Pass Values From One Form To Another
Jan 21, 2015
I have a database that I am creating to enter risks and controls in for business auditing. I am stuck with a problem related to passing a value from one form to another. The general idea behind the database is this: A business enters its risks into a risk form and later enters its controls in the controls form. These are separate forms because the risk and controls may be entered at different times by different auditors. An example of what this looks like is this:
Risk Real estate owned by the company may be overvalued on the companys balance sheet.
Control Once every two years, the company obtains an independent appraisal of the propertys value.
A risk may have more than one control mapped (assigned) to it. A control may be assigned to more than one risk.Now that we know what the end result looks like, here is my problem.
Currently, I use a form to display the risk. This form has a subform on it which displays the control. I use a combo box on the subform to choose the controls ID reference number. When chosen, the control appears in the subform. This form then populates a join table which now contains the foreign key identifiers of both the risk and the control or controls. The problem is that the controls are wordy and stored in memo fields, so the user has to choose the controls identifier in the combo box, which is usually not know to the user. So, I have a button on the form the user can select and a report of all controls pops up so the user can scroll through and find the desired control and get its reference ID. They then close the pop up report and choose the reference ID in the combo box.
What I would like to do is to have the pop-up report appear as a form and each control had a checkbox next to it. Then the user could just check the box for the control they wanted. No more selecting reference IDs from the combo box.
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May 9, 2005
I have a subform with two combo boxes. These boxes select product catagory and products. The main form sets the supplier from which to select products.
If the user can not find the product they require they can double click thje product combo, which opens the product input form
I need the Products Form to be automatically populated by the following info:
Products catagory - from combo on sub form
Supplier name/id form parent form.
How do I make this work and/or pass these values as parameters to the products form.
I'm still floundering around with Access and I am stuggling!!
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Jun 28, 2005
Hi there. What I'm attempting to do is pass multiple values from a multiple selection list box as criteria for an Append Query. Is there any way to do this? The DB keeps track of Real Estate boards and the forms that they use, I would like to be able to select all the boards in a given state/province, but have the ability to deselect some within that province if I don't need them in the query (this is the criteria i'm trying to pass). I don't need to use a list box, any control that would allow me to pass multiple values would be great. Anyone able to help? Thanks very much.
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Oct 4, 2005
Not been doing this too long, but have a question. Have a sub that determines which checkbox(s) are selected. I then want to get the value from that sub and use it in another sub that runs a query to populate listboxes.
Code so far
Public Sub TransportMode()
If Me.checkAir = True Then
strtypes = strtypes & "'Air',"
End If
If Me.checkCar = True Then
strtypes = strtypes & "'Car Hire',"
End If
If Me.checkAll = True Then
strtypes = "'Air','Car Hire',"
End If
strtype = Left(strtypes, Len(strtypes) - 1)
MsgBox strtype
End Sub
Public Sub FromToUpdate()
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT MasterTable.From FROM MasterTable WHERE MasterTable.Type IN (" & strtype & ")"
If Len(strbgs) > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND MasterTable.BGID IN (" & strbgs & ")"
End If
MsgBox strSQL
How ever when get the message box, the value from first sub is not used by the second. How can I call it across? I'm trying to put bits of code like the first sub into many different sub as they are used again when buttons are pressed on the form etc.
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Apr 18, 2013
I have a report that is based on a query.
The query has two fields. Start and End Dates.
When I run the query the Parameter box asks for the dates by using <[Date1] and >[Date2]
What I want is to have 2 fields at the top of the report, that display the values I enter in these boxes?
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Jan 30, 2008
All -
For the life of me I can't get the Multiselect Listbox to correctly pass along all of the item selections to a Query which a form is based on.
I've been up and down the forum, and I can't figure out what piece of code to use and how to use it successfully.
I've been able to get a string created using the example posted here ( and it's in the format of "54,67,89,100" etc.
Public Function
Public Function fMultiSelect(ctlRef As ListBox) As Variant
Dim Criteria As String
Dim i As Variant
' Build criteria string from selected items in list box.
