Populate Radio Buttons From Database Record?

Feb 25, 2013

I'm trying to build a database of car dealers while using Access 2010. They only sell three types of cars. Once the user select which car dealer they want to look at, I hoping to populate three radio buttons based on values from the database. From what I've read, it seems that the radio button, while using the option group wizard, that the radio buttons are meant to populate a database field, rather than having the database record populate the radio button.

how to do this, so that I am able to show three radio buttons in my form to show which three types of cars this specific car dealer sells?

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Forms :: Database For Medical Facility - Admit And Discharge Radio Buttons

Apr 18, 2015

I have been writing a database for a medical facility. Currently, I have a box to check if a patient in the database is admitted. What I would like to do is create two radio buttons: one to admit and one to discharge.

When the patient is discharged, I want the data in some of the fields on the form(s) to clear, but not all the fields.

I realize the I will need some scripting here.

As an example: the fields for Unit and Room number will clear upon discharge. As well as fields for diagnosis and informed consent signature located on another form within the same table.

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Radio Buttons

Jul 30, 2005

I have a table and a form called patient demo. It displays last name first name and address city state zip. I created another table and form called insurance as radio buttons i have the following self, spouse, child, other. It also displays last name first name address, city, state and zip as text boxes. what i want the radio button to do is when i click self it will copy all information from patient demo to insurance form. I tried to do this several ways but every time i change the information in the insurance form it also changes the patient demo which i dont want it to do because i want to edit that box without changing patient demo. any ideas.

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Radio Buttons

Oct 18, 2007

Hi all,

I'm somewhat new to access and I'm having a small problem. I have create a web based form via Frontpage 2003 using the access database wizard. In one part of my form I have 6 different options (radio buttons) for a user to select. I want the user to be able to select "multiple options" that apply not just one which is all it is doing right now. How do I change this to allow multiple selection? I opened up my results table and went into the design mode and I can't figure out where to allow multiple selections. Thank you for any help you can provide.


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Re-sizing Check Box, Radio Buttons, Etc.

May 1, 2006

Hi all

Just found this forum, looks great!

When a control like a check box or radio button is on a form, how can you make the size of the actual control bigger? When changing the size in Properties, it only increases the size of the black border.



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Radio Buttons And List Boxes

Mar 10, 2006

I have a database with 1 main form. This form has a bunch of lookup tables that are being displayed in comboboxes on the form.

What I want to do is create another form that has a series of radio buttons that when selected show the specific lookup table which can then be updated/modifyed.

I am unsure where to start. When they select one button I need the table to open "sub form?", "List Box?", and then when they choose another table the first should close and the next open etc. I want all of this to be done within 1 Form.....

Any thoughts?

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Radio Buttons And Option Group

Feb 28, 2007

I added an Option Group / Radio Buttons to my form.
I named a few.

My question is no how to I test and run code based on the button that is selected.

If this then that?

I just am confused here.....if it was a txtbox I would say

If txtbox = ? then
End If

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Modules & VBA :: IE Automation - Radio Buttons (Tick Yes)

Sep 2, 2013

I'm trying to tick "Yes" to a radio button which are side by side on a web page (Yes and No). The HTML is below and the VBA I'm trying to use is:

ie.Document.all.Item("newsletter").Checked = "0"

I've also tried

ie.Document.all.Item("newsletter").Checked = "True"
ie.Document.all.Item("newsletter").value = "True"
ie.Document.all.Item("newsletter").value= "0"

<table class="form"> <tr> <td>Subscribe:</td>
<td> <input type="radio" name="newsletter" value="1" /> Yes
<input type="radio" name="newsletter" value="0" checked="checked" /> No
</td> </tr> </table> </div>

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Blank Option (radio) Buttons In Option Group

Aug 18, 2006

I am using an Access database for a foreign language dictionary project.

One of the forms I use is populated by a query (qryLemmaTable) to retrieve information from tblLEMMA.

This form works precisely as I intend it to work, but there is a glitch on it that is driving me mad.

The form in question has an option group with 11 radio buttons that correspond to the parts of speech associated with each word in tblLEMMA.

When I click on the button optAdjective I apply a filter and the only records that are displayed are adjectives. (The same applies for Nouns, Verbs, Prepositions etc.)

Here is the glitch: even though the radio buttons apply the filter correctly, no “black spot” appears in the button. Other signals on the screen let me know what word type is selected, so I can accomplish what I want, but I want the “black spots” too!

