Printing Forms To PDF

Jan 15, 2006

Not sure if this one is possible but here goes........

I have Acrobat Distiller 5.0 installed. Having set the default printer to this I can now print single forms (Screen dumps)straight to PDF using the command.

DoCmd.PrintOut me.currentview

What I would like to do, is on a click of a button, instead of just sending the one form to PDF which results in one PDF document, I would like to send several at once, resulting in still one PDF document but this time for it to contain all the screen dumps one after the other. (Each from a seperate form)

I'll explian why I'm trying this incase someone can think of an alternative. I have a Tabbed Form (Contains a dozen tabs) of which each tab contains a number of sub forms. Each subform is a query which produces a large amount of performance data from a main table.

I need to be able to present this data as a single report in written format.

As far as I'm aware, a report is not possible due to the number of queries / subforms being used (Unless someone can tell me how to pull the data from several continuous forms tied to different queries over to a report)

I tried using a single form containing all the data to print over to PDF but ran out of room before I hit for sixth tab.

Ideally, what I would like to do is send each of the tabs to a single PDF document. Failing that, I can set up a number of single forms and send them instead.

Any suggestions, either with the PDF or an alternative way

Thanks in anticipation of your help

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Modules & VBA :: Printing Code Slowing Down Printing Reports?

Feb 25, 2014

I was having trouble just setting each report with a particular print method - for some reason they just kept forgetting their individual settings and resorting to default on the machine.

This meant reports were printing on the wrong paper, or the wrong size paper, the wrong orientation and some times refusing to print if it couldn't find the paper (which is useful in runtime as it doesn't display error messages)

So I used Reports(rpt).printer properties (I forgot where I found this) to hard code the printer properties into each print command... this meant I had to use another function to insert the variables.

So all I had to do was say:


and a report would print to exactly how I wanted... but it's just too slow!

See attached for full code, I have a niggling feeling it may be the function: PrinterOK, to make sure the printer exists or not.

Function PrinterOK(sPrinterName As String) As Boolean
Dim MyPrinter As Printer
PrinterOK = False
For Each MyPrinter In Printers
If MyPrinter.DeviceName = sPrinterName Then
PrinterOK = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

I know it's the printing code, because if I stop the printing and just preview then it shows up almost instantly.

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Printing From Multiple Forms

Mar 3, 2005

I am trying to print one record displayed in a form. I also need to print one record in another form at different times. I have one form working fine. It prints out the displayed record in my report just fine by clicking the Print_report button.

I copied the report and renamed it. in this form the print button is named Print_Requested. When I open this form and click the Print_Requested button, it prints out everything except for the data.

The reason I made a duplicate report is because it was doing the same thing when I tried to print the same report from different forms. One report is all I need, but I need to be able to print it from different forms.

Here is my code:

Private Sub Print_report_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Print_report_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "work_order_report"

DoCmd.OpenReport "work_order_report", , , "WOnumber = " & Me.WOnumber

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Print_report_Click

End Sub


Private Sub Print_Requested_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Print_Requested_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "work_order_report_requested"
DoCmd.OpenReport "work_order_report_requested", , , "WOnumber = " & Me.WOnumber

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Print_Requested_Click

End Sub

Any idea what I am doing wrong??

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Printing One Forms Report

Nov 6, 2006

Hi, Ive read all I can on forums and web and am still unable to print the current forms report using a command buttons on click. This is the code i have been playing with:

Dim strDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String
strDocName = "Home_Oxygen_Report"
1. 'strWhere = "[general_info.HospitalNumber]= Me!Home_Oxygen_Form!general_info.HospitalNumber"
2. strWhere = "[general_info.HospitalNumber]= "" & Me![general_info.HospitalNumber] & """
3. 'strWhere "[general_info.HospitalNumber]='" & Me![general_info.HospitalNumber] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewPreview, , strWhere
Number 3 gives the closest result but it prompts me to enter the primary key when i hit the command button but i need it to do this automatically. The primary key is a text box not number. Note that the primary key is HospitalNumeber of Table general_info (form and reports record source is query of many tables).

any help would be muchly appreciated!!