Criteria = ""
For Each i In ctlRef.ItemsSelected
If Criteria <> "" Then
Criteria = Criteria & ","
End If
Criteria = Criteria & Format(ctlRef.ItemData(i), "0000000")
Next i
fMultiSelect = Criteria
gMultiSelect = Criteria
End Function
Call fMultiSelect(Forms!frmPreSPIPComp!lstProjects)
I now need to pass that string to a Query. Once it's been passed to the query, I can open the report based on it.
Essentially I have a button that will perform the string creation, and I would then like to open a report. I want to base the report off of a query and then have the query use Criteria to dwindle down the report.
Am I missing something here?
The long explanation:
I have a single form that allows for the selection of the report. Once the report is selected, certain fields appear that allow for certain criteria to be selected (ie. Class Name, Multi-Select Class Name, Student Names, Multi select Student Names, Dates, etc.)
Once the report has been selected and the criteria set, a user hits a single button that runs the specific report.
Any better ideas of how to set this up. The reports will ultimately be basing their criteria on what the form has in all of it's unbound fields.
I also have a table that specifies the Display Name, actual Report Name for the button to figure out what report to run.
Bottom Line. I want to use a Listbox to filter a report. If I can use a query to base the report off of even better. I don't want to create the SQL in VBA.
Any ideas? Thanks!
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Jul 15, 2005
Good afternoon, I have a form with a subform and in the first txtbox of the subform in the GotFocus event I have a little procedure which checks the txtboxs on the parent to make sure that there is data in all four of the txtboxes. This works great the first time and it pops up a msgbox and it even setsfocus on the txtbox with no data in it, but if I tab into the subform a second time and there still is no data in one of the txtboxs on the parent form, nothing happens, no message and no setting focus on the txtbox with no data in it. Does anyone know of a way to get this procedure to re-set everytime a user tries to enter the subform? Thank you in advance to anyone offering and ideas and suggestions.
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Jun 21, 2013
I have modal form - frmZlecenia
I would like to copy one control, then close this form, open concrete form and pass value to control.
My code is
Private Sub Menu_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"
Forms!frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD.Form!Imie = Me.Imie
DoCmd.Close acForm,
End Sub
The problem is, still opens the previous form, not form "frmZlecenia"
e.g If I open form x then from this form I open my modal form "frmZlecenia" and then I will click "menu" button - now form "x" is open :/, but should be "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"
There is some way to open concrete form from modal form?
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Nov 26, 2013
So I have 2 forms, an Edit Lot Form, and an Add Run Form. Each lot will contain several runs. What I want to do is be able to add a run associated with the specific lot by pressing a button "Add Run" in the lower right corner of the edit lot form (see attached images). So the information for the lot will carry over to the run form and autofill the fields pertaining to the Lot in that form.
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Feb 3, 2008
I know this is probably obvious but how do I pass through form variables to sql server I currently have:
exec QStudent @_param_cmbYear="0708", @_param_SelID="S", @_param_SelForename="d", @_param_SelSurname="S"
this executes correctly SelID being a student ID or partial ID also allowing for surname forename partial search. I thought it would just be:
exec QStudent @_param_cmbYear=[Forms]![Attendance and Lateness Main]![cmbYear], @_param_SelID="S", @_param_SelForename="d", @_param_SelSurname="S"
to switch acad year to a form variable and repeat for the others but it errors on trying to save the pass through. Thanks for the help.
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Apr 19, 2006
Hi All,
I should know how to do this but my brain has gone blank.
I have a form "frmMainClient" which has a field "account_no".
On the main form "frmMainClient" I have a command button which opens a pop up form ""frmJobNew" where I can enter a new job record. The "frmJobNew" form has a field "account_no".
I am trying to auto fill the "account_no" field with the data from the "frmMainClient" - "account_no" field and store the passed data when the record is saved.
I can pass the data using "=forms![frmMainClient]![account_no] in the "account_no" field on the "frmJobNew" but when I save the record the data is not saved.
Can anyone offer help, please
Many thanks.