Perhaps this will be a clue: For each radio button I use the following code in the GotFocus event.
Me.FilterOn = False
Me.Filter = "wordtype = 'A'" ‘(or N, etc)
Me.FilterOn = True

And this for the Lost Focus event
Me.FilterOn = False

Thanks for the help.

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Forms :: Populate Form With Toggle Buttons

Apr 21, 2014

I have a form with about 40 Toggle buttons on it. I want the form to populate from a table. This table stores the status from rooms.

My table name is [Room]
Fields [Room] and [Room_Status]

I want to call the button BtnBS1 (Room BS1) and if the status for that room is occupied the button when loaded will be RED, and if it is available it must be green.

I want the form to be an graphical overview of what rooms are occupied and what rooms are available. By clicking on a green room I want another form to open to allow me to fill it with data.

How do I point to the table when I load the form?

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Round Buttons Or Oval Buttons Instead Of The Normal Square Buttons

May 30, 2005

Hello everybody,

I’m new here and I have a question for you..

Is it possible to place round buttons or oval buttons on your forms instead of the normal square ones?



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Forms :: Select Record From Combobox List And Have Record Populate In Subform

Sep 16, 2013

I would like to select a record from my combobox dropdown list and have that record populate in my subform. Currently, I am only able to select the 1st record at the top of the dropdown list to appear in my subform. But I would like to select any record from the dropdown list and have it populate my subform.

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Key Database, Need Help With Delete And Add Buttons

Jun 3, 2005


I am planning a key database

I have planed to use access and visual basic.

VB to add and delete keys.

Access to do the rest.

Is this a good solution? Do you have a better one, pleas let me know.

I need help setting up the delete and add buttons, I am bad i vb.

And I need help with the Delivered button, when I push the button I want it to delete all the information on the page. But print a backup or save it as a file, do you have a good idea.

When I press the “add key button”, I want I to add a key.

If you have 3 keys, and press ADD key, then it adds a 4 key and it must be a scroll window. Then I can choose the key I gave him

There is a image of the plan I am having.

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Record Buttons

Sep 13, 2006


Does any body know how to remove/disable the record buttons at the bottom of forms and subforms please?


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Record Navigation Buttons

Feb 13, 2006

Ok, I am trying to make some sort of thumbnail preview form. The image appears in the imgBox no problem, and it is grabbing it from the field. When I use a combo box to navigate the records it works flawlessly

HOWEVER, I would like my users to be able to press bckwds/fwds arrows so i made some arrows with the wizard and added some code. Heres how it looks

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdNext_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
If Me!SamPhoto = "" Or IsNull(Me!SamPhoto) = True Then
imgSamPhoto.Picture = ""
lblNoPhoto.Visible = True
lblNoPhoto.Visible = False
imgSamPhoto.Picture = Me![SamPhoto]
End If
MsgBox Me!SamPhoto
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdNext_Click

End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrevious_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPrevious_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
If Me!SamPhoto = "" Or IsNull(Me!SamPhoto) = True Then
imgSamPhoto.Picture = ""
lblNoPhoto.Visible = True
lblNoPhoto.Visible = False
imgSamPhoto.Picture = Me![SamPhoto]
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdPrevious_Click

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
End Sub


My problem is that it never goes to the second record when i press next, and when i press back it says at end of recordset ( which makes sense ) but why would the back button work, and the fwd button do nothing ? I am hoping it is a small syntax error. Please help!

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Cannot Go To New Record Using Buttons On Form

Aug 13, 2013

I have a Access program that I have used for 10 years with out problems. The program is used to track work done for various customers. When I try to go to a new record for the customer using the New Record Button on my form, the program stopped and I got a Microsoft error saying it had encountered an error and needs to close. No error Number shown. I can use the Last Record button with out problems, but when I hit Next Record i.e. new record, again I get kicked out. I have tried to trap the Error Number with no luck. I have purged a lot of early records thinking possible the data base was to large - no luck. I am at a lost for what I need to do to be able to use the data entry form.

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Users Can Access Database But No Queries Or Buttons

Mar 20, 2006

I have an access database that is used as a front-end application to a sql server 2000 database. Users have adequate permissions to access database and functionalities but a few are receiving the following error message:

"Connection Failed. Invalid connection string attribute."

