Pie Charts - Why Aren't They Simple?!

Feb 25, 2008

Hi guys,

i have built a query to find the sums of various fields from various tables. i want to make ONE piechart from all these the sum values... i.e.

Cars - 500
Planes - 300
Those digger things i always wanted as a kid - 200

But the stupid MSchart activex thingy in Access 2007 always wants to Sum/max/be an idiot to the data. All i want is a damn pie chart!

Any ideas?

If it can be done in VB by saying "split the piechart into 3 pieces. One = Cars, two = Planes, three = diggers" - that would be ace

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Selecting Entries In Combo Box That Aren't There

Jul 14, 2006

I seem to remember that there is a way, in a combo box, of entering an entry that isn't displayed in the combo box, so that you can then process that entry into a form's underlying table?

I think the example of doing this was in the MS Samples database for either Access 97 or Access 2000.

Does anyone recall what I'm talking about? Second question, does anyone have a link to those sample databases? Our technicians didn't bother loading the samples for us, so I'm kinda stuck.

Thank you tremendously to any and all who reply..... I'm looking forward to your responses!

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Queries :: How To List Records That Aren't There Yet

May 15, 2013

I'm new to query design. I have a database where operators will enter readings from 14 different compressors, twice per shift, three shifts per day. In the Rounds table for each record the following fields are included:

Timestamp (includes date)
CompressorID (1-14)
Shift (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Round (each set of readings is a round, each shift is supposed to do 2 per shift, the rounds are numbered Rnd 1 and Rnd 2)

Status (this is one of many readings they will record for each round/machine)

On the paper form it is easy for the operator to tell which machine they haven't recorded a round for yet because the space for it on the form is blank. In the Access form they are simply presented with a blank space to enter a new record. I'm trying to develop a strategy to make it easier for the operator to see at a glance which compressors they haven't entered readings for yet. Management also needs a weekly report of which rounds were done and which were missed.

I'm thinking of creating a datasheet from a query that will list the missing rounds for each compressor/round/shift based on the current date. I think I can put that datasheet onto the form the operator is using to record the readings or perhaps on a subform they can access with a button. I'm having trouble designing the query. So far I've created a query that lists all the rounds for a specific date, then another query that uses those results to list the compressors that are missing a record.

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Make A List Of Fields That Aren't Null

Nov 26, 2007

I have a table that has several fields that contain a date if a user is licenced to use a certain piece of equipment and is null if not. Each recor has other data in it such as name, and a unique identifier (numeric). What I want to do is make a list of the fields which have a date in them to create a licence for what they can operate. Any help on which way to go...pretty new at access.

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Printing Multiple Reports That Aren't Blank!

Jan 26, 2005

Here's the problem:
I'd like to print multiple reports using a button in a form.
I guess I could use something like that:
DoCmd.OpenReport "report1", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "report2", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "report3", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "report4", acNormal
in the command.click sub but here's the tricky section:
Some of my reports (they are all based in select queries) do not contain data.
How can I make access print only these forms that include records ?
For example if the query that provides records to the "report2" returns nothing, I would like on the commabd click event mentioned above, only the report1,3and 4 to be printed. Am I asking too much?Hope you guys understand what I'm talking about. Sorry , if my English isn't too good
Thank you in advance

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Combo Box Has Right Amount Of Values But They Aren't Showing Up

Dec 18, 2013

I'm creating a form where people can choose something in the first combo box [ComboBox1] which results in the second combo box [ComboBox2] displaying only the items that are associated with the first combo box [ComboBox1].

In my second combo box I have the amount of "empty lines" that equals with the items associated with the first combo box. But there is nothing displaying. No words.

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Tables :: Back End Relationships Aren't Updating To Front End

Jul 31, 2013

I have a split database. My backend Relationships aren't updating to my front end. How do I get my front end relationships to update to what my back end looks like? All tables are LINKED not imported.

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Adding Fields To A Query That Aren't In The Tables (Access 2003)

Jul 15, 2007


My database has 4 tables. Table 1 is assembly line 1 data. Table 2 is the sizes for assembly line 1. Table 3 is assembly line 3 data. Table 4 is the sizes for assembly line 2.

The table data comes from another program - they are reimported regularly and so I cannot change, add or delete fields from these 4 tables.

I have to change tables 2 and 4 to crosstab queries and then create 2 queries that join 1+2, 3+4. That's easy enough, no problem.

But then I have to UNION queries 1+2. While 95% of the fields are the same, the most crucial are not - the sizes. Assembly line 1 has 5 less sizes than assembly line 2. I need ALL of the sizes to show in the combined query.

I need to add these 5 fields without adding them to the tables. I did manage to create a crosstab query that included the missing sizes, but now I have a 1 in those fields where I need a NULL or Zero value.

Does that make sense? Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.


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Modules & VBA :: Inventory - Show List Of Items That Aren't Already In A Table

Jun 19, 2015

I have a list box that allows multiple selections [Inventory]. I also have a combo box that has multiple selections [Shows].

