Password Request On Form?

Apr 14, 2005

i have a curious and annoying problem :eek:

I have a Access 2000 db, been working fine for 6 months+ and suddenly today, two out of three forms give "not a valid password" error on trying to open them.

There has never been a password set on the db, nor on the forms - and the same user who used it successfully yesterday now gets this error, along with any other users.

What has happened and how do i fix it? All ideas welcome!!

Sham :confused:

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Forgot Password Access Request

Jul 13, 2007


I was wondering is it possible to have a link that somehow will email a password to a user if that user forgets their password.

More a less something that looks like this as seen in many programs.

Forgot Password? (http://#)

Searched but didnt find anything but didnt know.

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Complicated Form Request

May 4, 2006

Each time a person enters a part number into the form they will have an option to pick and load other forms. Looking to have 1 form with a cmd button that when pressed will go out and retrieve an object or objects (spreadsheet, word document and etc) and then place in the OLC’s and rename and store this object on a drive with the name of the part number and form name
I want the templates never to change or be updated. Only the objects store on the drive after the command button is pressed or the Ole object is double clicked can be edit.

I've tried hyperlinks, do not want to have operators do save as, also I would have to have all the forms entered for each part number prior to versus just using templates and having them be stored.

Example of save forms names
c:mydocuments racking12341234-Template-1
c:mydocuments racking56785678-Template-2

Not even sure this can be accomplished. See attachment for a visual idea.

thanks dmh

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Request Form, No Idea How To Set Up

Jan 17, 2005

I am thinking of adding a Request form to my database so that if the user wants to add a code to the system, they could fill out the form click send and i would then be able to retrieve all the requests via a report.

I have designed the form to something like what i am after...

i have a few issue's here:


i have set up an option wizard so that user can select if this is a new code or a failure mode request

if the user selects "New Event Code" i want the the text box and label for Eventcode Description to become visible and all others to become inactive.

i will explain what happens if the user chooses "Failure Modes" in a minute.

B) I have no idea what is the best method to sort the following section, if you look at my form at the bottom (Highlighted in red) i need this to be a continuous option as the user may wish to add more than one Failure mode to an Event Code.

C) going back to my options if the user select "Failure Modes" i need the bottom section to become active.

D) If that was not bad enough i have no idea on how to store this in a table.


Event Code ---> Top Line Code

Failure Mode --> Is the Event code description but broken down further

Any Advice or help would be much appreciated

All the best


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How To Associate The Request With Existing Form

Jun 25, 2014

how to associate the request with column and rows with an existing form?

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How To Get Request Form To Update After User Moves To Next Record

Aug 20, 2012

I have a form with three subforms (Request, Employee Availability, and Employee Assign) in the image below. The user enters the ID in the Assign form (#4) which relates to the request at the top. When the user moves to the next record I want the value of the "Assigned" field at the top to be updated to "yes" for the record with the same ID as enter below.

In the end the following item with disappear when you return to the record: ID #4, Employee ID 109187, and Request ID 2 from the below form. My problem is I not sure how to get the Request form to update after the user moves to the next record.

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Up Certificate Request Database - Attach PDF To Form

Aug 11, 2015

I have been tasked with setting up a certificate request database. I have an Access 2032 FE & SQL 2012 BE. I need to store PDF documents from all our branches.

I have been working on this for the past 3 working days and I have seen a great deal about saving the file path to the database vs saving the actual document in the DB. The documents would be located on each users computer.

I have a Form with all the information that is required by the certification department. On the form is a button (Called InsertID(ID in this case is the persons Identity Docuement)) and the button is linked to a table called dbo_CertificationSupportingDocuments. The table is referenced to the Main Certificate Request table.

The dbo_CertificationSupportingDocuments table is structured as follows:

[CertSupportingDocID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[CertificateRequestNumber] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,
[RequestBlob] [varbinary](max) NULL,
[RequestFileName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[RequestFileExtension] [nchar](10) NULL,
[RequestFileMimeType] [nvarchar](50) NULL

When I click the button I get a Run Time error 3075 "Syntax error (Missing operator) in query operator.

The code I am using is:

Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim strFileWPath As String
Dim FileNoExt As String
Dim FileExt As String
Dim StrSQL As String
Dim db As Database

[Code] ....

I have been looking at this code for so long that I cannot see what is wrong.

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General :: Assigning Alphanumeric Request ID Based On Form Dropdown Selection

Apr 7, 2015

I'm working on a database to organize and streamline the process that the manufacturing facilities in my organization use to request removal of defective product and raw materials. Currently all of the facilities send me their requests on individual excel spreadsheets via email, which are difficult to keep track of and report on since nothing is consolidated. What I've done is create a form in access that mirrors the current spreadsheet being used, so all the facilities have to do is enter the info into the access form rather than excel. The use of access is more for my benefit than theirs though, as it will keep track of the requests as well as make reporting on the request data much simpler.

