Prevent Saving Bad Data

Oct 29, 2004

My boss wants to add his own job numbers, so I made the JobID field a number field that he can enter (instead of autonumber, which is obviously preferable). So, in order to prevent him from entering a duplicate primary key (JobID), I have the following code in the BeforeUpdate event:

Code: Dim dbRoofing As DAO.DatabaseDim rcdJobs As DAO.RecordsetDim intJobID As IntegerSet dbRoofing = CurrentDbSet rcdJobs = dbRoofing.OpenRecordset("tblJobs")intJobID = Me!JobIDrcdJobs.FindFirst "JobID=" & intJobIDIf rcdJobs.NoMatch = False ThenMsgBox "This job number already exists.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Job Number"Me.JobID = ""Exit SubEnd If
with the 'Me.JobID = ""' in there to set JobID back to nothing so he can't save a duplicate. However, Access won't let me do this, and when a duplicate is added, all sorts of errors pop up. How do I prevent him from saving a duplicate job number, or more generally, how do I prevent certain data from being saved based on other data?



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How To Prevent Data From Changing

Mar 3, 2008

I have a form that with a combo box that is populated by a query. The user can select a value from the combo box which then opens a form filtered by the chosen selection. However I have noticed that the identifier field gets changed when the form is closed. I would like to prevent the identifier from being changed will still allowing the user to make a selection. I am open to any suggestions.

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Forms :: Saving Specific Data From Data Entry Form Depending On User Selection

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box.

So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table.

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Trying To Prevent Duplicate Data Inputs

Mar 23, 2005

I have a form that contains 5 fields and want to ensure that duplicate information is not entered. I am aware that when creating the form you can set Duplicate Records to No but each record has an AutoID which I assume means that even if the information is the same it will not register as a duplicate record due to the different AutoID.

There should only ever be 5 records entered per day. One for each region

I have created a Sanity Check that is displayed as a sub form that shows if the relevant information has been entered for a given day in Bookings and Backlog but this doesn't stop the user from putting in the same information twice. i.e. the User starts inputting the information gets called away and then trys to put it in again but doesn't check the sub form.

The Table in which the information is stored is called Bookings and Backlog.

The 5 fields on the form which is called Bookings and backlog are

ID (Autonumber)
Date (Short Date)
Combo26 (Text) (5 Regions:- North, South, East, West, Central)
Bookings (Number)
Backlog (Number)

I have put the following statement in AfterUpdate on the Combo26 field

If Me.Date = DLookup("[Bookings and backlog]![Date]", "[Bookings and backlog]", "[Bookings and backlog]![Date]=[Date]") And Me.Region = DLookup("[Bookings and backlog]![Region]", "[Bookings and backlog]", "[Bookings and backlog]![Region]=[Combo26]") Then
'Define Message Box
MsgBox "The Region you have chosen already has data entered for this day." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please check your records and amend were neccessary.", vbCritical, "USER INPUT ERROR"
End If

However I'm not to hot with writing VBA and probably got something wrong somewhere as it doesn't seem to do anything and lets the user progress regardless. I have tried amending the above script and asked it to look at just one field but this just seems to give the message regardless of the information selected in the Combo box.

Can someone give me an indication as to what I have done wrong so I can put it right and in a language that is easy to understand so that if I have a similar issue later on I don't need to post another question.

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Prevent Duplicate Data In Form On A Fly...

Jul 5, 2006


I have searched through the whole posts but could not find my query. I have a question related to prevent duplicate data entry in a form field.

I have a Form with 5 fileds on it: SNO, NAME, ROLL NO, CLASS, SECTION.

in the table design i have set the option of NO DUPLICATES on SNO(Autonumber) ROLL NO (text).

I wish to stop a user entering duplicate data in ROLL NO field before he reaches at the last field. What i meant is as soon as a user enters data in ROLL No field, it should check in table if the same data is already there. If the same data is found then it should give a message to prompt user of duplicate data, else it should continue to next field.

I have searched the whole forum but in vain. I am positive that there must be some one who holds the key to this solution.



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Opinions On Best Way To Prevent Duplicate Data

Dec 1, 2006

Hi all: I currently have a database with a list of clients, and it is to be accessible to others to enter information on clients and to add new ones. However, I want to make it so that the user who wants to add a client can easily search the database for that particular client so that they won't enter a duplicate.

I have created a search function on my form, but then it occurred to me: what if there are two people with the same last name's? At first, I wanted a search operation to display a list of client names, along with their respective ID numbers and possibly a link next to each that would take the user to the corresponding record.

However, I have no idea how to do this, and I'm unsure as to whether or not this is the best way to tackle the problem. Please, someone show me the way!

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Forms :: How To Prevent Duplicate Data

Aug 11, 2015

I am putting the student names in a form. I want it to alert me that a name is duplicated. But thats not this simple. For example a name is Jennifer Locus but I type jenifer with one . Can access guess that this might be the same person and suggest me to correct the spelling or enter it as a new person?