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Record Navigation Buttons

Jul 11, 2014

To briefly explain my database; it is a bespoke referral management system within a hospital. Each record on the database contains patient demographic information, as well as information on their referral (i.e. date of referral, date of assessment, date of commencing treatment, discharge date etc.) Therefore, the same patient will appear multiple times in the database, with each separate record corresponding to a unique referral pathway.

The database forms are split to show patient information at the top, with referral information shown in a subform. I am trying to add navigation buttons to the subform that will allow the user to scroll through the referrals corresponding to the patient currently displayed on the main form.

Each patient has a uniquely identifiable number associated with them, and so it seems straightforward enough in my mind to have a button that will search for the record in the database where the patient's number matches the patient number of the current record, and where the referral date is minimum (for "First Referral"), maximum but less than current (for "Previous Referral"), minimum but greater than current (for "Next Referral"), and maximum (for "Last Referral").

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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Join Radio Button

Jun 26, 2006

I have four (4) radio Buttons and I want to join them in order when one radion is chosen the other three to be unmark and so on.

Thanks in advance

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Populate A Database Via Scanning In A Paper Form?

May 18, 2005

Hi folks,

Just wondering if it is possible to populate a database by scanning in a form into a scanner? For instance, if I had a standard paper form with typed data inside of the paper form's fields, to place that form into a scanner and have a program extract the characters in each one of the fields and place them into the appropriate fields in a database. I have heard of some agencies doing this, but don't know the names of software packages that would make this possible. Can anyone suggest some software packages or methods of doing this?

Thank you,


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Tables :: Auto Populate Fields In A Database

Dec 6, 2014

I have a table called Jobslog which contains records for my permanent jobs I have to do for customers in one week.Structure is like:


Each job is assigned to a team, but is following same schedule every week.Can I create like a module or query to autopopulate the table with next week jobs, but putting the date as well, not only day name.For example, each Monday job should have a date field which should be 8/12/2014, Tuesday jobs should have 9/12/2014 and so on until Sunday.Usualy they are more jobs for each day (not day and job).

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Add 3 Record Fields To Populate A 4th?

Feb 25, 2007

I have a table where there each record has 3 fields i need to add together for a fourth both in my form and the table and i need the data in that field to be uneditable. how might I accomplish this? In the control source i tried:


but it displays


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Populate Subform Record

Jan 27, 2006


I've got a main form with some unbound fields and a subform. From the unbound fields in the mainform, I modify dynamically the RecordSource of my subform to display the information. ==> This works fine !!

When there is no information to display in my subform, I need to create a new record in my subform and populate automatically some of the fields in my subform.

The problem is that I am not able to use the GoTorecord,, acnewrec in the subform because Access tells me that the subform is not open. If I try to use the Openform command, I get a new subform window on the screen and that's not what I want because the subform is already displayed.

Here is part of the code:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Subform name"
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "Subform name", acNewRec



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Populate Fields Of Last Record

Nov 3, 2011

I have a form( frmDate) and a subform (frmChecks)-is off a query Checksquery . On the from is located only a list box lsatDate with rowsource to cross query Date . It is only display the dates. The sub form in designated to record numbers of checks, their first and last number and total amount of checks that have been requested to be issued.. It has 8 txt boxes : txtDate, txtChecksNumbers, txtSheetsNumbers, txtStartChecksNumber , txtEnd Checks Number, txtTotalAmount, txtBegginigofWeek and txtEndofweek. I have forgotten to mention that form and sub form have linkchildfiled-lstDate, and linkMasterfiled-txtDate so user can scroll date in list box and retrieve the records for past dates. I would like to program in form upload event if I can when a user opens form three things I need to be happened:

1) the txtStartCheksNumber would be populated of the last record txtEndChecksNumber,
2) the txtDate would be filled as date today,
3) and txtBeggininofweek would be populated off last record txtEndofweek with adding one day .

I have programmed txtSheetsNumbers in record source as =Round((LTrim([ChecksNumbers])/3)) b/c there three checks on one sheets and also programmed txtChecksNumbers as =Round(LTrim(([StartChecksNumber]+[ChecksNumbers]))) so that this field is populate adding starting checks number and checks numbers. I need this b/c many users use this form to print checks and every check must be accounted so filling the form correctly is very imperative and uploading these records would be very useful since many mistakes are made b/c users go to the last record to retire info. Users dont see the queries; they see only form and sub form once they request checks for printing.

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