Passing Value From Switchboard To Report

Aug 4, 2005

I have a switchboard to print some labels based on info pulled from a database server. What I want to do is vary the color of a particular box on the labels (a Report) that varies depending on the string value from one of the fields of the pulled data.

I have everything up to the docmd.openreport and a sketchy code outline for the "on format" event in the report detail that includes a select case statement and backcolor assignment. All I need is to figure out a way to pass the string value (or alternatley define a global variable).

Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Passing Value From Form To Report

Jun 20, 2007


I have made one form for report purpose. When I enter Start date and End date, I get report of the date range. What I am looking that I want to print the start date and end date in my report. How can I reference date text box in my report?



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Passing SQL To A Query/report Issue

Feb 7, 2007

OK, I am trying to build sql strings from a form buy the user selecting criteria from boxes on a form.

I was given some code which I have adapted very slighty

Dim strCrit As String

If IsNull(Me.server) Then
' proceed
strCrit = strCrit & " And [Server type] = '" & Me.server & "'"
End If
If IsNull(Me.RAM) Then
' proceed
strCrit = strCrit & " And [Ram] = " & Me.RAM
End If

DoCmd.OpenReport "Your Results", , acPreview, strCrit

End Sub

however when I run this I get the following error

or trying to edit the code this error

how do I pass the built SQL string directly into the query defs?

the strcrit when displayed looks like this


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Passing Variable Between Form And Report

Jul 13, 2005


I have a matrix variable (ex: test(7,3)) define as private in a form's code vba. In this form, I open a report in which I would like to show the values of my matrix variable. How can I do this efficienly ... what i use now is a public buffer variable in a module(it eats memory for nothing)

can someone tell me a trick ...

tanks a lot

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Reports :: Passing Data To Report From A ListBox

Mar 14, 2013

How can I pass data (an employee's first and last name) to a report ? I captured the employee's name from the listbox, but can't seem to pass it to the report. The desired report will only have the employee's name and records for related fields on the report. The table (contains emloyees' history data), form name, listBox (contains employees' names), and variable (contains the employee's name) are listed below.

Form_Employee's Reports
stremployee (variable

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Reports :: Passing A Variable To A Report Textbox

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form with 5 buttons on it. Each button is meant to select a warehouse location, so a query can be run to give an inventory report for that location. There is a separate query for each button and the OnClick event does properly modify the recordsource to give the appropriate data to the report for the location selected.

To this functionality I want the OnClick event VBA to pass the warehouse location to a textbox on the report, so the title of the report reflects that inventory location.

My code thus far is:

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim mySQL As String
Dim WHSE As String
mySQL = "SELECT [Master Part List].[Part Number], [Master Part List].Category, [Master Part List].Description, [Master Part List].MaterialCost, [Master Part List].Inventory, [Master Part List].Update, [MaterialCost]*[Inventory] AS [Total Cost], [Master Part List].Warehouse"

[Code] ....

When I get the report, the textbox is empty, instead of containing the text value for the warehouse location.

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Passing Parameters To A Query From A Form To Filter A Report

Aug 15, 2006

I would like to have a user enter a start date and an end date into two
textboxes on a form. The two dates will be used to query a table. I
would then like to print a report that was created from that query.

Here is the query created as a stored procedure:

SELECT Transactions.*, Hoods.*
FROM Hoods INNER JOIN Transactions ON
WHERE ([Transactions].[Date] Between [@StartDate] And [@EndDate])
ORDER BY [Transactions].[Date];

What would be the best way to pass txtStartDate to @StartDate and
txtEndDate to @EndDate in the VBA code of the form? How would I open or
print the report created from that query filtered on that date range?

Any suggestions? Am I going about it wrong? Should I have created the
report from the above query, or should I do it another way? Can anyone
direct me to some code that does all of the above or something


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Reports :: Passing Variable To Report Record Source?

May 7, 2013

I have a subroutine that successfully builds a SQL statement "strSQL", which is a public variable.

Using msgbox, I can read that the value is correct -
SELECT * from tblIncidents WHERE [Nature] = 'Hover';

(The select statement may be complex, e.g. [Nature] = 'hover' AND [COLOUR]= 'Blue' AND [GRADE] = 'High')

I want to pass the variable strSql to my report rptIncident in the following command:

Private Sub CmdPrintReport_Click()
If Right(strsql, 1) <> "'" Then 'check if statement was built
strsql = strsql & ";" 'add trailing ; to statement
MsgBox strsql
DoCmd.OpenReport "tblincidents", acViewNormal, , strsql
End If
End Sub

I get a flashing error, then runtime error 3075 - |1 in query expression '|2'.

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Parameters To Report Doesn't Work

Feb 23, 2015

I have a query that sums up the number of parts used. This works fine.

I want to be able to limit this query to parts used after a specific date.

