Peculiar Sequencing Problem

Apr 28, 2008

I have a kind of peculiar sequencing issue with a query. I have several machine designations:

but the last group is designated as right or other words


I am trying to get the query to put them in order such that they appear as:


This requires breaking the first letter out, sequencing it and then doing the same for the other part(s). The first letter sequencing works fine but I can't seem to get the second part right. For the 1-13 designations, I am multiplying it by 1 in order to convert it to a number and thus make it sequence correctly. This worked before I had to add the R and L designations. Now it doesn't. Here is the statement I'm using for the second sequncing portion in the query:


It doesn't seem to convert the 1-13 over to numbers and is sequencing as if they are text, meaning it's coming out A1, A10, A11, A12, A13, A2, .... Is the query limited to one data type as an output to an expression or something?

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Peculiar Behaviour Of Query

Jun 15, 2006

This is for information only - I am not seeking a solution.

I created a Select Query selecting only two memo fields from a single table.

The query works correctly unless you select Unique Values = Yes which results in the error message "The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting less data."

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Peculiar Date Range Behavior

Oct 21, 2005

I have a form that is based on a query that requires the user to choose a start date and end date for the data to display. The query looks to the text boxes on the form for the criteria for the date field (between .... and .....). For some reason, when you select the same start and end date, it won't display data even if there are records for that date. Selecting a two day range will display it, but not one. Why is that and how do I get around it??? :confused:

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Peculiar Problem With Linked Tables

Sep 20, 2006

I've got a recurring problem that really has me stumped. It's causing some bad report data, which turns the heat up considerably. I have no idea where the problem is, so I'll include everything I can.We have several Access databases stored on a Linux based file server accessed through Samba. Each of these databases is accessed by multiple users, although typically only one at a time. Each database has linked tables to ODBC connections, some MS SQL 2000, some SQLBase 7.5. Clients are using Office XP on Win XP SP 2. The only changes in our setup are a gradual rollout of new, faster workstations, configured with the same software as the old ones. Normally, things work just fine. Three times though, in the last month, things have went wacko. Some databases have begun outputting bad data, other databases have lost their links to the ODBC databases. We've had type conversion errors in queries that have worked fine for years.Through trial and error, we've found that we're able to fix the problems by relinking the linked tables. We remove a linked table or two, usually specific ones, relink the table and bingo, our Access database performs normally.What's really stumping me is that it happens to several databases at once, some linked to MS SQL databases, some linked to SQLBase stuff. Some databases are opened daily, some weekly, so it's a little tough to pin down if they all go bonkers at once, but it seems that way.Any ideas??Steve Hart

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Automatic Sequencing - Can Access Do This?

Dec 7, 2007

Hi all,
We have a database here at work where we keep records of client marketing campaign materials, which lets us know when said materials have gone to print and such. The problem is that we've always had to type in the client info manually because none of us can seem to find a way to automatically update new client info in sequential order. We have to keep a list of the clients as well as the alphabetical code they've been assigned to, which has become very problematic, since everyone is not on the same page. I'll show you what I mean - below is an example of client names and the codes they've been assigned to:

(Existing client)Cleary - AFB

(New client) Greenville - AFC

(New client) UAW-DC - AFD

And so on....

If anyone could help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for listening.


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Incrementally Sequencing Two Alpha's In A Query

Jun 28, 2006

In a query I need the ability to cycle two alphabet characters in sequence. First pass is "AA", next is "AB" etc. After "AZ" it would cylce to "BA". After "ZZ" it would return to "AA" and repeat the sequence again. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Modules & VBA :: Auto-Number Sequencing By Compacting The Database

May 30, 2014

Lets say you have a table with an AutoNumber field.You populate it with 100 records.You delete the last 10 records (91-100)Now, I certainly know you can refresh the AutoNumber sequencing by compacting the database so the next record entered is 91.

My question is about NOT refreshing the AutoNumber sequencing.Lets say you DO NOT COMPACT and DO NOT refresh the AutoNumber Sequence.So, in that scenario, after deleting records 91-100 from the table, is there any programmatic way to determine that the next actual AutoNumber for that table will be 101?

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Modules & VBA :: Random Number Sequencing Based Off Of A Certain Criteria

Aug 21, 2013

I have a RN generator that looks at 9 different lanes and puts in a number based off of a certain criteria but I was wondering if in the frmLanes the actual "Go" button was an incoming number how could I get my current random number generator to look at that number and determine if the current number is within 5 of the "go" number?

Any way to have a beginning number that I would enter into a text box and have the number generator kick off based off of that number. I have included a copy of my db for viewing.

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