Place An Access Variable Into A Hyperlink

May 12, 2005

From a form I want to be able to use a button to take a value from a designated field and search the internet for the given value

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Cheapest Place To Get Access?

Aug 11, 2007

Hey all

I'm looking to get Access 2007. Anyone know the cheapest place to get it? I'm in UK but if importing is cheaper I'd be interested.

Thanks for your help

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Way To Place Greater Than And Less Than Parameters Within Vba Access?

Mar 19, 2012

Is there a way to place greater than and less than parameters within vba access? I have tried so many ways for hours today trying to meet my objective.

Objective1: When the user clicks vbno on a message box display.. I want the user to have a constraint in the text box between 0 and 100, and the value cannot be 0 nor 100, simply between.

Background: This same text box has different constraints, where when yes is clicked. The value is 100. The textbox also has a must be 0 constraint when nothing is typed.

Objective2: I would like, when the user clicks the next record button, to have an error message when the user's entry is not between 0 and 100 once vbno is clicked.

I was attempting to use the option of calling a subroutine, however, access would not give the user enough time to enter data before an error message is displayed.I even tried to see if I could call the vbno function during the click event for new record. I do not know how to do that.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Calendar Icon Appears All Over The Place?

Sep 14, 2013

I have migrated an A2003 application to A2013 and in one of the A2013 forms I get a calendar icon appear all ove the place.

I uploaded a short video at


When the form opens (shows dentist appointments by chair) the icon appears that the very top in Chair 1. I can add a patient, no problem.

When I click on an appointment in Chair 2, the icon appears in the last clicked appointment on Chair 1. When I then click on Chair 1 the icon appears on the last clicked appointment on Chair 2.There is no problem with the A2003 version. I DO NOT use the Calendar icon in my application or any third party software.

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Queries :: Drop Down Access Standard Menu To Place Count Command

May 29, 2014

I have been using a table with queries with no problems. Now the queries wont recognize the last two records of the table when doing a Count. there are no null or empty spaces. I am using the drop down access standard menu to place the "Count" command. Is there a solution to this problem ?

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Modules & VBA :: Bulk Update Of Hyperlink Text To Display Not Hyperlink

May 29, 2014

i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?

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Hyperlink To Open Access?

Jun 6, 2007

Is it possible?
I want a link that can be put in a mail (to someone in our network) and clicked. It should open Access on a specific database and I should be able to use parameters (like /cmd and /wrkgrp).
I'm lost... :confused:

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Ask For Help About Hyperlink In Access Data Page, Thanks A Lot!

Aug 19, 2005

I created a hyperlink that links to a zip file. But when I use IE to browse the page, I cannot see "save target as" after right clicking the hyperlink. Why? Thank you very much for any help.

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Generating Hyperlink From Text In Access

Mar 3, 2007

I have a table with one field set as a hyperlink. I have to generate the hyperlink according to what else is going on in the record, I do this by assembling a text string which I can write to a text field in the same record. I have no problem doing this but when I try to copy that string into the Hyperlink field I get type mismatch. Incidentally if I put two text boxes on a form and bind one to the text and one to the hyperlink field the I can 'cut and paste' it OK so how come I can't do it with Access basic?

Dim stGunlib As String
Dim stGunlib2 As String
stGunlib2 = [Stock number]
stGunlib = "" + stGunlib2 + ".jpg"
[Link] = stGunlib
[Picture] = stGunlib ([Picture] is a hyperlink field) it goes wrong here

I am using Access 2002

Thanks Dennis

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Taking Hyperlink From Access To Excel

Feb 19, 2007

I copied my data from MSAccess which one of the fields is a hyperlink field into excel. Well, the field contains text reading "FileA" but the hyperlink is dbfilesFileA.doc. Since I have it in Excel now, I want to be able to just have the data read "FileA.doc" instead of FileA, I thought if I can get the field to read the hyperlink path dbfilesFileA.doc then I can maybe use the Mid formula to take out dbfiles....

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Using Visio (HTML) To Hyperlink To An Access Database

Jul 25, 2007

HI All,

I have scoured the net and these forums looking for the answer but cannot find a good solution.

I am producing flow charts in Visio, and then saving them as HTML documents for use on our Intranet. Within the Visio flow diagrams I am using Hyperlinks on various shapes and text, to enable the viewer to open various other documents in various other applications. This seems to work fine in my web browser for normal office documents, like word and excel, but I need to be able to do it for MS Access databases too! Because the web browser tries to open it in the browser itself, the database won't open and I just get the normal "Web Page Could not be found" screen.

Another useful feature would be to be able to open to a number of different specific forms from a database, depending on which hyperlink is clicked. I assume this is not possible as you only seem to be able to define on page to be displayed upon opening the DB. Am I correct?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Hyperlink Roll Over Effect On The Access Form

Nov 11, 2005

I have a MS Access form with a few hyperlinks on it. I have tried to achieve effect similar to hyperlink roll over effect on a web page: when mouse pointer goes over a hyperlink it changes colour, etc.
Unfortunately, all I could find was MouseMove event:
Sub Label_MouseMove
End Sub

But in this case hyperlink stays blue even after mouse pointer leaves it. And I would like hyperlink get back it's initial colour.

Thank you

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General :: Hyperlink Friendly Field In Access

Oct 10, 2012

I'm trying to create a pdf report displaying records in a columns, with each record having its own hyperlink. Rather than displaying the actual hyperlink, which is quite long, I'd like to portray a friendly_field like in Excel (Hyperlink("Link"). Hyperlinkpart doesn't seem to do this.Is there a formula I can create in a query where I can reference each individual hyperlink but show it as a "friendly_field" such as "Link"?

