Preventing Users From Changing A Record

Jul 25, 2007

I'm not sure if this is a Table question or a Form question...

After a user enters data into all the fields on my form (ticket #, date, time, etc) and submits that form, I want to prevent them from going back to that record (or any record, for that matter) and make a change to it. Currently, they can do a "Find" on a specific ticket # while in the form and make any kind of change they wanted. ie: change the time they reported to a work site...

Is there an easy way to prevent this from happening?


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Preventing A Combo Box From Changing Current Record?

Jul 24, 2005

hi all,
I have three values in a record labelled "Local, National & Rural", I want the user to be able to select one of these options, (e.g. Local) and then be able to right click and sort be selection.

However, when I lock the combo box, you can't select anything but if it is unlocked, it changes the current record to whatever the combo box has selected.

Is there a way around this?

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Preventing Users From Adding Tables

Jan 30, 2008

Hi everyone,

This is in regards to user security. I'm a relatively new user to Access (and this forum). My company uses Access 2000 and I'm taking over a database thats used by several departments at my company. This database contains sensitive information so I put user security on it using the wizard. Due to the nature of the database, a particular user group needs to have the ability to create new tables. The problem is this: No matter what I do with the user group security settings, I cannot prevent other user groups from creating new tables. Is there a way to prevent certain users from adding a table?

Your help is appreciated

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General :: Preventing Users Accessing Database

Dec 19, 2012

If I need to take the backend of my database offline for changes, what's the best/easiest way to inform the users? Is there some code I can drop into the front end? I'm thinking a "on database open, if [available] in tblClose equals no, then open frmDatabaseOffLine". But I don't know a) if that's possible or b) how to program it.

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Preventing Users From Editing Code For A Database

Feb 25, 2014

I have an access database which was created in 2003. I opened a blank database and imported the definition and data in access 2010 and made the file an accde file. Now this file has a lock symbol next to the access symbol. I am also unable to edit the main form.

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Preventing Users Linking Tables To A "secured MDB"

Nov 3, 2005


I am wondering if there is a way of preventing people from linking tables with a database i have that has a security logon?

In essence they would be able to run their own database with the information in my secure mdb without first logging in !!

Is there a way of preventing this? Any pointers or guidance would be most helpful


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Adding Users/changing Passwords Via VBA

Jan 19, 2005

so i'm using MS Access security features, .mdw file and all that jazz. i'd like to market my program, but i don't want to have to add/delete users and change/add/delete permissions for every new/existing user. is there any way around this via an unbound form in vba, ie, something like "New User Name: _______" "New User Password: _______" "New User Permissions Group: (dropdown)"? is this possible, or MUST you go through the security page?


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Error,2 Users Changing Data On Standalone PC?

Feb 20, 2008

Attempting to change a queries calculated field properties I got the message

The Microsoft Jet Database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time

Clever since I'm the only user on a stand alone PC.:confused:
I closed the database and tried again but with no joy.

Anybody know what the cause/solution is.


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Preventing Record Selector, Creating New Record

May 18, 2005

Hi All,
I have a form that when loads, runs some VBA on the "On Current" event.
Some of that code, fills in text boxes, with concatenated (?) strings.
So every time I use the record selector and get to the end of all the records, the "On Current" fires adds the concatenated string (even if it's empty), and that then becomes a new record! Is there some way i can prevent this, but still keep the "On Current" event, some type of logic I could run before the concatenations etc.

Any Help would be appreciated.



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Allow Multiple Users Using The Database And Changing Info At The Same Time?

Feb 5, 2014

I have an access database and I plan on splitting it so the FE will be on each users workstation and the backend will be in a folder on the server. But is there anything else I need to do to allow for the possibility of multiple users using the database and changing info at the same time?

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Preventing A Record From Being Deleted

Jan 31, 2005

I have a table with a blank record at the begining and populated records thereafter. I used the cmd button wizard to create a delete button for that table. Is there a way to prevent the blank record (record 1) from being deleted by the command button but still allow all other records to be deleted?

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Preventing Record Over-writes

Jun 22, 2007

I have a form with fields being input to a table to create records in a query. The query is dispalyed in a ListBox.

People are forgetting to create a New Record, selecting an existing record in the List Box and overwriting it.

