Pass Multiple Values On Form To Query

Jun 28, 2005

Hi there. What I'm attempting to do is pass multiple values from a multiple selection list box as criteria for an Append Query. Is there any way to do this? The DB keeps track of Real Estate boards and the forms that they use, I would like to be able to select all the boards in a given state/province, but have the ability to deselect some within that province if I don't need them in the query (this is the criteria i'm trying to pass). I don't need to use a list box, any control that would allow me to pass multiple values would be great. Anyone able to help? Thanks very much.

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Pass Values From One Form To Another

Jan 21, 2015

I have a database that I am creating to enter risks and controls in for business auditing. I am stuck with a problem related to passing a value from one form to another. The general idea behind the database is this: A business enters its risks into a risk form and later enters its controls in the controls form. These are separate forms because the risk and controls may be entered at different times by different auditors. An example of what this looks like is this:

Risk Real estate owned by the company may be overvalued on the companys balance sheet.

Control Once every two years, the company obtains an independent appraisal of the propertys value.

A risk may have more than one control mapped (assigned) to it. A control may be assigned to more than one risk.Now that we know what the end result looks like, here is my problem.

Currently, I use a form to display the risk. This form has a subform on it which displays the control. I use a combo box on the subform to choose the controls ID reference number. When chosen, the control appears in the subform. This form then populates a join table which now contains the foreign key identifiers of both the risk and the control or controls. The problem is that the controls are wordy and stored in memo fields, so the user has to choose the controls identifier in the combo box, which is usually not know to the user. So, I have a button on the form the user can select and a report of all controls pops up so the user can scroll through and find the desired control and get its reference ID. They then close the pop up report and choose the reference ID in the combo box.

What I would like to do is to have the pop-up report appear as a form and each control had a checkbox next to it. Then the user could just check the box for the control they wanted. No more selecting reference IDs from the combo box.

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How Do I Pass Values From Fields When Opening Other Form

May 9, 2005

I have a subform with two combo boxes. These boxes select product catagory and products. The main form sets the supplier from which to select products.

If the user can not find the product they require they can double click thje product combo, which opens the product input form

I need the Products Form to be automatically populated by the following info:
Products catagory - from combo on sub form
Supplier name/id form parent form.

How do I make this work and/or pass these values as parameters to the products form.

I'm still floundering around with Access and I am stuggling!!

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Multi Select Listbox To Pass Selected Values To A Query

Jan 30, 2008

All -

For the life of me I can't get the Multiselect Listbox to correctly pass along all of the item selections to a Query which a form is based on.

I've been up and down the forum, and I can't figure out what piece of code to use and how to use it successfully.

I've been able to get a string created using the example posted here ( and it's in the format of "54,67,89,100" etc.

Public Function
Public Function fMultiSelect(ctlRef As ListBox) As Variant
Dim Criteria As String
Dim i As Variant

' Build criteria string from selected items in list box.
Criteria = ""
For Each i In ctlRef.ItemsSelected
If Criteria <> "" Then
Criteria = Criteria & ","
End If
Criteria = Criteria & Format(ctlRef.ItemData(i), "0000000")
Next i

fMultiSelect = Criteria
gMultiSelect = Criteria
End Function

Call fMultiSelect(Forms!frmPreSPIPComp!lstProjects)

I now need to pass that string to a Query. Once it's been passed to the query, I can open the report based on it.

Essentially I have a button that will perform the string creation, and I would then like to open a report. I want to base the report off of a query and then have the query use Criteria to dwindle down the report.

Am I missing something here?

The long explanation:

I have a single form that allows for the selection of the report. Once the report is selected, certain fields appear that allow for certain criteria to be selected (ie. Class Name, Multi-Select Class Name, Student Names, Multi select Student Names, Dates, etc.)

Once the report has been selected and the criteria set, a user hits a single button that runs the specific report.

Any better ideas of how to set this up. The reports will ultimately be basing their criteria on what the form has in all of it's unbound fields.

