Populate Field...Next Value

Dec 20, 2006

okay guys, this is more of a vba question.

I have a textbox [txtRequestNumber] on a form which is anchored to a table from which it pulls the data. After the primary key, this is the main record tracer of my db.

What is the sytax, so that when the form [frmMainForm] is opened to a new record (on open) so that Access grabs the last [RequestNumber] from that table [tblTestRequest] and adds 1 to it.......so that users don't have to write it in themselves, but it auto generates.

a [n = n+1] type thing.

I love my dog. My wife is jealous.

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Tables :: Auto Populate Field Based On Answer Of Another Field In Same Table

Feb 28, 2013

Within my table if Field 1 has an answer of Self (from drop down), then, I would like Fields 6-12 to auto populate; however, if Field 1 does not have an answer of Self, then leave Fields 6-12 blank.

I am not quite sure how to lay this out. I am using Access 2010.

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Make Field Auto Populate Based On Value Of Field In Another Table

Mar 4, 2008

I'm creating a database that keeps a track of questions and scores.

The questions in the database need to be dynamic and are changed frequently.

I have a scorecard table which keeps a record of scores and the applicable question at the time the record was saved. I need to do this because in 6 months time we may want to provide feedback. As the question may have changed we need to be able to refer back to what the question was.

I want the question field in my scorecard table to populate with the value in my question table.

I have tried a number of things including setting the question field in the scorecard table to a lookup based on the following query:

FROM tblQ1;

This works however only as a list or combo box. I don't want the user to have to select the question. I want it to auto populate, is this possible?

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Automatically Populate A Date Field Based On Value Entered In Another Field

Nov 10, 2005

I need to create a New Form control for this situation:

If I enter a date into a field and the choice for another field is equal to a certain value. How can I get the date I entered to be automatically populated into another date field.

For example:

If I enter 11/10/2005 in a date field and I choose either "BN", "BA", or "BT" in a text field, I need that date of 11/10/2005 to be automatically populated in another date field on the same form.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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General :: Populate Field By Entering Date In Another Field?

Oct 24, 2013

I am wanting to populate a field by entering a date in another field. I am trying to determine age(years, months, and weeks) of something by entering a date in another field. Is that possible in Access?

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Auto Populate Linked Field With Key Field

Mar 22, 2005

I have a form with a main form and two subforms. The first subform automatically populates it's linked field with the data in the key field of the main form, but the second subform does not auto populate it's linked field with the data from the key field of the first subform. I have created main forms and subforms before and this was not a problem.
Is there a way to cause the second subform to automatically populate it's linked field with data from the key field of the first subform?

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Tables :: How To Auto Populate Field 2 From Key Field

Oct 17, 2012

I need a continuity field...transaction number..that can be both a parent and child key. Would like to create this upon accessing a new record / row.

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Forms :: Populate One Field From Another Form Field?

Jan 20, 2015

How do I populate fieldA in formB with FieldB from FormA..

So Field is the last numeric field in Form A..so I need to the take the calculation value of that field and be the starting value in formB.

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Tables :: Populate Value Of Field From Value Entered In Another Field?

Oct 25, 2012

automatically populate the value of a field [Industry] in a table after a user has entered the value in another field [IndustryCode] in the same table. The [IndustryCode] and "Industry" are stored in a separated table [2012IndustryCodeTable]. I have tried using DLookup and cannot get it to work.


|001 |Car |
|002 |Plane |

How can i get the [Industry] to populate the information from the [2012IndustryCodeTable] once a user enters the code into the [IndustryCode] field in a table?

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Extract From 1 Field And Populate A Whole Lot Of Others..

Sep 19, 2006

I have read some tutorials online on how to split data into multiple fields.


While this is the gist of what I need - it is much more complex.

I am dealing with adresses.

This inherited database has 2 fields - ZIP, and ADDRESS. I need to extract the data within the ADDRESS field to populate other more detailed named fields.

I would like to ultimately have my fileds to be: STREETNUM, STPREDIR, STREETNAME, STREETSUFX, SUD, SNUM.

Example: (Current ADDRESS data)

512 N Manchester Dr Ste 201

(extract ADDRESS and import into)

STREETNAME = Manchester
SUD = Ste
SNUM = 201


Now I have tried several queries to extract the first bit of data 'STREETNUM', using the example on the link I posted above. INSTR, RIGHT, MID, LEFT.

Problem is there are also P.O. Boxes formatted like: PO BOX 1234, so my STREETNUM column includes the PO, when it should include the 1234.

PO Box 1234 should translate to:


All the rest of the fields aren't needed.

As you can see, I'm in OVER my head.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance or direction in accomplishing this task.

I am not a beginner with Access, but I am far from being an expert. A breakdown of some complicated tasks may be necessary... :-)

Thanks in advanced.

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Populate Field From A List Box

Jun 29, 2005

In my list box I have two coloums, Surname and Christian Name, now can I get both names to go into a text field. I can get one of the names i.e surname or christian name by changing the bound coloum from 1 to 2. But I need both names to go across?

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How To Populate A Field In A New Form

Jan 13, 2006

I have attached a sample of my DB so you can see for yourself what i am trying to do. I want to capture the SSN on the search page so when I go to P1 or P2 that persons info is all ready populated on the right side of the page, but still allows for a search after I have updated the record.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Populate A Field With Calculated Value

Sep 17, 2012

I'm new to access and working through a 'teach yourself' book. I want to maintain a control file that has the history of order numbers used (order_number, supplier, date_issued). I want to pick up the last record, add one to the order number, update with supplier and date, and then populate the order_number in my data entry form as well as add the new record to the control table?