When the facilities fill out the request form and select their facility number from a drop down list, I'm wanting them to be provided with a "Request ID" so that they may keep track of the progress of the request. The request ID should be a sequential alphanumeric value that includes the facility's three digit facility code, the last two digits of the year, and the number of the request. An example would be PL1-150001. The kicker here is that I want each facility to have it's own set of sequential numbers. So for example let's say I receive four requests in one week, three from facility 1 and one from facility 2. They should be assigned request ID's such as PL1-150001, PL1-150002, PL1-150003, and PL2-150001.

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Remove Access Parameters Request For Simple Access Search Form

May 3, 2014

I have a simple access search form , that's based on a query that fill parameters from the form textboxes, when the access form loads its keeps prompting for parameters value which looks ugly .. I want to open the form, displaying all the records in the table and filter when i click search ..

I have a data entry entry form, that i want to generate success message after successful insert in database. I have done it in the button event if no error happens, still if i left all fields blank and clicked save, it displays the message ..

I need to change that to display please fill the textboxes then click save , and display success message when the row is actually inserted ..

Check the following attachment for sample.

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Not Prompted For Password When Relinking - 'Not A Valid Password Message'

Mar 29, 2007

I have recently split my database and added a password to the back end. I am now trying to re-link the tables as I have seen in other threads, but when I do this I am not prompted for the password I just get the message 'Not a valid password'

I must obviously be doing something wrong, can anyone help?

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Password Issues With Non Protected Database Asking For Password

Nov 8, 2005


Firstly thank you for your help, this should be a simple one I hope, but is cracking my head on the wall. Have searched and searched and can't find an answer.

I have an Access Db that is not password protected, but is asking for a password.
It opens on any other machine fine?

I think my version of Access is playing funny buggers with me, any suggestions?

I was trying to implement some security on this Db, which is why it happened I'm sure. I ran the security wizard, set-up two users and admin with passwords, I have the output file to "recreate" something too.

Issue is, I then copied this Db to another computer for use on there, it worked without a Password, so didn't need to worry about it, now I can't open any Db on my machine??

Your help on this obvious pointer would be great!


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How To Crack Ms Access Password, I Have Set User Name And Password

Sep 12, 2006

hi pals

i have set username and password for ms access file.

unfortunately i have forget that password?

how to crack that username and passowrd?

is there any softwares available?

i can easily crack the database pasword? but how to crack username and password of ms access file.

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Forms :: Password Protecting Field With Password?

Oct 24, 2014

i have found a code that brings up a box when tab or clicking in to a box for editing as below:-

Dim strPassword As String
If InputBox("Please enter the password:") <> strPassword Then
TextBox1.Locked = True
End If

its just that need to add a password as well, i have tried to put this in between the <> but this does not work. i would like a message to say incorrect password as well if possable.

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Help Request

May 8, 2006


I'm working with MS access only in very basic things.
Rigth now I need to look some information in a Table that was created in MS Access 2000.I don't know if this is a problem with MS Access 2003, because i still have some ones.
1) The Zoom tool is not accessible.
2) The order of the items, change all the time and I need to sort them every time.
If someone could help me in this matter, I'll appreciate so much


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Yet Another Request For Help From A New User

Sep 20, 2005

Hello all. This is my first post on here after reading many of the other threads as I try - often in vain - to pick up access.

I am in the process of building a couple of databases, the main one being one that is an amalgamation of 4 other/older mdb's. All tables/queries etc were simply imported from these older defunct mdb's and then are archived off every month so they have 3months data and no more in them. The only thing is when it comes to problem solving and/or new queries, it is impossible to tell which tables/queries relate to which sections of the Db.

So my question to you is can I rename tables and queries in any way so that any queries that are using these tables are updated at the sametime, and if so how is it done? I have asked my colleague who is working with me to develope my understanding of access and he is at a loss. We are in the process of trying the old fashioned way ..... getting a book from the libarary ... but thought I'd try this new fangled internet thingy first :D .
The thought of having to trawl through around 100 tables and queries to rename or even re write the entire query/formulae is so daunting, I simply dont have that amount of time. Im using Access 97 and would greatly appreciate any help on this.

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Another Query Help Request

Oct 26, 2006

I have a query which selects a complete list of companynames and producttypes, and another query which selects a few companynames and producttypes. What would be the query to select the companynames and producttypes from the first query that do not include the companynames and producttypes from the second query?

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Password On A Form

Feb 17, 2005

I would like to create a password on a form, but I cannot get the form
to close when the wrong password is entered. I have also tried
Appreciate some help.

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim Password, Pword
Password = "Swordfish"
Pword = InputBox("Type in your password")
If Pword <> Password Then
MsgBox "Sorry, incorrect password"
End If

End Sub

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Password Form In VBA Help!

Sep 23, 2006

Im trying to make a form that allows a 2 passwords. If the first password is put into the textbox then form1 is shown and if password 2 is used instead, then form2 is shown. Can someone point me in the right direction? I can only make a form that shows 1 form and exit the database

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Request For Help On Database Design

Oct 6, 2006

To all you access Gurus

I have been asked to look at setting up and access database to do the following

To keep a record of pupils and 9 tasks the pupils have to do and also the total amount of time it took a pupil to do this task
They have a total of 25 Hours to do all tasks but this is spread out over the year.

