Pop-Up Print Button

May 4, 2005

First I should say that this is my first post, and I'm very new to this. Now on to my problem. We have a form with a bunch (like 25) of buttons that are links to specific reports. When you click on one of the buttons the report opens up along with a little pop up form with a print button on it. How can I get this print button to print the report that is open? Do I have to put in code for every possible report that may be open, or can I just say "print the current report" somehow?


Nick Jones

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Print Button On Form.

Apr 28, 2005

Hi... being extremely new to Access, i am sitting here frustrated as anything trying to make this work. I will attempt to explain what I am trying to do.

I have a form that has a combo box in it. This combo box references a table and pulls in the data depending on the company that is selected. What I am trying to do is add a print button on the form, so that the users can print off an address label. Now I can use the normal print report feature and this prints of the entire report, but what i would really like is the print button just to print the fields I want and not the whole thing. The fields I want to print are.


Ive had a look in the event field for the print button, but I have no idea of the commands to make it only select the fields that I want to print.

I truly am lost, and seeking guidance from the masters here at Access World.

My printing problem is in your hands.... cheers Paull

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Command Button Print

May 13, 2006

I have created a command button that prints a report. The thing is that if the REPORT has no data, i want that the button is INVISIBLE. Is it possible to do this??


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Print Command Button

Aug 11, 2006

I am having a minor headache with a situation, I have a command button that opens a view of the report that will be printed. The problem is if someone creates a new record and hits the button it comes up blank.

If I add me.requery before the DoCmd statement then it just restarts to the very first record and shows that in the report view =(

Any Ideas? Thanks Guys!!

Private Sub PrintForm_cmdbutton_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintForm_cmdbutton_Click

DoCmd.OpenReport "Main_frm Report", acViewPreview, , "ID Like '*" & Me.ID & "'"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintForm_cmdbutton_Click

End Sub

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How To Print On Button Click ?

Sep 6, 2006

Hi all....

I have a list box that I can select mulitple items from - I then click a search button and it runs a query that finds what I am looking for from a table and then displays the results in a subform.
In the subform I can input weights and get a percent....anyhow.

How do I set up a button so that it will print out a report or the report from the subform information that is currently being viewed.

Also, I can already do this by clicking a button on the form and pulling up the installed report program but, you need to input data to get this report.

I kinda want this button to be a "I need it now" type of print option.

Thanks...as always my questions are probably confusing...:D

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Mouse Over Print Menu Bar Button

Sep 27, 2005

I have been running in this problem and i didnt know the cause but ive just realized now.
A mouse over the print button on the Menu Bar hangs my A2K for some Minutes. Other buttons on the menu bar dont.
A network printer is the default on my PC, but this is of as for now,it needs servicing. I dont know whether it automatically detects the printer settings on mouse over it :confused:

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How To Add A Print Button In The MsgBox Window?

Nov 5, 2004

I generated a pop up warning message window every time when I open a form. The problem is there are many lines information in the window. Now I want to have a Print button in the msgbox window. So the user can click that buttton to print these warning message. Is this easy to do? Any clues? Thanks.

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Print Button Updates Subform Fields

Apr 14, 2005

I currently have a form [order] that houses a subform [orderdetails]. is there a way for me to set up a print button on form [order] that will also update the [ysnPrinted] and [dtmDatePrinted] fields in subform [orderdetails]?

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Forms :: Adding A Button To Print Form?

Feb 11, 2015

I would like to add a button to a form that will print the form with the current record in it. Also, to add a level of difficulty, there are 8 subforms attached to the form. As I already have the form developed, I don't want to reinvent the wheel and go off and create a report with 8 subreports. Is this possible? If so, Can we force all the data on the form to one page?

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VBA Print 5 Copies Of Report Via Button On The Form

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to print 5 copies of the report via the button on the form.

I'm sure I have the code correct, however I only prints 1 copy instead of 5.

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Print Labels From Access 2007 Using Button

Apr 18, 2014

I have a form where I'd like to create a button to print labels from a labeling program called Label Matrix. I already have the label set up in Label Matrix to draw info from the Access table, and I know how to create a button. I can't figure out how I would make the button print the label.

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Load Print Wizard After Clicking Command Button

Nov 3, 2005

hey all, I am trying to load a print wizard after clicking on a command button. I am trying to use my filtered data to select specific fields to print. On the fly kind of report. I need to have the ability to use my filtered data to create a specific report. Any ideas?? Thanks

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I Need A Command Button To Print Preview And Email Two Reports

Oct 7, 2004

Like the title says I need a command button to print preview and email two reports. I tried using macros but the problem I have is that it'll send out two emails instead of one email with two attachments. The other problem is that it won't recognize current pages information so it'll show two blank reports. But If I go to next record and come back in form view, it reognizes the changes and the reports look fine. Any help would be appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Command Button To Print Report To PDF And Email

Aug 9, 2013

A command button on a form that can:

1- Open the Report called : ConsentForm
2- Print it to PDF printer (report is currently defaulted to that printer driver)
3- Save to folder: C:SOSConsentForms
4- Save as: Consent_[Last]_[First] (these are field names on the form)
Result i.e.: C:SOSConsentFormsConsent_Doe_John
5- Then send the file by email (Outlook) to : abc@hotmail.com

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Reports :: Print Report / Disable Restore Button - Inconsistencies

Dec 3, 2014

I have a database with several reports that get constantly printed, however I am having an issue with their display properties that sometimes cause errors.I need the report to come up on top of everything, maximized and with the menu bar available to allow for it to be printed or close it. The report window cannot have "minimize" or "restore" available to make sure nobody access any form behind it.

