Possible To Bind Combo Box To A Specific Row In Table?

Sep 5, 2014

I've attached a sample database. In this database, I'd like to have the combo boxes under the Week Ending label populate the data for the fruit name to the left of each box. For example, if I choose Week Ending 2 in the box next to Banana, I'd like to have the boxes to the right of the combo box auto populate with the data in the table. I already have started some coding, but I'm not getting what I want to see.

Here's the problem: the codes will only display the top row of data in the 9-7 and 9-14 tables, respectively. That is, if I choose week 2 for Banana and week 2 for Orange, the numbers that populate will be the same. Instead of this, what I would like to see happen is that if week 2 is selected for Orange, then have the second row of data, from the 9-7 table, populate into the textboxes on the Products form.

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Bind A Combo Box To A Report

Aug 1, 2006

I have a report that I would like to bind to a combo box. I have built the combo box with the table that I need but I need it to select and print a specific report when the user selects the correct item from the combo box. I really do not know if this is possible and my coding ability is next to nil, but having it would really help my users.

Thanks for whatever help you can render and if necessary, I will send you the database and show you what I need.

Thanks again,


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Textbox Won't Bind To Table Field

Mar 13, 2006

I keep getting #Name? error. I'm trying to not use the form wizard and manually bind a text box on a form to a field in a table. I've placed a textbox on a form, then right click the text box and click properties, this brings up the properties page. In the control source property, I correctly type the name of the field. I save and switch views from design view to form view, I should see the first data in the textbox, but I see #Name?

what am I doing wrong?

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Forms :: Control Setup - Bind List Box Result To Table Field

Nov 5, 2013

I want a List Box on a Form that takes its available drop-down values from tblDiscipline and puts the value selected into the Discipline Field of tblEquipment.

The problem is I set the Control Source of the List Box to tblDiscipline (so the List Box can use these values for the drop-down selections) and when I make a selection it tries to put it back into tblDiscipline instead of tblEquipment, because I can't find anywhere to set the table that the result should be Bound to.

How can I set up a control, such as a List Box, so that it gets its values from one table but returns them to another?

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How To Bind Form With Table And How Data Can Come Automatically In Form?

Nov 24, 2006

I'm new in Access and facing a problem. Hope I’ll make myself clear.

I've a table "members" and I've created a form "member_form" based on this table (members).

1. I want to binde my form "member_form" with my table "member" so that the new data I store in form, automatically sotres in table. How can I do that:confused:

2. In form, I've fields "Member_ID" and "Member_Name". I want that when I type member_id in "Member_ID" field, the member name in "Member_Name" field come automatically. How can I do that???:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance
Hami Bjorn

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Forms :: How To Bind Form Field To Table Field

Jul 22, 2013

I am creating a table which is called a New Connection Analysis from there I have created a form that is linked to the table. I the form I have created a combo box to show the different division e.g. Central, Western, Northern. Now the combo box is created but when I enter the data in the form once I select the division e.g. Central when I save it the data doesn't go to the Division list on the table.....How can that be fixed????

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Bind Columns (Fields)

Aug 2, 2005

I have been looking on the forum for some code that would bind all columns (fields) starting from column 15 to 26 to a combo box

for example....

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4

data1 data2 data3 nodata


data 1

data 2

data 3

kind of like a grid

based on the record I select in my form the combo box will show the columns that have data for that record.

It is trycky but I have no idea how to get that started

Thank you all for your help

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Bind More Than One Column Of Combobox?

Sep 24, 2006


I am wondering if it's possible to bind more than one of the columns displayed on a combobox to a field please?


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How To Bind A Textbox To Summation Query Value

Dec 23, 2013

How can I bind a textbox to summation query's value? I tried the formula builder and this did not work:


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Forms :: Set Up A Series Of Controls Then Bind To SQL Queries?

Jul 10, 2014

I have about 12 tables in a 2010 database and I want to create a single summary form showing key details of the database. Most of these will be count fields using various subset of the tables e,g. total members, count of new members this year, count of those not attending a meeting etc. More than one table will be represented on the form.How would I set up a series of controls that I then bind to SQL queries? Or is this not the way to do it?

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Combo Boxe To Go On Specific Record

Mar 28, 2006

Hi, I am having a problem using the combo boxe, I think it is an easy problem but I have been spending the all morning trying to find a solution with no success.
i am designing a form allowing to enter the different costumer information in our system. The costumers information are broke down in 2 tables TblCostumer and TblCostumerOffice where a single costumer can have many offices across the world. The form shows the main costumer with a subform showing the different offices location.
I wanted to use a comboxe on the main form allowing the user to go on the specific costumer page selected, I am just working with 2 fields for now CostumerID and CompanyName. The combo boxe is bound to CostumerID and is not allowing any change, I don't know if it is the right method because I would normally use combo boxe to change a field value not find a specific record. Should i use code in the after update event using the 'gotorecord' or 'findrecord' command?

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Open Specific Form From Combo Box

Nov 12, 2005

I have a form with a subform which has a lookup table (combo box) as a field. I want to be able, when I select a certain item in the lookup to have it automatically open a form. e.g. A field called insurance class - I select motor, I want the motor details form to open. If I select Fire, I want it to open the fire form and so on. I have already created the forms. Please help!

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Modules & VBA :: Use A Combo Box To Specify All Donations Having A Specific Date

Nov 2, 2013

I have a query of "Donations" in a sub form and want to use a combo box to specify all donations having a specific date.is this a job for VBA code? or is there some other way.

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Print Specific Report Based On Combo Selection?

Apr 18, 2006


I need to print a specific form based on the selection made on a combo box.