I have in my report

DoCmd.OpenReport "Part Totals Report", acViewPreview, , "[Part Date])>= " & SQLDate

The report is bound to a query that has 2 group by fields, 1 count field a a further field, a date field ([Part Date], that I put a default criteria on. This field is not displayed. If I don't put a criteria on this field disappears when I close and open again.

I pass a date to the program via a form and this ultimately ends up in SQLDate. When I run this I get promted to enter [Part Date] even though I'm setting it equal to SQLDate above. I can out garbage to a proper date in here either way the report picks up the default date entered in by the query.

1. Get rid of all of the parameters off the query.

2. Then you can use the Where Clause of the DoCmd.OpenReport code to specify the parameters based on your variables.

1.Not sure what this means but when I get rid of the criteria for the parameter the field disappears (I'm setting the show field to no as I don't want totals group by date). Getting rid of the field gives me all parts used.

2.I think I'm doing this in the above but will bow to superior knowledge!!

or is it I can't pass a parameter to a report run by a query that is grouping fields together to produce a count.

Incidentally once the report has been run (albeit with the wrong parameters) and I go into design mode and look at the property sheet for the report the correct filter is there (i.e., the date that has been input) but it quite clearly ignores this.

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Reports :: Calling A Report From A Form - Record ID Not Passing

Jun 24, 2014

I am using an on-click event on my form to call up a report for the current record. It has been a while since I've used the form to call the report, but I always remember it working correctly. Today when I try to call up the report, it opens but no record is being pulled up so the report pulls up blank.

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSupplierInformation", acViewPreview, , "[OperationID]=" & [cboMoveTo], acWindowNormal

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Reports :: Navigation Form - Passing Query Parameters To A Report

Aug 4, 2014

I have a navigation form that will have 6-8 tabs. We were using about that many databases, but we are finally consolidating them into one. The result of us using so many databases has been the multitude of forms and reports that were necessary for each database prior to merging them together.

The problem: There will be anywhere from 12-20 (text boxes) that the user can use to search anything in our database. What we need to have happen, if possible, is for those search parameters to show up in the header of our report if they have text in them. If the text box is blank, it should not show up in the header of the report.

I have read how to to do the start/end date technique, but I do not know if that would work for what we are doing since the boxes would only show up if they are populated by the user.

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Want Check Box On Switchboard Form To Set A Text Box's Visible Property In A Report

Sep 23, 2004

On my switchboard form, I have a check box which the user can check to make a text box (which appears in several different reports) visible and uncheck to make it invisible. The text box in the reports has the same name on all of them.

I am having trouble making this work.

I can think of two solutions, but haven't had success with either yet.

1. I could simply change the visible property of the report(s) control from the form. This works if the report is open, but throws an error if the report is not open.

Code:Public Sub showNumOrgsInReportCB_AfterUpdate()If Me!showNumOrgsInReportCB.Value = 0 ThenReports![publishZipR]![numOrgsF].Visible = FalseElseReports![publishZipR]![numOrgsF].Visible = TrueEnd IfEnd Sub

Is there a property or function I can use to test whether the report is open before I set the text box visibility?

2. Alternatively, a less elegant solution would be to run an event procedure to close all open reports. This would eliminate that issue, but I haven't gotten the code to work yet:

Code:Public Sub showNumOrgsInReportCB_AfterUpdate() Dim rpt As Report ' Enumerate Reports collection.For Each rpt In ReportsDoCmd.Close rpt.nameNext rptEnd Sub

This line:
throws a Run-time Error '13', Type mismatch.

How do I fix that?

I'm open to better ideas!


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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Passing "where Condition" From Form To Report

Jan 13, 2006

I've done it before, but I'll ba damned if I can find which DB and where, but here's what I'm shooting for:

I have a DB program with 3 existing reports that show all employees and the corresponding records (all) in three different catagories, one per report.

The boss has asked for a report where it shows a specific employee and only records for said catagory for a given year.
What i'm thinking about doing, is a form with a cbo supplied with the employee names (EmpID) as the underliying PK and a text box where the user types in the desired year.
I would then put 3 cmd buttons, each to open the corresponding existing report, but they would pass the criteria of the EmpID and the year so the report only shows those records.
As a bonus, it'd be nice if the year txt box was empty, it'd show all the records for the employee, but that's extra bonus.

Anyway, I can't find the format as I'm pretty sure I've done it before. Anyone know the format for, what I think, is the "where condition" in the open form command?


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Argument Passing

Sep 18, 2006

I have a statemtn like this


When I run the above, it pops up the input box for user to key in the argument.

How can I stop this and pass the argument to the query in macro

Need help on this.Thanks...

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Passing Value To A Sub Form

Feb 26, 2005


I have a combo box on a main form and one on a subForm (DataSheet View)...

I want the value in the main_combo to populate the sub_combo for every record in the subform.

