Prevent "you Are About To Paste # Rows Into A New Table" Message
Nov 11, 2006
Hello there! This might not be the right section to post in but it's regarding tables. Basically I have some SQL statements that copy data to a new table, which is written in VBcode and operates on the click of a button.
Basically the only problem is the messages:
"You are about to paste # rows into a new table/table"
"The existing table <name> will be deleted before you run the query"
The kind of message depends on the way I organise the SQL (either using it to append data (as in INSERT INTO tablename SELECT blah blah) or overwrite (SELECT blah blah INTO tablename).
I'd rather use the latter because it facilitates the desired wiping of all previous data and replacing it with fresh records. However I don't want to have to click "yes" every time this is done? Is there some VBcode perhaps, like the On Err code that I could use to get access to not pop up these messages? :D
I've just come accross a problem where pasted data dissapears from view. It's caused by people being a bit careless and copying the line above (from word or notepad for example), which adds a return and then the data drops out of view.I really want to create a validation rule to make it impossible for returns to be pasted but I'm not sure how.
Anyone know the answer? I'm testing something out but I'm using another querying tool to get the data which is greater than 65k (excels limit), so I can't import the data I have to manually copy/paste.
So now, I'm using the code below to prevent duplicate name entry and it is working great - EXCEPT when I enter a first or last name which contains a ' (ie, O'Tool, O'Malley, O'Hern)...anyone got any ideas for me on how to make this not happen?
The error I get is:
Run Time error '3075'
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[Last Name]='O'Hern' And [First Name]='Lori'.
The code i'm using is:
Private Sub Last_Name_AfterUpdate()
'Check for duplicate first and last name using DCount
If DCount("*", "[Constituents]", "[Last Name]= '" & Me![Last Name] & "' And [First Name] = '" & Me![First Name] & "'") > 0 Then Beep MsgBox "This first and last name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate constituent before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value" Cancel = True End If
I have 5 check boxes on a form and one of them must be checked in order to get the correct result. If the user does not check any of the the five checkboxes he gets a msgbox telling him that he must checks one of the checkboxes.
What i want to ask is if is possible to prevent the form from updating? Because the user gets the error message but after that the form is being updated even though he hasn't check any of the fields.
I have 2 tables , one table I want to use as temporary information the other to use as permanent information
For example if I have 6 records in one table , I want to be able to press a button that removes those 6 records from the temporary table and put them in the permanent table. Then later as I add more to the temporary data table again press a button and then temporary data is added to the permanent table.
Therefore the temporary table will always be empty when I press the button and the permanent table will keep adding the information I transfer across .
OK, here is a weird one, at least it seems weird to me. I have a field on a table, or query result, doesn't matter which, and it looks like this:"55264"25468"4562"123etc, etc.Now I need to copy that and paste it into the notepad in Windows. When I do that the pasted data looks like this:"""55264""""25468""""4562""""123"I have looked at it on the clipboard and it also looks like the above. I really need this data to paste to the notepad just like it is stored on the table (with one double quote only). It's one of those strange sounding things, please do not ask me to explain why...I just need it like that.Why the heck does the extra quote get added to the front and one get placed on the end?Test it yourself and see.Thanks
I am trying to copy a table and paste as another name. I do this all the time with this table as it is a process I have to do. It is giving me a -1524 error. I also tried to export it to another database and it won't allow that either. I get the same error.
I have tried this with other tables and it does fine.
I have an Access database with linked tables from Sybase SQL Anywhere, via an ODBC data source. I have just linked the tables recently, all the data used to be in native Access tables. It is fairly common for members of our team to open these tables in datasheet view, and copy/paste several records to create new records, then edit a few fields on the new records. This used to work fine with native Access tables, but when we try it with the linked tables we either get an ODBC error - "primary key value already exists" or the new records show up with #Deleted.
The root of the problem is this: In the old Access tables, the primary key was an autonumber field, and Access was smart enough to assign new ID's when you copy/pasted records. In the linked table, the primary key is type "Number" in Access, and Access is not smart enough to let Sybase assign new ID's when you copy/paste records in datasheet view. Access is trying to force the existing ID's into the primary key field, and Sybase says "too bad so sad".
Of course, I could just write some quick append queries to copy/paste the data. And in the short term, that's exactly what I will have to do. But is there any way, long term, to allow members of my team to do it the "quick & dirty" way by copy/pasting in datasheet view? I have tried to change the primary key to an autonumber field in design view, but Access doesn't allow that. Is there a way to do it in code, or a way to force Access to allow Sybase to always handle the primary key field?
I'm not sure where this question belongs but I need to give users the ability to create a small table in MSWord or another program, and then paste the table into a data field. An image of the table would be fine. But it needs to be user friendly.
If that's not possible they could just create a Rich Text document with text formatted in a table form with out gridlines. I would need about a 2000 character limit. Not sure if this is reasonable or not??
I have a report that groups by a project name and then a repeating field to list all associated detail having to do with the project. Then the projects loop to the next.Each project row is the same height as the combined detail rows. And to be able to print guidelines just as you would with a word table.
This is what currently happens. +-------+-----------------+---------+ | Project.|.-detail row 1......| Open.....| +-------+-----------------+---------+ ............|.-detail row 2......| ............+-----------------+ ............|.- detail row 3......| ............+-----------------+
I'm thinking I need to do it with vba putting each into a variable then set the field to be the value of the variable. but i'm also not sure how to do that as it repeats like that.