I have been able to set it up to open the relevant form when the user selects an option from the combo box, but am unable to find a way to be able to print the specific report based on the selection.

I have a command button which prints a report based on the data in my current form, but would like it to also print the specific form based on the combo box selection.

Is this possible, and if so how is it possible?

Thanks in advance,


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Forms :: Combo Box - Can Auto Dropdown To A Specific Row From Hidden ID

Apr 23, 2013

I have a combo box that I normally type the start of a Surname and it auto drops down from underlying database ID is now show in col count, only 1st two.

Surname Name ID
jones/k kelly 33333
smith/m max 12345
smith/m monty 98765
white/t tom 55555

smith/m will short list to the two above, I can mouse click or arrow down to the 2nd one Press enter & its knowa the corresponding ID (= surname.Column(2)) and goes to the correct record.

What I am trying to do, is from another part of my program, eg an incoming email with the corresponding Surname, Name & ID Automatically go to this main booking form, auto enter surname "smith/m" - which is fine, the list shortens but It goes to the first matching on the list, ie max.

Is there a way to get it to go to monty using the ID 98765 which is unique.

Perhaps an odd request but actually nice to book each time through this same main form, I actually also want it to do the same from incoming phone calls, It can get the unique ID ok but can see a way for the combo box to jump to the correct & only row from underlying register.

Bit worried about trying to change the underlying select statement that the combo seems to be based on, perhaps this is the way forward but not sure how to do this & don;t want to risk messing the most important & already functioning well normal entry style.

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box To Show Records Relating To A Specific Record

Jun 11, 2013

I have a combox field on subform C that shows records from a query.How do I get this combo to only show records that relate to an ID on subform B.I have a subform for storing contracts and these are stored against a company name.On subform C I have a field that currently shows all records in a table. I need this combo to only show the records that relate the current record on subform B?

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Forms :: Run Specific Queries And Open A Report Using Combo Boxes

Jul 30, 2013

I have a form which runs specific queries and opens a report using combo boxes, these work perfectly fine if I just try to run them in the form. I have put the form into a navigation form and if I try to run the same query I get parameter queries popping up instead of just running the query and opening the report.

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Will Display Specific List Of Items - Form Asking For Parameter

May 5, 2015

I have the below code behind a form so that a combo box will display a specific list of items based on the data in another combo box on my form.

I have two copies of this same form for two different departments. One of the forms works like a dream. However, when I copy that form, change the name, and update the code as pictured below, the form is asking for a parameter FROM MY ORIGINAL FORM and will not requery the combo box. I can't figure out why...there is no reference to the original form in my VBA as you can see below. I tried deleting the form and re-creating it, I tried deleting the code and re-typing it to no avail.

Private Sub cmboType_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmboAction.RowSource = "SELECT tblStatusList.Status FROM tblStatusList WHERE (((tblStatusList.Department)=[forms]![frmInquiryFraud]![cmboType]));"
End Sub

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Queries :: DSum - Update A Field In Specific Table With Info Form Another Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)

I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"

I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query

For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query

So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.

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Queries :: Appending From One Table To Another Table To Specific Data

Jan 16, 2015

I am developing a database for incoming inspection. I have set up two tables, one with spec callouts per product and the other table contains fields where I want the specs from the tblSpec table to be Append into the tblMeasurement table. Now, within the tblMeasurement table (where I am trying to append specs from the tblSpecs table into), I also have additional fields for actual measurements from received goods.

My plan is as I go through and select the Vendor, it populates the associated products to that vendor (no problem there). When I want to select the product, I would like the specs from the tblSpecs to dumped into the tblmeasurement table that correlates to that product on the form.

How can I have this automatically append after selecting the product? I am not sure if I have my relationships set up correctly or not, but I cannot see to append when I am trying to execute this function while in Query view.
I have the db attached in a zipped format.

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Looking Up Specific Information From One Table To Another

Aug 3, 2005

Hey everyone,

Ive got a bit of a problem with my database at the moment. Here are the two tables im specificly having problems with:

Item Stock

Item size
Serial Number
Delivery Date
Date out
Stock level

Item Fitted

Item Size
Date fitted
Reg number
Date Removed
Serial Number

Here I have Item stock as my base table. Item Size and Serial Number info is collected from the base table and put into a combo box.

What im trying to do is when a specific item has been fitted, for access to note the size, serial number and date fitted, and place it into the correct record in the base table. serial number and size to be put in its respective table, and date fitted to be put in the "date out" field.

This is rather annoying i know and a bit difficult to explain, if anyone could help over msn that would be great - david_4321@hotmail.com



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Pointing To A Specific Row In A Table

May 3, 2007

I have a from which is pulling in a column (named "Loc_Desc") from a table named "Input". What I am wondering is, how can I set it up so that it is looking at a specific ROW in that column, instead of looking at the first row each time I load the form?

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Sum Of Field From Specific Table

Aug 22, 2007

i have this form with 6 list box that output the data of a 6 tables.

*under each list box there is a text box that sum the field of their table.

i cant figure it out..


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Select Specific Table To Relink

Jun 21, 2005

I'm trying to use code to relink the the table but that is not the only table that is linked in the DB. The other linked tables are in other databases so I want to select specific tables to relink as the others may not need it. I alway will want to select the path.

here is an example of the code I'm using I got it from one of the other users here.

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Exporting Specific Record In A Table

May 2, 2006

I need to export a specific record in the table. The menu's export option only export the entire table. Is there a way to define certain record to export?


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Export Table To Specific Excel Tab

Oct 13, 2006

How do I export a table from Access into an already existing Excel workbook on a specific tab, without erasing what it written on the other tabs?

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