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Refreshing A Data Entry Form After Saving Data

Jul 6, 2005

This has most definitely been asked before but I really cant find anything on the forum! Ive created a data entry form which has a save button which the user must click each time to save the record. However how do I refresh the form i.e. empty all data from the previous record without exiting the form. Ive tried to combine the undo macro but that simply deletes the previous record. Any help please!!!

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Duplicate Data Over 2 Fields

Dec 25, 2014

I currently assign multiple 'skills' to departments using a listbox and a combo using the following code

Private Sub cmdSaveReq_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


However as time goes on we may want to add new skills to the depts - ive used dcount to check if the data exists in one field before however how would it be possible to check to see if the data combination exists over deptid and skill

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Queries :: 2nd Query Prevent Data Entry

Apr 17, 2014

I have a query based on two other queries

If I create a form based on the fields in my query the form will not allow me to edit any fields - no matter what.

All fields are unique however I am stumped as to why I can't edit the data. Even adding in the second query immediately stops data entry even without linking.

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How To Prevent Duplicating Records When Importing Data

Oct 14, 2011

We are a travel company and I am just setting up a new database with two tables - [Client_Table] & [Enquiry_Table].

Most exisiting clients call in when they want to make a new enquiry so the 'user' can go it to a form which creates a 'new enquiry' for that client.

We also download 'new enquiries' from our website. This data includes info that goes in to the [Client_Table] and [Enquiry_Table]. They download in to a XL spreadsheet. Currently I copy and paste the data (not sure if there's a better way) from the XL speadsheet in to a query. This query creates a new client record & a new enquiry record which are both linked by a primary key [Client_ID].

This all works however the problem I have is that sometimes existing clients enquire through the website. They do fill in a field to say they're an existing client but if I paste them in to the query as explained above it creates a duplicate client record.

The only way around this I can think of is it to take out any exisitng clients from the XL spreadsheet first, search for their Client_ID and then paste these enquiries seperately with their Client_Id's in to different query which only adds a new record to the [Enquiry_Table] and links them to their exisitng record in the [Client_Table].

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Sub Reports With No Data - How Do I Catch And Prevent Errors In Calculations

Jun 15, 2004

I have come across this problem several times. I have sub reports on a report and calculations are done using the data in the sub report. In many instances the subreport is empty. The calculated fields read #error. (otherwise the report runs well and records with data calculate fine) I would like to hide these errors and associated labels when the subreport is empty. Everything I have tried either does nothing (error still appears in text box - but runs ok otherwise) or I get a runtime error since it is trying to access "nothing" in the sub report.
How can I catch and therefore react on this empty sub report. (or subform too)

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent For Duplicate Data (Time / Date)

Jul 26, 2014

I've a Sub form as datasheet view/grid.

See Capture1 & Capture2.

I'd like to prevent for duplicate time/date for same GuideCode. How can i prevent for those during the entry time or save time ? Is it possible ?



1. AUNKZ(GuideCode) is already assigned in other file number(12345) for 03-Aug-14 (as 02-Aug-14 to 04-Aug-14).

2. TOD(GuideCode) is already assigned in same file number(23456) for 10-Aug-14, 12:00 PM (as 10-Aug-14 to 10-Aug-14, 8:00AM to 1:00PM). I'd like to prevent if the file number are same or not same.

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Prevent Subform From Updating If Main Form Data Is Invalid

Nov 4, 2005

Mainform and Subform are linked on field "barcode".

Barcode is the primary key for the table that Mainform is based on.

When user is entering a new record, I have the BeforeUpdate event of Mainform.barcode set to check to see if the barcode already exists in the table, and if so, to give the user some meaningful error message.

Works fine, except that the subform still updates to match the invalid, previously-used barcode. I want the subform to stay blank until the user has entered valid data in MainForm.

How do I accomplish this?

Thanks for any ideas.

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Tables :: Prevent User Entering A Return When They Paste Data

Feb 26, 2013

I've just come accross a problem where pasted data dissapears from view. It's caused by people being a bit careless and copying the line above (from word or notepad for example), which adds a return and then the data drops out of view.I really want to create a validation rule to make it impossible for returns to be pasted but I'm not sure how.

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Prevent User From Skipping Records In Continuous Form During Data Entry

Nov 21, 2006

I have a main form with several continuous subforms. Each subform consists of several listbox controls. I would like to require the user to select an item from the listbox before being allowed to move to the next record in the subform, and upon reaching the last record in that continuous subform, to require an entry there in order to move to the first record in the next cont. subform.

As an added bonus, it would be nice, though not necessary, to automatically jump the focus from one record to the next after data is entered. But my basic goal is to avoid skipping records.

Caveat: I cannot use the "required" option in the field to which the control is bound because that field has a default value previously entered using an append query. (The default value basically means "not yet entered" and is not one of the options in the listbox. I am using this because this field is a foreign key in the table, thus it must have a value in order to have a record with which to populate the subform.)

My apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, but I've searched and, while I found a few related threads, they don't quite answer my question. Here they are for reference:

Thanks for any help! Also, if you are going to recommend VB code, could you be specific about how and where I should use it? I'm not afraid of code, but I'm definitely new to it...