I am trying to accomplish this in a macro. I know I was able to do this in older versions of access.I want to get data from a query and paste and append into a table. When I started to design the macro this is far as I got:
I've been in a new position for a new company for less than three weeks, and I need some help.
The Access database that we use has been in operation since 2002, and it has never been Compacted/Repaired (I asked my coworkers and supposed IT people, and they said "what's that?").
After adding *one* new field, I've reached the horrific "error 3190" (max 255 fields).
I've tried all of the following, allowing at least 12 hours for them to run, but I cannot: export the data to Excel import the data into a new database copy/paste the records (because there are 12100+ and the max is 9500, I think; and because of the way the dd/mm/yy converted itself to dd/mm/yyyy) or rename the table with the data.
Does anyone know how to exclude the header information when copying a record from an Access table and pasting it into Excel. When I paste into Excel, it is also pasting the header information from Access which I do not want. I only want the data to be pasted.
When I copy data from Outlook or MS Word that contains bullets or other HTML formatted text, into MS Access text control, the HTML tags are displayed in the tables.
The memo field in the table is set to Rich Text and so is the text control on the form.
Below is an example of the data I'm copying from Outlook email:
I would like to be able to copy a single record in a table and then paste this record a pre-defined number of times 10,20,30 depending on requirements. The reason I need to do this is that I want to set up a number of identical records that can easily be amended into unique records. This will vastly reduce the amount of work and time spent entering records individually.
The only way that I have been able to achieve this is to copy and transfer the master record into Excel, and then copy the row and paste it into a range of cells. Copy the range of cells back from Excel and then paste this range back into the Access table.
This works but is long winded; what I would like to know is is there a simply way of achieving this.
i have a table called tbl1. in this table i have field month, year, or trainee. is it possible that above mentioned three field found same data table automatically delte those rows. so i found only unique data. or their is another way to make this possible.
I have set up a database that each user will put on their own computer, as it builds a running list made specifically for that user of chosen items to be exported to Excel, and because the remote locations have issues when accessing a shared network.
The db verifies the network user ID against a table to allow it to open. This to prevent any unauthorized user from accessing, and if db was copied or forwarded, only authorized users could see the data.
If the user is not on the list, it advises "Not an Authorized User", then exits Access. (I disabled the shift on opening, hid navigation bar, etc.) When further testing this security, I realized that even though users can access only the forms that I allowed, if they were to open another Access db, they could link or import the main table.
So all of my security precautions are for naught, as anyone with access to the db could see the confidential data. Even if they were not valid users, they could still get to the data if they knew how to import from another db. Is there any way to lock down the main table, so that it cannot be exported? Or be imported into another database?
I have a combo box on my form which loads fields from a table and displays them using
Code: SELECT DISTINCT FROM table_team;
I then use
Code: =[qry_showteamforedit]![team]
in the default value for the combobox to show the team which is saved in the current record.This is the qry_showteamforedit:
Code: SELECT FROM table_team RIGHT JOIN table_staff_details ON table_team.ID = WHERE table_team.ID =;
My problem is when I move through the records, if I change the selected value using the combo box it changes the actual value in the table from the one that was selected to the new one. If I was on record 1 and the teamid saved in there was 1 . It would display "team one" but if I changed that to "team two" it would change record one to say "team two" instead of "team one".I have been searching and found that this is because it is bound to the table so need to remove the text from Control Source, which when I do, breaks it, and it doesn't display the saved team.
what I would like it to do is display all the teams, but default to the one saved by using the id saved in the main table, but allow me to change this value. I would also like a second cascading combo box which will display a list of subteams dependent on what main team was selected and again, default to the values saved in the main table. I have managed to get cascading combo boxes working but combining them with my tables and queries is proving difficult. This is how my tables would be ( just showing the relevant fields)
Staff_table ID Name teamID 1 Dave 1 2 Tom 1 3 Matt 2
team_table ID team subteam 1 team1 subteam1 2 team1 subteam2 3 team1 subteam3 4 team2 subteam4
Is it is the subteams that will be unique I would like to save the subteam ID to the teamID field of the staff_table. that way i can retrieve the team and the subteam using the same ID.
Attached is my many to many relationship setup. I would like to prevent the possibility of entering the same person more than once for the same training event. I am assuming that I do this by setting an index setting for a field the junction table?
1) HOw can I move a record from one talbe to another when a specific drop-down option is selected. Example: a combo box with "Active"; "Pending"; "Closed" I want all closed recoreds in a table just for closed records to reduce clutter. They're not going to be referenced often if ever, we just want them so we have them if we do need them.
2) How can I prevent changes to the design of a form/query/report/etc.
Table in my access 2010 is configured to have a unique records (no duplicates)which has now records more than 2000 so i copied the table and pasted Structure only. what i would like to have is that new table which presently is empty should not add any record which is already available in old table. While entering data in new table i would like users to see the error if they try to enter the record which was previously entered in old table.
I am using Access 2010. How do I prevent the object typed into the textbox on a queryform being written to the table. The result from the name typed into the textbox on my query form correctly produces the result from the query, and my macros then produce the correct report, which I can either print or close due to the controls in the heading of the report. However, when I view the table, the name typed (only) has been inserted into the correct field as a new record in the table. Is there a macro I can add (I assume to an event in the query form) to prevent this happening?