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Sep 11, 2005
I am struggling with what seems like should be a straightforward task. Unexpectedly however it has become an infuriatingly difficult one (no doubt due to my complete novice status).
I have a very basic d/base (3 tables) that I have been searching using basic SQL queries. I want to create a simple 'search' form that produces the results of my various queries without the need to work in SQL. Enter one or more search criteria, hit ENTER, results presented in datasheet perhaps?
Thought this would have been easy but I've had no luck. Can you please explain how I can pass a parameter from a form to a query?
Many thanks
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Apr 21, 2015
I have Form A that is bound to tbl_Member (MemberId, LastName, FirstName, and some other fields).
On Form A is a combobox [cbo_Selector]. The combobox shows LastName and FirstName from tbl_Member, but when a name is selected, it returns the member's ID to Form A and causes that member's record to show in Form A (along with other data pertinent to the member). This works fine until I type a name into the combobox that does not exist in the underlying table.
I use the NotInList event of the combobox to pop up another form (Form B) in the DataEntry mode. Form B is bound to the same table as Form A. I enter the LastName, FirstName, and exit Form B. What I am trying to do is to have Form B pass back the new MemberId to Form A and specifically to add that record's data to the combobox on Form A.
I have tried several things to accomplish this. When Form B updates, the table has the new member added, but when I try to requery Form A or the combobox, I get errors. how do I communicate to the combobox in Form A the information from the newly added record?
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Jul 15, 2013
i have a form with a sub form and combobox, when i select item i want that the sub form will be update with new values according to parameters from the combox.
the data of the sub form is from query with criteria
and the combobox (Client_ID) "After Update" event set to macro- requery (the sub form)
so every time that item selected in the parent form combobox the sub form items /data will change.
*i attached a screenshot
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Jan 29, 2008
I am trying to enter dates in a form that calls a report that invokes a query that uses the dates. It has been a less then satisfying experience. I am getting a Run-Time error 3122. Is it possible and I need to work on syntax or do I need to think of another way? BTW how do I lookup the Run-Time errors?
Thanks for helping an old guy learn new tricks.
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Feb 15, 2007
I have a query set up. I need to pass a set of current records ( as I select them in a drop-down menu) in a form to the query as parameters. How would I do it with or without VB? Thanks !
EDIT: Forgot to mention that all combo boxes are bound so they are not customized dialog-boxes which are unbound
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Aug 15, 2006
Is it possible to pass a variable to a form when a checkbox is clicked?
I have 8 tabs, each of which has a checkbox.
When a checkbox is clicked, I would like it to display 1 form but that form should display different data each time by either running a SQL query with specific variables passed to it or by running a different SQL query.
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May 9, 2015
I have two subforms in a tab formation sitting on a main form. They can both open up a single popup form (via a button) and that popup form is opened via openargs with the autoID field.
What I need to do is pass back a value on the popup forms [On Unload] event to the subform which opened it.
As the popup form is Modal, the subform which opened it can't be changed.
Am I right in thinking I can pass back the value to the form which had previous focus?
Previously, to pass a value from a popup form to a single form I've been using
If CurrentProject.AllForms("MyForm").IsLoaded Then
do this
else do this
end if
But in this instance, how do I code the On Unload event in which to tell Access which form opened up the popup form, and pass a value back to it?
I'm guessing
has something to do with it?
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Mar 25, 2015
I want to pass the Combobox value of one form to a textbox on another using the where condition. Using the break in VBA, the value of the combobox (in this instance "two") shows as null. the control of the combobox is [cboSubCategory] and I want it's value to pass to another form "tblCategoriesSub" (aware of the incorrect reference, as used wizard quickly - but will change if I can get it to work) to the "SubCategory" field.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'm working on a database that will be used when maintenance needs to be performed on our test equipment. So far, I have a form set up for the associates to track when a maintenance action has been performed. The top section of the form contains basic data about the part and there is a subform that lists the actions that need to be taken on the piece of equipment. In the subform, the associate can mark whether the action is complete or not.