I also have a table that specifies the Display Name, actual Report Name for the button to figure out what report to run.

Bottom Line. I want to use a Listbox to filter a report. If I can use a query to base the report off of even better. I don't want to create the SQL in VBA.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Forms :: Multiple Values For Query On Form

Dec 17, 2013

I have a database and on the main table one of the columns is "Status". The values in that column can be either "Worked, Unworked, or Overdue".

I would like to be able to create a form so that the user can run a query and select which Status' they want to see. For example maybe they only want to see Unworked and Overdue so they can select those and run the query.

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Query A Table Using Multiple Values In Textbox On A Form - Not Working

Aug 7, 2013

I have a database in Microsoft access 2010. The database has a table that stores prospective customer records, and a form that is used to input a search criteria(s) via textboxes, which then queries prospective customers table and returns the records that contain the inputted search criteria(s).

An Example of Textboxes values on the search criteria form:
Textbox - name: bob
Textbox - address: Left blank
Textbox - category: car,boat,truck

I Have tried creating a query with the following

field: name
criteria: like “*” & name & “*”
field: address
criteria: like “*” & address & “*”
field: category
criteria: like “*” & category & “*”

SQL code:
SELECT customerName ,address,category
FROM prospectiveCustomers
WHERE customerName LIKE “*” & name & “*” AND address LIKE “*” & address& “*” AND category LIKE “*” & category& “*”;

That works, but only for one value in a textbox. Once there is more than one value in a textbox (e.g name: bob,smith), the query returns no records.

I have also tried splitting the values using the comma as a delimmter, then inserting the values into a new table. That is fine until one of the search criteria textboxes has been left blank. So the query I created will run, but returns no records.

SELECT, prospectiveCustomers.address,prospectiveCustomers. category
FROM prospectiveCustomers, [SearchCriteria-name], [SearchCriteria-address],[SearchCriteria-category]
WHERE Like [SearchCriteria-name].name AND prospectiveCustomers.address LIKE [SearchCriteria-address].address AND prospectiveCustomers.category LIKE [SearchCriteria-address].category;

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How Do I Pass A Parameter From A Form To A Query?

Sep 11, 2005


I am struggling with what seems like should be a straightforward task. Unexpectedly however it has become an infuriatingly difficult one (no doubt due to my complete novice status).

I have a very basic d/base (3 tables) that I have been searching using basic SQL queries. I want to create a simple 'search' form that produces the results of my various queries without the need to work in SQL. Enter one or more search criteria, hit ENTER, results presented in datasheet perhaps?

Thought this would have been easy but I've had no luck. Can you please explain how I can pass a parameter from a form to a query?

Many thanks


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Pass Values Between Subs

Oct 4, 2005

Not been doing this too long, but have a question. Have a sub that determines which checkbox(s) are selected. I then want to get the value from that sub and use it in another sub that runs a query to populate listboxes.

Code so far
Public Sub TransportMode()
If Me.checkAir = True Then
strtypes = strtypes & "'Air',"
End If
If Me.checkCar = True Then
strtypes = strtypes & "'Car Hire',"
End If
If Me.checkAll = True Then
strtypes = "'Air','Car Hire',"
End If
strtype = Left(strtypes, Len(strtypes) - 1)
MsgBox strtype
End Sub

Public Sub FromToUpdate()

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT MasterTable.From FROM MasterTable WHERE MasterTable.Type IN (" & strtype & ")"
If Len(strbgs) > 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND MasterTable.BGID IN (" & strbgs & ")"
End If
MsgBox strSQL

How ever when get the message box, the value from first sub is not used by the second. How can I call it across? I'm trying to put bits of code like the first sub into many different sub as they are used again when buttons are pressed on the form etc.


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Pass Dates From Form To Report To Query

Jan 29, 2008

I am trying to enter dates in a form that calls a report that invokes a query that uses the dates. It has been a less then satisfying experience. I am getting a Run-Time error 3122. Is it possible and I need to work on syntax or do I need to think of another way? BTW how do I lookup the Run-Time errors?
Thanks for helping an old guy learn new tricks.

