Possible To Send Out A Patch / Better Way Of Updating Databases For Multiple Users?

Jan 21, 2015

I maintain a simple Access database which about 30 other users have open every day and use it solely as a reference book. It is simply a large reference 'toolbox' with one form and many many sub reports in the form with links to refference guides for my users. Very often I need to add new reports and just new content overall to the database. My current process is to

1) make a copy
2) modify the copy with all my new content
3) Send and email with the file attached telling all 30 users to delete their old database and use this updated version.

Of course we have many issues including:

1) The files are very large in Lotus notes (is there a way to make these files a lot smaller)
2) Seems like a waste to delete and replace an entire database when only 1 or 2 minor links need to be changed every time. Is there a macro or some code I can create that would act as a patch where the 30 users can run the code and it will change hyperlink paths that I needed changed, report content or anything that needs changing.

gets around having all my users copy and replacing their database toolbox on their desktop. We all work out of a shared network drive so I can have them use the database together in a shared drive but its litterally impossible to have every hand out of the database all at once so I can go in and update, it just does not happen so if there is a work around for getting all users out of the DB, it could avoid having to do anything else.

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Send One Record Between Two Databases...

Apr 10, 2005

Hi everybody,

I have a situation where two clients will be using the same database design - one of them will be sending information from his database for the other client to add to their database.

This will be on a record by record basis. The form that has the info entered into it also has a subform.

How do I export a single record between databases that have the same fields? I know how to export a table, but not a single record. The fact that the record that needs to be sent is from two tables (ie the main form and the subform that collects the data for those tables) further complicates things for me. Any ideas? :eek:

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How To Send System Message To Users

Jul 23, 2013

I'm looking for some code to be able to send a popup or system message to a user connected to an access 2007 database. I know the computer name connected, but I'm not sure who or where it is. I already have a method for kicking everyone out of the database, but I really only want to use that when necessary. I would prefer to try a more gentle message request for them to disconnect first.

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Updating Back-end Databases

Apr 13, 2007

I have a database that I've inherited that requires some changes to both the UI and back-end databases. Each user has their own UI and BE database so it's not as simple as going to the server and manually changing the tables.

Originally the designer appended (J) to the customers last name if they were a juvenile (unfortunately I can't just compare the creation date to the birthdate to see if they are juvenile). On my test server I've added a new property to the customer table and wrote an update statement to find all the last names with (J) in them and then set the new property to true. I figure I'll have to write a alter table statement to add the new property to the other databases.

What would the best way be to get all the existing databases updated to reflect the change without leaving the query or alter table sitting in Access for the user to run again?

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Multiple Databases

Aug 16, 2006

I try to call one database forms and tables into another database without creating tables and forms.

Database where (target) i need to open forms and tables:
insurance.mdb (In the same database I click on TOOLS - REFERENCES and add accountreceivable.mdb as i need all forms and table from that database)

Database from where (source) i need forms and tables

I try to call forms and tables from accountreceivable.mdb into insurance.mdb. Do i use the below function in insurance database to open tables and forms from 2nd database. If i do where should i write this function i mean in the module of insurance database or in the module of accountreceivable database. How to i call that function

Function OpenForm(byref vformname as string) as boolean
docmd.open vformname,,,,,acdialog

OpenForm = true

end function

Thank You.

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Forms :: Inventory - Allow Users To Update Multiple Fields For Multiple Assets

Sep 25, 2014

I want to create a form that allows users to update multiple fields for multiple assets. Below is what I came up with:

Ideally, I'd like the subform to be filled in by having the user select multiple Assets from the S/N combobox field which would then auto-populate the "Type" field. Then they would fill out the appropriate fields they want edited in the top part of the form. They hit save and magic happens. This would also be nice because only assets they want edited would be displayed (easier on the eyes) and no distinguishing would be necessary. To do it this way, I know I would need to use a temp table but I wanna avoid using temp tables.

I know I can do this by adding a Yes/No field in the "Asset" table, setting the "Asset" table as the subform's recordsource, and then putting a checkbox in the subform and allowing them to check the assets that they want to edit (which would also allow me to sort it instantly so that checked Assets are at the top of the datasheet for easy viewing), but I would like to know if there's a way of accomplishing this without the use of checkboxes.

I know I could also use a listbox and that allows them to multi-select items, but I'm not sure if that allows me to group all selected items at the top of the listbox for easy viewing of selected items. Plus it would involve a lot of scrolling (there are over 2k assets).

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Opening Multiple Databases

Jun 28, 2006

Hi Folks,

Hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction.

I've got several databases used for different tasks, in which I just added an hyperlink to them from a front end database. All my team could access any of the data bases at once. It was using the WINNT/MS OFFICE mdw file.

Since my last question, I've now managed to set up a MS Workgroup Administrator file, which is on a shared drive. Everyone has joined this workgroup, and when people logon it now greets them with their name and records their name against any tasks. Thanks to everyone for their help with setting this up.