What I need is someone to tell me the best table layout to do this

The pupil record has to have the following
First Name
Total Hours taken for all 9 Objectives
A description of what the pupil did to achive each Objectives
record if that task is complete
Also Date Task was Complete

I have done a test database with just one table in it and inside that table
had all of the above but apart from name, form and total hours I repeated the rest nine times.
This just does not seem right

What I want is to pull up the pupil name and then select Task say from a Drop down box this would then insert a new field if it did not allready exist in pupil recored and then you can fill in the task details of course if the field/s all ready existed then to open that up to allow you to update this

It would then need to update the total Hours field in the pupil record with the hours it took to do that task/objective.

I have basic Access knowledge but i cannot think of best way to achive this can anyone help please

Stuart Purvis

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Bizarre Table Request!

Oct 4, 2007


First time on here, so hello all!

I have a very strange request from a client who wants to do something simple that they can't because of poor database design (not mine!) . I can't think of an elegant solution so I'm wondering if anyone on here can?

They have multiple tables containing address information, for example they have one containing information about certain buildings. They can use the softcopy of the database to retrieve information about the building but for backup they now need a hardcopy.

Now part of the building information includes the alternative names for buildings (for example "City Museum" and "Art Muesum" might be different names for teh same building). The hard copy needs to have a line entry for both names (proper and alternative) and this is where the difficulty lies.

Using a simple example the table might be:

colour fruit
red apple
yellow banana

The output I would need in the report is therefore:

Red (Apple)
Apple (Red)
Orange ()
Yellow (banana)
Banana (Yellow)

Now I may be being dense but I can't see how I can do this! All help very gratefully recieved :)

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Urgent Help Request On Query !!!! Please

Jun 5, 2006

Hi All,
Can anyone help me count postcode instances. I have a query that looks at my customers table (tbl_Customer_Details) post code field (PostCode), at the moment I have got it to strip out the right side of the postcode leaving me the left district side eg. HG12 8EN becomes HG12. I would then like to count how many times each postcode instance occurs so I can create a report on the result so I can track which district the customers are coming from. I hope this explains the problem. Any help would be much appreciated as I promised the Boss this for tomorrow....:confused:

this is my SQL so far, it strips out the left of the postcode:

SELECT tbl_Customer_Details.PostCode, Left([Postcode],4) AS Code
FROM tbl_Customer_Details
GROUP BY tbl_Customer_Details.PostCode;

What do I add to do the count?

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Stop Duplicate Request

Oct 22, 2006

I will explain this situation using a scenario. Let's assumed that i'm
working on a library system where i need a loan form that will only
show books that are available for loan. In this case, this form has a
main form that shows library member's details and its subform shows the
details of the books that are loan by library member. In this subform,
one of the fields (ISBN no) displays its values using a combo box. Once
a value is selected from this combo box, values in other fields found
in the subform will be shown too. These values are based on a table
that contain books info, where only the value (ISBN no) in the combo
box comes from a query. This query will only show books that are
available for loan.

If a library member wants to borrow 'booktitle1' then this book will
not be available to be loan by other members and assumed that there is
only one 'booktitle1'.

I tried to update the field manually by changing the status field every
time the book is loan out. I hope to solve this problem in an effective

I am new with access and i have difficulty to explain it in a much
better way. Sorry, if my description cause any sort of confusion.

These are the tables.

book_info (table1)
bookTitle ---------- text
ISBN(pkey) ------- text
authorName ------ text
category ---------- text
dateReceived ---- date
publisher ---------- text
status -------------- text

user_info (table2)
name --------------- text
userID(pKey) ------ text
address ------------ text
tel ------------------ number
hp ------------------ number
occupation -------- text
DOB --------------- date

loan_info (table3)
userID(fKey) ------ text
ISBN(fkey) -------- text
dateReturned ---- date
dateBorrowed ---- date
dateDue ---------- date
remarks ----------- text



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Password Protecting A Form

Aug 30, 2005


I've got a button on a form that opens another form - nothing unusual, but it would be preferable if this second form was password protected i.e. the user clicks the button to open the form and is immediately prompted to enter a password. I've looked at user-level security wizards but that confused me even more.

The database is networked and is used by 25+ people by the way.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help!

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Password Protect A Form?

Aug 28, 2007


i am wondering if it is possible to password protect a form?

I am building a DB which will hold personal information, all this info will be held in a table and displayed on a form, but I would like it so that the user has to enter their user name and password and only the form which relates to their details opens ( so like an open form and display specific field but passworded)

Any ideas?

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Password Protect A Form

Jan 25, 2005

Is there a way to password protect a form.

This is due to me having to send a mdb file, because i use A97 and the other end use A2000.

I tried sending the mde file but they could not convert it etc.

But i want to stop them getting into the code, you know how protective we are.

I want to hard code the password if thats any help.

Could some one please help me, thanks

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Password Protect A Form

Feb 11, 2005

How can i simply prompt the user for a password when they click a button, if the password does not match the form will not open?

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