Previous Value Plus 1

Jul 27, 2005

I want to add a default value to field in a record, and it needs to be the value of the previous record plus one.

Ive searched the site and tried access help but to no avail.

Any help would be gratefully received


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Previous Working Day

Jun 6, 2006

how do i put criteria into a query to only retrieve records from the previous working day, but if the previous day is saturday or sunday (current day monday) it knows to go back to friday and ignore weekends as they are not working days.

thanks in advance guys


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Previous Record Value

Jul 16, 2006

Is there a way I can grab the previous record's value without using dlookup? I am trying to create a running total in a datasheet view. e.g.

Date Credit Debit Run. Tot.
6/1/06 $25 $0 $25
6/4/06 $30 $0 $55
6/9/06 $0 $50 $5

I could do it by using an autonumber but the data is sorted by date and not by the order in which it was entered. Suggestions? :o

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Subtract Previous Value From Next Value

Feb 16, 2007

:confused: Need help building a query that will subtract the previous value from the next value at each change in date

Date Tier 1
1/6/2006 4.22
1/13/2006 4.27
1/20/2006 4.27
1/27/2006 4.314
2/3/2006 4.314

for example, 4.22-4.27 = -0.05

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Previous Record

Apr 13, 2007

I have an inventory report that I am given among the fields are
Item, Ship Date, Signed Quantity, Filled-Recvd, On Hand
I am given an initial amount in the onhand field but the fields below that for that item are blank.
What I would like to do is [Signed Quantity] - [Filled-Recvd] and then add that to the On Hand from the previous record and place it in the on hand field..

If it were in excel I would say G2 – H2 + I1
G = Signed Quantity
H = Filled-Recvd
I = On Hand

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Previous Month

Apr 24, 2007

I searched but could not find a simple answer.

I want to see all results from last month for [TestDate]

Month(Date())-1) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Cancelled Previous....

Aug 15, 2005

Hi there, I quickly made a database, and for some reason, can't get past this 'cancelled' error, to get it to occur, open the Companies form, click orders and then it pops up.

By deleting all of the data in my tables, I can get to a state where I can once again enter data, but after closing the orders subform and opening it again, once again I have the dreaded error.

If anyone has any ideas of why this may be happening, feel free to share them :P

Thanks alot,
James Prince


Here's my table structure:

CompanyID PK Autonumber - Relationship

OrderID PK Autonumber - Relationship
CompanyID - Relationship

MPL Autonumber
OrderID - Relationship

Basically I used the forms wizard to create a linked sub form, and when moving to a new order thats when it errors I think.

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Keep Previous Data

Mar 20, 2006

Hi Guys,

I'm pretty new in the access world and I'm trying to build my first Database! I've a question (I bet really simple): I'd like to know how it is possible to keep previous data that I've entered in a form when I open it a second time.
Thanks a lot for you help

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Autofill From A Previous Value

Sep 1, 2004


What I need to do is two fold. I have a table in which I track clinets coming in and using our services.

Question 1: I want to be able to have a a date field default to the date I first type in when I open the form and remain there in all
subsequent records till I change it. The data is only entered once a week and we usually have 400 client visits per week
with about 75 - 120 per day. So it kind of gets repeatitive to keep typing in the date. I am aware of the CTRL+', but the staff who use this database do not even want to do that.

Question 2: Next problem....How would I create an autocorrect function that will automatically fill in a name...i.e. I begin to type jo and it will automatically fill in the hn...but I want the values to come from previously entered data from past records, similar to the way Excel does it in spreadsheets.

Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Removing Previous Data

Nov 5, 2006

can someone help:

in a form I've created showing products bought, when I add a new new order it still keeps the previous order's data, how can I prevent that from happening?


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Previous Record As Default Value?

Jan 10, 2007

Is it possible for me to specify the default value in a table as what was inputed in the previous record?

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Follow-Up To Previous Post...

Nov 15, 2004


I am just posting a follow-up on my previous post on designing functional forms. Telling by the lack of replies, my original question may have been long winded and tedious. Let me try to narrow my question and make it more concise.

In two tables connected by a one-one field name ProfileID, how can I set a new field in the second table (call it StepNo or procedureNo) so that it increments step numbers for each unique ProfileID record? Thus for each new Profile record created in the first table, a new form will allow the entry of X numbers of steps into the second table and automatically link the two records?

I hope that clarifies my problem. Thanks in advance.

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Using Data From Previous Record

Apr 2, 2005

I'm a novice with Access but I thought I would use Access rather than Excel to record fuel use for our vehicles because the reporting functions should be more powerful.

I have set up a table where I input date, vehicle, member of staff, mileage of the vehicle and the cumulative reading from the fuel tank meter. I thought it should be simple enough to calculate the fuel used each fill by taking the meter reading away from the reading on the previous record, but I cannot find a way of getting Access to do this.

I am missing something obvious or not?



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Default From Previous Record

Mar 4, 2007

Im wanting to set a default text from a previous record.
I have a fields that has Start location and Finish location,
Im wanting to set a defaulf so that the Finish location from the previous record is defaulted to the Start location of the next.
Is this possible????
Please help.

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Adding Last Balance To Previous One

Jun 17, 2005

hi all,
i m having a problem with a simple inventory system. The problem is that i have a query which calculates sum of 'Debit and credit' as 'Balance1' for each row. Now what i want is to add every 'Balance1' to next sum of 'Debit and credit'. e.g.