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Forms :: Prevent Entering Data A Second Time Onto Access 2010 Table

Mar 4, 2014

I have a simple data entry form where I can key the "row", "COLUMN", SPACE "a" and space "B" onto an access 2010 table. Is there a way that if I key the same four fields, e.g., A5AB that I get a message back before updating telling me that combination already exists?

I do generate a calculated data field, which in this case would be "a5ab" and which is displayed on report screens. Could the value of this calculated field be stored on the Table and be used to prevent the same value from again be entered on the Table?

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Saving Data

Oct 12, 2006

I have a form "release_details" having fields date, version, cksum ,comments,labels, and is link to a table,
it has a button "mai"l ,on clicking this button a new form is open which has a button "send mail" on clicking this a mail is sent and pops a message "mail sent".I need when "send mail" is click it should also save the fields of form
"release_details" to the table.


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Saving Data

Oct 5, 2007

Hello, I'm new to this whole microsoft access program, so I'm learning from scratch. My question is I can't figure out how to save the database, so that I can go back into it later. This is a tutorial that I'm working off of in my online class, so once I exit out and go back in, all the info that I inputed is gone.

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Saving Data On A Form

Oct 7, 2005

Is there a simple way to make sure all fields on a form are filled before the data is saved to the table? I looked into using thew IF is Null Then but for 30 fields that is alot of code. Does anyone know a easier way?


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Copy Of Data Not Saving

Jun 14, 2005

This is going to be a hard one...

We recently switched over to A2003. As far as my db everything went ok except for one thing.

I have a continuous form that we enter data into. When you open a new record the form only displays one empty row. Because we enter tons of rows that come from an AS400 system I made a button on the top of the form that switches from continuous form view to datasheet view.

Private Sub Label59_Click()
Me.[Part #].SetFocus
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSubformDatasheet
End Sub

Within datasheet view I am able to paste many rows at once. However, after the change to A2003 it still "appears" to work. Many rows are pasted in but if you exit the db and come back to the record all of the data is lost and you are back to one blank row in continuous form view.

When a record is added to the continuous form each record is assigned an autonumber primary key. I think that this is where it is failing. Within Access help is the following under "Cutting And Copying Data", "Copy or move records or data from multiple fields to a datasheet": To paste the data as new records at the end of the datasheet, click Paste Append on the Edit menu.

I think this is what I need to do but I don't allow my users access to any menus so I create command buttons or auto running code in place of menu items that they need.

Can anyone think of some code to run a Paste Append of these records or of any other method in which I might restore the multiple paste funtionality I had with A2K?

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Saving Data With A Form

Jun 7, 2006

What's Up,

Got a quick question, is there a way to have a field in a subform update a field on the primary form's table? In other words, enter the data once and it stores it twice, on the subform table and the primary form table.

Thanks for any help.


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Table Not Saving Data

May 22, 2007

I have a form that stores its data in a table called Participants. Within that table is a field called Payment Due Date. On the form, this field is populated via the following:

Private Sub PaymentDueDate_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Bi-Weekly" And Me![SentenceLength] < 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = Me![StartDate]

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Bi-Weekly" And Me![SentenceLength] > 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = (Me![StartDate] + 14)

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Monthly" And Me![SentenceLength] < 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = Me![StartDate]

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Monthly" And Me![SentenceLength] > 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = (Me![StartDate] + 30)

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Paid" Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = Me![StartDate]

End If
End Sub

My problem is after the field is populated in the form, the data does not store in the table. Have I written something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Trouble Saving Sub Data Sheet Name

Jan 21, 2008


I always feel as though I'm asking a stupid question but here goes. I am making a database with sub tables and sub forms, and working from "Access 2003 inside out". When I open table properties and enter a subdata sheet name and fill in child and master links everything seems fine until I try to save it. I open the table properties window again and the sub data sheet option has returned to "auto". Am I doing something stupid or is there a bug in my system?

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Saving Query Data Into Table

Mar 18, 2008

Ive created a query that asks the user to enter data (month and year) before it can be processed. This is causing a problem for me as i need to produce a chart from this data and access isnt letting me (access doesnt like me asking the user to enter data). So i thought if the data could be stored in a table then the chart could be drawn from the this possible.Below is a screengrab of the design view fro the query.

and this is the sql for the query

SELECT Shift.Shift_ID, Shift.Shift_Type, Sum(Main.Shift) AS SumOfShift, Format([Date],"mmmm") AS Expr3, Year([Date]) AS Expr4
FROM Shift INNER JOIN Main ON Shift.Shift_ID = Main.Shift
WHERE (((Month([date]))=[Month]) AND ((Year([date]))=[Year]))
GROUP BY Shift.Shift_ID, Shift.Shift_Type, Format([Date],"mmmm"), Year([Date]);

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Saving Form Data Before Going To Subform

Jun 29, 2006

And another question...

In my database I have a button on a form which leads to a subform popping up. On the subform popping up, I display data from the first form. However, unless I first save the original form and then go to the subform, the data isn't passed on. How can I make the button both open up the subform and save the form so that the data is passed on?

Again, any help is much appreciated.

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