But since I created this new workgroup, we can't access more than one database at at time. It comes up saying 'mdw file is in use'. However, one person in the office can. I've looked at all the setups for individuals, and can't see any difference between ours & this one individual.

Am I missing something obvious ?

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Merging Multiple Databases

Oct 12, 2006

Ok, this is only a very general question, but I'm hoping somebody here can give me some general advice.

Basically, I have three separate database which I've written for my company. They were all written at different times, hence the fact there are three and not one that does three things. The first is used to raise, edit, delete, and track RMA records for returned merchandise. The second is used to raise, edit, and track Training data for people who have undergone my training course. The third is my main database that contains all of my clients' details, plus a log of all calls taken from them. This is the largest and most complex of the databases and has some fairly advanced relationships setup to enabled hundreds of call logs to be linked to a single record of necessary.

Now all three databases have been written using the same kind of structure. They all use popup modal forms to prevent malicious/accidental damage to the database by the staff who use them. They are all locked down and Access cannot be broken into whilst they are running. they all also have their own primary keys.

All these databases work just fine, but I'm now a little tired of each staff member having three shortcuts on their desktops, depending on which database they need to use. what I'd really like to do is somehow merge all three of these databases into one single database, and alter the switchboard accordingly to allow users to access any of the three parts of it.

The problems - as I see them - are: (a) that my main database uses a lot of relationship links to maintain certain records, whilst the other two use none, and, (b) that each database, having been written separately, has records with their own ID keys and autonumbers.

I did toy with the idea of having some kind of function on my main switchboard that would allow me to close the current database being used and open another, all without closing Access, but I haven't been too successful in my tests...

...so, my question is, does anybody have any bright ideas as to how I can go about merging these three, or, at very least, centralising access to all three?

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Working With Multiple Databases

Nov 30, 2004

I'm hoping someone out there can help me out with a problem. I work for a company that creates websites for car dealerships. The process involves me inputing data to a standalone program which creates a database for each dealer. When I upload the information, the program I use creates an inventory.mdb which is accessed through the asp pages I have.
examples of finished product are:

We currently host about 13 dealers. What my boss is wanting me to do, and I'm having problems doing, is making it possible for someone online to visit our main site and view all inventory from all dealers without having to leave our site to look at each individual inventory. And I would like to do it without having to manually create a central database with all the inventory we have, about 1400 vehicles.

Is what I'm trying even possible? or am I looking at a long night of data entry?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Sean Summers

Makonga Inc

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Disabled Append Queries - Due Patch Update To Windows

Mar 28, 2008


I'm hoping someone might be able to help point in the right direction. Our IT department applied a patch update to windows 2000 overnight, which has had an impact on the Append queries in my DB.

Basically I have a number of append queries that use lookup tables to append the appropriate data from the underlaying table to the required table. They all have a relationship of "only include rows where the join fields from both tables are equal".

These were all working fine yesterday, but this morning, even though there is data in the underlaying table that meets the criteria, not data is being identified.

Has anyone any idea, as our IT department don't know and are not prepared to undo the patch update.

Your assistance would be most appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Storing Outlook Attachments And Patch In Table

Jun 13, 2015

Currently, I'm taking my unread emails, storing them in a table then sending any Excel files to a specified folder I've modified some code I found while surfing and it works great but I'd really like to send the attachment name and file path with the email recordset. It's been a long day so maybe it's super simple. Below is my code. Office 2010 Windows 8.1

PHP Code:

Function ReadInbox()
Dim TempRst As DAO.Recordset
Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim Atmt As Outlook.Attachment
Dim InboxItems As Outlook.Items

[Code] ....

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Running Access Against Multiple Databases - DEV/UAT/PRD

Feb 21, 2007

Access 2003

I've inherited an Access Application which has
(1) a number of linked tables that are used to seed the underlying SQL Server database.

This system has been set up and is working in Development. My task is to move it to UAT but with regards to point (1) above I can't see any alternative but to copy the Access Database, create a new System DSN and re-import the External Data from the new DSN. What I'd like to do is use the same Access Database to point towards DEV or UAT or PRD. Is this possible to do this or am I stuck with maintaining 3 different Access Databases ?

I am a developer with many years of experience but my Access knowledge is limited so any pointers would be helpful.

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Append The Same Table From Multiple Databases

May 29, 2007

I inherited an interesting problem. I have 3700 tiny MDB files all of which contain the same table (same name, field structure, etc.), but different data. Each database has a slightly different name. It's the result of XML data mining.

I need to combine these 3700 tables from these different databases into one table in one database.

I can't see any way to automate this and as it's a one-time only project I don't know whether it's worth trying to automate it or if I should roll up my sleeves and just start apending tables.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Adding Multiple Tables From Different Databases..

Dec 8, 2006


I have around 10 mdbs and in each I have 4 tables, I want to add all the tables from 10 mdb to one mdb, finally I will have 4 toal tables, right now I am using a appendquery to add tables. Is there way using VBA I can do it on the form and with one click of a button I will be able to add. Thanks for any info..