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Pass A Set Of Current Records In A Form To A Query

Feb 15, 2007

I have a query set up. I need to pass a set of current records ( as I select them in a drop-down menu) in a form to the query as parameters. How would I do it with or without VB? Thanks !

EDIT: Forgot to mention that all combo boxes are bound so they are not customized dialog-boxes which are unbound

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Pass Variable To Form And Decide Which Query

Aug 15, 2006

Is it possible to pass a variable to a form when a checkbox is clicked?
I have 8 tabs, each of which has a checkbox.
When a checkbox is clicked, I would like it to display 1 form but that form should display different data each time by either running a SQL query with specific variables passed to it or by running a different SQL query.


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Queries :: Pass A Formula Form A Query To Excel

Apr 5, 2013

Access 2003
Excel 2003

I have a routine that exports the results of a query to an Excel file. Is it possible to input the formula into the query so that the Excel values calculate?

This is the formula I am trying to pass to the "AZ" column of the Data tab


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Reports :: Pass Parameter Values To Report Fields?

Apr 18, 2013

I have a report that is based on a query.

The query has two fields. Start and End Dates.

When I run the query the Parameter box asks for the dates by using <[Date1] and >[Date2]

What I want is to have 2 fields at the top of the report, that display the values I enter in these boxes?

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Queries :: Pass TempVar To Query That Is Selected From Previously Opened Form

May 23, 2013

I'm trying to create a query that supplies a form with data. I want to pass a TempVar to the query that is selected a from previously opened form.The TempVar is setting correctly and I can see if this if I place a textbox (NewCID) on the form showing the TempVar. The problem I have is displaying on the records according to that TempVar. If I set the query manually, i.e. "|Test|" then records are displayed but if I use the TempVar, which also displays |Test| then no records are brought back.

think it's something do with the vertical bar and that fact the field I'm searching on is a memo field, both of which I've no control over. I also have to use the Like statement because of this.Here's the query that works...


and the one that I want to use, that doesn't...

WHERE ASSET_CID Like [TempVars]![tmpvarCID]

I've even tried referring to the textbox instead of the TempVar, i.e.

WHERE ASSET_CID Like [Forms]![AssetsCID]![NewCID]

but that doesn't work either.

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Multiple Values In 1 Form

Feb 21, 2008


how could i get multiple values shown in 1 form only? i currently have a code to look through 6 fields and if the fields iar blank, you get a a message box. you press ok and the next message is shown for the next field if it is blank but it would be so much better to have 1 message box showing all blank fields required to be filled in.

all it does is check the fields as these are required before continuing. if anyof the fields are blank, then it tells you and you cannot continue untl they are all filled. it seems easy in my head!!

im sure this can be done but im not quite sure how.

any ideas would be greatly received.


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Form I Can Enter Multiple Values Into.

Feb 17, 2006


I am making a database and I am currently doing my forms. I have been using wizards and so far everything I have wanted to be able to do has been achievable, except for where I am now! I am making a 'purchases' form. What I want to be able to do is make multiple purchases in the one form. Let me try and give you an example to further explain myself.

Lets say Mr John Smith wants to purchase 1 black pen, 1 30cm ruler, 2 rubbers and a compass.

I want it so that rather than have to add each one of the purchases one by one, I want to be able to add them all in the same time and be able to go back to my purchases table and see:

Mr John Smith - 1 black pen
Mr John Smith - 1 30cm Ruler
Mr John Smith - 3 rubbers

Hopefully you understand what I mean?

Can anyone assist me?

Most appreciated!

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Passing Multiple Values To A Query

Sep 16, 2005

Ok, i have a form in wich i want to set the parameters to a query.
On the search button it will open another form to display the data.
i used this code stLinkCriteria = "[ID]=" & Me![id] And "[status]=" & "'" & Me![sta] & "'
the 1st value for status is "active"
it returns a msgbox asking the value of the parameter and a field to input the data.