I think the code would look like this, but I cant get it to work?

Private Sub MAIN_DUNS_AfterUpdate(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

MAIN_DUNS= Combo on main form
SUB_DUNS= Combo on sub form

Any Ideas on how to get this to work correctly??

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Passing Criteria

Nov 16, 2004

I am using Office/Access 2003. I have created a report that functions fine within access. The report is based on a query requesting the users Representative ID. It functions as expected. We then creayed a web page using the same query. Again this works quite well. The user clicks on the link - Access pops up the criteria dialog asking for the rep id. What our problem is that we are trying to determine where we can put the Rep ID in the page so it will automatically fill in the Criteria Dialog. We see no place in the access page where the criteria can passed. We have the criteria because they use it when they sign in to the sight. I can pass it as a hidden field, an application variable, or even a server variable but how do I get the web page to see it and stuff it into the criteria dialog.

Frustrated in Tucson! Thanks for your help in advance


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Passing Value In One-to-many Relationship

Apr 26, 2005

In my accounting database, I have a form for the requisition and a subform with the line items of the order. When a user has completed their changes, they click a button which closes the form and changes a value in the main table (as in the requisition status is now "submitted" or "approved"). Now I'd like to pass that status value to the line items in the sub-form (based on a different table, of course).

I have another subform that displays the requisition record id, the line item record id, and the status for the line item. In the On Current field of that subform, I pass the value from the main form to the subform. The subform is requeried when the user pushes the button that changes the requisition's status.

The problem is when I have more than one line item for a requisition. The first line item always receives the requisition's status value. Any other line items are not updated. Naturally, if I scroll through the records, they refresh and their status is correctly updated. But this subform won't even be visible to the user, and I certainly don't want them to have to scroll through it anyway. Is there anyway to pass the value to each of the records instead of just the first?

Here is the code I'm using in On Current in my status subform:
Me![process_status_rec_id] = Me.Parent!req_process_status_rec_id

Thanks for your help!

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Passing Values

Apr 25, 2005

I need to find a way of passing a value from an Access form to an .asp page...

Page1.asp is viewable on the web and asks a user for a code and password - these are checked against a database and when a match is found page2.asp is opened showing values based on SQL views which match the criteria from page1.asp.

What I want to do is be able to open page2.asp from a button in Access - the button should therefore force the opening of page2.asp in a web browser and pass to it the values from that record on the database (code and password).

What code would sit on the button to get it to do this?

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Passing Parameter

May 23, 2007

i have a working stored proc and a working access pass through query

the below is working in access
exec appcheck @myapp='1'

but i want to point directly to a form

ive tried this but with no success
exec appcheck @myapp=[forms]![frm_test]![pass]

Also i would like to know how to return the results directly into a table?

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Apr 14, 2006

Hi All, looking for some help.

I am looking for a way to link a help file to a button on the switchboard. I have several pages that all work well and open up the required forms and reports but I would like to add a help file to a button. Any idea would be appreciated thanks Williebear.

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Aug 10, 2005

hi everyone,

I am new to MS Access. I've created a database and now i want to add a switchboard to launch whenever i open the database file. i created the switchboard form and table following the access help. but i can only view the switchboard when i manually open the switchboard form. can anyone tell me how to make the swithboard launch automatically? i'm using access 2003


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Nov 14, 2005

I have a main switchboard, with a few Open Form command buttons on it, but what i would like to have is another button to bring the user to another switchboard screen giving the option to open a few Reports (obviosly the button on teh main switch board would read "Report Section), can this done, and also how would i go about putting Back or forward buttons withing the second (report Section) screen so the user can nav. to back to the main screen?


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Switchboard Help

Dec 12, 2005


I have created a new switchboard but don't know where it is. When I create it using the Switchboard Manager and then click close, it doesn't appear under any of the options. I have also set is as default but it fails to appear on startup.

Silly question I know. Any ideas?

Many Thanks

version: MS Acess 2003

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Jan 10, 2006

Was wondering how one might go about creating a swithboard similar to the Northwind one found in the sample database. Thanks

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Help With Switchboard

Jan 31, 2006

Brief Summary,

I have limited experience in Access but have a bit more understanding of databases and tables. I am helping a friend create and access database to track the time his employees spend on different job sites. i am using a template from Microsoft called "Time and Billing" I am going to be manipulating the structure a bit but other than that the template should work fine.

My main struggle is I need to have a screen that the employees access that takes them straight to add / edit a time sheet. i want the rest of the data, reports, views to be password protected. Ideally the switchboard would load up to a page that had a button from employees to click on where they would be taken to the form and a button the owner could click on, enter a password, and be taken into the back-end where the main switch board and the rest of the data resides.

If anyone can help me out that would be great. Oh yeah, The Access database in is Access 2000 being used on a machine running XP Pro.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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