Print Dialogue Box? Chosing Printer

Sep 14, 2005


Is it possible to get Access to open the print dialogue box instead of printing direct to the default printer when using the print command?


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Print Dialogue Box? Chosing Printer

Sep 14, 2005


Is it possible to get Access to open the print dialogue box instead of printing direct to the default printer when using the print command from a button?


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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Word Print Dialogue Box

May 10, 2015

Code for displaying the Word Print dialogue box instead of sending it straight to the printer.

I have the following code:

'Open Word
Set objWord = New Word.Application
'Letter document would be open
Set objletter = objWord.Documents.Open(strletterpath & strworddoc)
objletter.MailMerge.OpenDataSource (strletterpath & strletterfile)
objletter.MailMerge.Destination = wdSendToPrinter 'normally print
'not normally here
'objWord.Visible = True

This is to produce a mailmerge based upon a query.

Previously on Access 2000 and Word 2000 it would display the print dialogue box, but I am trying to upgrade it all to 2013 and this does not do it now with Access 2013 and Word 2013.

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I Want To Print A Report And Programmatically Set The Printer Name And 'Print To File

Jul 16, 2007

How can I print a report and at the same time programatically set the printer name and 'Print to File' option and set the path of this option?

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Reports :: Unbound Report - Print Preview OK But None Of Fields Print When Report Directly Send To Printer

May 25, 2013

I have an unbound form with an associated report. When the user hits the 'print' button on the form/screen, the report is launched in the background. In the On Load event of the report I populate the report fields from the forms field as so:

Me.txtAddrMainLine2 = "NAME " & UCase([Forms]![frm_OrderRx].[txtPatientName])

This works like a charm as long as I call the report in Print Preview mode (i.e. with acViewPreview). But if I send the report directly to the printer, none of the fields print.

I've read about using other report events to populate the fields (e.g., On Format and On Print) and also something about using TempVars to pass the data. But I haven't read anything that's clear and definitive about the full answer.

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Printer Dialog Box Before PRINT

Nov 15, 2006


I used the code below to hide all the toolbars and then created my custom ReportToolbar so the user can print the report. All works OK; however, the PRINT button on my custom toolbar sends the report imidiately to the printer. How can I create a button that I could add to my custom toolbox which would open the dialog box that allows to choose the printer, number of pages to print, etc.. (same action as I can get by going to File->Print)?

PS> Also, is there any way to remove the drop down arrow from my custom toolbox? I disabled Customize Toolbox but the pulldown arrow still appears. I found making an MDE would take care of this, but was wondering if there was another solution.

Code used to hide toolbars:For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
CommandBars(i).Enabled = False
Next i

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Modules & VBA :: Determine Which Printer Was Selected From The Print Dialog

Feb 10, 2015

This for an app being used in Access 2003. I'm trying to (sort of) automate naming a PDF report. After the user selects a printer from the print dialog, if the printer name is like "*PDF*" then I want to put the PDF file name in the clipboard so it can be quickly pasted in the file name of the PDF printer's save dialog.

Something like this:

Dim strSelectedPrinter as string
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt1", acViewPreview
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint


but that returns the name of the default printer, not the selected printer.

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Print Form Image To This Type Of Printer

Jul 25, 2013

I have an application (2007 accde) that has been working for some time, this line specifically:

Application.FollowHyperlink Me.txtAttachment

On one users PC (XP Pro SP3), this has worked from day one. His PC got infected to the point that I had to wipe/rebuild it, and suddenly this code throws a warning and then an error. The warning I could live with (it's the MS Office "some files can contain viruses..." warning). However, after clicking on OK for the warning, I get an error that says "Can't print form image to this type of printer". Doesn't make sense, as this user has the same default printer he had before, plus I tried with a different default printer.

if I navigate to the file location on his PC I can open any of the files, so I don't think it's a permissions issue. The code works fine on my PC and a VM with a different OS, and it still works fine for other users.

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Print Current Record - Open Printer Dialog Box

May 19, 2014

I want to put a print button on my data entry form that prints the current record in a report that is laid out all nice and pretty. I found this code that works, but it goes straight to the printer - it does not bring up the printer dialog so you can select a printer.

Private Sub RecordPrint_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If

[Code] ....

How do I get it to bring up the printer dialog?