I can't understant whats wrong....

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Sum Values From Multiple Related Records On A Form

Jan 26, 2013

I am fairly new to Access and have no formal training on this program, just a lot of trial and error. I have a database with 4 tables. They are tblEmployees, tblCourses, tblDates, and tblTraining. The key for each was an autonumber that is EMPLOYEEID, COURSEID, DATEID, and TRAININGID.

tblEmployee lists pertinent information regarding an employee (name, serial #, shift, etc). tblCourse lists all courses that are available for an employee (course name, #hours, required attendees, type of training, etc).

tblDates lists all available class dates and times for the courses in tblCourses and has a lookup field for COURSEID and COURSETITLE from tblCourses.

tblTraining lists all the training scheduled for and completed by an employee and has a lookup/relationship with tblEmployees for EMPLOYEEID and EMPLOYEENAME.

It also has a lookup/relationship field with tblCourses for COURSEID and COURSETITLE. Finally, it has a lookup/relationship with tblDates with lookup field/relationship with DATEID and CLASSDATE. I have successfully created a form where the training can be added to an employee (frmTrainingUpdated) and it has a subform (frmTraining) with all classes for that employee in a multilist at the bottom (from a query of tblTraining). The subform also has a field for whether the training was completed and then the hours are credited to the employee (txtCredit).

The problem comes when I try to add all of the credited hours for a single employee in a separate field. I am trying to create a field somewhere on the form that will total all of the hours for all of the completed classes for the one employee on the form. I have tried to list the data for the textbox as =DSUM([txtCredit], tblTraining, WHERE (EMPLOYEE=Me.Employee)) and only get an error message displayed in the textbox. I tried to do a totals SUM on the query and it only gives me the individual hours for each class on the same line for that record.

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Queries :: Query With Field Containing Multiple Values?

Jun 21, 2014

modify the code below to Show the LocationName in the Schema Column instead of the MPID? I attached a pic showing the relationship between the two tables which contain the data I'm trying to query.

SELECT [Locations Query].LocID, Qry_MPLoc.MPID AS Qry_MPLoc_MPID, [Locations Query].Location, [Locations Query].Schema
FROM [Locations Query] INNER JOIN Qry_MPLoc ON [Locations Query].[LocID] = Qry_MPLoc.[LocID];

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Modules & VBA :: Selecting Multiple Values From List In A Form

Dec 29, 2013

I am trying to use a list-control on a form to let the user select multiple values. I have understood that this requires some VBA-code to step through the selections in the list, since the "multivalue-selection" is set to "Extended".

When I try to execute the code I have (found and have tried to adjust), then I get the error message "Object required". The "ListCount"-paramater always only results in a ZERO-value, when i step through the code:

Function cmdOpenQuery_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenQuery_Click
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSQL As String


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Forms :: How To Create A Query On Lookup Of Multiple Values

Oct 19, 2013

I wanted to create a form where you can select multiple values from the table "years" and on a button it would open a query displaying all the records in "students" in those years selected.

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Modules & VBA :: How Can Function Return Multiple Values And Not Re-run In Query

Jan 11, 2014

Trying to run a query where each 4 fields calling a custom function will not just re-run the same custom function over and over again for each field in a single record.

A Function has a huge amount of multiple queries and logic to perform.The Function returns a Integer, Integer, Integer, and optional Integer. Each integer requires a DLookup to lookup a String description value for each individual integer (in each of 4 fields).

The problem is, the DLookup in each column that runs against each of the integers re-run the same function.The result is that a single record, each of the 4 columns returning a single of the 4 values, the complex function is re-run 4 times.

The function is huge, part of a Business Rules Engine. Depending on the Rule-Meta data - it might launch up to a dozen queries and perform logic steps for each record. This is not the ordinary SQL Query.

Imagine if one record (for 1 field) takes 0.1 second to run. By referencing the function in 4 columns, this same function is re-run 4 times (0.4 Seconds) Against 50,000 records - this duplication of re-running the function for each column can really add up.