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Populate Field Boxes

Mar 1, 2013

In Access, I want to autopopulate the first name last name and department when I scan the Employee ID. How to do that?

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One Lookup Or Auto Populate Field

Feb 25, 2006

Haven't touched Access in quite some time and now I can do a simple task.

Here's what I have:

2 Tables

Table 1 includes 2 fields COURSE CODE and COURSE NAME

Table 2 will be a list of students and the courses they have taken

What I'm trying to do is as I'm entering a new student in the database I want the course name to automatically fill in when I type in the course name.

I did lookup fields for both the course code and the course name to ensure the correct codes are entered. However since the data in table 2 does not autofill there is the posibilty of having a row with a course name that does not match the course code.

How can I force table to 2 match the course name and code relationship from table 1?:confused:

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Populate Field From Previously Entered Name

Mar 17, 2005

I have a form with a text box that the user enters their name into. When they click submit a menu form is opened. I want the name that was entered to be carried over to a field on the menu form. This will welcome the user, eg: WELCOME John Smith.

Im thinking that i should use the INSERT INTO function, but im not sure of how to go about it.

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Auto Populate A Form Field

Sep 22, 2005

I have a form with fields "Assigned To" and "Assigned Date". When "Assigned To" receives a value, i.e. Not=Null, I want to auto-populate the "Assigned Date" field with the current date and time. How can I do this? Any help is appreciated.

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Auto-populate Form Field!

May 2, 2005

Hi, just a quick question that i hopes not too hard.

Basically i want one of the fields on my form to get automiatically filled in. I'd like it to take the first letter from one field and the first letter from another field. What im trying to do is make a primary key field up from other fields they have entered.

So for adding new customer i want it to take the firstletter of the firstname and first let of the surname.

SO for myself Luke Tarrant it would be LT. Then i suppose i'll need to add some unique so there no duplicates as it a primary key field im trying to populate.

So for instance Luke Tarrant would = L + T +001

Then Lucy Tarrant would = L + T + 002

Any help wouild be brill!

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Populate A Date Field With A Check Box

Sep 26, 2006


I need to have a date field auto populated with the current date, when a check box is selected on the same form/table.

I am OK with access but self taught, so treat me like a rookie.

Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

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Forms :: Populate One Field Based On Another

Jun 11, 2014

See the attached example, I need to populate the Field B on the form from the associated value in SubTable for the data selected in Field A.

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Queries :: Populate The Field From Another Table

Sep 25, 2013

I am trying to populate a field on Table (Drawing Sheets - Arch) from field on Table (Project Information). I had attached an image for reference.

Table (Drawing Sheets - Arch) has a relationship with Table (Project Information) which is the Project_Number. I can populate this manually but it will take me forever as this are 500+. I had done the other Field (Revisions) using a Query but this is not linked to another Table so it is easy to type "0".

I had tried to make a Query and using the "Build" (Right-click from the Update to) but I couldn't make it right.

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Tables :: Populate A Field From One Table To Another

Aug 7, 2013

I have a small database to keep track of some student information. Right now I have one table where a student is first entered with their contact information and then other tables that house specific information about other areas related to the student (if there's no longer with the school, paperwork is complete, etc.). The primary key for all of it is their student ID. The tables are linked parent/child with forms, etc., so that when I open a form having to deal with one of the related tables (student active status), and pull up the student's ID from the first table, it'll then populate that ID into the status table, even if something else isn't added.

What I need is really that when I create a new student on the first table with their contact information, that their ID is populated into all of the related tables, without waiting for additional information to be added. This is because I need to run reports to see who is missing information, etc., and without their ID showing up in that second table, I'm not getting accurate results. How would I set this up?

Sample of tables with smaller number of fields:

Table 1 - Contact Info (always done first for a new student)
Student ID

Table 2 - Student Inactive Status (want the ID numbers to be the same quantity as table 1, even if Student ID is then the only completed field in this table)
Student ID
Inactive status type

Table 3 - Paperwork (same issue as table 2)
Student ID
Submission Date
Approved By

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Modules & VBA :: Code That Populate Field

Feb 25, 2014

I am using MS Access 2010 and I am struggling to write some vba in my database. On my form, I have a Payment Type dropdown field.When someone selects a payment type I want the code to calculate the end date. Then populate the End Date field with the answer.I will be having a few payment types too, but for now on the dropdown I have two.2/Month and 24/Annum.

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Auto Populate Table Field

Sep 12, 2012

So I have this query that runs ....

Expr1: Left([EVENT_TBL].[EVENT_TYPE],3) & Left([EVENT_TBL].[EVENT],4) & Format([EVENT_TBL].[EVENT_DATE],"ddmmyyyy")

How can I get the result into the [EVENT_TBL].[EVENTTYPDTE_ID] Field?

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How To Auto Populate A Form Field

May 9, 2015

Just wondering if this can be done: You enter data in the first text box of a field on a continuous form, and all the remaining records are filled up with the same data.

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Populate Multiple Records With Same Data In Same Field?

Dec 15, 2006

Howdy.....I'd like to know if there is a way to populate the same field
in several hundred records with the same text value instead of typing into each field in datasheet or form view. Macro?

Thanks for your support!


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