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Stop People Printing Forms

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,
I have a form that i use for data input, I have limited all of the menu's how ever the print option is still available. This leads to muppet users printing out the form and using it.
There is a print button on the form that prints a report out that lays out the form into a useable item.

So the question is... How can I stop people being able to print out the form?

Thanks in advance


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Forms :: Record Time Of Printing?

Jan 7, 2014

I want a textbox on a form to record the time every record is printed. I used the codes below but it couldn't work. Am getting 'runtime error 2147352567 (80020009)'

Private Sub cs3_Click()
Dim mydate As Date
Me.hdates = Now()
DoCmd.Save acDefault
DoCmd.OpenReport "Copy of HH", acViewReport, , "[REF] = " & "'" & [ETGRef] & "'", acWindowNormal
End Sub

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Forms :: Printing One Record From A Form

Mar 25, 2015

So I created a form for the nursery at my church. It's set up so that they pick their child from a drop down menu (in a separate form), then a form opens up that brings up their child's information. I have a save and print button at the bottom, and I was able to set it up so that it does save the form and close it, but I can't figure out how to get it to print. I need to set it up so that the information displayed is all that is printed (not all the records like it keeps showing in print preview), and print it at a certain size (like a label). Everything I keep finding says to print from a report, but I have it set up as a form.

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Forms :: Why Is Form Printing Instead Of Report

Jan 7, 2015

My Main Form is a Popup Window with print button for other subforms. So I have it set so when the Report opens it hides the Main Form, and I use the

DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, Reports(0).Name, True

do get focus to Report, and I run a loop just to make sure it does actually have focus and the Main Form does not have focus.On my PC It works great it prints the report every single time, but when my colleagues are using it... it prints the Main Form instead of the report. I don't get why it would work on my PC, but not work on someone elses?

Public Sub FocusOnReport()
Dim intState As Integer
Dim intCurrentType As Integer
Dim strCurrentName As String


How can I make sure it prints the report and not the MainMenu

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Forms :: Printing Report Created From A Query

Oct 2, 2014

I've created a form that prints a report created from a query.

I want the form to have two print options - to either print by Date OR Job # and I want the data pulled from the same query.

Right now I have the criteria setup in the query for the Date and Job # fields to:

DATE: [Forms]![Job Cost Form]![Text0]

JOB #: [Forms]![Job Cost Form]![Text1]

...It works if I only have one criteria setup, but does not work if I try both.

Is this possible??

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General :: Disable Printing Of All Records In Forms

Feb 5, 2013

Is it possible to disable the printing function in a form ?

We are getting people clicking the print icon when viewing a single form record. This results in the printer printing all records !!

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Forms :: Ordering Database - Field Not Printing?

Mar 24, 2015

I have an Ordering database where the order form contains a subform with the order lines (Order_line_subfrm). In this subform footer I have 4 currency fields, one f which is delivery fee (default is set to zero). When I add a fee into this field on screen, everything works (i.e. adds up) and the value is there to see. When I go to print the form (paper or PDF) the delivery fee returns to zero (the database entry is still present).

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Forms :: Form Not Printing Correct Record?

Nov 7, 2014

After data is entered and exit and print is selected, it doesnt print last record in the table

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Forms :: Navigation Form Printing Current Record Out As PDF

May 31, 2014

I have made a navigation form that prints the current record out as a PDF and also the option to send the current record by email as a PDF. Both work perfect when you open the form outside the navigation form. But when you open it inside the navigation form, it does not print any of the information.

The problem is in the Query report, In the criteria box for field [RequsetID] it has

Code : [Forms]![FRMRequestForm]![RequestID]

(The above works outside the navigation form.)

I have also tried adding the navigation form name

Code : [Forms]![Main]![FRMRequestForm]![RequestID]

But none work.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting For Choices And Printing In Color

Aug 23, 2013

I have an access form that has a dropdown box list of 10 choices.

For example:

The form states please choose 1, 2, 3 or 4 then the choice should print in BLUE.

They choose 5, 6, 7 or 8 Then it need to print in RED.