If the action is marked incomplete, I wanted a separate form to appear for them to track why an action cannot be performed. If possible, I would like this separate form to automatically show the equipment ID and the action that was missed. However, I'm having difficulty getting the data to copy from the subform to the Exception form. Is this something that is possible to do?
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May 9, 2005
I don't know if this is thebest place for this, but here goes....
I have an Access FE using MYSQL 4.1 BE. I have several forms and PassThrough queries (using MYSQL syntax not supported or available in Access).
How can I use form field values to use as criteria for these queries?
FOr example, in a pure Access database. I may have a form 'Employees' with a text box 'EmployeeName'. THen have a query....
SELECT * FROM tblEMployees WHERE EmployeeName = [Forms]![Employees]![EmployeeName]
If I were to add this variable to my pass-through queries, it errors. How can I do the same thing, passing my form fileds to an Access Query? I am trying to do this right in the SQL view of the queries, not in VBA or Macros or anything.
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Feb 19, 2014
I have a button on my main db, that opens a second db using hte following code:
'Dealing with external objects, use inline error trapping
On Error Resume Next
Dim appAccess As Object
Dim db As Database
Dim strAppPathName As String
Dim strAppName As String
Dim strTimesheetPathName As String
[Code] ....
This code works great to open the other db, and handles wheter the other db is already open or not, but I cant seem to pass the variable to the other db using the startup switch /cmd.
I suspect if I used the shell method it would pass the cmd , but I havnt found any way to test if the db is already open with the shell method.
How can I pass a variable to the other db when opening it using VBA?
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Apr 5, 2013
Access 2003
Excel 2003
I have a routine that exports the results of a query to an Excel file. Is it possible to input the formula into the query so that the Excel values calculate?
This is the formula I am trying to pass to the "AZ" column of the Data tab
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Aug 16, 2014
I am able to filter a data on a continuous form using drop downs and then the following code attached to a cmdbutton to create a report of the filtered data.
Private Sub Command30_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If Me.FilterOn Then strWhere = Me.Filter
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptconveyorerrors", acViewReport, , strWhere
End Sub
On the same form where I filter the data i can sort it by clicking the headings aswell, however when i generate the report using the above VBA it doesn't take the sort with it and just generates it without the sort.
I am using the following VBA to sort my form
Me.OrderByOn = True
If Me.OrderBy = "[empname] DESC" Then
Me.OrderBy = "[empname] ASC"
Me.OrderBy = "[empname] DESC"
End If
I thought it may be possible to use the following sort of VBA to pass the sort however i cant get it to work:
Private Sub Command30_Click()
Dim strOrder As String
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If Me.FilterOn Then strWhere = Me.Filter
If Me.OrderByOn Then strOrder=Me.OrderByOn
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Jan 11, 2015
In Access 2013 I have a table to registry the presents in a condominium meeting.
Table Name: tbEntities
tbEntId...tbPresent (yes / no)..........tbVotes
I want to put in a form (like a navigation/menu form, with no souce data):
1. a control that count how many are present (= yes)Ex: Appearances 22. a control that sum the votes of those presentEx: 9 Votes
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Jan 12, 2015
In Access 2013 I have 2 tables
The tbEntities, have a fiel called tbPresent (yes/no) to register the presents in a condominium meeting.
Table Name: tbEntities
tbEntId...tbPresent (yes / no)..........tbVotes
In the form is the table tbAssembleias, but I want to put from the other table which is not present in the form:
1. a control that count how many are present (= yes)Ex: Appearances 22. a control that sum the votes of those presentEx: Votes 9I already have a query that count how many are in the meeting, but cant realize how to pass the information to the field in the form..This is the SQL view of the query with the real field names - and working:
SELECT Count(tbEntidades.tbAssPresente) AS ContaPresentes, tbEntidades.tbAssPresente
FROM tbEntidades
GROUP BY tbEntidades.tbAssPresente
HAVING (((Count(tbEntidades.tbAssPresente))=True) AND ((tbEntidades.tbAssPresente)=True));
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