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Forms :: Added A Print Button To Form To Send Report To Printer

Feb 10, 2014

I have a project which produces a report of names, addresses, etc. I added a print button to the form to send the report to the printer. The code is as follows:

Private Sub Command32_Click()
Docmd.SetWarnings False
'Docmd.OpenReport "rptAddresses", acViewNormal
Docmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
Docmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Both alternatives in the code produce the same result described following.However, the printed report includes only the first 2 colums of about 10 of the 90 plus records. If I send to to a PDF, it works fine. If I do a print view on the screen ir looks fine.

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Chosing Specific Entries With SQL

Aug 11, 2007

I have following SQL statement:

SELECT TOP 10 tblPortCallList.Port, tblPortCallList.Arr_Date, tblPortCallList.Dep_Date, tblPortCallList.Security_Level_Ship, tblPortCallList.Security_Level_Port, *
FROM tblPortCallList
ORDER BY tblPortCallList.Arr_Date DESC , tblPortCallList.Dep_Date DESC;

As shown, it picks the top 10 entries in a table.

Is there a statement, which can choose specific entries in a table, in stead of the top 10? E.g. entry number 2 in a table? I have three text boxes, which need to show the previous port of call, arrival date and departure date. The table in question is sorted after arrival date and then departure date.


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Chosing Dates For Report

Dec 7, 2006


I need item name, total quantity sold, total quantitiy delivered.

I need some thing that lets me put in two dates, the start date and end date.

Th Sql code for some reason dont' not give me the right result. It must be wrong!!!:rolleyes: Help me fix it!!!

SELECT DeliveryAA.itemnameAA, Sum(DeliveryAA.delqtyAA) AS SumOfdelqtyAA, Sum(ItemSaleAA.saleqtyAA) AS SumOfsaleqtyAA, DeliveryAA.timedateAA
FROM SupplierAA INNER JOIN (SaleAA INNER JOIN ((DepartmentAA INNER JOIN DeliveryAA ON DepartmentAA.deptnameAA = DeliveryAA.deptnameAA) INNER JOIN ItemSaleAA ON DepartmentAA.deptnameAA = ItemSaleAA.deptnameAA) ON SaleAA.salenoAA = ItemSaleAA.salenoAA) ON SupplierAA.splnoAA = DeliveryAA.splnoAA
GROUP BY DeliveryAA.itemnameAA, DeliveryAA.timedateAA
HAVING (((DeliveryAA.timedateAA) Between #1/1/2004# And #12/31/2004#));

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Chosing Dates For Report

Dec 7, 2006


I need item name, total quantity sold, total quantitiy delivered.

I need some thing that lets me put in two dates, the start date and end date.

Th Sql code for some reason dont' not give me the right result. It must be wrong!!!:rolleyes: Help me fix it!!!

SELECT DeliveryAA.itemnameAA, Sum(DeliveryAA.delqtyAA) AS SumOfdelqtyAA, Sum(ItemSaleAA.saleqtyAA) AS SumOfsaleqtyAA, DeliveryAA.timedateAA
FROM SupplierAA INNER JOIN (SaleAA INNER JOIN ((DepartmentAA INNER JOIN DeliveryAA ON DepartmentAA.deptnameAA = DeliveryAA.deptnameAA) INNER JOIN ItemSaleAA ON DepartmentAA.deptnameAA = ItemSaleAA.deptnameAA) ON SaleAA.salenoAA = ItemSaleAA.salenoAA) ON SupplierAA.splnoAA = DeliveryAA.splnoAA
GROUP BY DeliveryAA.itemnameAA, DeliveryAA.timedateAA
HAVING (((DeliveryAA.timedateAA) Between #1/1/2004# And #12/31/2004#));

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Dialogue Box Problems

Sep 23, 2005

I recently made a search form using the Like ""*" & [Forms]![search]![Text0] & "*" Or Is Null" in the Criteria. Now when I open the querie it opens a dialoge box that say's "enter paramiter value" then it has a little text box to put in the values for the criteria. but I don't want these boxes to come up how can I get rid of these?

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Need Help With A File Dialogue

Nov 10, 2006

Can anyone help me out I am trying to create a command button (cmdBrowse) that pops open a file dialogue to select a file.

I am not sure how to do this, does anyone know?

If you need more of an explaination. I am trying to create a form for a user to be able to select the document needed to be imported into the database.

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Export To Selected Drive Using Windows Dialogue

Jan 31, 2006

hi all

i want to export a data base to a flash stick.

Rather than export the database to a predetermined drive letter (because all computers are configured differently), I'd like the windows "my computer dialogue" window to appear so that the user can choose which drive to save to.

Any idea how I can do this?