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How To Control Multiple Databases From One 'master' Database?

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all, i hope this is posted in the right place first of all :) apologies if not..

I have about 8 individual databases which will be used simultaneously by users. I wish to be able to have full control over these databases from a 'master database' including being able to delete the data in there (possibly import fresh data but not 100% needed) and export data to be analysed in Excel etc
I figure this can be done with access but if i'm on the totally wrong track i would be appreciative if someone could give me a push in the right direction..

If any more infomation is needed then let me know.

Thanks :)


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Connecting To Multiple Databases - Performance Recommendation Please

Nov 29, 2006

Hey Access people...

Does anyone know if it is better as a general rule (server performance wise anyway) to connect to a single database with many tables or multiple databases with fewer tables??

In this case I have a small calendar database and large navigation/metadata database -- both are MS Access & connected to the same ASP page.

Can anybody make a recommendation here??

Many Thanks!!

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Modules & VBA :: Consolidate Tables From Multiple Databases Into One Database

Jan 21, 2014

I have one Master database and multiple child databases in a folder. Each of these databases (both Parent and Child) have identical table called "source". I need a VBA code which will consolidate tables of child database into the Parent database table.

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Send Multiple Emails

Jun 23, 2006


I am creating a recruitment db for 6 members of staff, I have created a form (add new vacancy). Within the form is a various drop down boxes where you can select each employee and drop down box to pick which company want a vacancy filling. What I wanted to do is when a new vacancy is put on the system, and the administration team select save record is it possible to email the employee to let them know a new vacancy has been added, and also email another administration department to send the employee a suitable candidate list with the information provided on the form.
Or am I asking far to much from access.
The two fields that are most important is who the vacancy belongs and which company want the vacancy.
The db is available if you require a look to have a better insight.
Thanks for all your help.

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Scanning Barcode Into Search Box Works But Causes Multiple - Cannot Open Any More Databases - Errors

Aug 5, 2014

I'm scanning bar codes into the record search box, most of the time it works as it should but occasionally I get multiple "cannot open any more databases" errors. It still finds the product record but the error messages are super annoying. I am sure to clear the memory on the scanner each time before I scan in a new barcode but it doesn't seem to matter. Also sure to only have one or 2 forms open at a time, that doesn't seem to matter either. Most of the time I don't get the errors but when I have to click through like 10+ error messages (all identical). I only have one database open so I'm not sure what it even means. Also I have tried this in 2 different forms and it's the same for both forms. Seems like I get the errors in my initial scan and then after clearing them it seems to work without errors.

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Send Multiple Attachments In One Email

Sep 9, 2015

Below code is working good, but want to add one more code like

DoCmd.SendObject acSendTable, "SM_Main_Output", acFormatXLS, rs("Email Address"), rs("CC"), "", "SM Sales & Availability Report for " & rs("SM"), "Dear Sales Manager, Please find attached Sales and Availability Report. If you have any query regarding your Structure/Area Please contact your Sales coordination department", 0, False

I want to send backup data as well.

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim eml As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Send Multiple Attachments Automatically

May 27, 2014

I am working on a database that will notify technicians if they have orders that have been placed on back order. The technician can enter two kinds of orders, one for a specific job and one to replenish the stock in his truck. My manager has asked that I create separate reports for each kind of order and e-mail them to the technician. Is there a way to program Access to send an e-mail with two separate attachments?

I would also like the e-mail to send without the user needing to click the Send button. Is that possible? The database will be sending twenty plus e-mails each time the button is pressed, and I would like to avoid needing the user to click the Send button that many times.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Single Email To Multiple Recipients?

Jul 31, 2013

What is the best way to send a single email to multiple recipients?

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Multiple Users

May 9, 2005


I have database with user level security that works fine, but I have asked to place this database onto our secured network which means multiple users could have it open at any given time.

How can I setup this database to allow multiple users? I am very, very green at Access. Please don't say split the database...please! :eek:


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Multiple Users

May 26, 2005

Please refresh my memory on how i can set up a database having about 10 users possibly making entrie at the same time. I am trying to make a small database for containing employee surveys.

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MDE And Multiple Users

Jun 29, 2005

I want to create and mde file in order for the users not to change any thing on my design, I will be uploading the file into my server and give them the path to access:

1.3 people (max) will be accessing the database, is that a problem or not?
2. I cant create an mde file I have to convert my db but I have read as well if I covert it to 2000 people who have lower or higher version wont be able to access it, how can I fix that?


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Multiple Users?

Aug 18, 2005


I am trying to create a database that MULTIPLE users can log on and view the data.

Eg. I have a client list and have employed 5 ppl to call each one of my clients and confirm their details.

I have imported all the details into a table and just want users to simulataneously log on and click a "next record" button that will bring up the next "new" record with the details displayed on a form. of course the database will flag this record as "old" and which user called them.

Main thing is 5+ computers can connect to this database simultaneously and no record gets displayed more than once.

Can MS Access do this?

if it cant, would a vb front end located on each computer help?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Jon Cheah

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