To achieve this in a form I generally use the modal property, however if I do this in a report I cannot get to the menu bar to print or close the print preview.Thinking that modal was out of the question, I went ahead and maximized the report on load and set its properties to the image attached. The db is then compiled (accde) and then distributed.

On my computer (it is being developed on my machine) the report loads fine (maximized) with no min, max or restore buttons and the print preview menu bar is shown with the print and close buttons available. See "My PC" image attached.On any other computer, the report opens up maximized but the report's restore and close buttons are enabled, however the print and close buttons on the print preview menu bar are greyed out. See "Other PC" image attached.Why the inconsistent behaviour when using the same front end?

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Reports :: Adding Button To A Report That Shows Print Preview

Jun 13, 2013

I added a "print preview" button to a report that does just that, shows the print preview. The issue I'm having is that I can't do anything in Access after I click that button. Everything in Access seems to stop working, I can't click on anything with my mouse. the only thing that does anything is that i can move the report up and down with the up/down/left/right keys. If I click on a different application that isn't Access (i.e. excel, spotify, email, etc.) and then go back to it, everything works fine.

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General :: All Objects Toolbar Opens When Hit Print Button On Form

Jan 30, 2013

Using Access 2010.I purposely disabled the Access Objects when opening my database for added security. This works.

The problem I'm having is when I use the print button (access macro) on one of my forms, as soon as i click the button, the "all access objects" window opens on the left side navigation. This window shows all of my tables, forms, queires..etc.Is there a setting that will permanately stop this from opening?

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Save Record And Create Print Preview With Same Button On A Form?

Apr 8, 2014

In Access I have created a button to print a preview prior to printing document it is entitle "NoVeteranMain" which works fine. Except I want it to save my document prior to printing preview how would I do it. If not after I edit it I have to re-save it prior to hitting button which generates print preview.

This is code that is generate upon click

Private Sub NoVet_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "NoVeteranMain", acViewPreview, , "ClientID = " & Me.ClientID
End Sub

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General :: Button To Print A Report Based On Text Box Values On Form

Jul 11, 2015

Im using a button to print a report based on a text box values on the form.the code for which is below


Private Sub SaveBtn_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET DateBookedOut = '" & Me!DateTxt & "' WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET BookedOut = True WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Labels", acViewNormal
DoCmd.PrintOut , , , , 1
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Labels", acSaveNo
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

The problem that I am getting is not only is the label printing but so is the form.

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Forms :: Added A Print Button To Form To Send Report To Printer

Feb 10, 2014

I have a project which produces a report of names, addresses, etc. I added a print button to the form to send the report to the printer. The code is as follows:

Private Sub Command32_Click()
Docmd.SetWarnings False
'Docmd.OpenReport "rptAddresses", acViewNormal
Docmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
Docmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Both alternatives in the code produce the same result described following.However, the printed report includes only the first 2 colums of about 10 of the 90 plus records. If I send to to a PDF, it works fine. If I do a print view on the screen ir looks fine.

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General :: Button On Form To Print Current Record - Open Preview Before Printing?

Sep 11, 2013

I have a button on a FORM to print the current record with the following code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection

But what I need is that before printing, open the preview to set the margins and page size ... or at least to pre-configure so that when you press the button, and comes preformatted.

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Modules & VBA :: Print Preview Button On Main Form That Previews Current Record In A Separate Report

Jan 25, 2014

I have VBA code for a Print Preview button on the main form that previews the current record in a separate Report using this code:

Private Sub cmdPrintRecord_Click()
Dim strWhere As String

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False
End If


I use this Print Preview code on a Button in the Form Header. The Main form lists head of household information. I also have a tabbed control with three tabs that have SubForms for Address, Children and Contact details. The problem I have is that if any of the subforms are left blank I get a Run-Time Error '3021': No Current Record. If I Debug (press the button), it takes me straight to this line:

varAge = DateDiff("yyyy", varBirthDate, Now)

highlighted in Yellow.Anyone on my database must have an address, should have contact details and could have children. If any one of these is blank then the print preview will not work.I would like to know how to stop this error happening for blank records in my subforms.

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Printing A Report Query Using A "print" Button On Form

Mar 7, 2008

Hello everyone,

How can i have a form with a "Print" button on it for print a report instead of going to file, print?

I will appreciate if a sample of such database can also be attached.

Stay well.

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Print Record Button In "form" Format...

Jun 7, 2006

I'm almost "there" with what I'm trying to do in Access.

I knew this bit would be tricky - perhaps a guru can help me here. :-S

I've taken screen shots of what I'm attempting to do to help describe the situation. (Go easy! It's the first DB I've ever done :-s)

Basically, I need a button on the "Company Job Summary" page that will let me print out one selected record from the job summary shown.

More importantly - I need it to come out looking like the form shown in the "Job Sheet View" which I have set up as a form that gets it's info from both the "Customer" database and the "Jobs" Database.

The Job sheet is controlled by a "Job ID" number - unique to each job.

What's the best way to approach this?

You help, as always, is much appreciated.

Thanks :D

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I Want To Print A Report And Programmatically Set The Printer Name And 'Print To File

Jul 16, 2007

How can I print a report and at the same time programatically set the printer name and 'Print to File' option and set the path of this option?

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How To Hide Or Disable Print Or Quick Print Options

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form which my company wanted that each single record should be printed from form. I made a print record button and put code to print single page or record. However as a natural habit people go to file > print to print which leads printing all records so 1000's records start printing. Is there any way i can hide print button. File >Print button.

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