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Forms :: How To Set A Character As Hyperlink In Access Form

Oct 23, 2013

how can i set a character as hyperlink in access form GO ,in this G use as hyperlink for run a query

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General :: Restrict Access To Database While Still Being Able To Add New Hyperlink?

May 15, 2013

How do I restrict access to the database while still being able to add a new hyperlink? I tried deselecting the "display navigation pane" option. But when I do this I am unable to add/edit a hyperlink in a form - when I right-click the only option I get is "add to favorites" rather than "edit", etc.

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Forms :: Access Database Primary Key Hyperlink

Jul 29, 2014

We are using access 2010, I have a blank form that produces an ID number for the specific record when saved. then i have other forms where the ID field is hyperlinked to the original form that was entered. I now have 2 users that are unable to open the hyperlinked form. when i login as them im able to open the hyperlinked form.

Private Sub ID_Click()
On Error GoTo Error_Catcher_1
DoCmd.OpenForm "NewRequestForm", , , "ID= " & Me.ID, acFormEdit


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Forms :: Create Hyperlink To Open Access Form

Jul 10, 2015

I am investigating on the possibility of setting up an approval process for our employee intake procedure by using MS Access and Outlook.

The idea is for the requester to open an intake form in Access and fill in the new employee's information and send an Outlook email to the manager for approval. I know how to trigger off an event on the form to send an email to the manager but my challenge is how to create a hyperlink in the email for the recipient to directly open the intake form with the specific record, without the need to open the database and find the specific intake form.

The intake form is built in a frontend .mde file on a shared drive where all users have access to.

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Button / Image Or Text Box To Access Hyperlink Field

Oct 15, 2013

I have a field in a Table (tblMainFile) named "File Location" which contains a hyperlink for each of the files.I have a continuous form (from a query) which displays information from the tblMainFile table.the form shows a text box (with the hyperlink) which is clickable to take them to the link location.I would like to have a button which says (GET FILE) or a different text box which simply says "Get File" as opposed to the entire hyperlink.

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Modules & VBA :: Email Hyperlink / Attachment To Open Access File?

May 15, 2015

I have created an action log database that sends an email when a new action is entered. I would like to launch the database using a hyperlink in the email, but can't seem to get it to work. All users have a copy of the front end on their desktop, so whatever I add to the email needs to launch the front end for any user signed on to their own desktop.

This is what I have and it sends a hyperlink but I click it, I get an error saying it can't find the file. I don't know how to word the path name for any user?

With obMsg
.subject = "New action request for " & team
.To = people


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Queries :: Convert String Back To Hyperlink In Access Query From SQL Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of building a new database in SQL to replace my MS Access database. However, I will continue to use the Access forms, queries, and reports. The new tables will house much of the same data. In multiple tables I have hyperlinks that were created and added in the original Access tables. To import these hyperlinks into the new SQL tables I have converted them to 'Long Text' before exporting, thus changing them into strings.

For example:

Hyperlink - Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) has been changed to:

Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010)#ServernameServerfolderDocumentationRea dy to GoOutlook TemplatesEmail - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010).oft#

The obvious issue that I am running into is that after the SQL database table has been linked to the Access database it still displays the entire string when I open the table. The form has a textbox and search button that is used as a search function. This runs a query that returns all "search results" for the desired information. Is there a way that the query can convert the string back into a hyperlink so that the query displays just Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) as a hyperlink and not the entire string?

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Tables :: Find And Replace Hyperlink Address With Text To Display Access 2013

Sep 8, 2014

In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?

Example of Hyperlink Editor:

Example of Find and Replace

In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?

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Reports :: Subform Field Linker Error - Obj Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Apr 16, 2013

I am creating a 2 level report to confirm an order. Main report already created, runs successfully called as subform/subreport under "OrderDetails" form. Linked to master using Order.ID. There are two versions of the confirmation report that have different layouts for different program types.

The hangup comes when I try to add a "Class Dates" subreport. It lists dates of individual classes and Skip dates. I have created the subreport as "srClassDates". When I add it to the main report, it lists the records. However, when I try to link it to the Main report, an error message box appears with the "object variable or With block variable not set".

I have tried rebuilding both the main and subreports, rebuilt the query, have not found anything that changes the result.

Linker has been working successfully on other subforms. Report with groupings works fine, but I need data from 2 tables both linked to

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Modules & VBA :: Error 91 - Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Jul 8, 2013

Error 91 - Object variable or With block variable not set

I am getting this error telling me that an object variable is not set.

I know which variable it is but when I step through the debugger it sets the variable and all is fine? Issue is that public variable of a class is not getting set when the VBA Editor is not open?

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Modules & VBA :: Sorting / Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Oct 3, 2014

This code runs fine the FIRST time, however trows up a message the SECOND time it is run.

The error is on the line ".Range"

I am trying to sort records which have been exported to Excel.

Dim LR As Integer
LR = 5
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set wbRef = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
With wbRef

With ActiveSheet
.Range("A2", .Cells(LR, "O").End(xlUp)).Sort Key1:=.Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End With
end With

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Queries :: MS Access - How To Introduce Variable In SQL

Jul 16, 2013

The following code doesn't work:

SELECT CompanyName.WaferID
FROM CompanyName

Here, the values of [CompanyName] could be A,B,C, which is chosen by in combo box of a form. And, of course, there are three tables: A,B,C.

How to introduce the variable CompanyName in SQL?

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Reports :: Access Variable To Use For Input Box

Aug 12, 2015

I have a function that capture a report activity ,open, close, updated by query, etc.... I have a report that has a inputbox on the open event that tell the user this date the report will display is from a previous update and ask if they want to run the query to update the data.

What I was hoping to do, is have this inputbox only fire if the date and time written when the last update occurs was 24 hours ago.

Can I capture the date and time that the function captures and writes to a table as a variable and you that date and time to detemine whether that inputbox fires?

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