Apr 30, 2013

In short, I have a form that has a combo box containing people type values. Then two text entry boxes, firstname, lastname. Then an add, update, and delete button...

When the person type is chosen from the cbo, and the names are filled out, and the 'add' button pressed a query sends the values back via sql insert, and a listbox next to these controls then lists the new person records. Great - No worries...

Then, when someone wants to update the record now shown in the listbox, on double click of the record in the listbox, vba repopulates the name text boxes from the listbox's columns values (easy), and then *magically* the person type combo box chooses amongst its values the value stored in the person type column from the listbox.

I can't get the combo box to be set to the value that I am grabbing from the listbox's column values.

cboContactInfoType.{magic happens here} = ListBoxOfficeContactInfo.Column(3)
txtContactInfoValue = ListBoxOfficeContactInfo.Column(4)
txtContactInfoValue2 = ListBoxOfficeContactInfo.Column(5)

Part of me wonders if I would have to program in a way to search among the combo boxes values and find out which one was selected from the listbox, find it's index value and then set the combo box to be that index/value record... but that seems like a hard way to do it... and I'm not exactly sure how?

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Help With Combo Box Selection Being Determined By Entry In Another Field

Feb 7, 2008

first of all, i'm new to access. the only experience i have with it is reading the "microsoft office inside out", access section, and doing some research on the web.

i work for a school district and my boss has asked me to make a database with all our assets. i used to have everything in excel, but he prefers access, so here i am. what i'm wanting help with is making a combo box that lists manufacturers like hp, dell, etc., and then having the next field show a list of models depending on what was selected in the manufacturers field. so if i select dell, i want only dell models to show up in the combo list for models.

i can make the combo lists, but i don't know how to make it so that the entry in one field affects the list in another field. i've tried putting in lookup values, i've tried doing it with expressions in queries, and a few other things. i've tried searching google, and the forums and i've found things that are kind of similar to what i want, but doesn't do exactly what i want. so here i there a simple way to do this? this isn't required of me, but now it's driving me crazy because that's the way i'd like to have it but i can't figure it out.

i'd appriciate any help with this.

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Using Two List Boxs To Use As Query Criteria

Jan 15, 2006

Hello everyone, i am trying to get 2 listboxs (the first is for name, the second is for state). I need to be able to select a name from one listbox and a state from the other and have a query display after a button is clicked. At the moment i have found a section of code which runs under the OnClick Event Procedure of the button to display the query (one listbox only though). It is as follows:

Private Sub cmdOpenQuery_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenQuery_Click
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strIN As String
Dim flgSelectAll As Boolean
Dim varItem As Variant

Set MyDB = CurrentDb()

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblCompanies"

'Build the IN string by looping through the listbox
For i = 0 To name_listbox.ListCount - 1
If name_listbox.Selected(i) Then
If name_listbox.Column(0, i) = "All" Then
flgSelectAll = True
End If
strIN = strIN & "'" & name_listbox.Column(0, i) & "',"
End If
Next i

'Create the WHERE string, and strip off the last comma of the IN string
strWhere = " WHERE [strCompanyCounty] in (" & Left(strIN, Len(strIN) - 1) & ")"

'If "All" was selected in the listbox, don't add the WHERE condition
If Not flgSelectAll Then
strSQL = strSQL & strWhere
End If

MyDB.QueryDefs.Delete "qryCompanyCounties"
Set qdef = MyDB.CreateQueryDef("qryCompanyCounties", strSQL)

'Open the query, built using the IN clause to set the criteria
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCompanyCounties", acViewNormal

'Clear listbox selection after running query
For Each varItem In Me.name_listbox.ItemsSelected
Me.name_listbox.Selected(varItem) = False
Next varItem

Exit Sub


If Err.Number = 5 Then
MsgBox "You must make a selection(s) from the list", , "Selection Required !"
Resume Exit_cmdOpenQuery_Click
'Write out the error and exit the sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOpenQuery_Click
End If

End Sub

Is anyone familiar with the code to tell me how i go about adding code to this so to have a second listbox working?

The working example with one list box can be found here:



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Count Check Boxs If True On Report

Jan 19, 2005

I have a report that has a nummer of check boxes, I want to count the number of boxes that are true.


I have 10 boxes on my report and only three of them are True.

I have put in the bottom of the report


But this seems to count all boxes

Please help



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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Formatting - Backcolor Determined By Color Value Stored In A Cell

Jul 21, 2015

I would like to know if this is possible using VBA ( or other method)

I want to determine the back color o a cell based on a color value stored in another cell in other word

backcolor of cell A = the value of cell B

So if I change the numbers of cell B (which is color codes) , backcolor of cells A change accordingly and it will have the color specified in cell B.

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Queries :: Form Setup - Allow Users To Select Parameters Using Combo Boxes

Apr 3, 2014

I'm wondering is it possible to create a multiple parameter query which will return results even if you leave some of the parameters blank ?. I'm trying to set up a Form which will allow users to select parameters using combo boxes but at the moment you need to fill them all in or you'll get no results...