Possible Solutions: Researched Class Modules - There is a comment that the property Get, Let actually reduce performance. There are huge advantage of code documentation, documentation and centralization.It doesn't claim class modules reduce execution as each propery is returned. It also describes that Class Modules can't be called directly in a Query - unless each property is wrapped in a function.

Function Returns one String with delimiters: e.g 34;54;55;1 This single column goes into a Make Table (runs function one time per record) Then the D-Lookup is run against static local data. This pevented the function from being run over and over across the network linked data.

Final Solution: Eventually, the many hundred lines of VBA code for the Rules Engine will be converted into SQL Server T-SQL Functions on the server.For a Rule Engine development, Access has been great for a rapid protoype development and testing. The TSQL will be a final big step requiring re-coding. It is not currenty my option for the delivery time frame.

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Allow Multiple Values In Unbound Field For Query Parameters

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to find a way to allow the user to enter multiple numbers in an unbound box that I will pass to a query as parameters. I already have it set up to pas the parameters from the form but if i try to do more than one number it doesn't work.

I have tried:

1306 or 1307 or 1308
1306, 1307, 1308
"1306 or 1307 or 1308"

I was reading somewhere that when the value is picked up from the form it is not like you are typing it right in the criteria box of the query.

So are there any other options here? Is there a way to enter all the number in a box and then use vba to create an array and then pass that to the query?

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Forms :: Count Or Sum From Values In Multiple Text Boxes In Form

May 24, 2014

I am trying to improve a work process using an existing Access DB.We have a form with multiple texts boxes on it. I need to search through these boxes to determine the total number of occurrences of a specific value. This is not tied to a table.

The text boxes I'd be searching through all have related names: "Element0" to "Element40". And I'd most likely be looking for a "/" within the value in the boxes (value could be 12345/01, for example).Would then be using the result in VBA to apply some conditions, so I would prefer if I could do the count in VBA (the count/sum is the part that is hanging me up.)

I've found multiple ways to accomplish this from a table, but nothing for what I have to work with.I am unclear in my description of what I am trying to do, let me know and I will try to provide more information.

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General :: Add Return Between Entries In Form Field That Allows Multiple Values

Apr 5, 2013

I have a subformClientOffers on my frmAllProperties. On the subformClientOffers is a field called Outside Agents. This field allows for multiple values to be selected.

The subfrmClientOffers is in datasheet view.

While the field Outside Agents DOES allow me to select more than one, they post in the field one after another:

Ken Shaw, John Doe, Jane Doe, Harlan Bestlyn

Therefore, the datasheet view of the subformClientOffers causes the field Outside Agents to get very long, much too long to view without scrolling. My client wishes for everything on the frmAllProperties to be viewable without scrolling.

Is there anyway, to cause the field Outside Agents to place a return between each selected name (sort of a wrap text kind of thing)?

One thing I might mention is that the field is a drop down field from tblOutsideAgents. The table itself has First Name and Last Name, but I concatenated that into Fullname on the form, so that when the user opens the drop down they see the entire name. I don't know if that would have any effect on making the 'return' thing work or not.

I can't use this field as a subdatasheet because I already have one subdatasheet attached to the subform to show multiple notes on each Client Offer.

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Query Searching Multiple Tables' Field Names (not Values)

Jan 22, 2007

Hi. Please do not lecture me on database normalization, as this truly is not in my control.

I have 2 dozen tables, each with 13 fields. All of the field names exist in at least 12 of the tables. And all tables share a ssn field where values are common.(Confused yet? Sorry, if you are...)

If I design a query showing all 2 dozen tables and their fields...
Can I set up a query criteria where I enter the requested ssn and then the required field name and have the result show the values of all the fields with that name, among the ones of the 2 dozen tables where that field name exists? (for that specified ssn)

If I am only as clear as mud, please let me know, and I will try again.
Or, by asking if I can search for field values querying by field name, am I any clearer?


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