Right now, user selects from list box and from a combo box and clicks a button. On button click, the items from the list box are associated with the PK from the combo and stored in a junction table. This allows me to quickly associate many inventory items to one show.

I realized that there I currently have no way to prevent duplicate Inventory+show records in the junction table besides having a composite key. This would be fine except no records get inserted into the junction table if there's a duplicate entry.

Ideally, I think that the user should select from the combo box [Shows]. This should narrow down what shows up in the list box [Inventory] in a way that Inventory items already associated with the show are not displayed.

If I have 10 Inventory items and Inventory items 1-5 are already associated with Show 1; after I select the combo box, the list box only displays Inventory items 6-10.

Here's the associated code

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdAddRecords_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: ActiveX Control Events Aren't Raised While Calling Its Methods From The Open Event

Oct 9, 2013

We have an ActiveX grid control, 10Tec iGrid, written in VB6. One of its method, Group, used to group rows, raises the AfterAutoGroupRowCreated event so the developer can adjust the look and contents of every group row created during the automatic process of grouping.

When our ActiveX grid is hosted on an MS Access form and we call the Group method while populating the grid in the form's Open event, the AfterAutoGroupRowCreated event isn't triggered. But this event definitely works as expected in other development environments, and even in MS Access if we call Group from the form's Load event.

Is it a well know issue of MS Access, when any events of ActiveX controls aren't triggered while "executing" the Open event

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Jan 6, 2005

Hi all,

I want to create a 100% stacked column chart (as can be used in Excel) into a report in my database, however I cannot find it anywhere to use.

Does anyone know if it is possible to use this type of chart in Access and if so, how to do this?

Again, help would be greatly appreciated.


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Cusum Charts And SPC Add-ins

Aug 7, 2006

Hi everyone

I would like to create a statistical cusum chart in my db, I can do it in Excel but it's quite difficult to do in Access. Does anyone know how to do one, or know of any SPC add ons for Access (there are loads for Excel)?


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Charts In A Report

Jan 4, 2008

I would like to create a report from one of my existing queries. I would like this report to have a pie chart on it showing results from a field called concerns in the querie.

I would like the chart to break down the amount of each concern listed i.e. 4 of this 3 of that 5 of those etc.

i use the chart wizard to pull in the field data and when I click finish, it gives me basically nothing. Any ideas?

thanks in advance.

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Filtering Charts

Aug 25, 2006

I solved one problem only to hit another.
I have several charts that work off of a query.
The several charts all compare various variables to year.
I created the charts and they all work great. However, the user now wants to be able to select or compare various years as opposed to seeing them all in every chart. I made the year an integer. I then tested the query that all the charts are based on to see if it filters properly.

In the query's date filed I have the criteria Like [Enter the desired year]
This works fine if I am just looking at the query.
However, if I pull up the chart that the query is based on I get the error message, "The microsoft jet database engine does not recognize '[Enter the desired year]'as a valid field name or expression."

I have wasted an enormous amount of time simply trying to filter my charts by year. A single field in my table that is an integer with 0 decimal places. All the dates are entered as a 4 digit number. Ex 2006.

Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

My end desire is to have a form with two text boxed named "start" and "end" in addition to a number of butons each corresponding to one of the charts. My user will enter two dates, one in each of the text boxes "start" and "end"
When he/she presses one of the chart butons, the corresponding chart will open up showing only the two (or) one selected years' data. This would be filtered by the query that all of the charts are based on that has a set criteria, "Like [forms].[charts].[start] or like [forms].[charts].[end]"

As I mentioned earlier, I already have this all set up. The query works fine based on all of the above. However, if I click the butons or try to open a chart I get the message stated above.

Thanks again to all here at the forum for your invaluable help.

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Best Practice For Charts?

Jan 3, 2007

Deal All

I've got some simple charts to do in Access. They are working fine - except for the Legends.

The problem is that my table (on which the charts are based) is fed by Combo boxes which populate the table with codes, rather than a descriptor.

For example, the combo box on the input form displays two columns

5 | Excellent
4 | Very Good
3 | Average
2 | Not good
1 | Poor
0 | Don't know

..but populates the table only with the numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0.

Consequently, the legend in my graph only displays the numbers - when I would really like the Words.

What's the best way round this?


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Anyone Try Tracking Org Charts In Access???

Jul 6, 2006

I'm trying to set up a database to track a huge group of corporations. There is the parent company, then a bunch of subsidiaries below it. Some subsidiaries have another layer of multiple subsidiaries below it, some have none. Any thoughts as to how to do it???

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Charts In Switchboard? Any Issues?

Jan 24, 2007


I am adding a chart to my switchboard page which comes from a query...does anyone know if this is ok to do or if its not recommended. The Chart takes the database and summarizes its contents..

Didnt know if performance issues would come into play...

Thanks for any opinions.