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General :: Open Save Backup As Dialogue Box From File Menu

Sep 20, 2012

I want to open the 'Save Backup As' Dialogue Box from the file menu, using a Command Button on a Form in Access 2003.I know you can do this manually but I would love to do it programically.

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How To Hide Or Disable Print Or Quick Print Options

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form which my company wanted that each single record should be printed from form. I made a print record button and put code to print single page or record. However as a natural habit people go to file > print to print which leads printing all records so 1000's records start printing. Is there any way i can hide print button. File >Print button.

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How Do We Get Feedback From The Printer??

Dec 18, 2007

we ran into quite a serious problem the other day whilst batch printing a large number of reports from Access 2000.

For some unknown reason the print job got interrupted part way through, resulting in a large number of reports not printing at all.

Our database uses an sql fragment to set the field 'isPrinted' to true upon sending reports to the printer. This is primarily to prevent records being printed more than once.

However, if, as above, the print job doesn't successfully complete the db still, as expected, marks the record as such. This provides us with a somewhat flase account of the status of the print job.

My question is this, is there a way in vb that Access can verify the success/failure of a print job?? Are there modules or code examples available that might help us interrogate the printer and perhaps abort on error?

* Standard Disclaimer:

VB Noob! Gentle brow-slapping only please!

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Alternative Printer

Nov 6, 2006

I wish to send a report to the PDF printer driver but DO NOT wish to switch the default printer settings. Having found some helpful code on this forum that changes the default printer to the PDF driver, prints the job and then reverts the default printer back to the original printer device.

I am still using Access '97 and although in the code, the default printer does revert back to what it was originally, the Default Printer status 'tick' no longer appears under Start/Settings/Printers.... Consequently, subsequent print jobs outside of Access go to another device and not my DEFAULT printer.......???

Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.

Oh - in case I wasnt clear - I want to do this in code NOT using the Print dialog box.... !

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No Printer In Access 2003

Jul 4, 2005

Hi All,

I know I am not alone on this one, as I have seen this problem posted elsewhere before.

We have installed Access 2003 on 2 workstations in a Windows Server 2003 domain, and on both these workstations, when you mouse over the print icon in the toolbar, it reports "No Printer" and indeed, we cannot print to the network printer from Access 2003, even though a printer is installed and working.

All other Office applications print to the printer OK, its just Access that doesn't seem to find the printer.

Has anyone come across a fix for this problem?



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Printer Object Error Need Some Help.thx

Sep 9, 2006

Hello, i develope with ACCESS2003, i used the printer object : dim xxxx as printer, it works fine but when i install my program on my client PC which doesn't have ACCESS2003 but only ACCESS RUNTIME2003 i have an error (error c++ ... run-time terminates abnormaly), this PC have ACCESS2000 and when i run my base through ACCESS2000 to debug it i have an error (undefined object) on the dim instruction. I was thinking all aplication developed with A2003 was running with run-time2003, apparently no, is something missing ?
Thanks in advance for any help.

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Barcodes On A Dymo-printer

Jul 12, 2007

We're trying to print a barcode (characterset "3 of 9 barcode"). If we print the data starting from an Excel-document on a Dymo-printer there is no problem to "read" the barcode with a scanner. However, if we print the same data starting from an Access-database, the barcode cannot be scanned. Does anybody have a clue how to solve this ?

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Reports Printing To My Own Printer

Jan 10, 2008

Good morning,

I've created a pretty powerful Access Database that pulls information out of some ODBC tables we have on our local server. Of course, I created the database and all the forms and reports on my work computer here. But, when I was finished, I sent that entire database out to probably 20 or 30 people in the company. On a daily basis, they run the same program from their own computer and they like to print/export/etc. the reports that are produced. However, I don't understand why those reports print our on my personal printer (the printer is on the network). If they have a default printer at their site, why wouldn't it print there? Also, I haven't included any printing macros or VBA coding. I'm tired of having 30 or 40 sheets of paper print out on my printer daily. Any suggestions?

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Can't Save Printer Settings

Sep 10, 2005

I designed a query, opened it and printed it. But the margins were too wide and I needed it to print in landscape also. So I changed the settings and it worked fine, but I can't get it to save the settings. Is it possible to save the printer settings for printing a query, both the margin and the landscape settings. If so, please tell me how. Thanks.

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Printing To Specific Printer

Apr 20, 2004

Does anyone know if there is a way to setup a button on a form that when pressed, will print to a specific printer (that's not the default)? For example, I have one button on my form that prints 2 copies to the default printer, then I want the other button on the form to print on another department's printer.


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