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Passing Parameters Thru Combo Selection: ERROR:Data Type Mismatch Criteria Expression

Oct 17, 2006

I am trying to pass parameters to my qury thru my combo selection. I keep getting this error "Data type mismatch criteria expression", does anyone have an idea why?
WHERE (((fShiftWorked([tblTimeLog].[timeStart])=[Forms]![frmOperatorWorkDone]![cboShift] Or IsNull([Forms]![frmOperatorWorkDone]![cboShift]))=True));

I have spent so much time onthis already and i am sick of it :mad:

Attached is my db. Please help me out here.

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Tables :: Consecutively Number Table Rows With User Determined Start Number

Jul 13, 2014

I have an Access2007/SQL Server 2012 system with 20 users for an insurance company. The company does most of its business via a network of vehicle dealers around the country. If someone comes in to buy a motorcycle, boat, or recreational vehicle at a dealership they need insurance to take it home, and our dealers send the quotes to us.

The dealers, in turn, receive payment from us each month for their efforts. Some are paid a % commission on the premium, some are paid for each quote they send regardless of whether the policy actually sells or not, and some are paid a set amount per sold policy. (Yes, that is relevant information!)

We already have reports that tally the amounts due each dealer based on their payment scheme, but last month our bookkeeper had to write about 650 checks manually because the check writing is not automated. She'd look at the report, and then enter name, address, and amount (in digits and words) into Quick Books and print the checks from there, a horribly tedious process. I've been asked to print the checks from Access. Basically one click would print all 650 checks.

I've opted to use a Make Table query to move the commissioned dealers amounts to a single location, and then to run two append queries to add the records from those paid per quote and those paid per policy. At the end of the day, one table contains all the information necessary to print the checks...except one.

The check number.

I need a way to sequentially number each record in the new table with a user generated starting point, the first check number.

By the way, the check blanks are on standard letter sized paper, three to a page, with tear-off perforations to separate them, in case that information has any relevance.

I think the best way to accomplish this is from the report itself. I've created a blank field on each record for the check number, and what seems most logical is that the sequential number is generated on print and written back to the table, rather than just generating all the numbers at once. That way, should print ever be interrupted, it will be easy to take up where we left off.

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Forms :: Add Parameters To MAF Shortcut

Jul 10, 2015

Is there any way to add parameters to a .maf shortcut?

I'm thinking, I may be able to email the link to a form to someone, with the correct ID. But I'm assuming this isn't an easy thing to do?

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Forms :: Using Parameters With Dlookup Function

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to use parameters for my dlookup =DLookUp("[jan]","[ctbDailySegments1]","[PCC]='0hq'")

How can I replace [jan] with a prameter to pick from a text field formated as date. and 0hq from a combobox cmbPCC.

The function works perfectly as I change the jan and 0hq.

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Creating Filters In Forms Using Parameters

Jan 29, 2013

I am creating a front end of a database that is the forms only version with ext. .accdr...I would like to create a way that each user of the front end can apply a filter using parameters, allowing the user to enter in their name when opening the front end.Form and Table name is "Non-Student Tasks Completed Daily" and "Student Connection Task" Field name is "SSC"..How can I get a box to appear when someone opens the database that askes them to enter their name to apply the filter?

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Queries :: Using Controls From Separate Forms As Parameters In Same Query?

Mar 28, 2014

I have 3 forms that all use the same sub form. The 3 main forms show 3 different project types, where the sub form shows what other projects that a company is engaged with. Rather than create 3 different queries for my sub form, i would like to just filter it using criteria that looks at the CompanyID field on my 3 main forms. Currently my criteria is like this:

[Forms]![frmProjects_Detail_IND]![txtcompanyid] Or Like [Forms]![frmProjects_Detail_CSS]![txtcompanyid] Or Like [Forms]![frmProjects_Detail_TAP]![txtcompanyid]

Is there a way to ignore the parameters that are null?

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Forms :: Selecting Query Parameters From A Listbox - Select All

Aug 26, 2013

I've got a code that allows me to select one or many names from a listbox on a form and return data relevant to the name(s) selected from a query. The following code is triggered by a button on the form...

Private Sub Toggle4_Click()
'Set it all up for CSM selection
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String


(Toggle 10 goes to the code for the second listbox which has the same code with different tables refered to giving two selections in the query.)

What I want to do is replace the "warning if nothing found" with a code to show data against all the names in the list box if nothing is selected in the listbox.

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Queries :: How To Refer To Parameters In Navigation Forms In A Query

May 20, 2013

I did a query which parameter is written in a text box - tprj. This text box is in a form, which is in a navigation control, which is within another navigation control. How can I refer, in the query, to this text box?

The navigation forms are nmain which contains nprojects.

nmainsub and nconsultprojects are the navigation subforms
fprjconsult is a normal form, which is inside nconsultproject

I tried the following criteria:








And other forms too but I can't get it to refer to forms inside navigation forms, inside navigation forms, in SQL? What are the rules for writing it clearly?