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Charts With Filters From A Form

Nov 13, 2007

thought this might have been easy, but no....

i want to have a form with a [DateFrom] and [DateTo] text box

you click a button, it goes to a chart and the chart is filtered between those dates (the chart has week along the x axis)

problem is, the recordsource of a chart in a report is a crosstab query and you can't put form filters into a cross tab query

have tried to ram the parameters in before opening it with

CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qry_Reporting_Charts").Parameters("DateFrom").Value = [txtFrom]
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qry_Reporting_Charts").Parameters("DateFrom").Value = [txtTo]
DoCmd.OpenReport [cmbReports].Value, acViewPreview

but it looks like the parameters are read only or something :confused:

any ideas anyone?

thanx in advance

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Creating Charts From Querys

Feb 4, 2008

Hi, I have done a search before posting but cannot find what I am looking for.

At work I use a database to record incidents (work that I do). I have written a query for incidents for 2007 and 2008 and I can do a line graph for each year showing the monthly incidents by doing Insert, Form, Chart Wizard

What I am trying to do is a line graph for 2007 and 2008 together to compare performance but i can only ever choose one query for my graph, either 2007 or 2008.

Is there a way I can get both years on one graph so as i can compare performance.

Any help/guidance appreciated.

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Charts From Queries - 6 Fields!!!!!???? Is That It!!!!???

Oct 17, 2007

I am infuriated with MS Access now!!!!!

I am building a nice little system and now I am developing the reporting features. I want the results of a query to populate a chart.

Basically it is a monthly chart, so would have 12 months along the x axis and a quantity on the Y. A simple line chart!

I want 4 different lines each representing a form of occurrence. However Access limits you to using a maximum of 6 fields! Are you serious!!! I need 12 just for the months!!!!

Is this a serious feature of Access or am I being stupid?

I know many people who export a lot of stuff to Excel for charting, and now I know why. Is this my only option? I wanted to avoid multiple applications, but if I have to, will have to learn how to automate to an excel template, some thing I am not aware of how to do currently and am limited in my VB programming abilities.

I cannot believe that a powerful tool such as Access could be sooooo limiting in it's reporting capabilities!

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Charts Driving Me Crazy

Jul 19, 2005

I am trying to create a chart on a Form. In Excel I have no problems arranging my data. This is my first try for charts in Access. I have a table. I created a query summing two fields of this table:

Total Workers
Total Workers: DCount("[WorkerNameLast]","1-StationVerifyTbl","[ClockNbr]<>'*'")
Total Workers = 120

Total Verified
Verified Workers: DCount("[WorkerNameLast]","1-StationVerifyTbl","[StaPrimary]=True")
Total Verified = 43

So far so good. That is the correct information. What I want in a Chart is two bars side by side. One bar at 120 and the other bar at 43. I have tried everything and cannot get this to work. I am getting confused on the Axis, Data, & Series. I think I need another Field somehow. The totals I would call Monthly Totals

Could someone please help me get this thing started. I have wasted a week and feel like I have learned nothing except how to count in the Query.

After this I would like to be able to show a percentage of those verified. I have 120 workers and 43 are verified. That would be approx 35%. Anyway I am assuming that there is a solution and that I am just floundering for nothing. Thanks in advance.

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Getting Pivot Charts Out Of Access

Nov 24, 2004

a co-worker set up several pivot charts in queries, that we now need to get into a distributable format. I had envisioned having these in a report, but access doesn't agree. Is there any way of getting the chart out of access, intact, to place in a word or power point file, or into a report? My attempts to get the chart into a report have all ended with the table-like grid coming up. Surely there's a way...

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Week No's On Pivot Charts

Feb 1, 2005


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Forms :: Modifying Charts With VBA

May 6, 2013

I have a bunch of charts in my forms, and my boss wants to be able to adjust axes. I have added a context menu that brings up a little form and takes values that are then thrown into the graph by way of a function. URL....Here's the current code:

Public Function AdjustTREFAxis()
'See form fTREFaxis
Dim objChart1 As Object
Dim objAxis1 As Object


-ignore the global vars, they are a temporary measure.
-"Graph19" I know, not good. I never expected to call it in code though , I'll fix it later
-the while loop keeps the rest of the code from running until the axes have been submitted.

Ok, so this code works for the x and y1 axes. I assumed that Axes(3) would iterate to the Y2 axis, it does not...I also found that after you change the axis the changes are persistent for the graph even upon repaint/requerying it. This is problematic and I need a way to set an On Load event that resets the graph to "autoscale"

Lacking that, how to access the Y2 axis, or how to reset the axes to autoscale that would be keen.

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Different Sub Charts Everytime Access Opens

May 4, 2005

I have a couple charts that I would like to show on my switchboard. Right now I only have one that is up everytime I open my database. Is there anyway to have it do a random Sub form show up everytime you open the database up? Thank you for your help. Without this forum I would have shot myself a long time ago!

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Pie Charts - Keeps Asking To Install Microsoft Graph!

Mar 4, 2005


I recently started using the Chart feature in access. Everytime the form with the graph loads up windows installer pops up and asks me to install. Since i let it install like 3 times, i click cancel and it still works fine. Anyone else have a problem like this? How can i prevent it from installing everything, since its already installed?


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