Password Access

May 12, 2005

I obtained a login and user access from someone last year, (can't remember who it was,) and being relatively new to vba in access, have been unable to adapt it for use in access 97. Please can someone help?

The logon works great in access 2000, thanks whoever created it!


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How To Crack Ms Access Password, I Have Set User Name And Password

Sep 12, 2006

hi pals

i have set username and password for ms access file.

unfortunately i have forget that password?

how to crack that username and passowrd?

is there any softwares available?

i can easily crack the database pasword? but how to crack username and password of ms access file.

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How To Access Ms-Access WorkGroup Tables To Change Database Login Password

Apr 13, 2007

This is Kishore, working on VB Project which is using MS-Access95 as backend.
Now, i want to change the Database login Password.
Could anyone guide me in this context.


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Not Prompted For Password When Relinking - 'Not A Valid Password Message'

Mar 29, 2007

I have recently split my database and added a password to the back end. I am now trying to re-link the tables as I have seen in other threads, but when I do this I am not prompted for the password I just get the message 'Not a valid password'

I must obviously be doing something wrong, can anyone help?

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How To Set Password To Ms Access Database

Sep 10, 2006

hi pals

i am newbie to msaccess. i want to set password to msaccess database file.

how to do this?

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Password In Access Aplication

Nov 23, 2007

Hello all!

I need to add a password protection to my access application, and i don't know how to do it.

The scenario is the following:

I've got a main page, where the user chooses which form or report to view. I would like to add the username and password to this startup page, and then start the session. After that I should check in all the other pages that the session has been started.

How can I do it? Does the session exists in access? or should I do a table to control whether the session has been started or not?
and then check in that table in all the other forms and reports?


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MS Access Password Protecting

Jan 30, 2008


I have a MS access 2003 database (in MDB format) which I use as a basic accounts system for our company (15 user). I have certain tables password protected depending on user using the old workgroup information file. This presents a problem as anyone can copy the database without linking the Information file and effectively get full admin access. I was looking to upgrade to Access 2007 but I gather that there is a different security engine and also a new file format (accdb file). I know that you can keep the same user security settings when upgrading to 2007 (while keerping the mdp file extension) but would be interested to know if I can improve security using 2007 while also being able to retain user-level access to certain tables like in access 2003? The major weakness in my system at the moment is anybody can copy the MDB file to another PC and access seems too easy a system to crack. Do I need to completely reprogram my database using MySql on MSSql? Any advice would be appreciated?

Thanks in advance,


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VB 6 And Password With Access 2007

Feb 5, 2008

Hello. In my VB 6 application i would like to keep the data in the new accdb format. my program works just fine with the new format but i would like to give the end user the option of compacting the database and also to encrypt the database with a password they choose, then storing the password in the registry encrypted. Ideally, on initial install of the application when choosing the location of the accdb file, i'd like to throw up a box for them to enter a password to encrypt the accdb with. can this be done or is this only possible using Access 2007? i just don't like the idea of having to send out a universal password with all setup files because if the password was discovered, then anyone could open up an accdb file from another user.

basically, is it programmatically possible from within VB to set the password to an ACCDB file? i know this could be done in the old mdb format but i don't use that any longer!


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Password Issues With Non Protected Database Asking For Password

Nov 8, 2005


Firstly thank you for your help, this should be a simple one I hope, but is cracking my head on the wall. Have searched and searched and can't find an answer.

I have an Access Db that is not password protected, but is asking for a password.
It opens on any other machine fine?

I think my version of Access is playing funny buggers with me, any suggestions?

I was trying to implement some security on this Db, which is why it happened I'm sure. I ran the security wizard, set-up two users and admin with passwords, I have the output file to "recreate" something too.

Issue is, I then copied this Db to another computer for use on there, it worked without a Password, so didn't need to worry about it, now I can't open any Db on my machine??

Your help on this obvious pointer would be great!


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Forms :: Password Protecting Field With Password?

Oct 24, 2014

i have found a code that brings up a box when tab or clicking in to a box for editing as below:-

Dim strPassword As String
If InputBox("Please enter the password:") <> strPassword Then
TextBox1.Locked = True
End If

its just that need to add a password as well, i have tried to put this in between the <> but this does not work. i would like a message to say incorrect password as well if possable.

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Data Access Page - Password

Jun 22, 2005

I'm currently using a data access page web form in order for users to enter data into my database. The database is protected with a generic password. Whenever the form is opened in IE, it asks for that password.

The functionality that I want is for the users accessing the database through the data access web form to not need a password, but I do want the password on the database itself. This way users can't just see all the information stored within the database, but they can submit certain information through forms. Is this possible? I can't really find much about data access pages even requiring passwords, but it makes sense. I just don't know how to achieve the desired functionality.

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Password Across Multiple Access Systems

Aug 22, 2005

Good Afternoon,

I have been given an access database system which runs using about 7 access databases, linked tables etc, quite complex. When a new user installs the system from a DVD the user needs to provide a password. This password is filtered to all 7 access databases so they all use the same username and password.

The problem I am having is when the user runs this application again they are prompted for their password. Everytime they click on an option which is another access database they are again asked for their password. I am trying to figure out a way once the user has logged in once on start up no matter which option they select and no matter how many time they select it while the main appliction is running they are not asked for their password. Is this possible or totally outside the scope of Access databases.