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Forms :: Refer To Combobox On Subform Within Navigation Form In Query Parameters

Jun 6, 2013

There is a command button on my form that calls a filtered query. I'm filtering the query based on a combo box within the form using


It works beautifully until I put the form as a subform in the Navigation Form I'm using. When I execute it from within the Navigation form, it errors out looking for [Forms]![frmAssignDwgs]![Combo15].

Is there another syntax I can use so this will still work from within the Navigation Form? Or another way to approach this functionality?

frmNavigation is the main navigation form
frmAssignDwgToPkgs is the subform that holds Combo15

I found another thread (which I can't link to since I'm new) and tried various arrangements of the following to no avail.

[Forms]![frmNavigation]![NavigationSubform] .[Forms]![frmAssignDwgToPkgs]![Combo15]

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Forms :: Change Record Source Of Combo Box On Form Based On Another Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.

So my questions are:

1) can this be done
2)If it can be done, how can I do it?

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Forms :: Filtering A Combo Box On A Subform From A Combo Box On A Main Form

Apr 27, 2013

I have a Suppliers database which contains a form that will allow me to place orders with Suppliers.The Main form has a combo box that allows me to select the supplier. The combo box is called SupplierID with the following:

Row source: SELECT Suppliers.SupplierID, Suppliers.CompanyName FROM Suppliers ORDER BY Suppliers.CompanyName;

The subform is called Stock Subform witha combo box called ProductID with the following:

Row source: SELECT DISTINCT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName, Suppliers.CompanyName, Products.Discontinued FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID=Products.SupplierID WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=0)) ORDER BY Products.ProductName;
Event Procedure - AfterUpdate: Private Sub ProductID_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_ProductID_AfterUpdate
Dim strFilter As String
' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function.
strFilter = "ProductID = " & Me!ProductID


The Link fields are done on the Purchase Order ID (PONoID).What I want to achieve is to select the supplier from the combo box (SupplierID) on the main form and then the combo box (ProductID) on the subform to filter to only show products directly supplied by the Supplier selected on the Main Form.

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Forms :: Fill Text Box Based On Combo Box (not Using Columns In Combo Box)

May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a way to have a text box auto fill based on the selection of a combo box on the same form. I cannot use the method i find all over the internet of using multiple columns in the combo box and basing the text box on that because the combo box already has multiple columns being used to determine its own possibilities and other combo box possibilities.

I would really just like the text box to work like this, but im still kinda inexperienced in VBA...

If combo box is "F004-001", then text box is "237"
If combo box is "F004-003", then text box is "280"

I know how to add in an "after update" thing, but i do not know how to do If/then statements.

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Forms :: How To Filter Combo 2 From Table After Select Value From Combo 1

Nov 5, 2013

i have a table with three column Named


on a form i m placing 3 combo box for each column how can i filter combo 2 from table after select value from combo 1

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Forms :: Pass Parameters From Form To Sub Form Without Vba

Jul 15, 2013

i have a form with a sub form and combobox, when i select item i want that the sub form will be update with new values according to parameters from the combox.

the data of the sub form is from query with criteria


and the combobox (Client_ID) "After Update" event set to macro- requery (the sub form)

so every time that item selected in the parent form combobox the sub form items /data will change.

*i attached a screenshot

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Forms :: Combo Box Value Based On Selection In Other Combo Box?

Nov 29, 2014

I'm trying to build a database for daily work. My work in daily basis I have to fill all condition for several items.

We have two areas, with two locations under each area, and three systems under each location and each system contain more than 500 items.

I created all tables and fill by all information:

1-Table 1: Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6.
2-Table 2: Location 1, Location 2.
3-Table 3: System 1, System 2, System 3.
4-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-1
5-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-2

[Code] ....

Last table will be LogBook which will be as follow:

date l time l area l location l system l item l Conition1 l Conition2 l Conition3

My question regarding to the form of the above table:

How can I make a combo box for area field and when I select for example area1 will appear only the locations which under area1 in location field, and when I select location1 for example will appear only the systems under location1 in system field, and when I select system1 one for example will appear only items under system 1.Combo box list will be based on the selection in previous combo box and so on.

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Forms :: Filtering Combo Box Based On Another Combo Box

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to select a value from one combo box and on the basis of this selection the other combo box show only those values which have link to the value I have selected.

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Forms :: Hide Value From Previous Combo In Next Combo?

Jan 8, 2014

I have a continuous form which has 1 field in which is a combo box which has a list of names. Once you select a name, the next record down is available for selection. This is because my tables PK is a autonumber. How do i filter the records to only show the names which have not been previously entered in my above records.

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Forms :: Combo Box With Values Based On Another Combo Box

Jun 25, 2013

I have a main form that filters data in a subform based on selections via combo box users make on the main form.

So I have the 'department' and 'manager's name'. If someone selects 'Human Resources' from 'department' combo box, then I only want to see the managers that are in the Human Resources departement when I drop down the combo box for 'manager's name'. Currently I'm seeing all the managers and a user can select a manager that is not in human resources and get no data returned. I prefer for him to get a list of those that are in that department only. The source of the combo box is a query.

I got it! Found here: [URL] ....

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