How can I prevent this?

Please, no code solutions - I don't understand those. Events and macros I can just about grasp.


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Preventing Duplicate Record Entry

Aug 23, 2006

Hi all,

I created a form for entering employee skillset in Accounting.

I have set up three fields - one for Primary Skillset and the other two for secondary skill sets -

The skillsets are -Payables, Receivables, General Ledger, Purchasing etc.

How can I ensure that a user will not enter duplicate values in the three fields.

That is a user will not enter for examply "Payables" in the Primary Skillset, and Secondary Skillset fields.

I tried creating a multiple field index but it does ont appear to work.

I will appreciate all the help.


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Modules & VBA :: Record Of Changing Another Record In Database

Apr 21, 2015

I need any code or way that whenever any field of a record according to unique ID changed the code must save the changed field name and the current date in a specific field in another table (first field store the ID and the second one detail about changes) with add record mechanism. Suppose I have a table about the information of students with the name std_info and another info_report and when any changes make to the any field of std_info the field number and the unique ID to the table info_report. I want to use this system to record which user make changes to which records.

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Users Entering A New Record Through A Form?

Mar 17, 2006

Hello! :rolleyes:

Just need a little extra help :(

I have set up a form for the user to fill in a new record and used a command button for it to save. This all works ok.

The problem I have is when the form is opened, a record is shown in each of the fields as opposed to a blank one. The user can still enter data but they need to delete the stuff that is already in the box.

The user then, will have to press the little star at the bottom.

I have tried going into to design view, and typing in "Unbound" but it came up with #name? ...

can anyone help me ?

Shellie x

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Record Users Entering And Exiting Database

Jul 7, 2015

Background info:
Split database
Back end on network
Front end on individual machines

I have a main menu form that opens up when opening Access.What I'm thinking is have some vba in the OnLoad Event of the main menu that Grabs the User and Time and track this to a table.When the database closes(Is there an OnDatabaseClose Event?), I'd like to track the User and time as well.


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General :: Car Park Record Database - Permit For Users

Sep 18, 2012

I am trying to set up a simple database to record vehicles that access our parking at work..Our Car park requires users to have permits to park here but we are continually getting vehicles that dont. We require a database that shows authorised cars and also ones that have been recorded and warned.

Each car will have 3 warnings (Green, Yellow and Red Card) once they get a red card their vehicle is clamped

the info we need is
Car Reg
Car Make
Car Model
Car Colour
Owners First Name
Owners Surname
Permit holder (Yes / No / Expired)
Permit Date issue DOES NOT APPEAR WITH "Permit No"
Number Of Strikes

when the permit expiry date exceeds "TODAYS" date this shows up as out of date and the "PERMIT HOLDER" field automatically shows up as EXPIRED.

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Changing Record Values With VB

Mar 19, 2015

I am working on a Reset Password form for a database. The table is called tblUsers and has three fields (ID, Login and Password). The form has a text box where the user can enter in a new password, I already have the code that checks the current password and everything I just can't figure out how to update the password in the table. The textbox is named txtNewPass.

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Access 2010 Database - Multi Users - Same Record Prevention

Jan 12, 2013

I am the administrator for a 2010 Access Client Database that consists of many clients with their information and we have three users whom go in and edit-add information to this Database and it hasn't been a problem until two users have tried to edit the same client record at the same time and then we have had some issues...

So, not sure this is even possible, but can one prevent more than one user being on the same client record? Is there a way to have a message come and say this record is in use?

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How To Use Same Form By Changing Record Source?

Feb 8, 2005

Hi all,

I have Form F_CashSalesHead with a subform F_CashSalesInvFoot with one-2-many relationship on their tables. Subform contains a checkbox field that I use to lock the record set (On a command button click it runs one update query to add value 1 to each checkbox to make Enable=False all the records of current invoice on the form).

One-2-many relation ship is made on InvNum field in both tables.