Debit Credit Balance1 Balance2
a b a+b (a+b)
c d c+d c+d+(a+b)
e f e+f e+f+c+d+(a+b)

I would to generate column 'balance2

Any help would highly be appreciated.


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How To Calculate The Previous Age Of A Record

Jul 11, 2005

:confused: I am trying write a select query to find the past age of the records based on a dated field "consigned date" and select only those records over 10 days old. I would like the user to input the date in time that will be used for the calculation reference. When I try this Access tells me the function is too complex. The query works when I change the user selected date with "date()" but this only give me the current age of the record not the age it was at a previous date. I would like to sum all record older than 10 days old from a user inputted date. Can someone please help I have exhausted my Access capabilities.

My code looks like below:

Records over 10 days: Sum(IIf([user input date]-[Consigned Date]>=10,1,0))

This one give me the current age.
Records over 10 days: Sum(IIf(date()-[Consigned Date]>=10,1,0))

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DLookup Previous Date

Aug 12, 2005


I'm on the verge of successfully using a DLookup function (with the help of previous posts) in a query in order to obtain the value (volume1) of the previous record based on a primary field which happens to be a date (iddate).

The following results in sporadic success:

Expr1: (DLookUp("[volume1]","tbldailylog","[iddate]=#" & [iddate]-1 & "#"))

The iddate field is sorted and contains consecutive days.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Calculation On Previous Record

Nov 14, 2005

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help me with this query. I've had a look at some of the previous posts under previous record, but don't seem to be able to get to the bottom of it:

I have a set of data on employees who have all had one or more financial searches done on them and I want to return a field based on the previous record of that employee.

My data is as follows

Search ID----Employee ID-----Search Result


I would like an extra field that looks at the previous row, decides whether or not the previous row is the same employee id and if it is returns "Same" and if it isn't returns "Different"


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You Canceled The Previous Operation !

Aug 25, 2006

Hi, I've been progamming Access for a couple of years so am not a complete novice but I can't seem to work out this problem.
I downloaded some code from "" from the query section called "Using a Microsoft Access listbox to pass criteria to a query". It works fine. However when I import my own table and change the code to SELECT the imported table and change the WHERE statement to my new string within that table , I get an error. When I select from the list box and click the command button I get the message "You canceled the previous operation".
However if I select the "ALL" selection from the list box it does return all the records.

Any help would be gratefully received!


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You Have Cancelled The Previous Operation

Sep 17, 2007

Hey all... I have three searchable fields in my query ATM if i search the MO, and the job code by themselves they don't error out. But if i try searching the FName field. It says "You have canceled the previous operation? Can someone help me with this

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Saving Previous Value Of Combo Box

May 31, 2005

Hi all,

I had a small problem with combo box . Is there any way to store the previous value of the combo box. Last time Pat showed me a way to collect the value by .oldvalue property of the combo box and it worked fine. But it working only for saved record and one time only. If I choose different value one more time without saving the record, the .oldvalue is not changing..Is there any way to make this happen. I am attaching a sample db with this. If someone can clear this please update the db or show me the code to do that.....

Thanks in advance


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Previous / Next Record Code

Jun 23, 2005

Ive added my own navigation buttons as I needed to add some code to them, but when a user gets to the first / last records & presses previous / next record, they get an error message 'cannot go to the specified record' and have to close & reopen the form.
It's prob. quite simple, but how do I get round this please?

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Check Previous Orders

Dec 21, 2005


I have an orders form, which makes the orders, but I would also like to be able to search back through old orders to append them in the same form.

Currently I have frmOrders, which has a combo for the customersID (which then adds their details to fields). In this form I also have frmOrderDetails as a subform, which is used to input the products.

Basically I would like to add a combo box which displays the order no. and the customer who's order it is. By clicking it all the order details will appear in the form. I've tried the way I thought, which does bring these details up in the combo box but it doesn't change the rest of the form when I click it!

Is this possible, and what's the best way? Thanks.

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Get Data From The Previous Form

Feb 3, 2006

Hi guys,
I have created 2 forms, where the first form is where people(who are using it) have to enter their ID#(3-digit). Then I want to connect the 2 forms together, by having a button on the 1st form that will open the 2nd form. Then I want one of my field on the table associated with the 2nd form to be automatically populated everytime there is a new entry(with that ID# on the first forms).
I have been unsuccessful during this time. So everyone who use that 2 forms has to manually enter their ID# everytime they want to create new entry.

I put this on the Text Box(where I want the ID# to be automatically populated), on the Default Value : "=[Forms]![f3_sel_exp_id]![sel_exp_id]"
But the result is: "#name?"

Something wrong with coding?? I ran out of idea.

Thank you guys..

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Requery A Previous Form

Apr 30, 2006

Silly query, think I am missing something obvious but I shall ask anyway.

I want to update certain lists in my form do the user can select from this list to update a field, so i click on a button and open a table, update a record and then close it to return to the form.

the List does not update unless I close the form and re-open it again.

Is there a property that automatically updates the list on exiting the query / table you are updating?

Thanks in advance


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Field Value Same As Previous Record

May 23, 2006

When I click my command button that says, "New Record", I want it to go to go to a new record and populate the field "Town" with the value in the previous record.

e.g. ClientID on last record is 150 and has Town="London". Click "New Record". New record created. Town field on ClientID 151 has Town="London".

How can I do this?



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