So forth and so on.

I am sure there is a code I need to type in the conditional formatting area that would reflect if [1], [2], [3], [4] then I choose the red color.

I do not know how to use VBL or coding.

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Forms :: Quick Print Printing Previous Dataset

Jun 6, 2013

I'm having an odd problem with a form. We noticed this since migrating it from adp to accdb.

It's a form with two subforms in datasheet view, that contain data on a certain employee, which is selected on the main form.

If you use print preview before printing, it all prints out fine. However, if you use quick print, it does something weird. If you Pull up Employee A, then Employee B, and do a quick print, it will print the data for Employee A in subform 1, and the data for Employee B in subform 2. It displays correctly on the screen though, and the 2nd time you quick print, it comes out right.

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Query In Forms Question (printing A Single Selected Query Record From A Form?)

Oct 19, 2004

What is the best way to impliment a query in a form so that the user can view the query records, and have the option to print or save the selected record using command buttons?

I tried subforms but I could not get the command buttons to work in the subform after it went into the form, it wanted to print the entire form instead of the selected record from the subform.

So in a nutshell I have 3-4 queries that are built, and I want to have them show up on my form in a format that the user can scroll through the results and select a single record of the results and then print or save that individual record from the form, if such a thing is possible.

Thanks in advance


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Forms :: One Page Form Printing Blank Second Page

Oct 21, 2013

I have one-page forms which print a second page, blank except for a block of grey shading at the top. I have tried moving the content of the form up but that doesn't eliminate the second page. If I look at print preview, every second page of the entire database shows up as blank, regardless of where that happens to appear in the record.

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No Changes After Printing

Nov 14, 2005

My database is a Reservations System. I want the following to happen:

1. Once a booking has been made it CAN be modified and cancelled.

2. Once the ticket has been issued (printed) it CANNOT be modified.

3. Once reprinted the words "DUPLICATE" should appear on the face of the reprinted ticket

4. Keep track of who made what changes.

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Printing Sub-Form

Apr 12, 2006

i have a search form with a sub form displaying the results, how can i send the results to a report to print out or just print the results?:confused:

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Printing From Access

Jul 25, 2005

I have one machine that gets this error when trying to print or e-mail a report:
the microsoft jet database engine could
not find the object

Any other machine can print from this db.
Access 2003. XP Pro, SP2.

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Reports- Printing

Nov 29, 2005

Hey all, I have a problem I was hoping that someone could help me with. I am trying to add my digital signature to my report. Since I have added an activeX Control to my form which display and stores my signauture, I would like to display it on my report as well (if it apperas with the record) So I added it like any other control to the report but when it is saved it is letters and numbers, so I have to make it back into a digital signature. Can anyone help me.Thanks

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Printing Dependancies

Sep 13, 2006

I just started using A2003 and find the Dependancies feature very useful. However, I can't figure how to print them other than by doing screen shots. Is there any way to print the dependancies?

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Printing Problem

Jun 4, 2007

When i go into print preview on all my existing forms the information is displayed over the 'x' amount of pages it covers. I have created a new form and when i go into print preview it only displays a blank page.

Any help would be very appreiciated, thank you.


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Printing Problem

Aug 22, 2007


I have a form which has a "Printing Button" The printing button has to print (through a macro) a report that I created based on the form's information. Now, it works perfect on the PC I work on (which has ACCESS 2007), but it gives me an error when hitting the same button from a PC using the runtime version (with no ACCESS 2007 installed).

The error is:
The command or action 'Print' isn't available now.

The code of the macro that executes when hitting the button is:

SelectObject Report, PersonalUncompleted Tasks, Yes
RunCommand Print

How would I fix this?

Thank you very much

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Printing Querie

Jul 20, 2006

How Come When I Change The Page Setup To Landscape In A Querrie..
Then Hit File Save...when I Close And Reopen This Querrie And Go To Print Preview It Is Still In Portrait Mode

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Printing Options

Feb 28, 2005

How do i create an option inside the form, such that when the user ticks this option, it will print the form in this particular report. If user ticks another option, it will print the form in another particular report format... Thanks...

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