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Access Doesn't Ask For Username And Password

Jun 23, 2006

I created security using the security wizards, separating admins vs. data entry users. I gave everyone a username and a password but when I reenter the database it doesn't ask me for my username or password. Does anyone know why or how can I fix it?

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Forgot Password Access Request

Jul 13, 2007


I was wondering is it possible to have a link that somehow will email a password to a user if that user forgets their password.

More a less something that looks like this as seen in many programs.

Forgot Password? (http://#)

Searched but didnt find anything but didnt know.

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Access Application W/Password Protection Help

Sep 8, 2005

I have a small tracking Access DB at work that someone put a password on. No one seems to know the password. I'm wondering if there is a file that stores the password so that I can remove it so I can access the DB.

Thanks for you help!

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Sign In To Access Using Username And Password

Oct 19, 2014

I want to create a user name and password in to access my data base

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Password Protection For E-mailed Access Report

Aug 8, 2005

Password Protection for E-mailed Access Report
Sorry this is a bit long winded but here goes - we have a very simple Access 2002 DB of 60 – 100 client records. It’s updated weekly and a report is then sent to a distribution list. In the past it was printed and faxed. As all on the list have e-mail I set up a macro to e-mail the .mdb to an Outook Distribution List. It works wonderfully and is much easier and faster. However - a couple of weeks ago one of the users complained saying we must password protect the data. Our Exchange Server is not yet set up to use certificates and Ditital IDs so I worked out the only way I can think of to p/w protect the file. The data is exported as an RTF. Once the user is in Outlook she opens the attachment and runs a macro in Word which :-
Saves the RTF as a DOC file (uses the same name each time)
Saves the DOC file with password protection
However the user reports that often it seems to link to the previous weeks data unless she deletes the attached file and opens the TEMP internet files folder, finds the correct week and attaches that.
Can anyone think of an easier and more foolproof way of doing this – is there something in Access I have missed?
Thanks for any help or advice – Dika

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Security Password - Access To Word Mailmerge

Apr 4, 2007

Dear Guru,

I have an issue which having read some previous threads may not be resolved simply. My database is password protected.

The password (presumably) is preventing the mailmerge from connecting the deata with the template. There is not even a password request shown. Is there any way that this can be overcome. There are a number of mailmerges but all are pulled from the same data query, can i unprotect this query only??

After convincing my boss that the dbase can easily run securely, your help will be very much appreciated.

Andrew - In sunny Hull, UK.

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Using Microsoft Access With Oracle Data W/o Password

Dec 15, 2004

Hello to everybody,

I want to access Oracle 8.0 Data (meaning Oracle tables) with Access 2002. My problem is that I do not want to enter the username and password every time I connect to the Access db, as I want to create some queries in Access which I will export to Excel.

I do not think that this is something difficult but I can't seem to find any solution. Is there any proposal?

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Password Protecting A Table Or Restricting Access?

Aug 17, 2006


Basically i have a single database with several tables in it. I want certain tables such as Ireland, UK, US etc to only be accessable by employees from those countries. Is this possible and if so, how?

I have looked at user/group permissions but can't figure out how to assign passwords to users etc.

Any help is much appreciated


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Open Password Protected Access 2007 Db In ASP

Feb 11, 2008

Hi, I have been opening password protected access 2003 databases with ASP / ADO for years now. However now we have updated to office 2007 everything gone bottoms up.

I have an access 2007 database (newly made, not converted from 2003), and a fresh asp page. I've gotten the new connection string information for Access 2007 from the internet yet the page cannot open the database.

connection string being used:

sConnString="Provider=Microsoft.ace.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & strPath & ";Jet OLEDB:Database PASSWORD= password"

When I try to open the page the error i get is - "Not a valid password" - 80040e4d. I'm 100% sure the password is correct, the driver is right (the server has office 2007 installed, and the new access driver from the M$ website). Every page i've seen on the internet says that the code I'm using is correct, yet asp still can't open it.

If i remove the password from the database it opens fine, so it's not a corrupt database, or bad path in the code.

If you can shed any light on my problem I would be eternally grateful - been working on it for hours now!

Many thanks

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General :: MS Access 2010 Cannot Remove Password

Apr 23, 2014

I have MS Access 2010. I cant remove password because when I open in exclusive mode, file, info, there is no decrypt password option.

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Forms :: Put Password To Open A Tab In Access 2010

Jul 31, 2013

Is it possible to put password for a tab in Access 2010?

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General :: MS Access Password Field Validation

Sep 24, 2013

How to validate a MS Access password text box as criterion below?

(i) At least one uppercase
(ii) At least one lowercase
(iii) At least one number
(iv) Password length 8 - 12

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Batch Process To Open Password Protected Access Db

Jan 30, 2008

Hi All

I need to schedule the opening of a MS Access database which is password protected.

I think the best way to do this would be to use schedule a batch process to run, can anyone help with the script to create a batch proccess to only OPEN and CLOSE an MS Access database?


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General :: Possible To Password Protect Access To Source Code?

Jun 10, 2012

I've been working on a large project for my employer for a year now (but software development isn't part of my normal day to day duties). Most of the work (around 70%) has been done in my own time at home. The company were going to buy a system that would be customized by developers at a cost of around $60,000. I've developed a solution that is probably better than what they would have got. At my last appraisal my boss said that it had been discussed that i would be rewarded if i delivered it. My question is:

Is it possible to password protect access to the source code? I'm working with Access 2003 just now. I know I can create a .mde file to prevent access to the source code but that would make further development difficult. e.

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