When I open F_CashSalesHead form, bcz of some code line I wrote on On Load event of F_CashSalesHead , at the beginning it give massage how many invoices are pending to lock and would you like to see. If click “Yes” to see list, it opens a small form that called F_Count_Unlocked_Invoices showing invoice numbers and unmarked checkbox which is pending to lock. This small form is based on following query,

SELECT DISTINCTROW T_CashSalesInvFoot.InvNum, T_CashSalesInvFoot.CashSalesCustomerName, Sum(T_CashSalesInvFoot.Lock_Cash_Inv) AS [Sum Of Lock_Cash_Inv]
FROM T_CashSalesInvFoot
GROUP BY T_CashSalesInvFoot.InvNum, T_CashSalesInvFoot.CashSalesCustomerName
HAVING (((Sum(T_CashSalesInvFoot.Lock_Cash_Inv))=0));

This works fine.

What I am looking for is, I want to use the same F_Count_Unlocked_Invoices form for Credit Sales invoice also with the same trick. Because I don’t want to create another same form and write code that help to increase size of db.

Can it be done just by changing record source of form F_Count_Unlocked_Invoices? Or what is the way to do it?

With kind regards,

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Changing Record Source On Subform

Mar 25, 2005

Hello, I have a form with a subform. I want to change the record source on the subform during an OnClick event. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I get a "object does not support this method" error. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

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Next Record After Changing A Sorted Field

Jun 9, 2006

Hi guys, I need a little help on next record stuff...:eek:

Can someone please explain how I can make my database actually go to the "Next" record after I update the "LName" field on my form? My database is sorted on "LName". After I update the "LName" field and save the record, the sort order is messed up. If I requery the form in the sub routine, the database goes to the first record. I need it to go to the "Next" record (the one that would have actually come next before I changed the LName). For example, if my database contains these names:


and I change the current record's LName from Franklin to Phranklin, I expect the database to go to Goodwin (the record that would have followed Franklin) after pressing my next record command button. Likewise, if I changed Phranklin to Franklin, I expect the database to go to Smith (the record that would have followed Phranklin) after pressing my next record command button.

I've tried different versions of FINDFIRST on this site, but can't get it to work. I would like to find the next record based on my key field (autonumber) named "rec_id".

Thanks, and luv ya in advance!


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Mandate Users To Enter Data In Textbox Before Proceeding To Record On Form

Nov 21, 2012

Any way (VBA script, etc) to make it mandatory for a user to enter data in a textboxes in a form before proceeding to the next record on a form? I know I am able to do this in the table by selecting the value "Yes" in the Required area in the General Tab but I was wondering if there is a VBA script you can enter it in a form instead.

On attachment is an Access Database in winzip. In the __Property form, I want to make it madatory for users to enter data in the County Shapefile Gross Acres, Township, Mineral Severance Tract, and Unit name fields before proceeding to a new record. If data is not entered in these textboxes for these field, then a person will not be allowed to go to the next record.

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Changing Color Of Record Navigation Button

Jan 17, 2006

Hi, I have a form and want to change the background color and the record scroll/navigation button colors.

Changing the background color is easy; just go into Design View, right click, and change the "background color" properties.

Changing the record select button (on the bottom of the form) is more a challenge for a newbie like me. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

Help appreciated.

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Changing Display Based On Record Selected

Jan 26, 2006

I'm this is a simple issue. I have a combo box which can have the following status's: Not Started, In Progress, Complete. Depending on the value of the combo box i want a different image to show. So if not started is selected i want the user to see a red box. If Complete is chosen, a green box will show. i can do this easily enough but my problem comes in when i go to the next record. The boxes just stay visible regardless of what option is displayed. What event is triggered when you go to the next form?? Form Open / Load doesnt seem to work.

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Updating A Field After Changing Or Adding Record

Jan 6, 2005

I have a text field "Record Last Updated" on a form formatted for date/time that I would like to update after a record is changed or added. So for every change or addition the field would update to the current date. The code I am currently trying to use is as follows:

'Assign current system date to Last Updated field if change of data occurs in any field
For Each ctl In Me.Form.Controls

If (ctl.ControlType = acTextBox) Or (ctl.ControlType = acComboBox) _
Or (ctl.ControlType = acListBox) Then
If Nz(ctl, "") = ctl.OldValue Then

txtLastUpdated.Value = Date
End If
End If
Next ctl

This executes in the forms After_Update event procedure.
Problem is I get an error 3020 "Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" when moving to the next record ? I have tried using .Edit and .Update but those come up as an invalid reference?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

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